Lights in Alingsås Exhibition
I visited the exibition "lights in Alingsås"...

It started from Alströmerska Magasinet...the old museum of alingsås...

MAybe it counintued here...hard to say...

And maybe here...

DEfinetely here...

It was a light show in the tunel...

And cool colours at the traffic crossings near the train station...

Sparkling and colourful...

My brothers friend designed this bench composition...

The house had a nice composition that was changing by time...

An information sign was visible at each site...

Some cool green lights near the police station...

Not sure if this was in the show, but I think so...

And a tent-ish thing near the church in downtown...
That was all...
Autumn days...
Its autumn in sweden...

Nice moon light last night...

The day after I was heading to a deeply rural area...

Mushroom dession today...the floorball was canceled so I had to do something, except project work...

After 30 minutes, or something...the time was got to far in my life, I never finished picking, its always the darkness that forces me to stop...

I went there by car and bike...

Now I only need to dry them...

I was also designing some paintings...focusing on comics...its more exciting than nature pics...
I visited somemore friends on thursday night...

STarting by buying kebab pizza at mossens pizzeria, my favorite in gothenburg...

I went for the "Maffios" pizza...also a favorite...

Omg, my old note...probably a couple of years old...they kept it...

Its always so big pizza at mossens, I like it alot...

And I added sauce separately...

I went to a friend, we saw "no strings attached"...

So funny, a separete bottle to keep whisky, my father use to do the same when I was young...

I ended up having long discussions about school system and stock marke until late my brothers place...

On saturday I passed by chalmers, to cash out a diploma...

Before heading home to my parents place...

Its autumn in the air...its nice...tomorrow I plan to play floor ball with my friends here in Alingsås...but it might be cancelled due to to few participants...

Myneighbour has a automatic grass funny...

I finished my apple juice project when I came was successful, I will make some apple wine next time I think...
In Gothenburg
Im spending some time in the rainy city of Gothenburg...

At least it was rainng when i cycled here this time...

There were a bunch of hard rock people in the kitchen, when we ate dinner...

Its my brothers week to clean the kitchen...

As usual the rain stops when I dont need to cycle anymore...

I visited some friends in the night...

We tried some tea that I bought in Shanghai...

A flower that develops in the water...

They also had a cute cat...

I was amazed that they drank an Amarone wine on a normal thursday...they said they prefer quality...they also had a bourgogne that was not to bad...

They could not belive that I increased in weight, and tried to lift me...

In the morning the day after I made a quick visit at my borthers work...a dental clinique...

He showed me around...and checked my teeth...amazingly, he said they were ok...

He is far more picky, compare to me, when it comes to food and eating habbits...

They had Lady Gaga on a poster in their dressing room...respect...
Productive Tuesday
After attending a seminar and finishing some reports and articles...I found a new recipe to make apple juice that I had to try...

I used a sweeter kind of apples this time...

Chopping them in pieces and letting it rest in water for 3 days...(I might build myself an apple press in the future)...

I also prepared some scetches for some chirldrens books...

And also learned one of Adeles songs on piano...but couldnt find my synthesizer...but a grand piano will do...
Lasy monday...
After handing in some reports and preparing some books I didnt do that many things today...

I made my own guacamole...

Made an exclusive taco with some nice cheese...tonight I plan to go for a run...
The day after the wedding...
We prioritized food before sleep as usual, me and my brother...

We ate a nice buffet this morning as well...

Even tought we only slept 4 hours or something...

My brother and me decided to go back to bed, after breakfast...

Kater on, we took our things from the room and took of...

...and we took of to my younger sisters house...

Ate some food...

The cake was nice...

My sister had alot of things to do...

She opened the wedding gifts...

And the we took younger sister will guide her friends later on today...

Heading to Stockholm...

First time I visited my older sisters new apparment...

We ate some more food...

..she had a classic joke on her fridge...

They played with the kid for a while...

Thereafter we ate and went home...passing this largest wooden statue in the world...or something...
Anna´s wedding day...
Saturday was the day of my sisters wedding...

My sisters son came to visit our hotel...

We went to a local restaurant in Norrtälje downtown...

It was hard to find a spot, but eventually they got a table for us...

