Mysterious airplane man and midsummer

I flew with Air China recently...
...each airplane has this mysterious man..who is a part o the staff...and only count and film people...walking back and forth in the plane...maybe some security guy...
...I later on made swedish kladdkaka for the midsummer event...
...Mr DL was this pic he didnt find how to put on the seatbelts...

A flight trip westward

I made a flight trip recently...
... I found that the old "Platina label" is now called 10 years...
...I also had a ginger beer that I couldnt find on untappd...
...I also felt cheated by star alliance...since I was allowed to bring double luggage on the way east, but I wasnt allowed to bring the 2 luggages back..even though I have a silver card...strange...
...I also saw a funny donation box...
...and some chocoalte from kinder...same sort that I dupmstered in alingsås...and brought to asia...
...I also found that the striped at the gate was matching the president installation colours...
...they assigned me to sit beside a guy who was sneasing alot without covering his mouth...similar to my tainan friend...she does it with the argument that it is "cute" to not cover the mouth...

Some garden visit in Xiangshan

I visited xiangshan recently...
...Indigenous Taokas area...
...super humid...with some fruit trees...
...I planted some mango...
...and some turmeric...
...and also harvested some other fruits...
...I also found some passion fruit or something...
...and bamboo roots...
I also inspected a watch...
...and heard that in some hospitals in taiwan...visitors still need to make covid tests...
...I also saw some temple people on a random street in hsinchu...m experience is that a lot of maffia and money is connected to the temple insudstry in taiwan...

Taiwanese burger and Indian restaurant

I had a taiwanese burger recently... meat..but egg...sometimes I feel that they mix "burger" with "sandwich"...
...also an indian restaurant was visites...
...this one...
...with some statues outside...
...indian interiors...
...they didnt have the drink I asked I got a masala lassi instead... indian coloures wheel... (irelands flag and indian flag shares colour)... was rather pricy...
...almost 1500ntd...for a lunch...
...the stone wall they pasted on the wall seems to be upsiede down due to the shape of the shad shaddows on the stones...
...I ended with a chai tea...

A fine, Nankan, ximen, jingan, Xinyi, Yuanshan and banqiao visit

I got afine recently...some photos taken on when I did a turnt, but the photographer only sent the car pic when the turning light was not visible...
...this is enough to charge 1200ntd...funny country...(i did have the turning light, but put it after the photo)...
...I also saw this funny advert..."high price to purchase every kinf of 3C products"...I wonder who wanna buy this...
...later I went to nankan from was complicated...I passed by linkou to start with...and got a number for queing to the bus...
...I had to pass by some counters just to get to the bus...
...once in linkou...there was no info about how to get to can traffic be so complicated :D ... I ended up taking a taxi...the driver pressed som suspicous button the the taximeter...
...chilling in nankan-liufu intersection...many memories from here...
...meeting up SHL people...atleast 2 showed up of those who said they will come...
...some local place...
...nice taiwanese food...
...some slimey thing...
...and mixed food...
...the rain stoped...and I saw old bus 952...
...chilling in the bus...on the old route...
...later I passed by ximen..where some famous person attracted many people...
...I also found that honglou was built 1908...
...I also passed by young man bar...but the "bar" was covered...
...I had a milk chocolate...
...and the waiter recommended me a non -alcoholic mojito... 
...I later went to myanmar street for a quick snack...
...I love this street...
...the chief was from myanmar and worked here also as an english teacher... was hot soup was nice... stop: elephant mountain check the start of a hashrun...
...Mr Reuter was there...
...many people showed up...
...many guys run shirtless...
..."showing off" :)
...he is so funny... shoot...
...many old faces...
...I later on went to yuanshan...for some snax... was interesting...
...I got some recommendation...
...Sean was there...he is funny...Alan also showed up...
...I also got some international candies...
...and went to an all you can eat...
...aiming for the fish...
...and other seafood...
...some sushi...but I try to avoid the plain rice...
...clams... 5th plate...
...and dessert (which I also started with)...
...3rd dessert... friends brought a flamer...
...they made their own recipies...they also brought some kaviar sauce...
...more fish...
...and pizza...
...and some teppanyaki...
...more meat...
...some pasta with pesto and brocolli...
...more fruit...
...they also had robots driving around picking up dishes...
...more dessert...
...tiramisu (it was soso)...
...some easter bunny...
...and fiber coke...
2024 continues...

Costco and hello kitty offer at watson

I went to costco recently...
...they had "super extra-large" must be larger than both "extra large" and "super large"...
...I also got some stickers at watson after buying stuff...the staff was kind enough to give me a bonus that I could by a hello kitty thing...nice staff...
...I also met up Mr the same restaurant as som half ear ago...and had the same drink...
...and we also had the same mexican food...
...i also passed by a coffee roasting champion...
...and was once again a victim over bad price marking...the price of the shelf does not match the price on the item...which one should I expect it to be?

