Burger and chinese food events
I made some burgers recently...

The bread had extra yeast....to get softer...

I had it with cheese and german beer...

I also fried mushrooms...

And some cinnamon buns...

After some dumpster session, I also got alot of fruit...

Some had saffron...

And some nuts and pineapple...

I also did some garden work...preparing for winter...

The session ended with alot of fruit dishes...

I also had some chinese restaurant visit recently...

with Mala spices...just like authentic chinese dishes...spicy...im not sure how many swedes who likes this...
A visit to techno creatives
I visited Techno creatives recently...

Just as last time they had a pie competition

And some other competitions, usually technology based...

Many people were there...

They had some competition...

And I had some chinese beer...

Anders showed me his earplugs...

They also had some fun games...
And alot of engineers and designers visiting...
November days in Gothenburg
I got a palette flower recently...

or 2...which one of them I put in some soil...

I also went to a himalayan restaurant...and had some beer from there...

I also found that my post card was delivered to my friend...he put it up at his desk space...
A visit to Kedar
I met up with Kedar recently...

I brought some Kavalan whisky...it was nice...

Kedar also had some whisky...

And some indian paste...

He made us sandwiches...

They were pretty good...with cheese...
Some hemvärnshelg
I joined a hemvärnshelg recently...

Driving up north. for some meeting point...

Omg...passing ljungskile...

And was assigned a boat...

I made it nearthe norweigan border...

It was a gray day...

We were close to Strömstad...

...and had a banana cake and some hot chocolate...

I also found that the department where I took a course in fish ecology some years ago...also had cooperation with KTH in stockholm...2019 continues...
Scattered events in gothenburg
I went to the library recently...

And found my friends book right at the entrance...

I also passed by the Business school...

And a burger bar at drottninggatan...

I had some standard burger with some local beer...

"Pretend to work"...interesting text...
Mushroom picking event 2019
I went for a mushroom picking event recently...

With some foreingers and some swedes...

To ensure no drop offs...we all were wearing reflector wests...

As usual there were alot of mushrooms...

Of many kinds...

We also brought fika...

Anders joined up later...

And once it got dark we headed back to the cars...

The taiwanese joined Anders home...while I was guiding the others in Alingsås...

Saamet was impressed by alingsås...

I got plenty of mushrooms as usual...
NCTU europe grand opening 2019
I passed by th eNCTU office in Gothenburg recently...

And old pic from back in the days was there...with many people that I know...

We got some chinese food...

Sweet n sour sauce etc...I like..

We also saw a presentation...

Sharing data about taiwan...

Ad high mingeling factor...

I bonded with many indians...

We also made our own panncakes...

Which we later fried...

I guess mine was pretty done...

There was also a pub crawl at chalmers campus...lke back in the days...
Kedar moving support and pizza hangout with Tess
I helped Kedar to move recently...

I showed up at his place at 7.30...talked some and disassembled a table...my moving efforts of the day...

I had a halomi-burger later on that day...

And some time later I joined Tess to Gamlestaden to buy some pizza...

They also had Julmust...

We had 3 different kinds of pizzas...2019 continues...
A visit to Ljurhalla
I paid a visit to ljurhala recently...

I tried some beer there...

They also had some wine...

It was partly an outdoor event...

But since it was rather chilly. many people stayed inside...

My cousin Elin was there...

They had some well prepared desserts...

Some uncle BBQing

Ready to go...
Mingling with cousins, aunts n uncles...
Early november adventures
I had some kebab pizza recently...

With some sallad...

Half a pizza...

I also made a brownie (kladdkaka)...

And went to "lights in alingsås"...

Some funny creatures...the sound was imporatn this year...since i passed by earlier without sound..it was pretty boring...

My indian friends were moving...

I supported in making a bed...

Then I headed to the light exhibition...

Some chinese lanterns...

Mirroring on the river...

Pretty colourful...

And some blue coloured fontain...

Red lights... reminded me of when I lived in USA and saw lights in the water...

Some animations...

And a cool tree...

Later on we played cards...

I had the brownie at my indian friends home...

And i got some indian pickles...
A birthday
I had some breakfast at 8am...

Some bun n cheese etc...

