A friday in frankfurt
The second friday in frankfurt...

Omg, Atlas Copco...I think owe a part of that company...

European lunch...

I had to buy ticketsinthe machine...4.2 euro to head downtown...not taiwanese prices...

They also had a cigarette vending machine...there...

I actually made a profit on this trip, a lady changde 10 euro on coins for a 20euro bill...

And on the way to down town i tried to read the brochure I took at Lins family garden in Taipei some month ago...

While downtown, it looked just like a normal european city...people performing...

And selling balloons...

And 2 H&M on the same street...must be popular here...

I headed to the movie...

There I had a dinner, some special appel cider...tasted like vinegar...

And 2 frankfurter dishes...(4 hotdogs)...

And I also played some chess...it was fun...

Omg, a big guy in fron of me in the cinema...

I moved...and watched an italian movie with german subtitles...luckily they also spoke english once in a while...the movies name was "the future" or "il futuro" in itallian...

The train goes until midnight everyday...

And one can bring the bike on the train...so nice...

Omg...ikea...I havnt been to ikea here yet...