My brother ate some sandwish and lasange...

There after we took off to the church...

The toastmaster/bestman infomed us about the schedule of the day...

We met many people that we hadnt meet for a long time...

This is the bell to get attention during the day...

The priest was nice...I heard that many conservative countries in the world dont have female priests...thats interesting... :S (my argentine friends told me at the wedding)

We sat on the front row...

My other sister was the bridesmaid...

Outside the church we threw rice on the newly wed couple...

We there after headed to eat...I dressed my nephew with a party hat...

I sat with my cousins...

It was alot of cheese and other good stuff...(swedish and asian food)...

Many people held speech...some even mentioned taboo topics like reproduction of the couple...poor my sister, shes aiming for the olympics in a couple of years...I hope peoples "rabbit habits" wont push her to hard...and withstand the group pressure...sometimes I barely had time to eat, due to many speeches...

Some of the speeches were very funny...

Some used a seemed like the one in the ceiling was broken...

I ate a lot of was a nice buffet...

My sisters new husband performed...

Many people sang nice songs...and had interesting performance...

My sister held a speech...

And the dance all night long...

Different styles...

Some people danced an ABBA was fun...

I went back to eat once in a while...

Joking around...and showing my medals...

In late night, my sisters son couldnt sleep...

Inspection of dipers...

A lot of mingeling...

And dancing...

And food leftovers...

And wedding sweden people wont give money, they give gifts...

More leftovers...

Packng the cars...I was the driver for the night...

It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it...
In Norrtälje
I went to norrtälje at the east coast of sweden, early morning this friday...

I ended last night with some wine...(italian)...

We took E20 up from aligsås to Norrtälje

Sunrise near vårgårda...

Nice wheat fields at Västgötaslätten...

Many statoil station on the way (norweigan companies)...

My mom tends to overspeed alot....

Her max speed was apparently 140 I think...

Even in the tunnels the GPS convenient...

At lunch time, we arrived to the hotel at Norrtälje, north of stockholm...

We got a separate cabin in the garden...

They had alot of celebrities who had visited them...

We contined to some place 20 minutes from the hotel, where tomorrows dinner will take place...

Some people were fixing the tables...but we had to leave after emptying the car... the airport, where the parking fee was kind of high (almot 350-400NT per hour)...80SEK per hour...welcome to sweden...

I ordered a hamburger at the looked more like a sandwish...

Many people were waiting at the arrival hall...

We drove the guests to the hotel and went to Norrälje downtown...

Empty streets...

This is the "grand place" of the town...

We went to "ett glas" its a restaurant near the big square...

I ordered a bacon and cheese burger...

Our argentine friends and my parents...

I tried this beer...they didnt know if it was local...but im not sure that i tried it before...

And I had a Marrängsviss to dessert...

Then my sister showed up...she lived for one year in argentina, and everyone started to speak spanish...

I understood some words, but sat thre enjoyed the one paid attention to my batman cufflinks...its a pity...

When we left, it was raining...

The day after we had breakfast at the was an "ok" buffet...

My father was showing the town, for our south american friends...on the map...
Melody club played on TV...
Spending a night in gothenburg, before heading to alingsås
I spent last night in Gothenburg...

Chilling with my bike interested friend...this is his new down hill bike...

and some other bikes (ha had another 6-7 bikes in his basement)...

We drank some sparkling wine...

I brought some light was ok, i figuered that some beers needs a good glass to get a better experience...

This bike is never used...its only for decoration...

He spent some week in russia recently...we also ate some russian bread...

And some brie cheese...

This is some chocolate from russia...

And a nice light from hongkong, that he uses when cycling...super strong...

It has many modes...

And some swedish falukorv was enjoyed...

I continued to another friend...this pet is bought in china...

Wow so many kind of tea...

And chinese kid book...thats interesting, it even had pinyin...

Later on I cyceled back to alingsås...
Tomorrow morning, I will head to Stockholm...
Spending days in Gothenburg...
I cycled back to gothenburg again last night...

Equal sweden...not only guys posing on the street signs...

They had 3 couch surfers at my brothers corridor...I might join them in the couch later, if his appartment is full...