And Tiramisu with some Pommac for afternoon snack...

I also joined a Critical mass event...where a friend brought his chopper...(bike)...

Bike entusiasts from all over gothenburg joined up...

And then cycle cycle...

Its fun that people wear make up...

Some people optimising their route...

Next stop was Mossens pizzeria....around 20...

some pizza sallad...very swedish dish...

Some relatives showed up...

Blurry pic of anders who showed up...

I ended the day with a short bar visit near Redbergsplatsen...
Visiting a turkish restaurant in Nangang
Many computer companies here...

I found Salep!!! great...

I got it pretty quickly...

And some cheese sandwiches...

I had 3 drinkes...2 salep (incl a salep icecream drink)...

And some ayran...

I asked for extra cinnamon...

I also had a very sweet dish...

With some cheese inside...I think...

They also had a cool statue outsice...moving with some fontain water...

Later headed to city....

Omg...a family toilet sign...

Once at airport I went to burgerking...a tradition...

I had some sauce with me to taiwan, which i ended give to Mr Serna...

Siku gave ma some hualien chips...pretty sweet and nice...

I had my old eagean silver card...hoping i reach silver again...they have a special lounge in taipei airport...not sure which level i am on now...

I also got some taiwan beer, special can...

And inspected whisky inside...

Also alot of Kavalan whisky...

I think it was rather expensive...compare to in taiwan...

Omg...alot of aboriginal things in the airport...

And some train decoration...

And some nature picture...

More indigenous information...

Almost each tribe was representated...




In denmark I saw a poster promoting taiwanese whisky...

Pretty impressive...

Blue label was expensive...so strange that they dont seel small bottles of blue label...(only or promotion purposes)...
A trip to Keelung islet (Jilongyu)
Taking the bus from near Zhongxiao fuxing...

Meanwhile I also tried some burger at Laya, it was more lke a muffin (mcdonalds style)...

Still ok...

1579 to Baduozi...pretty convenient...

One person at the whole station..still lining up...

The bus had sockets...easy...

Many containers at the port of keelung...

And i departet at the station "fishing goods outlet center"...

Many locals were also heading to keelung islet...

This company arranged it...
last time i couldnt get there...

This was kind of attempt number 3...

I had to show passport...unlike turtle island this was not cus it was a military island 20 years ago and noone bothered to remove the rule of ID...(even if it now belongs to the tourist office):
It was rather that the coast guard did not want people to smuggle stuff...and thus wanted to make sure that the same people returned with the same boat...

Alot of propotion for the keelung islet/island trips...

Here is information from the spot...

Hundreds of travellers...as it sounded like...

Many boats to there...

I was the only foreinger...the others lined up like military...so professional...

Some ship monument...

The boat was some 5 minutes away...

and we all got these tags...

Some guy got seasick...

Over there was keelung harbour...

Beeing seasick sux...same as car sick...

Far over there is Yangming shan...

Keelung island is approaching...

Not sure abou any volcanic activity...but for sure it was high waves up there...

The boat saff seemed professional...

They had some houses there..but not any old communicty...like turtle island...

Other boats were there too...

Once arrived we were counted by the coast guard...

The bridge to land was moving alot...due to some waves...

This is the coast guard office...

The coast guard is done counting...

They had plenty of monuments here...

And information signs...but only in chinese...

Another monument.

At Heping island (closer to keelung) the dutch people had some reminding monument...but here on keelung islet the japanese had some monuments...

Also some wierd crown was placed close to a path through the mountain...

And some high basketball hoop...

Locals and foreingers taking pics...and some guide talking in chinese...

Now passing by the crown...

In the small tunnel...

And some dangerous animals...

And some interesting walls...

And radar station...

Alot of rocks looked funny...

And some path up to the top (light house)...

But we were heading to the other side of the island..just for fun...

Some rocks had names such as turtle etc...based on how they looked like...same as at green island...

Some random temple...

Many people passed by and prayed...

And the walk continued...

More praying and picture taking...

Walk, walk...in the wind...

Omg, at the end of the path...many fishermen stood at the cliffs...I think they were dropped there by a boat...to be picked up later in the day...impresive...

