Wednesdays adventure...
Time goes so fast...

I went to ikea buy pizza, chocolate, oboy and julmust...

Taiwan=Scooter island

I continued to Ximen...

Went to a restaurant with steaks...and had cornflakes in my salad...

Weird...but innovative...

They waiter asked where I came from and 5 mins later he brought a swedish flag...with a taiwanese one...

Yummy, garlic bread...

And cornsoup with more cornflakes...


And the steak...

And some brown sugar jelly...for dessert...

I continue to Carrefour, which is 24 hour open now...and bought steaks, alot of fruit and potatos...

Time for some antioxidants...
Beer brewing (part II)
I made some beer today...

It always smells so nice, when boiling the malt and hops...(I used a syrup)...

Now just wait for some days...
Next time I will try to make Weissbeer...its my favorite...
Tasty restaurant...
I went to the restaurant Tasty...

Its a place that is focusing on platform portfoolio...

One has many options...(or rather many combinations)...

But it feels like most dishes were made long time ago...just waiting for someone to order them...

I got extra nice...

And the dessert was icecream and chocolate...

Melting over the icecream...

And the drinks comes in the end...
All-in on chocolate...
Yesterday I ate alot of chocolate...

2 Marabou milk 72% carrefour chocolate and alos of oboy...
Swedish VPN...
I watch swedish programs more now than ever...
However I didnt have any good VPN to sweden...but I just realized that I am a Gothenburg university student...

A reason to be student forever...all benefits that universities offer...but GU seems to only offer VPN for employees...

Luleå university gave me a VPN...

Now I can join all qualities that swedish public service has to offer...
Sunday dinner...
A sunday is more weekend than a friday here in asia...meaning friday nights are not suppose to be made for lessure...(according to ppl i hanged out with)...sundays are weekends (no thought about that one has to work tomorrow)...

Its winter in south east asia...shorts weather...and 20 degrees C...

Headed to Jogoya that used to be my favorite resturant in taipei...

They had crabs (frozen?!?!) and sushi...

I ate alot of it...but this place was not as good as when they were in the Neo19 building near taipei 101...

They had two kinds of crabs...

They had red wine...they said, but it was more like vinegar...

I started with dessert pretty early...

Some ice cream from New Zealand...and honey with creme brule...

After the visit I went to ikea, which was in the same building...I bought chocolate and coffee and julmust...
Thought of the day..."Chinese new year is approaching...I better do something fun"...
Taipei hangout...
First stop Yilan beer, Zhonghe branch...

The only (as fasr as i know) Yilan beer bar in Taipei...

I had this beer, a ginger beer, I was told that it was warm, but it was not...

And nice walls of Yiland landscape...

It was not warm, my season beer, but I could taste some ginger in it...

After dropping by a bar called Fourplay the next stop was Alleycat in Ximen...

I had a Hawaii pizza...

My freinds from Asus, brougt some other food, that we shared...

After another brugerbar stop (which were closing)...we went ot Bear bar...and I was recommended a hot chocolate...I wonder why they never have Swedish oboy here...its so much better than the water chocolate solutions...

Andsome McDonalds food...

After that we went around ximen, until we ended up at G2 paradise...I had a apple cinnamon tea (twinnings teabags)...

Pablo lives near Tamsui...he wanted to maximize his bar time here...before he took the cab back...

The bar closed at got a candle...and they changed your cups to "take away" cups....for us to still sit there...

Else it was pretty empty at the bar place...
After work with SwedCham
I joined an afterwork yesterday with the swedish chamber of commerce...(with an interesting peanut policy)

This time many taiwanese ppl attended...

I had a pretty nice burger, it was at Saints and sinners...

A new face appeared...but i recognized most people there...
Compar to other times, there were not that many business people this time...
An afternoon in Hsinchu...
I went to Hsinchu today...

I stoodat the "safe waiting zone" in the mrt...I didnt find any "safe place for female during night" zone...but i think its equally safe...

Its a big safe zone, however I dont understand why they wont make it bigger, like the size of the whole station,,,maybe its more exciting to have a "non safe zone"....