Later I tried to log on to internet at chalmers library, but since I dont have been a student for a while, they told me that I could not...

I continued to NCTU europes office, where they has some anniversary...

And a long queue...

Many people, especially international students...

Oskar was there...he will move to shanghai soon, doing his master thesis...

Free food...

Or rather swedish chinese food, my favourite...

Jörgen Sjöberg held a speech...

They served pearl tea...

Many students joined up later...

After the NCTU office visit, I went to the EE student department...but the lady i was looking for moved last year...

I found it later...they had donald duck on the wall...its the EE symbol at chalmers...

The industrial engineering department offered candies...

i continued to to gothenburg business AC are visible...on the facade...

At the business school they offered freebies as usual...

I went back to the appartment, after my business at the business school...and listened to some live music...after my friend tuned the guitar...
Postbox stake out
I found out that swedish driver lisence wont replace passport in every european country...(not even in EU)...

It was posted on a billboard at the local police station...

Later on I tried to find a post box nearby my house...but it was hard...

I finally found one in the city...

There after I did some garden work...

And did a gratain...

It was nice...

However, I wasnt sure about the correct amount of stamps...and payed to less...

The autumn is really on its way...while waiting...

Finally the post car came...I could not find my cards...but the postman said it was ok...

I planned to go to gothenburg before the sun set...but realised that I wont make it...

It was about 15 degrees, the autumn was really in the air...I like it alot!

I even found some chanterelle...

I wonder how long the bridge will be there (they use to take parts of it down before the dinner)...

The pier is always there though...

Gothenburg is far in the horizon...when its dark I can still see "brudaremossens" TV antenna...which is visible even west of denmark...

I missed the final sunset...

It might even be frost this weekend...

Most apples are winter it is still to early to eat them...

I might make more juice from them next week...

Before I took of to gothenburg I made some porridge...
Mondays adventure...
Its windy today...

Living near a lake (16th or 18th largest in sweden)...makes it more significant...

Now my bike is like new again...

I have a bunch of old bikes, that I use to rip parts from, when I need...

After a quick visit in gothenburg I went to buy some food...and used my old shoes that I made in Taiwan some years ago (Burberry)...

I like the swedish bread section in the many different kind of bread...

And the chocolate...dark with 70-90 percent for this case from Peru, Ecuador or Dominican Republic...

I also went recycling some things later...recycle bins are often near the supermarket...

There after I went home...its a little tricky driving a car with 6 gears...
Tomorrow I will return to gothenburg...its gonna be fun...
Song of the day: Takida - You Learn
Cycling back to Alingsås...failure...
I have some business to take care of in Alingsås...

After sharing some shrimps with a guy with dentist equipment...

...and chilling a bit, I was heading home...

Aiyo...flat tire after 2 km...

By some reason I chosed to continue by foot...I had 50km left of my was a little rainy, so it was not to warm...

The mall in Partille...still standing strong (they built it 5 years ago, or something)...

A Thai massage place...they dont have their thai letters at the entrance any more...

But they still get questions about "happy ending", prostitution is illegal in sweden, however I heard that the massage place at Masthuggstorget (gothenburg) some years ago, had Happy ending on their menu...

Jonereds factories, had a big importance of the history of the modern gothenburg...I think it was Gibson, my grandmas father who supported the development of this building...

Even the road "William Gibson" was named after him...

They have a river system from Alingsås to Gothenburg...filled with water power plants, and facilities to enhance the fish reproduction...

One of the biggest salmons were caught here...

And this is the first water power plant in sweden, build some 100 years ago i think...they guy in the background is a photograhper who wanted me to pose, cycling in the background when he phto shooted, to bad that I had a flat tire...

This is one of the monument that was made to honour Claes Alströmer, who funded the road here...

Far in the horizon, I can see Lerum, probably 1-2 hours away...Im walking along the road that goes parallel with the rail way to Stockholm...

....I always take this route when walking to alingsås...and when i cycle, i cycle parallel with the highway E20...

Parts of Lerum reminds me of the east part of Nijmegen, where there is alot of flat ground and small houses...

This is an acient swedish house...

At Stenkullen the sun set...This photo is at Floda, I was walking in the dark alot, luckily I brought my flashlight...