Alot of garbage at the sea side...I hope they clean once in a while...like at the west coast of sweden...

Plastic and metallic items...

Cleaning might be a never ending project...

And solar panels...

And some old cellar...i guess...

In case of war, people could hide here...

Many boats out fishing now...

Almost the whole island had this bridge for walkers...around the shore...

I was heading to the top...

The light house was at the top...

Still high waves down there...

Omg...reached it...almost 200 mountain high...

Black and white...

Eating swedish kexchoklad once here..

Some local elevation sign...

And hte view to taiwan...

And the view back...I managed to find a geocache at the top...

They had road signs at many places on the island...

And some helicopter sign...

Time to return...line up to be counted...

My friend the coast guard went out to count us in...

Later he headed back to his office..I hope he has wifi atleast...

Once we left the island we drove around the island...

The guide told us this cliff looks like an elephant trunk...

The back side of keelung islet...

Many fishers...

And then back to keelung harbor...

And to the fish market...

I got ripped off by the locals...almost as in vietnam.

Some glimpse of the kitchen...

And a crab...

And some lobster looking thing...

some more fishes...

The prices...but if they think the crabs contains roe, they will charge you much much more...

I also bought some cheap squid...

And tried some snails...

Squid with wasabi...

After this I headed back to the city...and later to the top...of taipei...near tianmu...

I have been here before...its a place with nice view of the city...

I had to take a number for the queue...

Nice view...

And many drinks...

My first drink was pretty sweet...

I liked the fruit...

The front looked almost like a swimming pool..but wasnt...I also spent some time trying to find airplanes...but last arrival time to songshan airport already pasted...so no use...

I had plenty of cheese dishes...

And some pinacolada and chocolate smoothie...it was good (with coffee beans)...2019 continues...
A chill day in Taipei

It was a nice area...of north east central taipei

Cute coworker...once upon a time...

I picked up some stuff...and we had some selfie session...

Next stop was zhonghe...to my old gieant store...

And also via Carrefour...where i found some swedish stuff...

I bought some whisky, but it was hard for the staff to find my bottle (which was keps elsewhere)...I had to wait for a while...

Next stop: the myanmar street in Zhonghe...

Just stoped at a local place to get some indian tasting food.

I tried some dishes....

Not sure how they tapped me...

With some thai-tea...very nice...but in total 250 ntd...pretty pricy...

Next stop was zhongxiao Xinsheng to look for some camera...

Omg...swedish design...

...after walking around in the area for some half hour...I desided to get a GoPro...they didnt have the No 8 inhouse so I bought number 7...

...and I had a beer...

...and passed by a Jazz concert at Daan park...many people were here...

...and later headed to banqiao..to Asia 49...just for fun...

I had some drinks that the bartender recommended...they were interesting...
Taipei pride 2019

I key holder from Geai...

...omg, the rear view mirror broke...

Baibai Geai for this time...see u soon again!

Next stop...Taipei pride...

A lot of people and a new route...

Alot of masks...

And people dressed up...

and my friend Geir...was holding his flag...

Funny paper with glory hole...

And some flags: Transgender flag...(new for this year that transgenders were welcome to pride in taipei)...

A huge transgender flag...

And more entertainment...

Omg...an aboriginal bandana...

And Geir again...

I joined up the swedish booth...behind this truck...

Some people with connection to sweden...

My friend merged the pride flag and the swedish flag...

Later we headed to ximen...

Alot of people this day...as usual...

Many people takeing pics of the new painted ground at the mrt exit 6...

...and some stage performance...

I had some random beer...

There were some funny filipinos...

My friend Queenie tried snus...

She felt a littlbit dizzy...

Me and Mr Serna got some new friends...

Funny filipinos talked to us...

I ended the day but checking some local beer place...
Scooter safari near Laiyi
Having some coffee and cheese sandwich...

Some news...about accidents and restaurnats...

Passing by a Paiwan museum about hand tattoos etc...
Pingtung County Laiyi Aboriginal Museum 屏東縣來義鄉原住民文物館

Wooden statues...

Mainly the women had tattoos...

Depending on class the tattoos looks differently...

...class 2...

...omg class 5...(lowest I think)...