It was swedish spring weather in hsinchu...

I had some "Fika" at starbucks...

ORdered a "dark mocka" but forgot that meat, pizza and burger often are served warm here, but coffee is served cold, as default...I should never take things for gratned all the was more like an "ice shake" than a coffee...

I also passed by this resturant..."no poker"...I wonder why "heart", "bridge" and "solitaire" are ok...maybe "Texas hold 'em" is forbidden...

Later I went for dinner...and had some Kaoliang (taste like rise wine)...

And some nice pasta with meat sauce...

Some girl was brushing her teeth in the food court...

My friend was writing a letter in impressive...

Later we went to Beerworks...

A nice professor was also there...he lived in Korea for ahwile, and germany etc...and knew many languages...

I went back to the DJ club for a while after that...they had new working equipment...

Later we went to taipei, and hanged in Ximen...

Not that many places open 1am in taipei on a thursday...

I had the thing that was most similar to coconut drink..."chi chi"...

And some meat...

4 kinds of meat...

At 2 we friend is heading to Taidong tomorrow, the most intersting city in taiwan...he will bring his guitar there...
Late night hang out...
I hanged out with some NCTU students last night...

It was really a late night hang out...

I met many people...and said bye to my chalmers friend Johan who will leave taiwan for singapore next week...
Shida hang out...
I hanged out at HShida today..

ITs often confusing with geographical instructions in these part of the world...

Black hair on the ground...

The cuosmters gets a free drink...

Some korean dancers on the street...interesting...

In lack of new visible burgerbars, Evans was visited...

Omd, maple nice, to bad they didnt offer spoons...I used a knife...

They played Avicii songs...

I ordered the biggest usual...

But was not in a hurry...1 burger vs 2 bites...I was in the lead...

Omg, "T", such an intereting euopean uniion member...
A reason to celebrate...
I started the day with a Julmust...

I guess they will sell Julmust here in taiwan for a while...they sell glögg until summer some times...

I met up some ppl at celebrate some events...

Garlie...a new flavour...

This was a famous my friend had to try it...

Kai scored high on GMAT today, so he was in for eating something special...

We also went to thsi BBQ allyoucan eat and all youcan drink place...

Free Bar beer...

And nice russian ice cream...

The coal is always not ready, when u are as mote hungry...

They had cheeseand potato mix...super nice...

But I went all in for prawns...

I just had this idea that its good for you...

More and more...

I wonder if i emptied their reserve...

This "Ximen exit 6" is a common meeting point in taipei...

We contiuned with some other friends to G 2 paradise...

Where I had a tea, just to get a little more hyper on caffein...
NCCU in taipei city...
I paid a visit to NCCU, which is a highly seen university in taiwan (as far as I know)...

I went to their taipei city check some things...

They had all their english books in a special room that needed to be opned by the staff (on a separate floor)...

I read the book before...sitting near the largest AC machinese I ever seen...super noisy...I even let my cell phone one would notice if it rang...
FIFA World Cup Chronicle of 1994...saves the day...
I had many things to do...but I was bored...

And I found this on youtube...

The FIFA World Cup Chronicle 1994 always saves the day...sweden got bronze...
Visit taipeis largest burgerbar...
I visited Taipei (or taiwanes) largest burgerbar last night...

"Sweet burger" is the name...

They had some interesting posters...

Free refill of coke...

And a pre dish with cheese sause and vegatables, reminded me of my childhood in sweden...(grönsaer och dipp)...

I also by some strange reason got potatoes instead of french fries....

They also showed football etc on a big screen...that was nice...

I had to pay, and found a good opportunity to get rid of my 2,5 kile extra weight...

484NT...its not alot but its something...I hav to go to a more expensive place if i want to lose more weight...
Looking ofr references...
Writing and compleeting reports...

I often meet some ridig ppl when visiting a public library...every visit becomes an adventure...
Nanjing east road hang-out...
I went to Jolly last night, its a resturant near nanjing east road, that makes their own beer...

I thought it was vegetrian first, but it was wrong...

They had various kinds of beer...