Alot of airplanes in the sky, ready to land at Landvetter airport...The biggest airport in the Gothenburg area...(and west coast of sweden)

Wow, an interesting sign...

This is the end of my trip...I took a lot of short cuts in the forest...with my 00.20 something I reached Alingsås...8n hours something...slower that usual, since I was carrying my bike, and didnt have my walking shoes...its good that I was not in a rush when I started my trip...however,, I have planned to run the route for a long while...maybe next time...
Chalmers Asia alumni party...
My brother ha a lot of perfume...

I got to try some of felt like liquors, they are also sold as this samples...

I also got some local beer "Dugges" and some Paulaner (from germany)...

There were many people at the student union building...

I met up some old Chalmers Asia students, who were going to the sauna...

Then I eventually met more people who ere heading to the same sauna...

I didnt plan to sauna myself...but changed my mind, since there were so many people there...

Then we headed to the crayfish party...

People were happy to see each other...

These people were in taiwan with me...

We were suppose to make our own hats...

I got the honor to design some firends hats as well...

People sang and ate the nice food...

I opened my german beer first...

It was really nice crayfishs..

And some announced that each year should tell a funny story that they had from taiwan...

And in between the songs, people presented their story...

As time passed by...people got more drunk...

And were telling old internal jokes...

We also switched places after a while...

And sang more songs...

These two guys were making alot of noise...

After some time, I opened my local was better than expected

The dinner faded out at the table secion and moved to the bar...

Then some announced that dessert was served, and people went back to the table...

Vlad honored me by his was fun...we talked about mountain climbing...

And the story telling continued...

More mingeling...meanwhile the background music got louder...

So it was hard to sit still...

And up we went...

I went all in on the cakes...super nice...

I also helped to finish the shrimps...

Played some music...

Everyone got a Taiwan-Sweden was nice...

I also helped with the salad...

There were alot of cans to be recycled then the party was over...

I showed my cleaning skills that I learned in the swedish the sauna...

Some more left overs...that I eventually ate up...

We mingled until super late...some people told us they were heading downtown for a party...I tried to contact them later...but they never answered...

However, on the street on my way back to Heden, I accitentally met my flat mate...he was locked out, and tiried to find his key at the chalmers student union building...
IT was betteer weather on Saturday than friday on...

1, Got a shaver...

2, got one of my new favourite beers...

3 Saw Gothia towers (biggest hotel in gothenburg) become bigger...

Chilled with local people and some foreigners...
Friday continues...
I went around in gothenburg fixing things and meeting people thje rest of the day...

I alos passed by the library...concluding that they are nice to the students, course literature, they often have enough to satisfy the you dont need to buy every single book...

Also the system for lending books is convenient...

The old park near Humanisten, at Gothenburg University...

I joined up some old friends for an After-work...

Its an gothenburg tradition, that if you buy a beer, you also get free buffet...(all you can eat)...

I went "all in" as usual...

Many people showed up in the dark...mostly asians, but also some my Chalmers Asia friends...

I continued to meet some other ppl that I use to study with...

We went to this resturant...

It sais "carlsberg and Heineken free zone"

Not sure why, but they ahd age limit of 22...not sure if it was a joke...

I think they have 1000-2000 different kind of beers...not sure...

I started out with this one...only 30 cl för was expensive...

The interior design at this place was fun. they have carpets on the walls...

Not sure which brand the other beer was...but it was also a light and sweet beer...

Many people on the street...ready for partying...

I went to Chalmers join Karaoke with some asian friends...

Singing in chinese...

It seems like they restored their new office alot (Its NCTU europes office)...

This is Franklin, whos from China, but lives in Uppsala.he speaks swedish very well by now...(to the left)

More singin until late nigh...I didnt sing though...

We hanged outside their office for a while...then ppl went home...tomorrow is another day...
A morning in Gothenburg
I had an appointment at 10, for medical check-up at the marine base outside gothenburg.

I used the same doctor, to help me getting a physical exam, that was in cluded in my taiwanese visa some years ago...

It was rainy...typical west coast weather...

My friends were out in the archipelago, I also want to be there...

