Quarantine day 11
...closer and closer to last weekend in the quarantine...
I mainly had tiramisu for breakfast today..

...I must try to make my own some time...it was pretty good

...solid and juicy...

...Mr KJ likes to analyse tiramisu back in gothenburg...I was pretty picky when jugding this one...

...I got it ysterday and left it in the fridge during the night...it might have affected the total experisnce...

...the lunch today was pretty good...

...I also recyle my trash every day...but when giving it to the hotel staff I am not sure they recycle it...since there is ony 1 bin outside the room (even if they asked me to recycle the trash)...I have my own compost collection, which I will throw away myself when Im out from the quarantine...

I planned for 10k per day...just ended up longer...