I tried some passion fruit beer...

But ended up ordering a Weiss beer....

We also got some snacks to the beer,,,

And I had a thai sausage...

They also had a beer drinking competition...

I didnt want to go up there alone...

About 10 ppl participated...

It was a nice way to get free beer...and the winner got a 1500nt voucher...

The waitress was funny...

After the visit we went to ikea...

They got some new beer...

I also had a chocolate ice cream...

We contined to a near by night market...

They were recoding a movie there...

And passed by a club called "G star"...

Finally, we went to 7-11 where I drank my swedish was nice...I wanted to buy peanuts, but was tricked last time with the "spicy nuts" that ended up to be "mala" (a strange spice) that made my mouth go bananas...
So wasabi peas were good enough for this time...
Relax at Costco...
I find the atmosphere in costco very realxing...

And their turkey sandwish pretty bad that their coke has some weird sugar...that makes it hard to drink to much (read: more than 1-2 liters)...
Traces of mafia?
Mafia has alot of power in taiwan...

Everytime I see the police checking speed etc here, theres always a guy with an assault rifle...since it happens that the mafia shots the police...(i was told)...

How safe is that?!?!
A visit to Ximen (part II)...
I returned to Ximen later on in the night...

Facing chaotic taiwanese traffic, scooters crossing red light, a bus caught in the middle and aggresisve taxi drivers sneaking by...

Heading to cosbys burger for some nice meal, even if I was not 100% hungry...

I had some bacon burger...not as good as the old one, and the cheese was not melted...

Also beer bar was visited, for some yeguo naicha (coconut milk tea)...

Nice and big...
A lunch at Ximen...
I went to have a lunch at Ximen today...

There was some kind of demonstration, a guy speaking taiwanese (its a dialect originating from Fujian province in mainland china, but still not that similar to mandarin, but hard for foreigners to undertand)...

I wanted to take a picture of these things, but the guy did not want m eto take picture...maybe it was all fake brands...

Also some beat boxing attracted alot of people....not sure why...

I went to Chilis...and had a nice appertizer, french fries with cheese etc...

And a burger..

Later I went to the was nice...(near the red building)...

They had an old small square for every chinese character...luckily they (the chinese ppl) have pinyin etc if they wanna type on a normal keyboard with a computer...

Some young girl tasted some snax, shaped like a typical...the poor girl probably had no idea...still she is exposed the this advertisement...thats interesting...
Visiting an italian restaurant...
I went to an italian restaurant recenly...

It was italian...and we were suppose to meet a mignle around...

Peroni, is one of the few italian beers you can find in Taiwan...

We had pizza...

And some nice soup...

And salad...

They did not have I went for sea food...

"com on Italy St" was the name...

We continied to th german resaurant...where they now installed a peeper to call the waitress...

We got to taste the beer they offered...

I had their honey beer as usual...but it didnt taste as good as last time, i dont know why...

My classmate also offered some bread from his job...
Wine and cheese time...
I bought a nice marpesan cheese some days ago...

However, the Shiraz im drinking it with does not fit fat cheeses...any Cabernet sauvignon mix would be better...
Ready to sign up for new courses...
Time to sign up for courses...

Online courses are so interesting...maybe I should go all in on philosophy and psychology, they tend to be much easier than history...

I went to costco yesterday, omg...almost no people...thats very rare...
Thursday evening...
After trying to find data about some historical event from nothern europe...

Without any good restults...

I headed to an all you can eat near taipei 101...

I started with th dessert as usual...

Then had some sushi, frogg meat and pizza...

Ye, they say it taste like chicken...i dont know...maybe...

Some people got covers for their jackets, since the ventilation is not that good here...

I also had some streak with red wine sauce...

And some beer...

And alot of ice usual...

And creme brule...with caramel sauce...super nice,..

Later I went to cinema...its always so loud there...

I saw the hobbit...or as chinese people say "Habi ren"...
An italian(?) resturant visit...
I visited an italian restaurant last night...

And got some vinegar as appetizer...

And some soup...

The min course was some gratain of prawns and pasta...