But I headed back to the city...concluding that there are barely any traffic lights for pedestriants and bikes any more...and the law says that cars need to walking and cycling goes even faster nowadays...
2012 continues...
I went to gothenburg today again...

Starting at Alingsås, Seeing Ang Lee...on TV

My home made Rosehip soup tasted very well, it was nice to drink it while cycling...

I made a short visit at IT-company in Gothenburg...

They were moving, so I got alot of phones, hands-free and other things...that I will give away to ppl who needs it...

I there after went to the avenue...meeting up old friends...

And ended at this place...

They had local produced beer...

My friend had a cool tattoo...

Burger as usual...but swedish price... :S and some local beer...

It was nice interior design...with books etc...

Then we went to see Ice hockey...

GOthenburgs best team, vs a team from the middle of south sweden...

Many supporters for the local team...Frölunda Indians...

This is the other team Linköping Lions...not that many people...

Its my first ice hockey game I see live (or see at all)...

Its always a nice introduction of the players...

Frölundas supporter club...

Laser beams...

And fire...

And many players skating on the dark...

Some spotlights moving around on the ice...

And some more fire...

And presentation of the players...

Then the game began...

My friends supported the guest team...

Many people were cheering the teams...

This is the arean logo, with the swedish flag and the hockey teams logo...

During the pause many people went to eat...

We also got this paper, to have for making noise...

This is the white lion scarf that my old classmate proudly was wearing...

Secind period began...

I didnt really support any team...and my friends had to help me explain the rules...

The guest scored twice...

And the home team scored once...

Final score 1-2...

The bus taking the supporters home...

At Scandinavium, the bigest arena on the west coast...

My brother lived 2 minutes walk from there...he is training for a cross country competition...

He showed me some routes he been running and cycling...that he can analyze on his computer...
he has to work tomorrow... and went to bed early...I will visit my old job tomorrow, for a medical check up...2012 continues...
Wednesdays adventure...
I planned to go for a 50-60km walk today...

I ended yesterday with a fiber meal...

Started wednesday by renewing my passport...the same machine as last time...just go there and do as it says...

Then i cycled to gothenburg...heavy rain after a while...I was wearing shorts...this pick is typical european...a parking place outside the city for carpooling...imagine this for scooters...the greenhouse effect will be postponed maybe decades...

And, hallelujah...traffic lights that reacts when a car comes...thus...less idling and less fumes...

I met my brothers new neighbours...nice people...

Even a guy from south of china...I practiced my chinese...

Then I went back home...nicer weather...maybe I will catch a cold tomorrow anyway...

I came to Nääs factories, when the sun set...

And I followed the new E20 road back to alingsås...

Omg, a scooter...

Even though Im on a diet...i start to have second thoughts...why dont go "all-in" and loose weight when i go back to asia...

I used some exotic fruit my salad...

And white wine from downunder...

A lot of garlic...

And some fish liver oil...super good...

I also enjoyed this discrete american wine...from a normal glass...
Evening view...
Its nice to be home..

Every evening offers different colours and cloud constellation...been missing this for some year...

I will use a more sofisticated camera for a while...since im in sweden, my life quality, in many perspectives, increases alot...
First Kebabpizza 2012
I ate my first Kebab pizza today...for 2012...

It was a family size...Im only 98 now...and might do something tomorrow will make me drop another 3-4kg...we will c...

And a scandinavian salad...
A tuesday morning...
A culture seminair i was suppose to attend was postponed...

So I went for a run...

Passing my old secondary school...(kind of junior high)

Fixed my phone at the local telia store...

Omg, the tower at Nolhaga mountin was closed...

I had to run to some other view point to get a grimpse of Alingsås...

There were alot of frisbee golf baskets...

A nice...

A typical beech forest, like in the south of sweden...

The golf starts from here...

And a tropical storm is approaching from the atlanic ocean...

The boats seems to be prepared for rain...

And i fix my stock account, they sent me an I can access them (bough them like 5 years ago)...
Where is my stocks?
I boght stocks 5-6 years ago in E-trade, an online stock broker...
They were bought up by saxobank...but I could not find my stocks there when login into my account... that told me that they might have my stocks...the hunt continues...
Ah, after some sms I got a new password...and I got my stocks back...I love the countries, where u easily can fix everything online, without human interaction...things go so smooth...
An evening at home
An evening back home...

