What did Johan do and eat today?
It is cheap in europe...especially if u go to german supermarket...where low price is the business model...

0.7 euro per tin...

I also went downtown to check some time table...

Ong, a bus to Gdansk...

And the time table to the "cheap aiurport", means the airport where cheap flight departures from...

I had to ask the driver regarding if i needed to book ticket in advance...which he said I didnt...

I also bought some Paulaner beer that I consider rare...
My family is in nice
My family is in nice...

Not sure how warm it is in the south of france...but i guess its pretty nice...

My brother is still back in sweden though..."gothenburg by night"...
A visit to DAS oktober fest
My colombian friends wanted to visit the Oktober fest in munich this weekend...

They decided to meet at the main station in frankfurt, at midnight, since the subway trains wont go at 04.42 when the train departures to munich, which we plan to take...

I went here by bike, but was told that its an unsafe place to park...however I saw many bikes also looked here by night...

With similar locks...I have experience in locking a bike in a crowded area, and that it is usually safer, since no one dares to take a bike, with strangers nearby...

It was enough motivation for me...

My friends came after 03...so i had plenty of time to kill...

And watch strangers..

And make "super heroes" based on the book I bought in taipei...

Many wierd people asking for food or money...but still rich enough to buy alcohol and cigarettes...not that convincing...

However I gave away my banana to a guy who asked for "money for food"...he didnt seem to happy that I gave what he asked for...(but food directly)...it was my breakfast. I hope he ate it...

And many lederhosen...I wanna buy to...they are 100-1000 euro...but i was told its cheaper in munich...we will see, i will scan the market...not so keen on buying expensive clothes that are meant to use once per year...

Omg, a train to Wurtzburg, I remember beeing there whe I was young, on my way to the alps...

More lederhosen on the train...04.42...

Couples dressed up...many people drinking beer...

We had to chanvge trains 3 times...our ticket was 42 euroes, but 5 people can share it...thats very cheap..compare to taking a single ticket for 57 euro...

When in munich, I saw many offers of dresses...

Omd 1,2 polizei...so interesting...

And 1 euro for toilet on the oktober fest...must generate alot of money...

My friends took many pics on this trip...

Also chinese ppl were photo schooting...

Nice dresses...


And some cool clock tower...

We went to the wrong directing we were told...Hacker brücke is the place near the fest...

And my friends also bought some cheap dress, to fit in the party...

More photos taken...

Many people...I guess this is for families...this realy, like 11...it was also the "italian weekend", since the 2nd weekend of the oktober fest many italians come here...

And more photos...

Wow, finally there...pretty crowded...

And guards checking that no one brings other beers...its strictly munich beer here (meaning that the water haas to come from munich that the beer is made of...thus many beer companies can not sell here)...

Wow, Paulaner...they had atleast 3-4 houses (they start building the houses in july, for this fest, before that this area is some parking lot)...

We entered some smaller house...it was often very long queue to each beer house...

But it was har to get seats...

They also had some orchestra...

"Fisher Broni"...never heard of...must be some local brand...(or not)...

Some other beer house...with long queue...

We finally eneterd a place and got a seat, I wanted a weissbeer...but got a draft...


I asked the people who sat bestide me on the table,. and they told me that "Wiesn bier" is draft, however the name for beer in munich is called Wies (if its from munich)...but still is a normal Lager...

A worn-out looking Johan, without lederhosen, slept 1 hour the last 36 hours...thats ok...I might return here next weekend, with better preparations...

This guy lives in swithzerland, but is originally from munich, he taught us alot aobut the beer tradition here...

They ordered alot of food, and told us that we were expected to do the same...the waitress was irritated when we said we just want beer...so in the end i asked for some local food too...

This is how the place use to look like...80 years ago...

This is some cheese, a typical munich dish, i was told...

With some typical munich bread..."eating local food: Check!"...

Also many people wanted to take pics with my friends...and once in a while, I was also invited...

