A visit to Danlin

I paid a visit to Danlin recently...
...saw 2 toblerone boxes...one new and one with matterhorn on it...
...I also visited Geai at his job...
...and didi a physical test...
...and went to some private KTV...
...with flags from around the globe...
...with some snacks...
...it was interesting...when we sat in the car...no one was wearing seatbelts...and people didnt even bother the seatbelt noise that went on for 10 minutes... :)
...they had a swedish book over there...
...we chilled at a 7-11 before some engagement ceremoney...early in the morning...
...pimping ourselves with jewelery...
...Vuvu assigned the blingbling...
...and later we went to the nearby village...and put up the gifts on the ground...
...walkng on a line with the gifts on poles...making it look like hunting gifts...
...and then some relatives and important people held a speech...
...and some gifts were released...
...and some people wondered who the guy in the hawaii shirt was...
...the cool guys were waiting in the background in the shade...
...later we went to the city hall...for some lunch...
...Geai had interesting tattooes...I finished his headless jesus with s smiley...
...and prepared a proportion of ice for my beer...
...a lot of food...
...many professional catering staff were there...
...having various of dishes...
...i liked the shrimps...
...the family stood on a row in front of the guests...
...drinking and talking...
...it was interesting...
...and the couple looking at each other...
...giving some gifts...
...it was interesting...
...then the parents were sipping wine, beer or whisky with each table...
...they drank the 15 year old...and had a 12 year old in the pocket...
...so professional...
...we also had hamburger ice cream...
...with some red bean in the middle...
...then more beer was sipped...
...and later on we went back to Danlin...
...elders on a pic...
...people sipping beer and eating duck feet...
...we later went to a nearby KTV...
...cute ReiEn was there...
...she is always so happy...
...some person had a birthday...
...people were singing...
...later on we went for some fried chicken...
...and went looking for some luggage...
...at some local mart...
...I bougt some rare and cheap whisky...
...and later on we planned to visit some coffee shop...
...took a taxi to danlin...
...first store visit...a newly opened place...where the "archer" also know as the new mayor had a restaurant and bar...
...I guess he is practicing his archery here...
...some cute kitten in a cage...
...and some mango tree...
...Geai in action...
...more trees...
...and view over south west part of taiwan...
...Mr Valentine...
...some statues...
...and some other coffee shop...
...with interesting art...
...and a lizzard...
...and menu in chinese...
...I had some chocolate drink and some special coffee...
...they had many kinds of coffee...
...Omg...wasps under the seat...
...Valentine got stung...the owner spraying the seats...
...then the coffee was served...
...some candle to keep it warm...
...and the chocolate ice...
...mango and chocolate...
...it was good...
...it became foggy...
...I also saw another coffee place...
...with local coffe...
...from the area...
...I wanted to try one of each...
...they had many awards...or certificates...
...we also had a scooter with no electricity left...
...Geai and valentine went ahead to get a new battery...while I was rolling down the slope...
...I also passed by some coffee trees...
...passing Dawu...or somewhere...
...I guess I need to keep rolling...
...later on we made it back to Danlin...
...I had some local food...
...Moni picked some dinner...
...Vuvu was also awake...
...and valeintine was discussing what to do next...we both had to head north...
...Moni made us some local panncake...
...I saw that someone wrote the name of the house on the ground...I might do ao sign on the future...
...later on we went to ChaoZhou train station...where I could see the mountins in the background...
...waiting for the HSR...
2024 continues...


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