Women's coffee - 100% picked by women
I recently found Women's coffee - it is said to be picked 100% by women...

...recently finishing a course in feminism philosophy at university I get curious if they refer to gender at birth, or the gender that the pickers identify themselves as. Also if they fired the men and non-binear upon this request.
It is possible to file a gender change, and it doesnt seem that hard:
It remonded me of the parking lot only for women:
Or in contrast with the cinema, where they have uni-sex everywhere:
2022 continues...
What is intelligence?
Some times I meet up with people who has an idea that others are stupid...cut they hav different way of thinking...

...old school thining has several ways to define intelligence...

...however the old way to calculate intelligence (or IQ)...was to compare with others...in certain fields...while new ways of defining intelligence deals with crystallized or fluid intelligence...one declines and one increases by age...(more or less)...https://youtu.be/9xTz3QjcloI
Then we have Successful intelligence:
...and also a mind trap called Learned helplessness:
I had some managers before who has their own definition of intelligence...ending up that their staff quit...it was an experience to see...
A tiramus restaurant visit
I visisted a restaurant in gothenburg that has tiramusi recently..

...I have been here before...some 10:ish years ago...

...they had a lot of wine...

...and 1 beer I never tried before...the tiramisu itself was ok...(Mr KJ had some comments about its sweetness)...

We also passed by La Strega hoping for a seat just to quickly try their Tiramisu..but they rejected...not sure why...(they werent closing until 50 minutes later anyway)...but might be some internal "minimum time policy"...

Mr KJ checked with his mom on on how to picke turmeric...I tried the recepie once at home (Lime/lemon juice + salt and slized turmeric)...
it reminded me a little of the moroccan lemon thing i did some years ago:
2022 continues...
Preparing a trip
I am preparing a trip...

...also doing some burgers...(from dumpstered miced meat)...

...had some fruit and other stuff to give away as well...

...making juice of some fruit...and give away flowers...

...as usual I helped my parents in theri garden...work that is donebehind the scenes as usual...

...laso fried some pork steak...

...some pics from the house...

...painting of Alingsås city map...now and then...

...blur garden pic...

...inbetween the preparations of packing up stuff - I made a pizza...(and some other stuff upon dumpstered stuff)...

I also try to consume some tea....that I have in my room...this tea was bought in Bhutan:
...it is a little bitter...but maybe that is a good thing...
A short baibai with some guys
I met up som friends recently in gothenburg...

...I got ot pick the place...
I tried a Triple IPA (that I acctually already had at home)...

...we passed by B.K. before going to Mr E....for some chatting...
Some Friday gatherings in Gothenburg
I had lunch with Mr Yu recently...

...at some frensh restaurant...

...their bread was pretty good...

I had a burger...it was ok...

...but I had more soup and bread...

...Later I headed to Roberts Coffee...

For coffee and icecream with Ms Sc...
Some quotes of the day
I collect many quotes. here are some random ones:

From a poster:

Useful when consider dumpster diving:

A very good film clip that also is a song:

Common mind trap when chosing path:

Classic quote:

Beer in Swedish culture
I saw a program recently about swedish food culture (historically).

...beer ("öl") was a big part of swedish dishes...since it contained so much energy and nutrition...
Some Monday events at end of January 2022
I friend a cheese omelette recently...(dumpsted 2 kilo of cheese)...

...it was good...

...I also put some potato in the soil...hoping to have some huge pants in may...given that thye wont freeze...

Heading with parents after that...very cosy...

...I also had some indian buffét near partille...

...it was ok...

...my mom also got a new phone...that is a rare event...
2022 continues...
Dumpster diving and handball
I went dumpster diving recently...(which I do almost weekly sometimes)...

...and got plenty of fruit...

...also perfume and marmelade...

...ribs, chips and waffles...

...some kiwi and turkish yoghurt...

...i fried broccoli in butter and cheese...it was good...

