A fine, Nankan, ximen, jingan, Xinyi, Yuanshan and banqiao visit

I got afine recently...some photos taken on when I did a turnt, but the photographer only sent the car pic when the turning light was not visible...
...this is enough to charge 1200ntd...funny country...(i did have the turning light, but put it after the photo)...
...I also saw this funny advert..."high price to purchase every kinf of 3C products"...I wonder who wanna buy this...
...later I went to nankan from hsinchu...it was complicated...I passed by linkou to start with...and got a number for queing to the bus...
...I had to pass by some counters just to get to the bus...
...once in linkou...there was no info about how to get to nankan...how can traffic be so complicated :D ...
...so I ended up taking a taxi...the driver pressed som suspicous button the the taximeter...
...chilling in nankan-liufu intersection...many memories from here...
...meeting up SHL people...atleast 2 showed up of those who said they will come...
...some local place...
...nice taiwanese food...
...some slimey thing...
...and mixed food...
...the rain stoped...and I saw old bus 952...
...chilling in the bus...on the old route...
...later I passed by ximen..where some famous person attracted many people...
...I also found that honglou was built 1908...
...I also passed by young man bar...but the "bar" was covered...
...I had a milk chocolate...
...and the waiter recommended me a non -alcoholic mojito... 
...I later went to myanmar street for a quick snack...
...I love this street...
...the chief was from myanmar and worked here also as an english teacher...
...it was hot outside...so soup was nice...
...next stop: elephant mountain park...to check the start of a hashrun...
...Mr Reuter was there...
...many people showed up...
...many guys run shirtless...
..."showing off" :)
...he is so funny...
...photo shoot...
...many old faces...
...I later on went to yuanshan...for some snax...
...it was interesting...
...I got some recommendation...
...Sean was there...he is funny...Alan also showed up...
...I also got some international candies...
...and went to an all you can eat...
...aiming for the fish...
...and other seafood...
...some sushi...but I try to avoid the plain rice...
...my 5th plate...
...and dessert (which I also started with)...
...3rd dessert...
...my friends brought a flamer...
...they made their own recipies...they also brought some kaviar sauce...
...more fish...
...and pizza...
...and some teppanyaki...
...more meat...
...some pasta with pesto and brocolli...
...more fruit...
...they also had robots driving around picking up dishes...
...more dessert...
...tiramisu (it was soso)...
...some easter bunny...
...and fiber coke...
2024 continues...


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