A quick hike at the 4 beasts
I went for a short hike recently...

...passing by many small parks...with other trail entrances...

...some urban bee farm...

...and military cementary..

...up on the hill...

...the trail started at this campus...

...not sure how long the hike is...

...it is a part of the "taipei grand trail"...

...up up up...many stairs..

...and some urban farmning...

...once in a while there was some distance sign..

...and some temples...

...and KTV...in the middle of nowhere...

...another temple...

...nice view...

..another trail met up with this one...

...first sign of 101...

...some guy walked barefoot...

...getting closer to 101...

...I had eggs, functional yoghurt and soyean milk with me...

...every now and then I stopped at some outdoor gym...


...getting closer to taipei city...

...flatter path once up on the tops...

..."the 4 beasts"...

...and some dogs chilling around...

...and some round container...

...roughly 16-18 degrees up here...

...and many people taking photos...

...more temples...

and a candle in a temple...

and some statues...

...surrounding a bigger one...

more photoe taking...

...classic photo place...

...more and more people joining up the closer to 101 one gets...

...almost at trail exit...

...trail exit...

...after some mrt stops I finally saw the new yellow line...at JingAn..

...heading to a myanmar street...

...I love this street...reminds me of the himalayas a little bit..

...more curry dishes..

...and halal dishes...

...some myanmar food?
like when I was there back in the days:

...some myanmar drink...

...sweet sign...

...and some pagoda gratiffi...

...later on a visist to taipei city mall was done...

...a lot of pasteries...

...food from all over the world...

...including denmark and sweden

...and some oatly milk...

...next stop was some hongkong dessert place...recommended in the Michelin guide...

...they had plenty of dishes...from beans, nuts and sesame...

...some black sesame....with almond milk...and some taro with tappioca....it was good...
2022 continues...
A day in taipei
...prepared to meet William in taipei city...

...wearing my beer sox...

...omg...the iron man coloured car...

...we found a spot in ximen where we could eat the snax during the unclear restrictions...(meaning that you dont need you mask if you eat...but where to eat?...some people dont wear mask when smoking...etc etc...
...we ended up also buying a beer at the gay street...at a bar that opened pretty early...

...ximen ding...

...we tried to find other bars...but most places were closed at this point of time...

...omg...medals for sale...

...I also bought some whisky candy...

...and gave william some swedish whisky...

...it was ok...

...ater we passed by the graffiti area of taipei (in ximen)...


...and some skater park..

...next stop: Texas roadhouse...

...free refill of bread and sweet butter...

...and peanuts...

..I ordered more bread and butter...

...and more peanuts...

...and tried some new beer...(some I treid before...all seemed to be made in taiwan)...

...and my firest predish arrived (some salad)...

...I also tried some chili meat dish...

...and my beef fillet...(rather expenisve as usual...but still with a lot of side dishes)...

...very rare...

...I managed to finish most of the butter...

...later on we went for some geocaching..

...and inspecting some whisky stores...(Aultmore; Williams favorite)...

...and Octomore...some of my swedish friends favorite...

...omg...some swedish whisky (I can recall that Mackmyra are trying to expand in Taiwan)...

...later we planned first to go to yonghes Yiland beer bar...but spontaneously changed to the water front plaza at riverside...

...they had some event...with many local punkers...

...I had a frensh beer here...

...it is simialr atmosphere here compare to Ximen..but slightly more aggressive...

...William ended up ordering an applie juis after walking roughtly 20k steps since the steak house...
2022 continues...
Sunnier friday in Taipei
A rainy week...had some sunny spots...temperature like a swedish june day..

...still stuck locally due to some semi quarantine rules...

...lets see what the weekend will give...

...later a quick visit to Hooters was paid...

....I had some japanese beer and cheese platter....(a small one)...

...and a competition...with hule hoops...
Self quarantine days continue
I went to some south asian restaurant recently...
(its territory is not really defined if you ask me):

...this place was in nangang... (Taiwan, Taipei City, Nangang District, Jingmao 2 Road, 中國信託金融園區PappaRich金爸爸-南港中信店)

...omg...they also had kebab..