...I also made some potato buns from some mashed potato left-overs..

...the ribs were ok...

...I also joined some friend for a beer...and wathed some travellers in denmark...

...we also saw some handball game...
3rd dose and some alingsås chill
I went to take a 3rd dose of vaccine recently...just to recude the risk of be a virus carrier...

...they had some drop-in day, so it went pretty quick...just enter...focus of doing what I hate (needle injection)...and then wait for some 15 minutes...

...I made some mashed potatoe with meat balls later on...mostly everything was dumpstered...

...I also made a pizza (with a mix of my tipo 00 fluors...I also used an oven that peaks on 275 degrees...(even thougth 450 degrees is my wishfull temperature)...

...I also made some dish with black beans (mexican)...

...it was ok...

...I think it goes well with tacos...
Burger and Chinese food
I went for some burger recently...

...it tasted a little like mcdonalds burger...

...they also had japanese sauce...

...some time later I went to a chiense buffet...with Mr Yu...

...and also had some dessert...

Some random west coast events 2022 (jan edition)
I had some indian food recently...

But the most authentic food is the best...made by friends (or maybe some nepalese food with a lot of sauces...or myanmar food)...

...I also had a courmet pizza...

...and later on bought a white bow tie...
to use with a tail suit...

...frying some burgers...(from dumpstered miced meat)...pretty good...

I also used cuff-links with my initials...trying my tail suit out...
Random events at the west coast (jan 2022 edition)
I met some friends in gothenburg city recently...

...just having a beer, berfore heading to Alingsås for the weekend...

...i had some quick dumpster dive session there...

...and had some frensh chocolate thing..

...and ordered beer online for the first time...they had some promotion with free shipment..

...it was possible to spot Aurora these days from the west coast...but it was a little cloudy in the might...

...I also gave some flowers in the basement water...my 1-year-project to have plenty of Geranium in the garden...they are originalle dessert plants so they survive pretty long without water...my plan was to put them in the basement by november..give them water on christmas, and then plant then in spring...the flower colors vary...well lets see when I will be able to plan them...

...I also made some tomato sauce...

...removing most of the water...

...and boil it wiht garlic, basil leaves and olive oil...

...to make a pizza...

...tipo 00 fluor...but not a real pizza over...(yet)...

..I also made a lot of orange juice...

...the weekend ended with some fire in the sky...
AM 70 years
My mom turned 70 recently...

...so the folks headed north towards Norrtälje...

...visiting my sister..who had a big painting over the Sc.Fi ships...in mixed stories (Warhammer 40k, starwars, star trek etc)...

...some chinese food was prepared...

...I liked the sweet and sour sauce as usual...

...I also added some sambal oelek...which was on the house...

...my father watchin TV...

...in the morning a breakfast was prepared...

...they bought some marsmallow paste for the sandwich in my honour...

...I had pleny of sandwich toppings...

...omg...a knights templar themed chair...

...I was bored at some point so I flipped 2 books in their book sheilf...my sister found 1 of the 2 books before I departured..

...then we had some food...

...many different flavours...

...and many opinions about things...I stayd in the background as usual...

...then some people performed some song...

...I made the chocolate sauce for the dessert...

...it was marrian suiss...

...first batch...

...and later on we had some cheese..

...the kids played games on the phone...
...2022 continues...
Baibai Siku and relative visit
I went to landvetter airport recently..

...bought food at the 7-11 there...

...had some wrap and kebab pizza...

...chilled with Enwei and Siku...

...last glipse of Siku...

...later I headed to some relative for some sushi...

...I also returned a car to alingsås...looking for a white bow tie...but found these items...I have so many items at home that generated a lot of memeories...Random items on this photot:
- a pen I got from my uncle when i sat behing the house in Kullebo some 30ish years ago (it also followed my up to råudden etc)...
- A stamp I gof from my father, it has the same initials as my grand father....
- a watch I bought in bangkok (looked for one here: https://johansvennung.blogg.se/2011/january/last-day-in-singapore.html) (bought it in 2011: appeard on my blog fist here: https://johansvennung.blogg.se/2011/february/dealing-with-ticket-refund-1.html )
- some toy I got when I lived in USA
- some letter clamp I got from my parents at age around 10..