It said "Burger" on the sign...bu no sign of burgers on the wierd, just some decoration...(and false marketing)...
A short ikea visit...
I bought some chocolate...

The alladin os 400-500nt thats alot...however the small bar is 65nt...

I also bought some hotdog and icecream...
The exhaust pipe of the world...
When cycling in Taipei, waiting for more than 90 seconds per traffic light is not a rare thing...

Everyone is idling their scooter, and just waiting, waiting and waiting...

50-100 scooters per light is not rare...

So no wonder the air gets bad...

I was out for a run last night, and cycled to a running bad I asked a local for direction, and was directed to the totaly opposite way, from what I should have gone...

I also saw some nice lights...near some river...
All you can eat meat...
I went to an all you can eat meat restaurant in Gongguan last night...

They had kimchi and meat...

I ate alot of kimchi, it didnt taste as good as my own, homemade one, nor as the one in korea...but it was ok...

They had lamb, beef, pork and chicken meat...I went all in for beef and lamb...

Later in the night, I made my own banana milk was good...
Exploring Shida night market...again...
I was suppose to go to an allyoucaneat resturant (BBQ) thatwas relatively cheap last night...

But it closed early, so instead I went to Shida, to this Shanghai dumplin place, that i was recommended...

It was meat and some salad inside...

12 peices...super hot...

And a long queue, that is the official quality stamp here in taiwan (except if its mentioned in some movie or many blog writers mentioned it)...

It was a little hard to eat, but its ok...

I also went to old 1885 burger bar...and realized that they moved (a friend told me this some days ago, and I had to check by myself, just to be sure...
I also bought a 700cc banan milk drink, but it looked like 400cc, I took it home and checked...yes, 400cc...its amazing that they dont have any good protection for false marketing here in taiwan (atleast not one that is being used)...
A run in taipei
I ran yesterday to pick up my bike...

The scooters even drove on the pavement...chaotic...

And the queues were super long due to some strange reconstruction...

I always wonder why the taiwanese put a "J" on the european union flag, first i thought it was Jugoslavia (since Turkey also had this habbit of having a blue strripe on the left of the car sign). However I saw many japanese brands with this "J" on doesnt seem to be any ordern about this in Taiwan, so the letter can be whatever, most ofteh "F", "J"; "S"; "Gb" or "D". (this "J" marked car was a ford)...
Satuday hang out...
I went to see some old classmates this saturday...

It was in Banqiao...a mall that I investigated from a retailing perspectve some while ago...

My freinds sat right under the heater, so it was super hot...

I asked them to turn it off...which they did...
I came here mainly to mingle...but the ohers ordered some food...

We had some sea food and some pizza...

And Hoegaarden...a drink that they tai´s sees as exclusive...

I continued to W bar near taipei 101 to meet some other people...

I had a Piña colada was ok...

and a coco drink...

and a baileys drink...

They had service charge...I hate that...

They also had a ice rink lookalike outdoor facility...

Next stop was luxy...

It is the same as always...

They had some guys doing some kind of popping and is fun, but a little do it good on the big dance floor...

They also had some michael Jackson was good...

And some performance from the "luxy girls"...

And later on some "Luxy boys" entered the strage...

And much alter a super drunk girl entered the strage posing around...getting attention from the audience...

It was more fun when they had stairs up to the that poeple could dance up there...

After the club visit..we went to eat some taiwanese breakfat...

Many local specialities...

Some pork power is ok...not as bad as the sweet green and red beans...(not sure why I got so sensitive tho them, maybe it was from the time I drank milk with red bean flavor, thinking it was strawberry flavor)...
Hsinchu visit...
I went to Hsinchu for a while yesterday...

Passed by people burning fake money...on the raod...

Realizing that the TV in the bus only shows taiwanese shows (as it has for the recent year, it use to be better then they had some Hollywood production on repeat)...

They talked about strange english expressions...its always so confusing since they tai ppl often buy it right off...sayings like "Your boss gave me walking papers" and "I have to bite the bullet" and "to plant stolen goods on someone" often do people use these sayings? some of my taiwanese friends try to use them every day "since it is common english sayings" bad that most other people here in taiwan never heard about them, and thus it just creates confusion...