...and some red bean drink...

...first dish...

...more dishes were added peu en peu...

...and some "cocnut milk tea"..which does not neccessarily have any coconut flavour...

...I also steped on some lose tiles...as usual...

...next stop was a coffee shop...(11564台北市南港區研究院路二段7-8號)...

...that seemed to be pretty popular...

...they had a lot of products...

...and beans from many places...

...and a lot of books...

...I think these coffee stores has become more and more popular in taipei..

...also some food for animals...

...and some christmas decoration reminding me of a swedish "julbock"


...a coffee and cinnamon donut...

...and a random cat...

...the entrance also had a guitarr attached to anounce when the door was opened...
Some other day in Taiwan (semi restriction week)
It is raining a lot in Taipei...more than it use to some years ago...

...some kids whos job is to hold up a bar...protecting kids from the traffic...

...many puddles everywhere...the roads are made totally flat...I wonder why they dont slope them slightly...

...passed by a mall..with some under water decoration....

...some treasure...

...and a visit to Le ble d'or...

...they have many products nowadays...

...I had some tasters...

...I tried them all before..except the coffee flavoured one...(to the very right)...

...some soup...

...some ice cream with popcorn..

...french fries...

...and some fish..i like the dip here...

...and some risotto...

...later on I paid a quick visit to ikea...figuring out what they have...(the nanjing fuxing store)...they rebuilt their store...and product wise nothing new...I guess the bigger stores has more products...

...and a Starbucks visit was paid... I ordered a "coffee and milk"....

...omg...a "bastu" promotion...reminded me of a documentary about a finish guy in tianmu (northern taipei) who built a sauna...I saw it like 8 years ago in on swedish TV...

...I also went all in on cinnamon...(my "coffee and milk" ended up in 2 cups...1 cup of coffee and 1 cup of milk"...

...and later on for some snacks...which ended up being my dinner...
2022 keeps continue...
A rainy day in taipei
I am still under some restrictions in Taipei...

...had a lunch here..."take away"...

...and added some extra meet from a local family mart...

...and some classic functional yoghurt..and a local beer...

...and some peanuts with dried fish as dessert...
First day in freedom
...I am free to move outside now..but still plenty of restrictions...

...I get 4 sms in the morning...followed by a phone call to ask how I feel...I have to type "1" back If I feel "normal"...

...I went for a trip...on road number 2...checking keelung island...

...some waterfall..

...2 waterfalls...

...the nothest point of taiwan...

...a place where I ran my Buddha palms 100k marathon...

...and visited an artist...

...with some sea view...

...and some traditional sun symbols...

...more art...

...I also passed by an old Alpaca café...
as well as Franks Texas BBQ...

...and the starting poing of the Buddhas Palm Marathon...

...but ended up in taipei city for a quick dinner..

...and some dumplings...

...and checking which beers I have not had yet...
quotes of the day:
Heard in a program: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txanaN2tsuM):

Quote one...focus on how everyones well being...

...pure medition has no direction...

...what is true in this bias lite...
2022 continues...
Quarantine day 14 (last day)
...I got a message this morning, where it seems like this is my last day in quarantine...yippi...just need to stay until midnight...

I had some nice lunch...with curry...

...I also had to go for a PCR test in the morning...

A bus arrived...I had to show some "ARC"...or other ID documents (I showe a printed paper)...and after that I entered a bus for a PCR test...and then up to my room...

...the last supper...since it turned out that I can check out tonight I will finish some school stuff and then clean the room...
I am not sure if I am craving for dopamine...but I want to buy a beer I never tried before..."just for fun"...

After midnight I was allowed to leave the room (but then I couldnt return)...so I packed all my stuff...
...it was a little unclear what I could bring...some said all the paper and plastic "one time use" stuff...others said I can take the towels as well...(they will throw away all "1 time use" stuff, even those I nver opened due the the quarantine hotel rules...(I was told)...

