Random events at the west coast (jan 2022 edition)
I met some friends in gothenburg city recently...
...just having a beer, berfore heading to Alingsås for the weekend...
...i had some quick dumpster dive session there...
...and had some frensh chocolate thing..
...and ordered beer online for the first time...they had some promotion with free shipment..
...it was possible to spot Aurora these days from the west coast...but it was a little cloudy in the might...
...I also gave some flowers in the basement water...my 1-year-project to have plenty of Geranium in the garden...they are originalle dessert plants so they survive pretty long without water...my plan was to put them in the basement by november..give them water on christmas, and then plant then in spring...the flower colors vary...well lets see when I will be able to plan them...
...I also made some tomato sauce...
...removing most of the water...
...and boil it wiht garlic, basil leaves and olive oil...
...to make a pizza...
...tipo 00 fluor...but not a real pizza over...(yet)...
..I also made a lot of orange juice...
...the weekend ended with some fire in the sky...