A day in nanliao

I ate at a japanese restaurant recently...
...where I saw a nice painting...
...and had some japanese food...
...later on a visti to Nanliao was paid...
...many kites on sale...
...having different shapes...
...and many police inspecting the traffic light...
...some local politicians were there...waiving at everyone...
...they had some dragon boat festival some hours earlier...
...I tried some thai honey lemonade...
...they also had their dog pets in the food truck.. was ok...
...I had a pizza at a nearby place... was made at another place...this was just place to order... took quite some time to get the pizza... was ok...
...this was the original store... is the same street where I went to a pizzeria with cory some 13 years ago...
...this place...pretty nice area...
...I later on went to the fish market...
...they had fish from norway...
...I remember some maffia stories from here...
...shrimps were expensive...
...many fishing boats...
...I also passed by the "most beautiful 17 km of taiwanes coastline" (according to research)...but its forbidden to swim...
...cus locals cant swim, so they take not risks with random people dying...I heard...
...I also saw some nice park...I remember I took my parents here 16 years ago...

Progress in taiwanese equality, Japanese bar hang-out and classic pricing scam

For many years taiwan had safe waiting zone for female only at train station...
...I met some school mates at a japanese restaurant...
...having some scewers...
..and fish...
...and some other stuff...
...more meat...
...and rice...
...and some vegetable ...
...however, it must be hard to know at every single place what gender the victim identiies as... it seems like male and others also can enjoy the safe waiting zone now...hurray!
...also I passed by a classic indian restaurant...
...there are often some dishes that they dont have...
...I had an indian coffee...
...and a traditional dessert...
...they also had water pipes...
...and apparently had some X-mas event...
...I like indian food...
...more dessert...
......I also went to jingan to check for the liquir bottles that I hided back in 2018/2019 from my cousins wedding at lilla bornö...
...but I didnt find them...
...but it was rather dark to see them..but i found other bottles sticked to the ground...I will be back here I guess...
...I also went to Duimian de canting...
...and had a sweet and sour sauce... is rather common in taiwan that the price of the shelf does not match with the real price of the object...more tricky is it if the chinese characers are rare...
...this is one case...but the staff told me that I can take pictures of the shelf price and claim that price at the counter...however...i didnt dare to do so...
...I also sat at carrefour where I use to live for many years and had some non alcoholic beers...
...and passed by a new hamburger bar...
..."hungriest Burger"...
...with some local beer...
...the beer was mainly from Yilan...
...they also had x-mas decoration...
...the burger was ok...
...with french fries... menu in english...
...I also saw a burger restaurant...
...and i also had time for a watsons visit...getting some bonus items if I bought for a special price...however...the store didnt have the bonus items they later told me when i was about to I cancelled the operation...

A visit to Wulai

...I went to a hotel breakfast recently...
...I noticed that my friend who partly come from macao burps out loud and also sneases without covering her mouth...I start to wonder if this is a thing over there :)
...the breakfast has chocolate cereals with milk (last time I was in jiaoxi the staff recommended me to put the cereals in the milktea....since they didnt have any other liquid to eat the cereals with...a funny culture experience...
..I also had fish...
...later on we were heading to Wulai...but instead of taking the direct way on the freeway...the bus triver picked a super small road, costing us probably 30-60 minutes extra of funny...
...the locals didnt react...I got the impression that they didnt know where we were and to were we were heading...thus not questioning wthe road choice :
...super steap cliffs...very interesting...
...they had evacuation shelter near the parking lot...
...and some indigenous pattern on a nearby bridge...
...I passed by some coffee store that is at the entrance of the old street...where I bought beer and coffee last time...
...they also had millet wine...but its not that good in my experience...
...Geisha coffee...the "rare" coffee bean...
...and indigenous items...
...atayal tribe pattern...
...and a lot of fruit...
...I also passed by a restaurant...
...anbd some shrimps...with sweet and sour sauce...
...many people on the street today... the end of the old road is the iron bridge...
...down there they use to have a wild hostspring...but the government closed it...
...more indigenous patterns...
...and some grafitti that is pretty good painting...
...some interesting sign...
...more grafitti...
...later I had a giant sliced ice...
...many hotspring hotels nearby...
...and cool bridge...
...the old street from distance...
...some indigenous house...
...more indigenous patterns...
...road nine passes by of the longest roads in Taiwan...
...I also passed by the Tapas restaurant...which I have been checking out for many years...lets see when I will stop by...

