
Here i am at some temple in kathmandu...

The "old town" is full of these things...sculptures and temples...

This is the kathmandu i knew...(from some Don Rosa comic...), old temples....

This is the kathmandu that is....the Thamel area, super touristic, reminds me of ko sam road in Bangkok...
People trying to sell things all the is a wonder that they wont get backrupt, since they all sell the same, km after km...(if its not the same owner that is, like in the grand bazaar in istanbul...)

The motocyles are using their horn constantly, it becomes chaotic ones in a while...on the small roads of kathmandu...
I will go do Bhutan in 2 days, trekking for one week next week, and the go to tibet.
It is really not a country for the poor, my trip here became far more expensive than I thought...with 200 USD fee in bhutan per day, plus additional fees...
Greedy travel agencies that charge high cost is mandatory, but im not the easiest tourist to handle...

Nepals flag, not a square shape...exotic.
Kathmandu city areas has electricity only a couple of hours per day, so computer doesn work most of the time...

This paper shows when the hotel has electricity...they better plan their activites to this one...
In kathmandu I try to be cultural...

I tried 2 beers here (local brew), one is one had a special edition honoring a was ok...

The other one is "nepal ice" it taste a little different, but both of them are neutral in taste (like pripps bla)
I also bought some nepal cheese...(like when i went interailing in easter europe, enjoying food culture), it was nothing special, but exotic...for beeing nepalese...
An interesting city.
That is what I have to say.
I ate some typical nepal food...(dumplings)
At an indian restaurant in bangkok I bought some indian drink (soda water, lime juice and pepper), the same drink I got in it a curse? Lucky me that i love disgusting culture reasons...
They sell alot of Gurkhas knives...I bought one in england 10 years ago, but they are very cool, perhaps I should apply for becoming a Gurkha...
Im also planing for go trekking, we will get a guide...but I dont need a Sherpa, carrying my stuff...
traffic lights in bangkok has count downs
The traffic in Bangkok is heavy and often chaotic. Lucky them that they, like parts of Taiwan, has count downs.
Red lights in chinese new year.
It must have been a powerful person who decided or informed the public traffic agency in Thailand about these countdowns.
They even have different colours (green yellow and red), depending on time...
chillin in bangkok

I ate a great breakfast with chocolte cereals etc, how nice.
bangkok, bangkok, some more day...
I went to a super market that i passed by yesterday, but did not have time to visit.

they had alot of motorcycle shows, brand from all over the world promoted thier bikes,somewerevery cool. some bikini ladies were posing in front of the bika,it felt very asian.<.br />

I also found an interesting book about passive stock investments...which is just the kind of investments that I use to do, and that always beats the active investements....

I found both a mickey mouse watch and some superman and batman stuff there....unfortunetely not the cool stuff (like cufflinks) that I found at the same store in singapore...

I also spent some time in china town...they are prepating chinese new year there...
my hostel has free wifi but ihad problems logging in to it. my internet addiction makes them earn alot of money.but in the very very late night i succeeded login on by my cellphone.
Another day in bangkok
I also passed by some travel agency,to find out that it was super expensive to use them... (they charge alot here), i always (after finding somewhere to sleep) try to find my way out of the place i just arrived to to ge a flow in my travell.

We (me and some friends) took the sky train, it was cheap and get to the market

It is on pellars...making the Tuk-Tuk look expensive...

We skimmed though some big malls...but did not have time to check all of them...
We needed to go back to the hotel, since my friends were leaving for Laos.

I tried some interesting McDonalds brain freeze on my way back.
I ended up looking flights and visa issues to burma and nepal online, it seems to be easier than i thought..., since the travel agency said that I needed return ticket from nepal, which is not the case.
I need visa to burma though, 1 to 3 days depending on how long time I am willing to wait...
Bangkok day 2

We ate some food, 15 baht, like 3 SEK... (makes even taiwan look expensive, if u dont consider the tourist areas in Thailand)
We spent some time on a tuk-tuk, trying to find cheaper hotel...

It is chaotic...

But the Tuk-tuk can pass by the cars vert it goes faster than a taxi many times.
then we went to see Thaiboxing.

It was interesting...

The fighters of the night...

The audience were screaming...and the atmosphere was good, even the fighters were happy, except one, who were knocked out... People were betting money on the fighters...raising their hands and screaming.
About 11 matches were played during 4 hours.

Then we went to an italian restaurant...