Im always confused why the HowTai bus triver always choses the slow lanein the free way...a ride takes 2 hours, instead of 1.2... :S

And finaly we could use the new bridge road that they have been building for quite some time (between taipei and hisnchu)...but still long queues due to construction work...

I headed to the DJ club, playing some music and concluding that the eqiupment is always broken or gone was better some years ago, perhasp its time to buy new things...and not have drinks so close to the elecgronics...:)

I also ate some tai food...

And went to the library borrowing some book...and use this interesting machine...

I had to use it...(expose the book for UV-C, that will give the bacteria a sunburn...

Hmm...not sure how fresh my book felt after this exposire...

I Also concluded that they had the x-mas edition of the beer can...

And I bought tome "spicy peanuts" findingout that it was not chilli, it was Mala...some strange herb tha makes your mouth and throat go numb, and the beer taste like saly water...not a good combination...

I also met up cory to get my mp3 player back since our Yushan trip some half year ago...he came on his new bike...

On the way back I saw my old Marketing techology professor in the bus...

First i thought he was working on some PPT or project, but found out that he was watching a movie...

My classmates always liked his arse...
Yep still going strong...
Friday chill...
I went to Tamsui on friday night to hang with some Asus employees...

I was told last time we hanged out that there are some other nice burger bars in Tamsui, except those we went to last time...

This one is near the university there were many latinos there...

I had a full set...including salad...

My friend had some nice sandwishes...and san miguel beer...

I wanted their biggest burger, but got the second biggest I was told after I got it...

Double meat (one could ask for an additional meat)...

I also had some pinacoloda smoothie...

They had some foreign food there that people could buy...

And Tomato candies from japan...

Kooks seems to be tha bad that the last MRT to Taipei goes back at 24, i had to watch the time not to miss it...

We also passed by some maffia pubs, wher some guy got shot some while ago...and some tea store where they wash their money...
I had U anv V as booking class...

I thought I had "Y" as bookking class...
But apparently I had U and V...
V = Discount Fare Economy often with a lot of restrictions
U doesnt seem to exist (looking at and
(thanx to Resecentrumgruppen (RCG), they are far more customer oriented than AOB Travel)
Baking 6am...
Im baking some bread in early morning...
I bought some kit from ikea that I had to try out...
Lets wait and see...
I bought some kit from ikea that I had to try out...
Lets wait and see...

It was hard to mix, but ended up fine...nice with breadn and butter...
Checking receipts
I went to a Vietnamese resturants ome days ago...

Interesting, but I couldnt tell the difference between this food, and other taiwanese food.

When I went to vietnam I ate oysters with was great, but they didnt seem to have that here...
Later on I checked some receipts, did not have that many, so my chance of winning was small...

Yep, no wins...

I also made some swedish coffee, but accidentaly had some orange juice in tasted like a cafe romana...or what it is called...

I ended the day by trying a new beer, it wa a red one, like the one I brewed in Bali (taipei) som month ago...
Julmust at IKEA...
I went to eat asian food some days ago...

It was a typical taiwnaese place where they have beer and many small dishes...

Fresh fish...

The beer comes with small glasses...

And I order only sweet and sour sauce dishes...they are my favorite...

Very many sweet and sour saudce dishes...

The day after I paid a short visit at IKEA today, but before that I delivered some swedish things that I bought, and which seems to be very populair here in Taiwan...

I also went to ikea...

At ikea I found that they have alot of Herrljunga julmust...not that many bottles sold, but who dares to buy things they never heard of before...

My main reason to go there, is for the coffee...

I also bought pizza and some bread and chokolate...(they only have th e chokolate oin small pakages now...that iw bad)...

Later on I ate my pizza, super nice...
What the hell is booking class?
I spent some time signing up for a "star allaince card" and a "sky team card" covering most of the airline companies, making it easier to collect bonuses when flying...