A 5 star hotel in Yilan and a revisit to Turtle island

...I went to Yilan recently...
...and stayed in a 5 star hotel..they said...
...a bucket of roe...for breakfast...
...and raw meat...
...and Shepherds pie...
...and some funny symbols...what does the one second to the right mean?
...and some university in the middle of nowhere...
...with some hippo decorations....
...and a map over the wharf...
...omg...road exotic...
...i jumped in a boat to turle island...the Tais are not that familiar with boats and were super serious and pretended as if it was some kind of war...
...many snakes here......
...and some plants looking like the ones that many swedes have at home...
...I bought some ice cream... was hard to open...
...later we went up the top...401 meters..
the tais first keps screaming how important it was that we stuck to the group (but they probably thought that this was some deadly mission)...but the guide said that we could walk the kids and I went ahead...(since the old people were very slow)... reception...even on the peak...
...some interesting fungus...
...most signs were only in chinese... is an exception..the path to the peak (but looking at google maps...there are plenty of pathes on the island)...
...some blood sucking snail...that the staff killed...
...they did have a museum...
...they claimed that turtle island is the only ative vulcano on taiwan (but I heard that yangminshan also is one)...
...the locals kept screaming that we had to stay close to the guide (even if the guides let people walk freely) was strange that the locals kept thinking that the group was in danger all the time...
...well heading to the boat we were counted so that no one was left behind...
as usuall the force people to bring passports to turtle island..and still no one knows why "dont ask why" is a common answer I get...with is part of the culture I guess...
...some group memders walking freely taking pics etc...
...others walking as if it was a war zone...strictly in line...
,,,it was an interesting experisnce...
...and another project was to get people back in the was interesting...
...there are also dolphins here...sometimes...
...they also had dragon boat activites in jiaoxi...which was my next stop...
...I made some mosquite killing spray...and painted the label...
...I also played 3 in a row, with macao rules...pretty stupid rules which means that 3 in a row counts if u see it from above, independent on layer...I won all the games...since this is a rule that seems made up and impossible to lose from, depending on if you start or not...
...I also made rise dumplings...
...with banana leaves...
...the instructor...
...first fold...
...stuff more and fold...
...and tie it...
...the instructor assisted with the last part...
...i also went to see if they had a gym...and found a lot of lego on the wall...
...and toys kitchen...
2024 continues...

Swedish national day and a night in Yilan

...I was in taipei recently...
...having a sandwich and coffee...
...and later another sandwich... fake...same bin but 2 holes...
...anyway...few people here even have a compost...
...I went to another hashrun that was slippery and muddy...
...I also went out looking for non alcoholic beer...but it was hard..i looked in many stores...
...later I went to 8th attempt to meet the chalmers student....but still fail...
...wait...yes...they had an activity today...they gave away some cakes due to swedish national holiday...I maybe expected more of a show...but its ok...I was told that I was the only one taking the peanut cake... was ok...probably ikea...
...later on I went to some resort...with indigenous interior...
...and some newlys built fake town...trying to make it look old fashion... was many water puddles on the ground...i wonder why they dont tilt the roads slightly when they construct them...

Another concert in Taipei

I went to a street with a lot of decorations recently... was nice...
...sculptured and flowers...
...I also passed by some memorial hall...
...inspecting some concert...
...and my friend Jens was exhibiting...
...there were also some rappers there... stop was this restaurant...
...typical resturant for dinner in was ok...
...I shared info about my chinese character writing skills...
...and had some quick snack...

Voting at the EU parliament and meeting with a friend is kind of often that Gothenburg and Taipei has the same temperature...21 degrees in Taipei...and 25 degreed in Gothenburg at the same time of the day today.. was raining recently...why the recent temp is 21 now...
...a visit to the swedish chamber of commerce...
...they offered cookies...
...the vote notes...and the voting booth was in the conference room of the chambers office...I also met Martin here (he works at ikea here)...he was aware that they use pinyin spelling systemand local spelling systems mixed on the ikea maps...
...information about the voting process...
...I also went to med another friend at a local coffee shop...
...having coffee from all around the world (but not from taiwan)...
...I had coffee from Papua new Guinea...(to have some eastern-more coffee as a change)... old swedish military (navy/marine) badge was still there...
...I also had some special milk chocolate...
...and later joined up for some meeting...with dinner... was good...
...I later on went to some memoerial hall...with inconsistent staff...they let the locals sue the electricity from any socket..but foreingers must use this one...strange...

Busy days in Taipei; with GMBA alumni event

...I am hanging out in taipei recently... some hotel breakfast...
...protein...according to the 30/30/30 diet...
...I also passed by the bank of taiwan...
..getting 200ntd notes and 20ntd coins...MR 220ntd...
...I later on passed by old NCTU (now NYCU) taipei (beimen) campus...
,,,many old stuff in the corridor...
...and I visited some GMBAers...
...too bad that the GBMA secretary asked the presetnros to only speak mandarin...I ddint understand much of their presetnations...
...we got some donuts...
...not sure what this says...I hops its not anything important...
...another donut...
...I also had some breaf with red bean or dry pig skin inside it (its a common think to put on bread here)...
...a guy I met from Vietnam showed me his tattoos...
...he had many...
...I later on I went to a tea store... was "famous" I was told...
...I also tried a coconut milk was good...