And other souuth americans were there...

Paulaner tower, this was their 2nd house...

Some long queue...

people raising their hands, telling how many people they are...

This house was easy to enter...but we found out that they dont seel beer...

They had a useful toilet, anyway...

I wanted some apfelwein...but got this..."apfelstrudel (even if its austran): Check!", it was much softer than the one I use to do at home long time ago...it was nice...

The colombians had some wine...

I should read improve my german...next time i think i order some drink...

They also had a theme park at the oktober fest...

And they were hard to find some times...but many toilets...

And many people...

Not sure why, but this was typical for the october fest...many people bought them...looked like swedish ginger bread to me...

And outside the area...many tired visitors...

Or just drunk...

Many italians...

The girls got alot of attention from guys...many drunk west europeans are funny...

I also bought a paulaner...since it use to be one of my favorite beers...

They had s special beer label just for this event...thats cool...

Also checking the lederhosen, I could conclude that the best offer was at munich trainstation...one "set" for 99.99 euro, including sox and shirt I was told...just hope they have my size...

I prefer short though, it was the same price here...

Munchen Hbf, ready to head back to frankfurt...

More mingeling with drunk locals...

At the train, I thought we had to leave 18.28, but by some reason we continued, a guy at the train, Wolfgang" helped us how to get to frankfurt, bu passing stuttgart, since the train we were taking, were heading to stuttgart...

We were after some discussion offered to be driven by him, 200km to stuttgart, since th connection train would arrive to frankfurt at 6 on sunday morning...

It was nice...

We just had to take some other local train...

...to his town...

A nice small town with many bars...

The pedestriant crossing signs looks just like in sweden...

He also offered us some drinks...

In his new car...the town he was fron was famous for Crysler...but he drove an audi...

Autobahn by night...

Suddenlt half way, some other car collided with Wolfgangs new audi...

And we had to call the police...

The other driver was angry...it seemed...

...so was Wolfgang...

The police were investigating the accident...

Alot of discussion...

We went to some parking lotm and we all had to show ID, and were asked out, unfortunetely I didnt know the address to my hotel, but gave them my swedish address and my new german phone number...we will see how this ends up...

At 1 something we finally came to frankfurt central station...I felt sorry for wolfgang, but will send him some postcard later...

24 hours later...we were walking in frankfurt central train station again...maybe head to the oktober fest nex week again, since I never met my german friends who work there (due to too long queues)...and also some swedes will join up then)...

And my bike was still where I parked it...2013 continues...
A korean restaurant visit
I paid a visit to a korean restaurant today...

Northern frankfurt is full of korean citizens...and thus hotels, resturants etc have korean owners...

It was also chinese food...

But korean menu...

And mostly korean dishes...a little bit spicy (but in with kimchi flavours)...

And s super nice cinnamon drink...reminded me or turkish salep, without the rise porridge taste...
Movie making thursday...
Today I made another movie clip...

But more from an artistic perspective...using origami...

Colourful frogs...and a mouse...(the mouse was never a part of the clip thought)...

A nice system camera...just like the one I planned to buy for a long time...

And the frogs...(first I thought of paper cubes that I often use to make, but frogs are more peronal)...

My idea was to use egg, and create a scenario where fragile items break when they want to live a free life...

Using threads etc to create motions...

Later I went to a near by pizzeria...many people from india and pakistan was there...I liked the place, even if it was mainly for take away...

They had different sizes...."klein, gross, Familie and Party"...interesting...I should order a party pizza some time...

They also had chai tea...so nice...

I ordered an Hawaii pizza as usual...

I was also offered a coke...not sure if he charged for it...but he put it on the table, maybe as a profesional sales trick...

Just as when I was in australia, they have this name promotion as I saw in the supermarket some days ago...the most expensive brand in the world, must have good staff in their marketing...names must thus be a good way to get attention...
Course preparations on wednesday night...
Even if im taking three courses this semester (but with medium low priority), I just started one of them...

