A visit to Wulai

...I went to a hotel breakfast recently...
...I noticed that my friend who partly come from macao burps out loud and also sneases without covering her mouth...I start to wonder if this is a thing over there :)
...the breakfast has chocolate cereals with milk (last time I was in jiaoxi the staff recommended me to put the cereals in the milktea....since they didnt have any other liquid to eat the cereals with...a funny culture experience...
..I also had fish...
...later on we were heading to Wulai...but instead of taking the direct way on the freeway...the bus triver picked a super small road, costing us probably 30-60 minutes extra of ride...so funny...
...the locals didnt react...I got the impression that they didnt know where we were and to were we were heading...thus not questioning wthe road choice :
...super steap cliffs...very interesting...
...they had evacuation shelter near the parking lot...
...and some indigenous pattern on a nearby bridge...
...I passed by some coffee store that is at the entrance of the old street...where I bought beer and coffee last time...
...they also had millet wine...but its not that good in my experience...
...Geisha coffee...the "rare" coffee bean...
...and indigenous items...
...atayal tribe pattern...
...and a lot of fruit...
...I also passed by a restaurant...
...anbd some shrimps...with sweet and sour sauce...
...many people on the street today...
...at the end of the old road is the iron bridge...
...down there they use to have a wild hostspring...but the government closed it...
...more indigenous patterns...
...and some grafitti that is pretty good painting...
...some interesting sign...
...more grafitti...
...later I had a giant sliced ice...
...many hotspring hotels nearby...
...and cool bridge...
...the old street from distance...
...some indigenous house...
...more indigenous patterns...
...road nine passes by here...one of the longest roads in Taiwan...
...I also passed by the Tapas restaurant...which I have been checking out for many years...lets see when I will stop by...


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