Rainy saturday
It is raining every now and then here...

I went for a run downtown...after 14km i got a message...my sister won the swedish championship in rowing...
Maybe I should start a career as an elite athlete...i use to be faster than her when running...

My goal was the local market downtown, i heard that they had cheap bikes there...

Interesting hand brake...

And golfclubs

After some checking around, I decided to buy this bike...for 30 euro...

I had a feeling that all bikes here were stolen...

It was near the bridge with all the lockers, which I visited yesterday...

Some sightseeing ferry...i must try that one some day...

Ah, A fjällräven bag...even here in germany...

I met up with my old classmate Marika...i but my bike at her place...

They had, in the stairway, an ashtray...

We headed to a high building in the city...

Nice view...but i was told that the buildings at the finance street has even better view...

Marika, the guide of the day...and ronny...

There somewhere is the highest view point...

They will have election here in some week...so many political parties were talking at the local square...

We went to a bar, it has been raining recently, so the air was chilly...but they have heaters at many places...

My friend recommended my to try this beer, its made in Frankfurt I was told...it was ok...tasted pretty the same as other draft beers...

My friends had äafelwein...I will try that next time...(the glass had diamond patterns on it, i was told that that was common for thie areas glasses)...

They waitor had a nice device for payment...

Marika lived in the very city center...that was nice...now I will cycle back on my new bike...

Later I found a "le blé d´or" look-a-like in the german super market....

I also tried this beer...some semi-bitter kind with swing-cap bottle...
Postat av: cc
es ist mein Handy :p