...some blur pic of the entrance...a lot of plastic...to protect stuff...

...I saved my compost...since I couldnt find any compost in the hotel...

...first free pic outside...(in the rain)...it has been rainy for quite some time now..

...some randon stuff in the hotel...looks like this things you throw on the ground in the hotel...to forsee your future...

...later on a taxi...

...inspecting nice cactus on the streets...

...and entering a 7-11...

...I randomly took a pic...while walking in...and for the first time in my life...the staff told me that I am not allowed to take any pictures inside 7-11...strange...they should check this blog, pther peoples blogs and my youtube...they should share more information about the camera ban..

...I also throw away some compost...

...and tried to recyle some stuff...however it seems like all recycle options are removed..I was told it was moved to some central area...

...it is rather swedish temperature in taiwan right now..but more humid...(and no radiators inside)...(might differ 5 degrees as of today)...
Quarantine day 13
...last weekend...

...some eat omelette wrap for breakfast...

...some chopped pork for lunch...

...some chopped meat for dinner...

...later on I got a text message...21st of feb 11.00 I can leave...for another week of self quarantine...

..."after death"...seems that someone has been using google translate..or something...

...I ended by doing some 25k steps...
Reflection about studying technique
I recently read some study about "studying technique"...

Investigating many other studies they found our that "practice testing" and "distributed practice" seems to have the higest utility...it reminded me of the work I did at chalmers back in the days, showing that using old exams to pracitce seems to end up in best scores...however, also what this test shows, is that one remember more after the course...

...it should be beneficial for every "learning organisation" to apply this more then I guess...

...also distributed practice...reminds me a littlebit about how the swedish defence works..."gör om gör rätt"...mixing theory and testing...

...also to practice at several occasion seems to be good...which is often not what I do...since I claim that the time invested is for me less efficient...

...a.k.a "spacing effects" and "lag effects"...

I also recognise that many organisations lack in adapting to that difference employees have different background information...there is a need for management to improve in this matter...

...(swedish slide)...explaning that many times there are not only issues to identify the problem but also to represent the problem...since the decision maker has their fixed idea on how things should be sloved..."the problem is never solved better than the solution that the decision maker decides"...might sound trivial...

(ending up with sharing an adapted figure from a book in pedagogik psychology...about the problem solving process in many matters...
Quarantine day 12
Today is friday...2-3 days left...then another week of "self quarantine" waits...it is interesting...
Meanwhile Taiwan considers to be more smooth in their restrictions soon...lets see...

Todays breakfast is the same you get in China airlines if you ask for a "eastern breakfast"...some rice dish...(pretty traditional I guess)...

...and the lunch...

...and the dinner...
Quarantine day 11
...closer and closer to last weekend in the quarantine...
I mainly had tiramisu for breakfast today..

...I must try to make my own some time...it was pretty good

...solid and juicy...

...Mr KJ likes to analyse tiramisu back in gothenburg...I was pretty picky when jugding this one...

...I got it ysterday and left it in the fridge during the night...it might have affected the total experisnce...

...the lunch today was pretty good...

...I also recyle my trash every day...but when giving it to the hotel staff I am not sure they recycle it...since there is ony 1 bin outside the room (even if they asked me to recycle the trash)...I have my own compost collection, which I will throw away myself when Im out from the quarantine...

I planned for 10k per day...just ended up longer...
Quarantine day 10
...not much new happens in room 308 in Guide hotel...except that I try to delay my first meal a little, so that my eating and sleeping phase will match better...

...breakfast was some sandwich...I mainly ate the meat and sallad...

...I later had some night market food ans slimey stuff...it was good..

...since it is wednesday I had to do another covid19 test (using the third of the 4 test kit I got from the airport)...still negative...

...later some taiwanese dinner...