Its always hard to access course literature when im not in sweden...we will see how i manage to finish the course...
Hunting hotels in frankfurt...
I need to find a new hotel...

I went to 2 different ones, both with korean management...and these actually look like hotels...

They even have soap in the toilet...

And breakfast and dinner included...thats nice...

Omg, a christmas tree...in september...yep, asian management...
Mooncakes in europe...
Some nice soul sent taiwanese mooncakes...

Its typical asian flavours...like taro, but still sweet...so it was good...

And this neutral flavour...

Nice sky...

Frankfurt Airport is said to be the biggest in Germany...I always see so many planes...I wonder where they are heading...

Downtown, people are playing instruments...

This dark guy...(due to no flash)...was playing very good saxophone...
Frankfurt downtown hangout...
I went to frankfurt downtown last night...

By bike...

Somepeople were playing on the street, pretty nice...

I have a wire locker here in germany, it feels a little unsafe...

I went for some apfelwein...

And McFlurry brownie...

And I saw a mouse running around in McDonalds...not rats like in taipei...but still gross...

Later I went to a downtown malllto check some Paulaner beer...

And saw another mouse near the train station...2 in 1 day...peronal record...

Passing by the Europaturm...not sure how to get up on it...but i guess the view should be awesome from there...
Does taiwans banking system suck?
I have a bank account at E-sun bank in taiwan...

But Taiwanese bankcards does not work as European bankcards, that you can use the all around the world...In taiwan one needs to apply for some special features for your card...
Thus, now im stuck outside taiwan without to be able to use my bank card...haha, nothing can ever be 100%...
Running in frankfurt...
I went to the airport this morning...

And saw a fjällräven bag...

And that McDonalds need to empty their donation box...

Omg...not easy to get rid of coins there...

Many customers at McDonalds...business is doing good...

I prepared my route by looking at google map the day before...and think my start was near terminal 2...

This was my google map image I was using as a preference...

And here I found the same housel..not I know what north it...

Running an hour in the forrest is tricky...I didnt have any directions...

But I think this is north...

Ye, later in city, I could see some mountains and skyscrapers, which made me find my way...

Omg, koreans, also christian in Germany...
After some hour more I came back home...it was fun...frankfurt isnt really that big...
Saturdays events...
I tried to find the all you can eat sushi yesterday...

Many options in frankfurt...

A 1 day ticket is twince the price as 1 single ticket...price worthy...

I passed by the red light district, many drug dealers here...I saw many people taking injections...welcome to germany...

Ah, this is the one I passed by last week...

Conveyor belt...

They had all you can eat...but maximum 80 plates...and on eneeds to finish the rice...

They had different price classes as some preference...but the 2 most expensive ones were just for dinner time...

They also had a menu...to clearify what it was...

I had 20 plates...It was ok...

Omg, "walking signs" has a skirt...a woman, thats impressive...

Later I went to this bar in the old town...

Many people out...

And an apfelwien, since im in frankfurt...

I also tried to use my taiwanese bank card...(never 100%)...even if i have a maestro card, I cannot use it aborad...so annoying...

Even if the ATM has the sign...

I ended the day with more apfelwine...and some beer...
Friday in september
Some nice windmill....the recent way to make windmills, this way is more rebust way...

No gear box, maybe time to invest in this and solar cells...

I will start to make my own prototype as soon as I get home...

Later in the evening I treid a new pizzeria...

They were honest with that products they were using...

For which pizza...

I also had one of my favotire beers...

With my hawaii as usual...

Later I made an effort in trying another beer...pilsner...more bitter then weisbeer...but still important to try, so i know what not to buy...
Days goes on in Germany
I know that germany has alot of wine...

I saw some grapes on the street yesterday...so nice...but probably full of chemicals from fumes...

I had some non-alcoholic beer at work...this products are rare in taiwan...

And i finally tried the restaurant near my hotel...

I had some apfelwein...in a traditional glas...

