Quarantine day 3
...Wuhoo, I got Mcdonalds breakfast!

...seems like the hotel is varying their supply...

...it was good...however I wish the hotel room had a scale and some body fat measurment tool...so I know if im gaining of losing fat...

....some lunch..

...some fan base donation...

...some dinner...
I still live partly in Swedish time...meaning that I go to bed around 3am (20.00 -21.00 in sweden)...and wake up around 11, (04-05 in sweden)...thus all the meals eaten above was finished within 2-3 hours...this can have a positive effect on losing weight...
Now my diet is:
- higher intake of tea and coffee
- no beer
...adding colder showers to this...I hope it will have a positive impact..
reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GgAoZUYAvY.

...and got a phone call from a guy refuse to speaking english...saying that I left my room...I had to give him my passport number and name...which he repeatedly spelled for me...very interesting...not sure what facts he had to prove it...might have been that the 4G antenna had issues outside..

Later I also did a PCR test...as I was told at the airport to do one the 3rd day...

Waiting for 15 minutes to get the results...but I never har to tell anyone the results...and I still have 11 days to go in here...nor do I have any symtoms...maybe it is just for fun why I do it...