...and ended with finishing some 25k steps...
2022 continues...
Quarantine day 9
Im living in multiple timezones...
Foodwise I eat (Taiwan time):
- 08.30:ish
- 12.00
- 18.00
I also get a phone call around 11.08 from some Authority to type in a "1" on my phone if I "feel normal"
My windowis are blocked form sunlight...and I open it shortly once or twice per day...some mosquitos are waiting to enter... I usually go to bed aroun 20.00 swedish time...which currently is 03.00 Taiwan time...
In recent days I wake up around 07-08 Taiwan time...meaning that I have continious sleep of 4 hours (I also take a nap after lunch)...
I guess that once I am out of the room I will adapt to Taiwan daytime...

...i got some Baozi for breakfast...(steambuns)...

...look, sunlight! It has been raining in recent days...

...still smells like jingan/zhonghe here...(where I use to live before)...

...todays lunch...

...we were also offered some fruit...inbetween the meals...

...for dinner I had fried dumplings and some kind of corn soup(?)...

The day ended by me getting a message that I walked 100km since I downloaded my app last week...
Quarantine day 8
My first day was "offically" the 7th (even if I arrived the 6th)...thus the quarantine is over at the end of the 21st (meaning the 22nd)...

Starting with some random breakfast...

...and reading about mindtraps..

...pumped into some staff when picking up my lunch...

..the dinner was really covered in plastic..

...I later on got some chocolate and bananas and seaweed...

...central and south american chocolate...it was good...

I ended the day with 25k steps again...
Quarantine day 7
...I passed my beer brewing course today...
...I need to exersice more...




...day 7 means covid19-test day...even if it doesnt make any sense...I am stll stuck in this room 1 more week and need to do atleast 3 more tests...next wednesday, next sunday and perhaps next monday and later this month...

...the test was negative...

...also half time...I checked if i consumed stuff in the correct speed...tooth brush...

...schampoo and shower gel...seems ok...(could make take with me else: in these covid times they might throw it away anyway)...

...I ended the day with 25k steps...I start to wonder if I soon can see on the floor...my almost 100k steps...on the 5-10m I am walking on...
Quarantine day 6
...wuhoo...almost 1 week...almost getting into daily routines...
- push-ups
- sit-ups/crunches
- dips
- walking (sometimes knee-touch ground move to compensate for that I have not upphill/downhill
First meal was dumplings and soup:

...later my fanbase gave me:

...coffee for percolating (since the only coffee availbe at hotel was sweet coffee)...

...I made 1 cup directly...

...and then I made a second cup...

...meanwhile my brother in crime heard that it was hard to get alcohol sent to the room (like beer)...so he bought one of my favorite beers and a coffee mug...

...voila...a coffee for Johan...

...5 minutes later...I had my le ble d'or...it was a fun move...

Im trying to take all the classes in my beer brewing course this weekend as well...
...making the beer fit pretty well :)

...I later on had some cinnamon tasting meat...

...concluded that my step counter said I walked a marathon...since 2 days when I got my step counter app...

...but ended the day with 25k steps again...thus I walked Gothenburg-Alingsås in these 2 days...
2022 continues...
Quarantine day 5
First week almost done...I feel I got into the routines of work, study and exersice...

I also throw away the first badge of trash...i sorted plastice and paper...but not sure the cleaning lady took care of it...

...some lunch...

...fan base delivery...

...yummy...95% cocoa chocolate...


...fresh blueberries..

...I ended up walking 20k steps after a while...

I am also taking a course in beer brewing...and read that many scientific fields developed due to beer brewing...

...I also found out that tea is consumed more than coffee...

...having a sugar apple later on...

...I also walked more while watching "på spåret"...endung up at 25k steps...half way gothenburg-alingsås (in steps)...
Quarantine day 4
...days pass by...
walking, eating, exersince, working, studying...
...When watching news I try to walk back and forth...however I downloaded fitbit app, hoping for a step counter...but I am not sure if it is that useful app for this...I downloaded another wone called pedometer (last year I had one called pacer which was pretto ok...but very sensitive)...
Long time ago I had a xiaomi watch...but its charging function broke...pretty tricky...