However, when trying to claim my points from previous flights...they want me to have a Booking class. but this is not showed on my tickets, and the web sites that use to have the fligth information, did not save my data, 1 month after the trip...
I emailed some companies asking for it...we will c...
Else I might just type "Y", refering to this site:

After emailing the place where I bought my ticket, they said that they charge 150SEK for personal service that might result in an answer (700NTD).
Im very flattered that they didnt charge me for that email they sent generous...
Fish times again...
I try to eat alot of fish...

Its easy to forget about healthy food, just eating burgers all the time...and norway is far away, so no cod liver oil nearby....its a long term investment, I might need it in order to think clearly at tonights seminar...(or maybe just coffee will do)...
Hanging out in Taipei...
I passed by some chinese language centers last evening...

And found some intersting ones...

Cycling around with my the "winter taiwan"...20 degs C...

Later on I visited Tasty...they had an interesting set of menu...

Danish pastry...

Prawn salad...

Pumpkin soup...

Italian T.bone pork...

The staff was chopping it up, for some reason...

And some nice drink...

And creme brulé a final...
The deed of the day...
I helped an old lady on a wheel chair pass a taiwanese pavement...felt good...
The deed of the day!
The deed of the day!
Leaving home...
On saturday morning I left home...

2 hours before departure they say u need to be at the airport. but maybe in the future 1 hour is enough (also today 50-50 minutes are in reality enough), since they have self check-in all the time, which results in almost no queues...

I took a sandwish before take off...swedish prices...

They also had alcohol at the cafeteria...thats rare for beeing sweden...

My dad drove me...he was heading to gothenburg after this...

I was receving some sms in the morning...before take off...

In the place some npn speaking swedish ppl were arguing about the seat, and I had to wait for a while, before they checked their boarding pass, to see where their seat was (so that I could sit there)...

In frankfurt it was a little confusing, since people checked in at the gate...and there was some problems with transfering luggage...

I also enjoyed a special gift...

Before take off I Was stoped, there were some problems with the check in again...wierd...

The long flight, frankfurt-Beijing (9 hours), was ok, the plane lefter at 14.20, so I didnt need to sleep, and could thus enjoy movies all the trip...

There were some problems with my GPS, but these lights were over russia...its always fun to look down on earth, when there are some single lights, and the I often wonder, who lives in that isolated... (especially russsia)...

This girl occupied the toilet for more than 10 minutes...I often try no to go to the toilet, since II often pick window seat...but when the ppl beside me leave their seat...I usually take the chance...However, I tood some drinks while queuing...

Else i drank many beers and some wine...thats the sport of flying....(when you r from sweden alcohol is exclusive)..

North of Beijing...

-13 deg C...

A new and cold day...

I found Swedsih house maffia on the computer just before landing...

My transfer in Beijing was hectic...most often I stay here for more than 20 hours...but now I had less than 30 minutes...some ppl who were heading fro Hongkong had even less time...I guided som german guy to sneak need to wait in line, if the gate is closing...

"some of Europes stongest economies like Sweden..."...omg, it is alot of discussion about taxes and environment home...wwe had it since 1990 at home, and now the topic is the recently added traffic tolls around gothenburg (they are worse than thos ein stockholm)...I wonder if Taiwan ever will get anything like enviromental tax...when breathing the fumes after arriving to Taipei, i really felt like I was in Taiwan...

I brought a kebabpizza from sweden (frozen), however it was not a mossens, i got it from Pizzeria Milano in Alingsås...maybe next time I will bring a mossens pizza...

I also made 2 double meat and 4 cheese was good...
Last night at home...
I had an swedish beer...

Not sure, if they sell this in is ok...2.1%...almost driver friendly...
Hectic friday...
I fixed some things at my borthers appartment today (even if i thought I would never return to it). but before that I....

...went to the bank to renew a bank card...

...bought "hudsalva" for some friends...

And after the appartments visit I went to a hotel lobby to talk with some friends...they had a nice fire...

One of the ppl I met up was my old friend from my industrial engineering program who is very smart, and we often have intereting conversations...(he has no interest in beeing exposed on my blog)...

