A 5 star hotel in Yilan and a revisit to Turtle island

...I went to Yilan recently...
...and stayed in a 5 star hotel..they said...
...a bucket of roe...for breakfast...
...and raw meat...
...and Shepherds pie...
...and some funny symbols...what does the one second to the right mean?
...and some university in the middle of nowhere...
...with some hippo decorations....
...and a map over the wharf...
...omg...road 2...so exotic...
...i jumped in a boat to turle island...the Tais are not that familiar with boats and were super serious and pretended as if it was some kind of war...
...many snakes here......
...and some plants looking like the ones that many swedes have at home...
...I bought some ice cream...
...it was hard to open...
...later we went up the top...401 meters..
the tais first keps screaming how important it was that we stuck to the group (but they probably thought that this was some deadly mission)...but the guide said that we could walk freely...so the kids and I went ahead...(since the old people were very slow)...
...no reception...even on the peak...
...some interesting fungus...
...most signs were only in chinese...
...here is an exception..the path to the peak (but looking at google maps...there are plenty of pathes on the island)...
...some blood sucking snail...that the staff killed...
...they did have a museum...
...they claimed that turtle island is the only ative vulcano on taiwan (but I heard that yangminshan also is one)...
...the locals kept screaming that we had to stay close to the guide (even if the guides let people walk freely)...it was strange that the locals kept thinking that the group was in danger all the time...
...well heading to the boat we were counted so that no one was left behind...
as usuall the force people to bring passports to turtle island..and still no one knows why "dont ask why" is a common answer I get...with is part of the culture I guess...
...some group memders walking freely taking pics etc...
...others walking as if it was a war zone...strictly in line...
,,,it was an interesting experisnce...
...and another project was to get people back in the boat...it was interesting...
...there are also dolphins here...sometimes...
...they also had dragon boat activites in jiaoxi...which was my next stop...
...I made some mosquite killing spray...and painted the label...
...I also played 3 in a row, with macao rules...pretty stupid rules which means that 3 in a row counts if u see it from above, independent on layer...I won all the games...since this is a rule that seems made up and impossible to lose from, depending on if you start or not...
...I also made rise dumplings...
...with banana leaves...
...the instructor...
...first fold...
...stuff more and fold...
...and tie it...
...the instructor assisted with the last part...
...i also went to see if they had a gym...and found a lot of lego on the wall...
...and toys kitchen...
2024 continues...


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