...breakfast day 4...


...we all got popcorn today...

...the staff dont always knock, nor inform when there is something outside...which is tricky...cus we got a paper saying that we are only allowed to open the door once they announce something...(I learned after day 1 the inconsitency and culture of this quarantine)...

...popcorn with caramel flavour....(the other bag contained cheese flavoured popcorn)...

...fan base delivery:hamburger...

...then it was dinner time...

...I also downloaded a new step counter app...and walked 10k steps....(probably i walked 15k intotal that day)...it seems like im eating a lot so I better start burning too...
...I also left the window open for 20 minutes...which might have caused some taiwanese mosquitos to enter the room...so I have to be careful with food storing and water...taiwanese mosquitos have a tendency to bite many times...if im not mistaken...
Perception and projection issues
I am currently taking a course in Pedagogical psychology; and were are currently covering the field of perception

I cant stop to remember that many haters (and many times people in manager positions) often suffer from Perception and Projection issues..and I use to talk with some of them about it...
I think more and more companies should focus on this education to increase awareness...many organisations prefer promoted instead of relocated...which puts the assholes near the top :)
Quarantine day 3
...Wuhoo, I got Mcdonalds breakfast!

...seems like the hotel is varying their supply...

...it was good...however I wish the hotel room had a scale and some body fat measurment tool...so I know if im gaining of losing fat...

....some lunch..

...some fan base donation...

...some dinner...
I still live partly in Swedish time...meaning that I go to bed around 3am (20.00 -21.00 in sweden)...and wake up around 11, (04-05 in sweden)...thus all the meals eaten above was finished within 2-3 hours...this can have a positive effect on losing weight...
Now my diet is:
- higher intake of tea and coffee
- no beer
...adding colder showers to this...I hope it will have a positive impact..
reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GgAoZUYAvY.

...and got a phone call from a guy refuse to speaking english...saying that I left my room...I had to give him my passport number and name...which he repeatedly spelled for me...very interesting...not sure what facts he had to prove it...might have been that the 4G antenna had issues outside..

Later I also did a PCR test...as I was told at the airport to do one the 3rd day...

Waiting for 15 minutes to get the results...but I never har to tell anyone the results...and I still have 11 days to go in here...nor do I have any symtoms...maybe it is just for fun why I do it...
Quarantine day 2
Reading about behaviourism for the moment...

...through time...medals has beed a part of peoples lives...

...I recently studiedthe impact of awards, badges and souvenirs...as availble on geocaching and untappd apps...
...I debating getting a step counter app again to get some badges there...
Todays breakfast was:

...some sweet bread and peanutmilk...

...I also had some of yesterdays sweet bread delivery...

...todays lunch...

...some meat, and soup and pasta...

...I also got fruit today...some special tuesday treat...

Some in my fan base also gave me some special treat...

...chocolate...chips and seaweed...sweet!

...my goal was to lose weight in this quarantine...lets see what happens...my walking route is explained on this picture...

There are also some info that the quarantine time might be lowered...lets hope that I am included in this...it would suck that I would have been out earlier if i arrived later... :)
Quarantine day 1
I got a phonecall today saying "today is your first day in Quarantine". 21st is your last.
Too bad... I hoped that yesterday was my first..since thats the day I started...anyway
Reading: 12 rules for life
studying: pedaggoy and psychology
working; as usual
- Steps: 6000-10000 a day?
- Pushups: 1000 a day?
- Dips: 100 a day?
- Situps/Crunches: 10-20 minutes a day?
It is 10 in the morning local time...breakfast time is suppose to be 08.30-09.00 but stlll no notification about breakfast....it turned out that they forgot to tell me....however, this might be a great opportunity to lose weight :)
Also I am not there is an announcement that I am not suppose to open the door unless they announce.....so the system here is a little frustrating...

I got my lunch later on..it was pretty good...

