2012 continues...
I went to gothenburg today again...
Starting at Alingsås, Seeing Ang Lee...on TV
My home made Rosehip soup tasted very well, it was nice to drink it while cycling...
I made a short visit at Tieto...an IT-company in Gothenburg...
They were moving, so I got alot of phones, hands-free and other things...that I will give away to ppl who needs it...
I there after went to the avenue...meeting up old friends...
And ended at this place...
They had local produced beer...
My friend had a cool tattoo...
Burger as usual...but swedish price... :S and some local beer...
It was nice interior design...with books etc...
Then we went to see Ice hockey...
GOthenburgs best team, vs a team from the middle of south sweden...
Many supporters for the local team...Frölunda Indians...
This is the other team Linköping Lions...not that many people...
Its my first ice hockey game I see live (or see at all)...
Its always a nice introduction of the players...
Frölundas supporter club...
Laser beams...
And fire...
And many players skating on the dark...
Some spotlights moving around on the ice...
And some more fire...
And presentation of the players...
Then the game began...
My friends supported the guest team...
Many people were cheering the teams...
This is the arean logo, with the swedish flag and the hockey teams logo...
During the pause many people went to eat...
We also got this paper, to have for making noise...
This is the white lion scarf that my old classmate proudly was wearing...
Secind period began...
I didnt really support any team...and my friends had to help me explain the rules...
The guest scored twice...
And the home team scored once...
Final score 1-2...
The bus taking the supporters home...
At Scandinavium, the bigest arena on the west coast...
My brother lived 2 minutes walk from there...he is training for a cross country competition...
He showed me some routes he been running and cycling...that he can analyze on his computer...
he has to work tomorrow... and went to bed early...I will visit my old job tomorrow, for a medical check up...2012 continues...