Halloween is approaching...

And a big burger...the bread was a little dry, but the sauce was super nice...

Later on I tried a Paulander dunkel...it was pretty sweet but ok...

Today I went on autobahn...

A short visit to Köln...

Omg so cheap coke...

And cheap red bull...

Just in australia last year, coke is having a name-om-label promotion...

My fathers name....

A final pic on the church in köln...i heard it was famous...

Omg, the beer that looks like "le blé d´or" in taipei has 6-pack...so nice...

I went to a kebab place, it said it will be open until 23 but closed at 21...so disapointing...

I boght pizza at this place instead...

The restaurant near my hotel is pretty nice....

A nice hawaii pizza...

I also tried the super cheap 2 euroe wine..ti was ok...
helping my friend with his book
My friend is writing a book about traveling in europe...
And im helping him with the scandinavian part...mostly sweden...today i used google map to figure out the distance from a tourist spot to the bus station, my friend is a professor on logitical issues and IT-related logistics...
It was a sunny day...partly...
Time for some apfelwein...
Omg, so cheap wine...1.99 euro...almost like water on bottle back home...
And beer too...but strange that non alcoholic beer has the same price as with alcohol....
They even have swedish knäckebröd in the local supermarket...soo interesting...

Sunny sunday
Its a sunny sunday....

And i have apfelwine...
time to hit the road with my new bicycle...

It was sunny in the afternoon...my bikes wheel are pretty big, thus for more friction than my taiwanese giant bike...but just as when i did my training for vätternrundan 2004, I practice on a heavy bike, for perform better on the light one...

After some hour in downtown, I headed back again on the german country road...heading north...sweden is some other 1000km ahead...but i wont go that far...

Prepared some course material in the end of the day...while enjoying more apfelwine..."learning is a never ending feast of life"
Rainy saturday
It is raining every now and then here...

I went for a run downtown...after 14km i got a message...my sister won the swedish championship in rowing...
Maybe I should start a career as an elite athlete...i use to be faster than her when running...

My goal was the local market downtown, i heard that they had cheap bikes there...

Interesting hand brake...

And golfclubs

After some checking around, I decided to buy this bike...for 30 euro...

I had a feeling that all bikes here were stolen...

It was near the bridge with all the lockers, which I visited yesterday...

Some sightseeing ferry...i must try that one some day...

Ah, A fjällräven bag...even here in germany...

I met up with my old classmate Marika...i but my bike at her place...

They had, in the stairway, an ashtray...

We headed to a high building in the city...

Nice view...but i was told that the buildings at the finance street has even better view...

Marika, the guide of the day...and ronny...

There somewhere is the highest view point...

They will have election here in some week...so many political parties were talking at the local square...

We went to a bar, it has been raining recently, so the air was chilly...but they have heaters at many places...

My friend recommended my to try this beer, its made in Frankfurt I was told...it was ok...tasted pretty the same as other draft beers...

My friends had äafelwein...I will try that next time...(the glass had diamond patterns on it, i was told that that was common for thie areas glasses)...

They waitor had a nice device for payment...

Marika lived in the very city center...that was nice...now I will cycle back on my new bike...

Later I found a "le blé d´or" look-a-like in the german super market....

I also tried this beer...some semi-bitter kind with swing-cap bottle...
Friday the 13th...
Tickets in Germany are expensive...not as expensive as in sweden, but still...
Further text will be added later

4.25 euro for a single ticket downtown...

A nice tower in central frankfurt...

And some asian market...3000 chinese ppl and 200 taiwanese...in the city...

Some museum is being built...they made hole in the fense for people to obeserve...

I also passed a bridge where people hanged lockers...

This is the "famous" river of frankfurt downtown...

more lockers...

Some famous finance street of frankfurt...

And som wierd spelling of "frankfurt"...

And by some reason, date stamps were added on the pics below...
This is a "famous" monument of frankfurt...i was told...

Some "red light district" in frankfurt...