...and got shiped some fika from my fan club...I try not to eat too much sugar while in quarantine...since I fear I will gain a lot of weight...but lets see...

...I also got some coffee...it was nice...

And some dinner after 18...last supper of today...
A trip east (entering Taiwan during the Corona pandemic era)
I made a trip east recently...

...saying bai for some time to where i sleep in nights...

...passing skår in gothenburg...

...and 7-11 at landvetter airport...

...many people heading to many places...

...last swedish sunset for a while...

...turkish airlines...

...I tried to see aurora...since its extra easy to spot...(however my seat was aiming ot the south mainly...but I did glance to north once in a while)...

...I had both beer and wine on the flight...

...turkish wine...

...turkish beer...

...some guy in front of me removed his facemask many times...many people saw the face mask as a decoration...so funny...especially since he kept sneazing...

...a leif mannerström look a like who also removed his mask a little...

...and a quick stop in Istanbul airport...with some complicated way to get wifi...and it was pretty slow...(but atleast for free (for 1 hour))...

...I had to be near some areas...or where there were barely any people to use it...

...I also passed by some interesting exhibition about the Ottoman empire...

...I also checked the johnnie walker...

...next flight..

...arrived to taipei...where everyone was tested for covied19 (PCT-test)...we all had to wait in some hall before the tests were done....

...we all got our names called out...

...these people in some super cover were treating us as if we were carrying some deadly virus or something...

...I was number 36...

...sometime they called number out..and that person became nervous...

...some local QnA...

...the white people were checking some things..mostly about hotel arrangements..

..finally, after the people who did not test clearly negative were called out..we go the chance to continue...(3 people were asked to redo their test)..

...we had to buy SIM card if we didnt already have..(some there is a cell phone based reporring system)...it was pretty smooth and structured process...(since taiwan has been closed for quite some time...the staff were pretty skilled)...

....I was carrying many documents...I also had to re-register my new phone number...
...no tourists are allowed into taiwan during the corona times...luckily I got my golden card...(ready for pick-up)...

...luggage claim...almost empty...

..some cute dog were sniffing the few people here for drugs...

...out in the arrival hall...also totally empty...

..I was asked to walk to a taxi gathering place...pretty structured...

...covid-taxi...plastic in the front...

...some taiwanese buildings...
Until I arrived to my hotel..where I entered...they checked my passport number...and then I walked by myself to my room...I was actually walking freely on the street for some 20 meters...the gap between taxi and hotel...it smelled like taipei...not sure how to explain but south of Jing-An has the same smell...

...I got room 308...every room has a chair places outside for pickup (i get a line message once things are ready to be picked up (i am not allowed to open my door else))...

...and soap for some days...

...seems like a generic password...

...I also finished all the snax that was included in the hotel room...and some wine i took from the airplane..first day of the qarantine...

...first supper...some seafood soup and rice...

...else it is breakfast 8.30-9.00, lunch 12.00-12.30 and dinner 18.00-18.30...however I am allowed to get take-away (like uber eat)...some friends anounced they might send me something (i hoped for yilan beer, but its tricky if beer is accepted)...

...even the phone was covered in plastic...

...I need to check my temp twice per day...

...as well as doing PCR test 3rd day, 7th day, 10th day and last days...(I got 4 kits)...
(there are some systems "14+0+7", "10+4+7" and "7+7+7" which refers to how many days u live in hotel (1), and self qarantine(2)...and "hanging out nearby ur own area qarantine"(3)...
2022 continues like this for atleast 2 weeks...
Some intense day in Gothenburg
I did a PCR-test today...

...I had negative result....they misspelled my name..but corrected it....

...and saw a very expensive lamp online...(MR KJ showed me)...

...they also had plenty of board games...
2022 continues...
Chinese new year and chinese food
It is Chinese new year..

...I shared a beer with Mr Yu recently...

...and later had some chinese food with him and Mr Ch

...similar to the mongolian BBQ I had as a child...but not that good quality...

...beginning of february...and some snow hits the ground...
2022 continues...