Quarantine day 9

Im living in multiple timezones...
Foodwise I eat (Taiwan time):
  • 08.30:ish
  • 12.00
  • 18.00
I also get a phone call around 11.08 from some Authority to type in a "1" on my phone if I "feel normal"
My windowis are blocked form sunlight...and I open it shortly once or twice per day...some mosquitos are waiting to enter... I usually go to bed aroun 20.00 swedish time...which currently is 03.00 Taiwan time...
In recent days I wake up around 07-08 Taiwan time...meaning that I have continious sleep of 4 hours (I also take a nap after lunch)...
I guess that once I am out of the room I will adapt to Taiwan daytime...
...i got some Baozi for breakfast...(steambuns)...
...look, sunlight! It has been raining in recent days...
...still smells like jingan/zhonghe here...(where I use to live before)...
...todays lunch...
...we were also offered some fruit...inbetween the meals...
...for dinner I had fried dumplings and some kind of corn soup(?)...
The day ended by me getting a message that I walked 100km since I downloaded my app last week...


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