We went to some bar at night...
It was nice, but there are alot of hookers everywhere...that is comes with many places in south east asia, old western guys (50+) haging out with asian girls(30-), money, money...(or B.I.M: a religion at many places here: "Believe In Money")
In Bangkok

Waiting in Hat Yai, for another bus to take us to Bangkok. It was Indians, Thai people and us.

Due to english influence, they have left hand traffis in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand...The lanes were separated on all they way our destination.

5 hours from Bangkok, then the car broke down (or some parts of it), I think it was the AC.

It reminded me of the South east asian when I was in Laos last time, the same thing happend almost every route I took.

I asked if we just could drive with windows open, it would be ok...but they did not understand english, and I did not understand Thai...

we went to a place to repair the car, after a while, they said it was ok, so we entered that car again ready for take off...
Then another part broke...
So we left the car again...
And then it broke again...
This procedure happend 4 times and took us 4 hours extra...
I enjoyed the evening, since I was not in a hurry, but i felt more sorry for my friends who had some bus to catch up on later that night.
we made good friends with the other people in the bus (we were only 11 passengers), so we had some good talk while waiting for the car to be repaired.
While in Bangkok I could recall all the greedy south east asians (they are probably worse in Vietnam), always lie to you, saying thing to make you take their cab. Things like:
"This place very far" but it is close (so that they can charge u extra)
"This place very good, internet and everything" (but the place is crap)
And on it goes...
The driver told us that he knew the place we were going to, but not...we looked for half an hour...
Last day in Singapore

It is not that far from the district where we live (Bugis) at.

We ate some pancakes with curry and tried tea...some donut look alike indian cakes etc.
While there we also checked many stores, concluding that it is kind of cheap at some areas, we also went to Mustafa Center, which is a mall,

I wanted to buy a mickey mouse watch, but did not find any proper...

Then went to an arabic street where they had a mosque

and ate kebab,

I also found a swedish restaurant called Fika (which is a verb )
after that we walked to Bugis again, to see some prices of superman and batman outfits...(and clothes), but I think it is cheaper in Thailand (if they have it, that is).
Now the bus is waiting for us. Ready for a 26 hours trip from Singapore, passing Malaysia to Thailand, Bangkok.
second day in singapore
We will buy tickets to bangkok now, passing by malaysia as it seems...(going by bus tomorrow evening)
It is nice here, alittle like hongkong.
Last night I...
...went to a local had cool stores. We were lucky and got a dorm for 13 dollars per night (that is about 60 SEK), and singapore is more expensive than many other asian countries...
They are all celebrating chinese new year here now...they are entering the year of the really felt like eater when passing through the stands that sell chinese new year items...
There after we took a Tiger beer (that is a singapore beer). And then we went back to the dorm.
The second day we went to buy bus ticket to bangkok, we walked to a thai place where we got it for 85 singapore dollars which is cheap (i think). It is very snmall here, and it is Johan-walking distance everywhere, even though I adapt to my company...
We are really spoiled to have European passports (me and pablo) some other customer was arguing, since they needed visa to all the countries in south east asia, and the countr seemed to be happy to have 2 europeans as customers.."VIP card everywhere" was concluded.
After that we met Norris who is a friend here in singapore.
We wanted her to show us the interesting parts of the city, we went to china town first.
It is very chinese feeling.
When there we went to a Chinese muesum, which was interesting.
Then we went to Malay town, which is a similar thing for the Malay population in singapore.
And we visited a wedding, which was held in a malay temple.
I got a new favourite drink, it is called Sour sup. I must see if they have it in Taiwan.
After that we went to the inner city to check out the sky line.
It was like hongkong, very cool lights...
They had alot of nice achitecture and interesting hotels. This one is suppose to look like a ship. They also have a ferris wheel that is high like the one in london as it seems.
We also saw a hiphop show near the river. The lights made the atmosphere cool.
Then we continued to the lion fish which is a symbol of singapore...
I must say that is it very nice to be here...
We went to the oldest postbox in singapore (since 1873) where i sent some postcards...(pablo and norris is also trying to send something). This one is inside a hotel in the center...Fullerton hotel...very central.
Alos of people were having drinks at one of the many bars that were lined up at the harbor....
We saw some interesting flags at this exclusive hotel (it was in the very center of the city), it was Taiwans, Brazils, Spains and some local flag...
Then we went to a local bar, that brewed their own beer.
Me and pablo couldnt decide which beer to take, but we knew that we must try the spirulins beer (green one). I took it, and pablo took my first choice...a golden one, that tasted like the taiwan locel brewed beer that I tried in the hongkong restaurant in Hsinchu.
so far I can conclude that singapore reminds me of many other Hongkong, Kaochung, Hue, london.
Im now in Singapore
I bought some dried mangos before I took of, trying to get rid of all my cash...