Omg, my brother-in-law cut many rasperriy bushes...

So I went all in for rosehips instead...try to make some soup out of it...

Maybe catch some fish later...

I also made apple juice...from ingrid marie, not mature until october...but some of the apples looked very red-ish...

Hmm... a lttle bit sour...maybe I should have used transparente blanche instead...they are more sweeter in the meat...

Took me all night...maybe its not the right kind to make juice of...the apple cakes of the ingrid marie becomes awesome...
Many universitiy courses starts this week...I signed up for a couple of usual...its the easy week, with some group assigments based on opinions...
Song of the minute
I feel miss placed...
So many things to available...
I signed up for many university I have a pretty full schedule...
I also need to train like crazy...
Here we go...welcome to sweden...go all in...its always easy to work out here...the nature delivers AC...and nice running pathes...
So many things to available...
I signed up for many university I have a pretty full schedule...
I also need to train like crazy...
Here we go...welcome to sweden...go all in...its always easy to work out here...the nature delivers AC...and nice running pathes...
First hours in sweden...
Im back in sweden...

I was picked up by AM...

My parents house looks the same...I think...

Morning temp at 17...but turned 25 later in the day...

New fridge and the kitchen...

The old ones were easier to open...

Temporary temp on the west coast...20-22 deg C, tomorrow 18-19...

I had some mail and magazines and annual reports to catch up on...

Omg...normal standard...a washing machine where u can choose water temp on...time to get my dirty clothes clean...

And dish save energy, water and environment...

Some trees were cut down since last year :(

I also went for a lunch at the local Rotary club...

And mingeling around with my old friends...

And listening to a presentation after the lunch...

A swedish lady who works in the EU Parliament...she tld us about the political situation in Hungary...omg!

And some more mingeling...

And even more mingeling...

I ate some local candies...

I felt safe, since I had my batman cufflinks...
I also fixed my phone number...

It was a sunny day...its such a contrast from Taiwan...the food, the air, the sceneries...I can clearly say that the autumn is comming...
A 50 hour trip is going to its end...
The customs control and lugage check at Shanghai airport was different from taipeis...

I had a lighter in taiwan, that I could bring to china...but here there were more strict...i have experienec from that before...

Greediest exchagne office ever...they charged super high rate...but i felt that it was time to get rid of my russian money...that isolated country...i wonder when i will visit that next time...

The stores were selling the same things all over the place...

My flight was delayed to amsterday..first they said with about 12 hours...

People were lining up...hoping for an earlier time...if its more than 10 hours late...i risked missing my connection in amsterdam...

Only 3 hours late...

I tried to eat as much as possible, but the flight crew didnt get eye contact with me that it was hard to ask them for refill...

I drank alot of liquer...cointreu, baileys, and some wine...

Haha, here in asia, now one seems to care about the fasten seatbelts sign...when people think the plane has stoped, many people just stand up to pick their luggage, and ofteh the cabin crew, has to reask the passengers to remain seated...

I saw both Taipei and Gothenburg at the same display when i arrived...maybe I could have got a shorter trip if i bought my tickets earlier...

So professional, instead of trying to kick away people who are staying over night, they acctually offer is a place where they listen to feedback...feel like home...even the customs are consistent...i like that...they find many things that the chinese didnt, but didnt get hooked up on small details...(even thought the lady commented my nail polish...)

Wow, so many departures in 2 hours...tto so far away interesting...
A trip to shanghai...
Im spending a day in shanghai...
The weather is not nice...

I finished the book I started last year when I was going from sweden to becomes kind of a tradition, to only read when im traveling international flights....

I also enjoyed my NCTU chinese censorship...
A night in ximen...
I had a class reuniion yesterday...

We came on time...but many classmates were we were not sure that we came to the right place...(a little bit like my NCTU GMBA information management courses...when even the teacher and TA (read host) were 30-60 minutes late each week...

We separated the tables...foreingers and taiwanese ppl...

We are more and faster I think at our table...

We went all in the prawns...