And alot of kebab places...I like it!

And sushi all u can eat...wonderful...

More red light...

And some concert...or "mini beer fest"...

Omg starbucks coffee...

Alof of beer and other local specialities...

This is the "old quare"...looks alot like holland...

Many languages in the biggest church downtown...so professional...

And candels...just like home...

some guy was having a speech...

In the chuch they had fake bricks...painted...

Paulaner bar...that is nice...

They seem to have oktoberfest at many places in germany...

I like the diversity of beer here...

Omg, so many Paulaner...I need to try all of them...

Ending up buy juice and chocolate milk, before runing back to my hotel...
A friday in frankfurt
The second friday in frankfurt...

Omg, Atlas Copco...I think owe a part of that company...

European lunch...

I had to buy ticketsinthe machine...4.2 euro to head downtown...not taiwanese prices...

They also had a cigarette vending machine...there...

I actually made a profit on this trip, a lady changde 10 euro on coins for a 20euro bill...

And on the way to down town i tried to read the brochure I took at Lins family garden in Taipei some month ago...

While downtown, it looked just like a normal european city...people performing...

And selling balloons...

And 2 H&M on the same street...must be popular here...

I headed to the movie...

There I had a dinner, some special appel cider...tasted like vinegar...

And 2 frankfurter dishes...(4 hotdogs)...

And I also played some chess...it was fun...

Omg, a big guy in fron of me in the cinema...

I moved...and watched an italian movie with german subtitles...luckily they also spoke english once in a while...the movies name was "the future" or "il futuro" in itallian...

The train goes until midnight everyday...

And one can bring the bike on the train...so nice...

Omg...ikea...I havnt been to ikea here yet...
A wednesday in september...
In the most non-european city in Europe...

...I found a ladybird in the room...not sure when I saw one last time...havnt seen that many in Taiwan anyway...

It was raining today, every now and then...but the sun was eventually showing up...

Relying on the french paradox, I took a glas of wine, before I went out for a run...
Cheap wine in das faterland
The prices of the wine here is the same as in Taiwan...

Pretty cheap...and contains Resveratrol, which is good for the body...

I later had a chat with my friend Harry from india, he helped me to setup a server...

Later in the night, I bought a wine for 3.9 euro, or something...pretty cheap...it was "cabbe" from Chile...

I also mingled with my neighbours from the east of germany, they will on friday go to the airport to watch airplanes etc...it reminded me of kaohsiung people (taiwan) who also have the airport as a tourist attraction...
Monday in the german state Hesse...
Im living on alof of carbs for the moment...

Compare to asia...bread is far more integrated in this society...

Anyother attempt to catch the skyline...not easy...it was even raining...

I continued my carb diet later on...Unfortunetely I bough 2 beers of 1 kind...and it happened to be the most bitter one...but its ok...now I know what not to buy next time...
Study on a sunday
I have some courses Im taking this semester...

As usual in the beginning or the semester, its a lot of things that needs to be arranged. One course im taking is about social structures...its very interesting...

I also managed to make an interesting song, the only thing I miss is the vocals...and some nice speed up in the end, to classify it as a house song...

I also found a Mövenpick hotel...reminds me of my hotel visit in Trollhättan, Sweden, where I was offered ice cream at the breakfast buffet......

I was told (according to an add) that this site offers cheap fligths...

Not sure why, but most supermarkets here are not open on sundays...so inconvenient...

I went to a gas station, the convenient store of Europe...they are open everyday...

Omg, a 1 liter redbull...or o5. liter...so interesting...

I ended up buying a Frankfurter sausae and my favorite Paulaner Weissbeer...(Frankfurter - Check!)

I found Beck on TV later that evening...intersting...everything in german...
A run to frankfurt downtown..
I started they day with some class...im taking about educational system and philosophy...

Some "credit card" discussion on an online leccure...

I used google map to find my way...not sure if this was the road I was recommended...

Ong, my firts Bier garten spot...