Someone told me that dried mangos are famous in the philippines...

It was also a little asia attitude here in the philippines (even if it is alot more like home thatn taiwan)...
they have (or try to have) a high security level at the airport, but in the end it is just walking staight in to the gate with water bottles etc.
When landed we went to a hostel, it was kind of cheap, atleast compare to the options (the hotels nearby offered a price 10 times higher).

It was out on some balcony...very interesting....Then we went for some local food.

Now we r looking for a way to head for bangkok, since we need to be there the 24th to meet some ppl from spain.
Last days in the philippines...
We visited companies today and went to asias biggest mall.
it has been great here with my classmates..
Some short memories from my trip so far...

We went to a beach that was hard to reach from land, so we took the boat was fun.

Some people got sea sick, we used asian methods to cure it, by pressing specific spots on the hands, their blood circulation will increase and they will feel better...

We visited 3 companies, one was a coffee farm (that also had some other products). They had the coffee that is know for beeing the most expensive coffee in the world, the same kind that I bought from indonesia some month ago (when an animal shits the coffee beans out), even if it was cheaper here, it was a little strange, since they had more limited amounts of beans at this farm. So it should have been more expensive..., some the group members thinks that it was fake. I bought coffee that I can percolate when I get back to taiwan.

My classmate cory performing some exotic philippino the last night with the group...(im glad i did not do that...even if some ppl tried to get me up on stage...).

He looked almost like Timon, when dancing...and shaking is butt.

Stephen and Pablo, we were looking for books etc at asias larges mall. I bought sun glasses.
After a dinner here we took of by cab to a hotel, saying goodbye to the other people in our group.
we found a small hostel, tomorrow morning me and pablo are heading for singapore.
it is very humid here, and 30 degs or more. I guess it will be warmer at tomorrows destination
first day in the philippines.

they were held in cages....kind of sad (over 44 tigers were at the park)
then we went to the hotel.some in the group took a swim in the ppol.others went to sleep until dinner.then we were trying to find something to do.but the town was kind of lame. it is fun having far i had 4 san miguels,its a local beer that is popular abroad.

We spent some time playing biljard and table tennis.
Non open societies...
on websites, such as:
But many other countries, like taiwan, are very closed, and dont have any open system to find anyones number or address
It is very inconvenient, I wonder why other countries does not open up more...the crime rate is not smaller than in sweden...nor the amount of stalkers out here in Taiwan...
I bought a bag...

It was rather cheap, a packpack costs 2000 to 1500 SEK. I got this bag for 320 SEK. It is ok, I wil use it as a backpack anyway....even if it was not designed like one.
Strange logic again...
Some times it feels like you are working with 12 year old kids, thinking that it is ok to copy from others as long as no one notice, or enlarge the font size to make it look like it is more text (thus a better work, in ther logic).
I was kind of pissed off today, since some Tai people in my project group never do as we agree upon. And when I spend time making changes on their part some changes were deleted....
(like correcting references, adjust grammar etc, and synchronized language),
But they never seem to use references as one should (like the harvard system etc), a link from the text to a fotnote ot the references list...I wonder what they teach about this issue in the schools here.
When do Tai stores open?
The flight leaves in a couple of hours...I need to buy a that I can start pack.
Why does my trips always start some day or hour after final project hand-in or exam?
Im leaving to philippines soon.
If you are swedish and want a postcard. email me your address...
Ill try to upload pics...later on here (I heard that it is not OK to bring cameras to Burma. I might make some paintings from there)
Hopefully I will have super fun, or else only fun.
A collage from my previous asian trips makes me remember that I will meet a lot of strange people.
...I bet there's more of them out there ready to meet me...

Some ppl I met was just to wierd to cut.
My first homemade pizza in taiwan

This was beofre the pizza was is a mix between cheddar and mozzarella cheese. I did not have so much equipment so it looks kind of messy.

The cheese looks a little red...but its ok. What I didnt have was onions in the tomato sauce...I must get that for next time...

Since my oven is small, I finished it quickly. But it was perfect size for a smaller mea.
20-dag knut dansar julen ut...NOT!

We still have alot of decorations left in th lab...