...I also visited another relative for pizza...

...I was asked to make some magic for his kids...

...we also had some nice applie pie...

(I ended up doing some magic as well)...
First day of 2022
It is winter...and the intense week between xmas and new years eve is over...

Breatfast is vegemite, messmör, and hotpot...

it could be nutella and white chocolate...yummy...but its not...but still delicious in some way...

...later on I was feeding the ducks...

...siku had to do PCR test...so next stop was in Alingsås for some express test...

...the film crew joined...

...plus the fan base outside...

...omg...depending on airplise the discount is different...turkish airplines gives no discount...thus 2100sek...it could be a third with the right airline...(according to this chart)...

later on some play with kids event took place...

...and also finding some "hitta ut"...

...fun with kids...

...later on some kebab pizza and beef pizza was bought (1st of january is often the most bussiest day for pizza stores in sweden)...

...this pizza I once ate in NCTU in Taiwan...
Last day of 2021
...on the last day of 2021 (a very stressful year of my life)...I headed to buy fermentet herring...(or atleast looked for it)...

...ICA didnt have it...neither did COOP...

...I went for a vegemit sandwich instead...

...and joined a hotpot...

...Mr Min was preparing...

...he also made some whisky coke...

...and gatheres around the fire basket with Siku and Ylfa...

...after some time mingeling we headed to play monopoly...

...and had some marrain suiss...

...it is one of my favorite desserts...

...seconds left of 2021...

...some guy singing out 2021...

...everyone watching TV...

...and later on watching the fireworks around the lake...

...walking barefoot outside even on winter...#CloseToNature...

...brother in law wearing traditional suit...(as he does also on christmas)...

...some information sharing...Siku had some book she wanted to share...

...Ylfa taking pics...she likes to film stuff (also filmed me while dumpstering)...

...we also had a whiskey session for my bro in law...

...later on there was a groupie time...

..."everyone look happy"...

...continue with the whisky testing...

Min added his 62% drink...

...I gave Anna some x-mas gift...

...omg, i accidentally forgot to remove the price (1000sek)...

....later on we ate snacks and went to sauna...until 4-5am...
A chill day at the west coast
I had a chill day at the west coast recently...

...had some camomille tea...

...and ordered a spanish coffee at heaven 23...

...so I can see the coffee burn...

..i barely saw the fire...but it was ok...

...I also had some chips...

...but else pretty cloudy...

...later a visit to a lebanon restaurant was made...

...some mixed grill...

...it was good...

...later on I headed to Alinsås with Siku and Ylfa...and had some dumpstered pineapple...

...flowers ets was also served...

I ended the day with beer and vegemite...
A visit to the museum (East indian company in gothenburg)
I planned to visit the museum of gothenburg recently...

...before that I had som mesu soup...

...and asian fusion...

...and pearl tea...

...it was free admission for students...i have been student for all my life but seldom get any student card...luckily I got one 2 monthes ago...

...some relative...

..the most pretty church in Gothenburg...

...the east indian ship...sailed fom Gothenburg towards China...(maybe also passed by Taiwan some time)...

...another relative...

...some famous philosoper...I recently quoted in some of my courses...

...another cool ship...

...and some wooden face....gave me some inspiration for a mermaid i was carving at home..

...some visking jewelery...

...later I went to some bar...

...we had many unique beers...

..later on we tried more asian fusion...

...I had some ramen...

...and tried some sushi...

...and some brownie...with caramel flavour...

...with some other blueberry pie...

...it was good...

...and I also had a whisky sour later...

...the night ended with some champange...