Also some tattoo maker tools...

and the classical Paiwan snakes...I think the Iroanman Taiwna is usieng this snake pattern for their logo...

...and some paiwan swords...

...Paiwan art...I might do some similar things someday...

omg. a pattern, same as a have on my bag...

Seems to be the model with solid bottom...(of wood)...

...many villages in the south of taiwan with Paiwan tribes...(or something)...

...also some grass (same as the Saisiyat tribes)...

And some tattoo statue...

...it was a nice day...not too hot...

Next stop was some coffee shop south of laiyi...

With some grass...

I could see Xiaoliu qui in the horizon...

And got some costco coffee here...

I was chillin with Geai, whos phone was broken...

We were inspecting the local dogs..what were playing around...

...pretty entertaining...

and some wooden art...

...omg...they also had kavalan whisky...

this was the place...there are alot of nice coffee places in taiwan...

...next stop was xinlaiyi...

more paiwan pattern...

Some wooden cup holder...usually used at parties...

Some local coffee...but not to buy home...

And more patterns with snakes...

I also got some free snacks...salty (mashed uncooked noodles)...

Many animals in the garden...

And a pretty evening...

...causing a strong sun...

Duck face

Paiwan snake face...

...and my local coffee...

With milk...

They also had handmade pizza...but not locally made...

The ride continues home to Samulavan...

Where it was pizza frenzy...

I aso got some stinky tofu...

...and dried taro...

A good time to share the le ble dor beer and some millet wine from the east coast...

They still had my old coffee liquior...that I got from my old coworker...

I also added some plum to my drink...which looked like dried taro...I added both in the end...just for fun...

I also got some honey...to eat with the dried taro...

The locals also hunted some deers...might have been a barking goat...(?!)...

Some lotus root with the drinking...

After some 10-20 minutes the deer was done...

Alot of skin with it...it was good...like flying rat...
A quick visit to Nankan
I paid a quick visit to Nankan in northen Taoyuan in Taiwan, recently...

Many taiwanee flags everwhere...since the national holiday was not soo long time ago...

Omg, a peice of pavement without scooters parked... :P

I had an asian beer from one of the vietnamese stores...

I also passedby the local brewery...I tried to promote them in taipei...however, their owner thniks that they are not ready to enter taipei yet...maybe a clever choice, not to enter yet...
https://brewery-102.business.site - the website

Mr Serna joined up and helped to taste the different kinds...

We had some half hour interview with the owner...

Later we headed to Banqiao (first we planned to go to taipei 101, starbucks, but it was pretty hard to get through on the phone)...

Mr Serna never joined to the Asia49 rooftop before...

I showed my Kavalan manspurs to Mr Serna...

Selfie time...

We stayed until the sunset...

And then headed to Le ble dor...also in banqiao...

...many awards...

Omg...swedish flag on the meal...

I also got to see a barking goat or something on pic...I ususally see them dead...

Later on I headed to Pingdong in the south of taiwan...
...and inspected some art...

Acting DJ in the backseat of a car...

And joined some party up in the mountains...with some aboriginals...I also brought some le ble dor beer...

I saw my friends new tattoo IRL...

We also had some BBQ...

and alot of BAR beer...
A quick visit to Hsinchu
I paid a quick visit to Hsinchu recently

Passing by the old Chalmers office...

I also met my old roommate Micheal...
And went to some food courts to experience the good old times flavours...

Many things were the same...many things were new...

But I had the chicken flavour...

I also tried to get my favorite Yeguo milk tea (coconut)...but they seemed to close that store (in that fod court)...or atleast the flavour wasnt the same..

I later had another milk tea at Qinghua night market...

And went to A-mart to buy some things...

I was asked to make some swedish food...for my classmates...

Moussaka - swedish style was made...(ping me for the recipe)...

While sippin local beers...

I am using an app since some monthes ago...where I log the ones I try...which makes it a littlbeit complicated when I buy nano or micro brewery beers...with no clear english name...

I had extra cheese on my Moussaka...

I also got some vietnamese food...

They had some head on the soup...interesting...