In sweden 20 days after X-mas you get rid of all the x-mas stuff (the 13th of january)....I wonder if the tai decorations will be there forever, or atleast until I return from my vacation that starts tomorrow. (i might return in the end of february...)
Tomorrow is Take-off
So I also went to the nightmarket to look for bags.
Doing things in Hsinchu have become so much more fun since I started using my bike...
I passed by a couple of stores, but I never figured out how they value bags here. Only one of 5 stores that I visited used the concept of volume for the backpacks...what the others used, I havnt figures out yet.

This is just another bag store that does not know the volume for the backpack, (and it doesnt say on the labels either). Before tomorrow evening I must decide whether to buy a bag or use my existing one, which on the other hand might be inconvenient to use.
I also went to the bike stor to fix my tax paper. I hope everything will b fine, my experience is that if anything can go wrong here, it will, by all the bureaucratic rules that exists.

I also bought a new lamp for my bike (not a cateye, that I first thought of), it was a GIANT lamp, that was rather cheap and had solarpanel, so that it will recharge itself...
Now all I need to do is to buy my rear light as well, I was an integrated locker and lamp some month ago, I think I will go for that one.
Last day on autumn semester
I had my last presentation today...the teacher said we did a good job.
Then I had some other meetings...I also tried to get my tax paper from the bike store..but I did not have time (I will do it tomorrow), since I had a group meeting in the evening, and then we went for a dinner, me, some calssmates and one of my teachers...
Now I only have 2 hand ins left. One im working on now, the other I will revise tomorrow, since it was not a super good "red thread" in it.
Then I need to get a backpack or something, since I will go packpacking on sunday...
I guess I have alot of things to do before that, but its long as I have my passport and a creditcard, it is amazing how far u can go...
Farwell dinner with anders

It was at a restaurant called shallowy and they had mediterraneanish food.

I ate black spaghetti with garlic

And for dessert I ate "fancy cake", it was actually called that, typical taiwanese name. It was strawberry flavour.
Another project is coming to an end.
Then I only have 2 projects left to finish until my vacation starts, I hope.

We and another group sat in the lab until late, struggling with the methods to analyse the sample data we had. It was a mess, but hopefully it is something.
Strange pavement and road construction

You better watch out when walking at campus, my old shos had a hole, so my sox were soaking wet everytime it was raining...

Even the roads has plashes...
So when a car passes by, i better keep distance...
Today it is raining again
The song of the day is (
Volbeat - Fallen
I've been listening to it is repeat...recently.
Volbeat - Fallen
Volbeat - Fallen
Another late night on the exam week
I had my chinese final after lunch, which was a presentation about the most disgusting dish I know, i dont know so much about that, but I compared taiwanese and swedish pizza...
Then I had some meeting with my statistic group...who choosed to fake a research that we made, but I told them not to...since the purpose of school where I come from is not to show good results, it is to learn from what u do (even if the taiwanese school many times support the "good result one", like in my marketing class...)
But we started do be productive after dinner...

There were many groups doing statistic project in the lab this it was partly crowded.
But we managed to get a conference room after a while...which made it easier to talk.
Tomorrow I have another exam...
I need to start planning my chinese new year trip soon. so far I just have a single ticket to singapore, from Manilla, where Im going with my class this sunday.
cheating society
A day just like the day before...

It is kind of lame here, the courses are very focused on "memorizing" and they are very inconsistent, and i dropped my respect for the system some month ago, which makes it hard to study and take any course serious...So I only aiming for passing...
In these days we are suppose to register for next semesters classes, but it never seems to work to get to the page where you sign up...
it is wierd...
An other day in da lab
Preparing the final week on the semester...
4 exams and 3 project hand-ins...
To bad that I did not study so much...

I ate hamburger both for lunch and dinner... I got the pieces of meat at the dinner one...

Then at 19 to 01.30 I fixed some information management...
tomorrow I have presentation and exam, that is tomorrows problem :S
A day in Taipei
But some of us went in to taipei to by things, so we passed by the castings to see if we saw some friends.

I brought my Marketing book, since we have exam in 2 days. There was no food served at the casting place so we left after 10 mins, after watching the participators walk back and forth.

After that I went to GongGuan night market, since my classmate recommended this for shoes...
They only had sneakers though, and most of the shoes were super small. But I finally found a pair...