And it was all you can drink...2 kind of beers...

The other table...didnt enjoy beer that much...

MOst of my classmates lives in taipei nowadays...

We didntunderstand the menu...but I ordered randomly and often got nice dishes...

The marshmallows were good...

We mingleded around at Ximen afterwards...

And went to have some drinks at the Ximen red building...

I had a "dream", red wine and strawberry syrup...

They also offered vodka from Finland...

Most ppl took Gin and was alof of gin in it...

One classmate accidentally smashed the table a little bit to loud, and alot of people were looking at us...

I finally got to know my classmates familys classmates often try to hide their families from me (their ages and names)...but now i know more...
Waiting for dragon boat money...
I met up my dragon boat coach yesterday to get my share of the prize...

It was a 20 minutes wait...but worth it...

I was heading to Ximen in Taipei afterwards...and saw this esculator over bad that it was broken...
No Birds
A sign i never see home...

"no birds" on the if it was common...I wonder how it use to be, before the sign was put up...
From being told that an english transcrpit takes 3 days and costs 30NTD...suddenly, after asking the International Service Center to ask the office that prints the transcripts "why" in chinese...I got an english transcript directly...and it only cost 10nt...

The cute smart phone cover of Amy Chen...I like...

I bought 3 transcripts by accident...since i thought it was 30nt...for english version...I had to return 2 of the vouchers...

Confusion in office...the place where people get their transcripts...
A trace of inflation?
What is this...!?!

A price increase at family mart...on the cheap juice...omg...and its also perfect condition for the juice has to be inflation...else im changing to 7-11...immediately...
An opening is close...
I guess its not far until McDonalds opens at campus...

Just the menus and staff left...and maybe get rid of the boxes at the entrance...except for that...the business can begin...
Fixing stamps...
I went around campus for some 30 mins to collect stamps...

AT the housing division, I was rejected...I need my stamp from another division...the janitor division...

At this place...they didnt even check my records...just give me a stamp...

At the 8th floor, it was very peaceful today...not sure why...everyone sat silently and worked...

I was treated differently from my classmate at the library...I didnt need thesame papers that they needed...not sure why...

I had to clean the well...try to sort out what was my stuff and my classmates...

Later on I went with my ol roommate to eat...

We went to the burgerbar where I did an internview a year ago...

I also found that they are collecting old bikes at campus...maybe selling them to chinese speaking students...
Haha, so funny logic...
People really do things without reason here...or they see the the argument as a reason...
I wanted to print my transcript in english...
printing in chinese takes 1 day, but english takes 3 days...(even though last time i printed my english transcript it took 10 minutes..."
I asked why it takes 3 days to print an english transcript...and i got the common answer "becasue it takes 3 days"
I repeated my questions, "why it takes 3 days", and as usual the tai replied "becasue it takes 3 days" interesting...
Honor of job?
The program secretary usualy wants GMBA students to empty their locker before they can get their diploma...
However, she also said to a student who took her job for 2 weeks this summer to "check that johan removed his personal stuff"
I wonder the concistency in this...forcing a poor student to check every single item in the GMBA lab. to confirm that it is in my possession or not...
While about a dosen students left their stuff in the lab without anyone cares...i have experience in that she usualy apply nepotism...
However, this time it ended up, that the poor tai girl, asked which items were mine...and i told her which was mine, and which ones belonged to other students who already graduated, but left their was such a stupid situation.
Maybe we questionized the honor of the gmba secretary to much...forcing the poor substiture to thow out every single thing in the order for me to get my stamp...
its stupid...strange logic...
Finish my Wednesday...
I drank wine and ate goat i final for "little saturday"...

I rely on the french paradox...meaning that my body wont absord more fat than if i drank other kind of alcoholic drinks...since the liver wont burn the alcohol...
im still over 100kg...easy to loose, but why face the challange today, when i can to that tomorrow?
A peaceful day at NCTU...
I did alot of sorting today...

The door to the lab is card works to open it...we needed the key...

Pizza in the GMBA office...event no 2

After some exercise we went to a restaurant near Qingda nightmarket...

I insisted to order 2 sweet and sour sauce was good...even the taiwan beer here was good, it was the 18 days one...