Daily adventures in north Taiwan

Ì bought maple syrup recently... I made panncakes to eat it with...
...I mainly drank the syrup...but put some panncakes in the maple syrup as a soup...
...I later in the night joined a hash run...
...hash runs every day...but I prefer the night hash on wednesdays...
...I also had some hotel breakfast... only is very common in taiwan...(and some times they refuse you recepit)...banana republic warning :)
...I also tried to find non alcoholic beer...but its hard to find...I only found 1 beer, after passing 100 of stores...
...omg...a local beer looking like mikkeller...

A visit to a coffee place

I went up in the mountain area near Danlin recently...
...with view all over pingdong...and maybe also kaohsiung and xiaoliuxiu...
...I tried different kind of dishes...and later on I made pancakes in which i added a lot of maple syrup to the bowl...
...I also bought sugare free LP33 yughurt...even if the one with non added sugar is more expensive...
2024 continues...

A visit to Danlin

I paid a visit to Danlin recently...
...saw 2 toblerone new and one with matterhorn on it...
...I also visited Geai at his job...
...and didi a physical test...
...and went to some private KTV...
...with flags from around the globe...
...with some snacks... was interesting...when we sat in the one was wearing seatbelts...and people didnt even bother the seatbelt noise that went on for 10 minutes... :)
...they had a swedish book over there...
...we chilled at a 7-11 before some engagement ceremoney...early in the morning...
...pimping ourselves with jewelery...
...Vuvu assigned the blingbling...
...and later we went to the nearby village...and put up the gifts on the ground...
...walkng on a line with the gifts on poles...making it look like hunting gifts...
...and then some relatives and important people held a speech...
...and some gifts were released...
...and some people wondered who the guy in the hawaii shirt was...
...the cool guys were waiting in the background in the shade...
...later we went to the city hall...for some lunch...
...Geai had interesting tattooes...I finished his headless jesus with s smiley...
...and prepared a proportion of ice for my beer...
...a lot of food...
...many professional catering staff were there...
...having various of dishes...
...i liked the shrimps...
...the family stood on a row in front of the guests...
...drinking and talking... was interesting...
...and the couple looking at each other... some gifts... was interesting...
...then the parents were sipping wine, beer or whisky with each table...
...they drank the 15 year old...and had a 12 year old in the pocket... professional...
...we also had hamburger ice cream...
...with some red bean in the middle...
...then more beer was sipped...
...and later on we went back to Danlin...
...elders on a pic...
...people sipping beer and eating duck feet...
...we later went to a nearby KTV...
...cute ReiEn was there...
...she is always so happy...
...some person had a birthday...
...people were singing...
...later on we went for some fried chicken...
...and went looking for some luggage... some local mart...
...I bougt some rare and cheap whisky...
...and later on we planned to visit some coffee shop...
...took a taxi to danlin...
...first store visit...a newly opened place...where the "archer" also know as the new mayor had a restaurant and bar...
...I guess he is practicing his archery here...
...some cute kitten in a cage...
...and some mango tree...
...Geai in action...
...more trees...
...and view over south west part of taiwan...
...Mr Valentine...
...some statues...
...and some other coffee shop...
...with interesting art...
...and a lizzard...
...and menu in chinese...
...I had some chocolate drink and some special coffee...
...they had many kinds of coffee...
...Omg...wasps under the seat...
...Valentine got stung...the owner spraying the seats...
...then the coffee was served...
...some candle to keep it warm...
...and the chocolate ice... and chocolate... was good... became foggy...
...I also saw another coffee place...
...with local coffe...
...from the area...
...I wanted to try one of each...
...they had many awards...or certificates...
...we also had a scooter with no electricity left...
...Geai and valentine went ahead to get a new battery...while I was rolling down the slope...
...I also passed by some coffee trees...
...passing Dawu...or somewhere...
...I guess I need to keep rolling...
...later on we made it back to Danlin...
...I had some local food...
...Moni picked some dinner...
...Vuvu was also awake...
...and valeintine was discussing what to do next...we both had to head north...
...Moni made us some local panncake...
...I saw that someone wrote the name of the house on the ground...I might do ao sign on the future...
...later on we went to ChaoZhou train station...where I could see the mountins in the background...
...waiting for the HSR...
2024 continues...

A trip to Taipei

I was visiting Taipei recently..
...they have wifi...but no internet...a comon thing at this part of the world...
...I also visited a restaurant with lobsters and squeezed in some water pool...
...and I visited a hotel with a lof of free food...
...they also had breakfast....the taiwanese kind...

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