Reflection about studying technique
I recently read some study about "studying technique"...
Investigating many other studies they found our that "practice testing" and "distributed practice" seems to have the higest reminded me of the work I did at chalmers back in the days, showing that using old exams to pracitce seems to end up in best scores...however, also what this test shows, is that one remember more after the course...
![]( should be beneficial for every "learning organisation" to apply this more then I guess...
...also distributed practice...reminds me a littlebit about how the swedish defence works..."gör om gör rätt"...mixing theory and testing...
...also to practice at several occasion seems to be good...which is often not what I do...since I claim that the time invested is for me less efficient...
...a.k.a "spacing effects" and "lag effects"...
I also recognise that many organisations lack in adapting to that difference employees have different background information...there is a need for management to improve in this matter...
...(swedish slide)...explaning that many times there are not only issues to identify the problem but also to represent the problem...since the decision maker has their fixed idea on how things should be sloved..."the problem is never solved better than the solution that the decision maker decides"...might sound trivial...
(ending up with sharing an adapted figure from a book in pedagogik psychology...about the problem solving process in many matters...