We later on, went to a Vietnamese restaurant and then we hagned out in the park...
we took the 22 bus back, since they charge night fee after 22.59 as far as we know.
Try to find shoes
I tried to find shoes here since I came, but so far it is impossible. (even though i some times been kind of passive in my search). The largest they often have is 42, which in my opinion is kind of small...
Today I am going to check at a night market in Taipei...
it is going to be interesting.
Anders will leave in 1 week.
So, except from hanging in my lab today, doing nothing, I showed him my new bike (since he was a part of the reason why I bought it...)
After that we went down to the nightmatker to eat teppanyaki, he on scooter me on bike, of course I needed to wait for like 7-10 minutes for him, since scooters need to be parked where there is space,for bikes there is space everywhere...
Then we went to his house and saw a taiwanese movie...
Monga... ( was the name and it was about gangs in taipei during the 80's and 90's...
it was good
Then we went to Mcdonalds...and then I went back to campus...
It feels nice having a bike goes very fast to transport...
I just need lights now, and lockers and a helmet, then Im set.
Interesting tea
I got a tea bag from a classmate, on the tea bag was a pic with the god of students..., (or similar), on it...

Hopefully I will perform better on the on the exams from now on...
I also had an exam later today.
And ended the day by watching the movie "The hangover".

It was a long time since we had a movie night in the class, so it was time to have a new one...
exam week continues...
I have an exam tomorrow...and many next week...
It is busy days right now...
right after the exams i will travell...
no time to rest...
c u later
I got a bike.

This is my bike.
Before I bought it I went downtown.

Where I saw one Family mart and one 7-11 side by side, and there was the Giant store.

The staff were adjusting details to fit my proportions...Im not 100% sure they got everything right,, due to that I was big, but more or was ok.

So I kept the phase with the scooters and went to eat hotpot.
I just bought a very cheap locker first (i will buy some better ones later) so that I can park it...

It was an all you can eat hotpot with icecreams and was nice.

This blur picture shows the closest I have been to a kebabtallrik since I came here...they had kebab, so I just added tomatoes and some sauce (not kebab sauce though).
Then I went back to my lab, and tomorrow is another normal day at school (i have a presentation etc, just like normal) but I have a bike...
Still preparing my chinese new year vacation
Strange behaviour among teachers in Taiwan
We were informed that some people in my class had to present today in the marketing class, and that the ones who were suppose to present suppose to be informed by last friday.
The teacher told the people who suppose to present last night (less than 24 hours before the presentation). I wonder how they can act like this in the first place, and then grade others based on how they keep their time frame...
there are many things in this place that is not consistent....
Tomorrow I plan to buy my bike...
Second day of the year

This pic is taken outside the computer network center at school.
It is sunny today, perhaps 20 degs...
But the nights are kind of chilly, like 10 degs or something...
it might be warm compare to sweden, but taiwan does not have that isolated is often hole in the wall and no heaters...
so even if we are many people in a room, it does not necessarily become warmer (like in sweden).
First day of the year.
January 2, 2011 stared by that I went to my friend, helping him move, by carrying stuff...

This is how it looks in Hsinchu, the roofs on a january day...
My friend is moving closer to school, which makes him save alot of time...
After this we went to taipei, to an All-you-can-eat restaurant (japanese style).

They had alot of seafood etc. I started with the dessert as usual, and then headed for the other dishes...

Here is my company, Pablo with the hat and his 2 spanish friends who are here for a short visit, travelling around in taiwan...
After the dinner, we said bye to his friends and took the night bus back to hsinchu.
New years night

They have marked the ground at the platform, where to queue, all the swedes are lined up, for the next coming train...

While in taipei we used the MRT (metro), it was alot of people, but still it was ok, to move...
Then we went to Zhongxian Fuxing, which is a district in the central of taipei, where the resturant was.
I ordered a raspberry cocktail with chocolate liquour.

It tasted like melted vanilla icecream with rasperry jam...
The food there was very good, I had a big steak, that I never had in taiwan before (since they mostly chop the meat into small pieces here)

After this we all went to party, most of us went to luxy, where it was open bar until 24. We concluded that it was only foreingers in there....

Even if it was "open bar", they had a limited drink list...
We drank the list up and down...before we went out heading for taipei 101.

It was crowded on the street, all the tais were heading for the area where they could see taipei 101. There were alot of fireworks from other places aswell, that also was spectacular.
Taiwan celebrated its 100 anniversary this year.
The fireworks can be seen on:
AFter this we, and even more friends, went back to luxy again.
Luxy had a performed "eve", who sang songs for a while.

She sang songs from famous people...that most of the guests recognized.
I was there until it closed with my friends, then I joined my spanish friend pablo to a place to pick up some bags that he left from some week ago, and then we headed back to Hsinchu.