People passed by and tasted the culinary flavours...it was good...I had to finish it all I was told...atleast the spring rolls etc...
A trip to kavalan tribe (part 2)
A peaceful morning at road 11...

Some straydog and a red table with breakfast...

A peice of land...I wanted to buy for many years...but it seems hard...

omg...innovative...a chair out of a barrel...

And some wood art...

...my friends...people who cycle around taiwan...like i did...once upon a time:

Base for breakfast is porridge...

...but I also got milk...
the dog keep licking my arm and elbow...

I also got a banana...

After a while the fish truck came by...

Omg, I also got to visit an elder kavalan tribe guy...

He had alot of aboriginal stuff in his house...

Including hats...

He was typing kamalan words...

And his talk was recorded...

We drank Paolyta...

I also got some local candies.

Cars passing by outside on road 11...

The Kavalan elder also had plenty of old songs...

He has written down the lyrics...

omg...jade horses...

Later we got some food...

And some clams...whic were hard to eat...

But i was told to use one clam to eat the other...

I also learned how to say "I am a forineger" in kavalan language...

Later a trip uphill was made...

500m to some Amis tribe...

A sign in many language...

No smoking on this road...

Plenty of art on this road...

They had some arena for culture stuff...

I also found a loclal spoon...

And a micor water power plant...

Some local amis guy gave me some spicy crabs...

They had plenty ot wooden pots...for making some kind of food...

I was more interested in the spicy crabs...

This looks like a Mortar...or maybe is...

A local house...cool...i might build something like this in sweden...

Dipit is the name of this tribe...

...alot of art all around...

"FuXing tribe"...

Nice view of the east coast...

Clouds in the south...

Some binglang...

Seems like this is a mix between amis and kavalan people...

A small village some 30-60 minutes south of hualien...

Amis clothes...or Kavalan? Kavaln has more black and white...amis are more red and blue...

Later a visit to a local school was made...they had a boat at the entrace...

And a symbol for kavalan...which no one really knows what it means...i was told...

Also these patterns are from kavalan pattern i guess

We also got some bananas...smaller version...

Alot of kavalan food

...and kavalan hand craft...

We also had some friendly rice...

Later we headed bak to the elder, for some more talking...

And got some more deer antler drink...but im not sure if it was real...

However it was pretty sweet...

More food from kavalan...

They also had some cats running around in the area...

I also gave them some things from sweden....

And added some coin from sweden to some jade:ish stone at their counter...

Later they insisted of taking photos of me...calling me "thor"...that was pretty funny...

They had plenty o decorations everywhere...

I also went to a nearby hostel....where they had alot of decoration from other countries...

We had some drink with gold in it...similar to the gold wasser I had in gdansk:

They also had some mushrooms in some vodka...

...and some other drinks...

...such as beer...

I also had some baozi..

At the end i got some real exclusive deer antler spririt...interesting...

This was the address...

I also had some malt drink from kavalan area (the distillery is in Yilan)...

And some other sweet cookie...

I also saw some kavalan kids sing some traditional songs and performing dance...

omg...santa clause clothes were in the teachers office...

...and flying fish decoration...

Some teacher gave me some examples of old kavalan songs

I was asked to make remixes of these...

More teaching of kavalan songs...

also they tried to write down kavalan phrases...

Later I went to a local restaurant in Fengbing..

and had some local food...

...it was good...they have alot of fish here...

I also got some rice ball...

Road 11...so cool...

I also got to some coffee shop that was closed...but on a very cool spot...close to the ocean...

I would like to have a place like this...

The ocean side...

...very green...

omg...a wild(?) palette flower...

Many things here was made in wood...cool...

...including these carvings...

The trip on road 11 continues...

Super deep...the ocean here...and the current is also very tricky i was told...

At each river there is a bridge...by some reason bridges alwyas have a name here...

Ticket purchaising, no english option

In hualien Rotary has supported alot (or in taiwan in general)...

Hualien train station...

I got some nice snacks...

And later on, once back in taipei...headed to a bar in zhongxiao dunhua...called KOR...

It has this logo...

I asked the bartender for some recommendation...

And got something similar to Negroni...

And some other drink.

Drinks here were pretty pricy...
But on the other hand pretty good...2019 continues...