Later I headed to this TV tower...its pretty famous, and takes a big part of the skyline...

Omg...this was interesting...someone has been to holland...

Second Biergarten...

Ipassed by a kebab place...havnt had kebab since last year...(except my kebab pizza that I sneaked in to taiwan, and ate at the chalmers office in end of february)...

I didnt have any map...and ran pretty free. using the skyline as a way to fine my way back...I think this tram is heading north...

There are many rabbits running around the parks here...just as in ireland, when I was there...

Nice kebab...the sauce was no as in sweden...but it was still good...

Another biergarten...not like taiwanese culture...

This might have been the place where I was trying to find some day ago...when it was dark...(the couch surfer event)...

...or this place...

I later on bought a beer...beeing on the run for 4 hours, beer is important, both wated and carbs in one...and gives great recovery...

Ah, i found the same place I went to some day ago...then its not far back...

They had some concert at a nearby park...

I spot my first Lederhosen...check!...

I dont eat as much fruit in europe as in taiwan...(except wild fruit in the summer time in sweden)...thus its nice with fruit cordial...

Afterwards I checked where I went, and could conclude that I pretty much ran according to plan, atleast towards downtown...before I decided to go bananas and head for the TV tower...
Swedish episodes on Tv...
Dubbed in german...

Pippi långstocking....

And "Michel aus Lönneberga"...omg, such a classic..."Ich heise Michel"..."ich wohne nach Lönneberga"
First friday in september
I started to eat more breakfast...its more healthy than I expected, according to research...

Food here is more "heavy" than asia...alot of cheese, meat, egg...it taste more...

I also got a video call from my sister...not sure what her message was...

But later I had time to figure out...she is focusing more on her sport now than before...it seems fun...

Germany has many convertables...maybe its a high status thing here...

A tractor and caravan...so interesting...

German elevators...1000kg or 13 people...77kg per person...

I ended with a full carb dinner...recommendation from an israel doctor...

And a late night run...as usual...its hard to get a nice night skyline pic of the city...
First thursday in september
Its nice with not super hot and humid weather...

So that I can wear a blazer like back home...

I need to adapt to local culture...so I take some beer for lunch...not to strong...

It followed the Reinheitsgebot...pure beer...'

On a small street a long queue is created due to construction work...but still frech air, since there are no polluting scooters...

The housese here looks like in southern sweden...so nice...

I was heading out for a try, try to catch a couch surfer event in downtown...no map, 14km in 20 mins...i wont make it...

But I had my idea about where to run...so I went downtown...for 1 hour...not that runner friendly...

I ended up buying some juice in a gas station...

And some eggs at the supermarket...

Omg, a new "southern sweden"-house...so nice...

Later I had a beer...I have some left from yesterdays "beer frenzy"...

I accidentally bought two of this...so I better finish on of them...it was a little bitter though...
In das faterland
Just as my friend...

I took a picture of a person carrying a Fjällräven bag...

Omg, a reward of 100000euro for this guy...just like in new zealand...

In das faterland...less than 1000km from home...

I also had a quick talk with my brother...the dentist...

A typical non european skyline...

Asian food, made by a vietnamese...

I also managed to pbserved a fixed gear bike...so professional...

A typical sign in taiwan...but in europe, only 1 country has thiese plates letter...

I passed by the local supermarket...

Omg, so many beers...and so cheap...

I also find a kebab place...i need to try!

A swede in germany...only ends up in one way...

This one was good...but I steill think Paulaner is better...its sweeter in some sense...(not mentioning taiwanese weissbeer)...

This one was not special...very dry apple character...but the name Europacup was interesting...makes me think of Euro football championship...

I ended up with this one...a sparkling wine...it was ok...but I did not think of das faterland when i drank it...
Tuesday in september...
My friend bought a nice passion fruit juice for me today...so nice...

Many people wants to open en tea bar in taiwan, since the profit margin is pretty high...