This is the name of the place...zhong xiao road 182...

There after I met up some people from Thailand in the lab...and gave them some gifts...

And they were watching me surfing around on the web...while listening to music and drinking things...
Running back and forth...
Im preparing for leaving my lab...

Yesterday I also helped my friend to leave the carrying some bags...she will come back to taiwan later...hopefully...

Some classmates revisited the lab...and showed me some interesting bike routes...

Some classmates made a quickstop in Hsinchu to pick something up and then head to taipei, where their new job was waiting...

I also went to taipei later in the evening...and to costco...

I met up a couple of my classmates and had a phone meeting with even more of them...and made some burgers for them...

Im on a diet for 16 hours per day...the rest of the time im feasting on some nice food...
Cinnamon cake in da lab...
I said bye to some friends who are going home tomorrow...

And while doing that I also baked a cake...I tried to use all the ingredients that I had accessible in the lab...but I still have some things left...
Pizza in Taipei...
I was suggested to go to a pizzeria in Taipei...

The name was american...but it was italian style pizza that was served...

It was near taipei 101...

They didnt have Hawaii...but I added pinepple to i got something similar...

Taipei...the city with polluting scooters..and where no one care...I think about a funny comic I read some years ago, about a city that looks like taipei...and that they argue about recycling...a little hypocratic since they dont seem to care that much about environment in the sense of pollution and global warming...

A short visit was paid at Dalida...I missheard them, and got a "buy 2 get one free" offer...

It was a Taiwan draught beer...

They also had vodka from sweden...
A quick stop at the Giant store...
My expensive light weight tire broke...

So i went to buy a new one..or fix the old one...they said at the store that I had to buy a new one...I bouht a cheaper one...since the quality seems to be the same...its only the weight that differs...
Mcdonalds will soon open...
Mcdonalds will soon open at NCTU...

Yet another step towards americanisation...
I quote Mark Twain:
“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”
Good quality tires, my ass...!
I bouth new tires...that were suppose to be good quality...

After just some week of usage...I found this big good quality is that?
German restaurant in Tamsui and BBQ at science park...
I went to a German restaurant near Tamsui in Taipei last saturday...

The reason why losing wheight can hamburger is by far the best...but it goes to fast to eat...around 20 seconds for a double meat...with 4 layers of cheese...

Heading to this place some hours after the burger...

A grand piano...and a romantic...

The same brand as near nanjing east road and the city casino in gothenburg...its very good...

Kind of expensive thought...around 1200NT for 2 beer and this plate of sausages...

They had cool paintings for the favorite area...if visible due to reflection...

And nice view of the city...

My taiwanese friends who visited me in sweden were there...

And my old roommate were resonbislbe for assembling the grill...

We made skewers...and listened to house music near a lake...

And I bought this 940ml was interesting...
An afternoon in Big City...
I went with a classmate to Big City some days ago...its a mall in Hsinchu downtown...

Taiwanese people love malls...where they can hang out...

They also have this smoking room...looks like the room of death...

They also had an ice rink...

And many Hola and a-mart...with various kinds of beers...

Haha...just a copy of and free refil of coke at the exit...

I continued to a steak the same mall...

They had many kinds of drinks to...

I ordered a full meal...

With corn soup and baguette...

And some sallad...

They recommended the garlic meat...i asked for "3 fen zhong"...means that they fry it for 3 minutes...thus very bloody...

It was beef from new zeeland...I think its gonna b ok...even in turkey I drank the tab use to dirty food...

I finished up with creme brulee...

Later at night I saw this tower...I heard its the flying lantern...lookalike that was at the shanghai expo...

It was a lobe in side that shifted in colours...
Ghost month continues...
Alot of people are burning money in these days... There are fires everywhere... its interesting...

Felt like an act in lord of the ring...all the fires...

And food on tables...which is meant to be for the ghosts...

Each store has a table...with mostly chips, crackers and sometimes beer...

I also saw a parade...not sure what kind of parade though...

At the train station I was invited to burn money...

First a guy gave me a pile, which i slowly processed...after that he gave me an even bigger pile...I was heading for a I had to hurry up, burning those paper money...