In Gothenburg
Im spending some time in the rainy city of Gothenburg...
At least it was rainng when i cycled here this time...
There were a bunch of hard rock people in the kitchen, when we ate dinner...
Its my brothers week to clean the kitchen...
As usual the rain stops when I dont need to cycle anymore...
I visited some friends in the night...
We tried some tea that I bought in Shanghai...
A flower that develops in the water...
They also had a cute cat...
I was amazed that they drank an Amarone wine on a normal thursday...they said they prefer quality...they also had a bourgogne that was not to bad...
They could not belive that I increased in weight, and tried to lift me...
In the morning the day after I made a quick visit at my borthers work...a dental clinique...
He showed me around...and checked my teeth...amazingly, he said they were ok...
He is far more picky, compare to me, when it comes to food and eating habbits...
They had Lady Gaga on a poster in their dressing room...respect...