Another friend had a birthday...so I got some toufu in sweet water...a taiwanese classical dish...

Omg, zhonghe, taipei...its good to say goodbye, then you learn to appreciate what really matters...

Taiwan is getting a little colder nowadays...it was christmas feeling when I went by bus today...maybe also due to the AC...

I am delivering some things for a company at the airport...my luggage seemed to pass by smoothly...

My standard outfit when flying in asia...a tie...no local questioninze..they thing that u are a rich business man, aand that seems to be higer then many things here...

A quick visit to the local burger king was also paid...i noticed that they rebuilt the dining hall...

Omg, dark company...

It will take a while before I will see this sign agin...the "hole in the ground" toilet...

They have an aboriginal arts waiting lounge...pretty cool...

I also use my skyteam memebership...in the era of point collecting...one has to use the benefits that is offered...
...2013 continues...
First monday of september...
I visited a new burgerbar south of taipei today...

It was near my old classmate emersons nouse...

It was partly american influenced...

Many beers...mostly from belgium...

The menu was all in chinese...

With a golden pen...that was cool...

And paintings from london...

And many games...for visitors to play with...

Free refil of soda...I mixed sprite and fanta...

Omg, so slow service...

Finally I got my 3 patty burger...

Later I went to my neighbour to try out some local beer...

It was nice...we drang onhis car...

We later on went to a nearby family mart...

Drank beer and talked...and he had some business to take care of...

I had the lime flavoured taiwan beer...

Omg, a buy on a military bike passeby by, so cool...

LAter I received a package from a friend in south of taiwan...

It contained moon cakes...so sweet!
Coffee and buns for breakfast
I had some buns from yesterdays swedish event left...

So todays breakfast was a cinnamon bun...

And a saffron bun (lussekatt)...with coffee...pretty nice...
Enspyre intern graduation party...
I joined a graduation party for for an internship program at a swedish company in taipei today...it was fun, I made swedish meatballs...

IT was held at my friend Elias place...in taipei...

They prepared the ingredients earlier this morning...

Starting with cinnamon buns...

Nice appartment...very international...

I brought M&M´s, with chocolate and peanut butter inside...not available in taiwan...

Elias as showing how to do it...

And the interns made them...

Very professional...

He as using "vår kokbok", I used it when I was a kid...its famous in sweden...

I saw that elias had wine, maybe he, justlike me tkaes a glass once in a while...

Susanne was also there...taking pics for their homepage...

Cinnamon and raisin buns are elias speciality...

Then they rolled them...

I brought swedish vodka...that we drank while making the buns...

Someone thought that everone has to try...

It was my shot glasses I got from some swedish match event here in taipei...

More buns in progress...

Nice one...

He has 2 owens, so that we could speed it all up...

Susanne made giftas a dessert I never tried before from the middle of sweden...

Full activity in the kitchen...

Many buns were made...

Now for kladdkaka, or swedish brownie...

More preparations...

It was made from scratch...

We also got to see Elias sisters book about cooking dishes that old ladies use to cook, she is a swedish celebrity, and use to host swedish TV programs...

She had 2 books...

Kladdkaka, was ready to be put in the owen...

I was in charge of the saffron buns...

And susanne made a video about how to prepare the dessert...

Then it was time for meatballs...

Mix by hand...

And frie...


And some brown sauce...

So, finally done with everything...nice...

Starting the eating...

The Giftas dessert was very good...i even got to take some home...

I also got introduces to honghua...some taiwanese flower that makes you not pregnant...i didnt undertand how it worked totally...


It was fun...many people joined up for the eating...

I made some lingon berry lemonade...

Bruce was there...heused to study in lund in southern sweden...

Many pics were taken...

They tried to take pics of everything...
Like japanese people...so interesting...
Doing some house samples on a sunday morgning
I was doing some house samples this morning...

But it mostly sounded like Dubstep...
I also saw that Tiesto and Guetta met again...

With some funny comment, making fun of Justin Beiber...