And our friend was also was fun...I wish I could have joined them and concinue the conversations...but time is ticking...
I went by Västtrafik (local transportation company, which I usually boycott) their new ticket system sux, its very confusing, not sure I was charged once or twice...

I went home to pack...but I also ate some mushrooms that I picked in the forrest last october...
3rd of jan...heading to Alingsås...
On early thursday morning I left to Alingsås...

Making sure to clean up at my borthers place...

It was another nice spring like day in gothenburg...

I took the bus to my parents house... it was really relaxing...

Most of the snow was gone, it was like 6 degs C in the air...

As usual when visiting parents, the fridge is full of food...

I made a swedish version of moussaka...with alot of cheese...

My parents got a letter from US, "the svennungs" cute...

It was kind of windy in the garden...

Later I went to alingsås...and found an Asus computer in the computer store...sweet...

And had a "fika" in the city...

It is possible to get Euros on the ATMs...thats convenient....

The lake has a very high level now...the pier is totaly covered...

Erik M also paid a visit...

He used to play Jejeweled on his smartphone...I helped him to get the app on facebook...

We also went to buy a kebabpizza...

it was big and nice...

With pizza salad...

He had white shoes...I wonder how long they will stay white...

When driving Erik home, I realised how convineint it is with the traffic lights in sweden, where they have sensors in the road making it green when a vehicle approaches...
Hectic Gothenburg days...
I ended last night by baking a nice pizza...

A margeritha with extra cheese...

In noon time I went to Tieto in Gårda, Gothenburg...

I went for alunch with Christian an old friend...

We went to an indian resturant in the area...

Later I went to see an other classmate who i wrote my master thesis with...taking tram, causing me a delay...

We went to see a energy the city center...
Many kinds of mustard...

It was info about solar cells, wind power and Bio energy...

Then we went to check computers...

And Windows 8, which looks like it has a smart phone interface...

Acer as popular here...

We also went to a new restaurant where they were selling hot dogs...

Many german sausages...

We also ahd a coupon, so we got it for half price...



Also in the Nordstan mall they had a christams tree...

Next stop was the new city library to check some stuff...

Free toilets...many people complains...about public toilets in the city...but every here and there they are free...

Nice windon design at NK...

I late onwent to Ville...

He got a nice book about chrstmas gift...

They mentioned Paulaner...

We also drank coffee from his espresso machine...

He had a machinese to grind the coffee beans...

Super fresh...

And we discussed and saw some program about the new toll charge here in Gothenburg...

I also had some Julmust...

Nice elephant painting...

Later I went to mu uncle...super slippery pavements...

My cousin was baking some bread...(or cake)...

Big table for a big family...

And I got father and uncle use to drink it during chrstmas when they were young...

And we saw some movies...and tried to install some programs on his computer...

Canadian Goose...nice and exclusive...
First day of 2013
Today it was a really nice day in Gothenburg...I alsmot felt like cycling to Alingsås...

It reminded me of those soft saturday mornings, when I went sloly for a bike ride home...

I went to Oskar to pick up some tupper ware...and met all the people from last night...

We had some cakes...

And coffee and tea from Ali shan...

It was realaxing...

I later took the tram downtown, missed the first one by 30 seconds, and waited 8-10 mins for the next one...

I met up an old classmate at Hard rock cafe...and had a burger...

It was 5 years since we met last was very fun...

She is also a big supporter/fan of Michael Jackson...and has 2 tattoos with his name...

Hard Rock cafe always has so cool interior design...

We later on headed to a loval cafe...

With many kinds of tea...

They had interesting art ther...old paintings covered with graffiti...

I had a chocolate though... (The yhad dark or light...not sure abou the different...I picked dark)...
New years eve in Gothenbrug...
I spent my New years eve in Gothenburg...

I was asked to make some food, but nothing else than meat from Sweden was accepted...(if i wanted meat) the day before the 31st I called some places asked for the orogin of their meat...

And started the make kebab pizza...

After repairing my shoes...

I took of to Gothenburgs...

The ticket machinese were I went for free...

Passing my me favorite pizzeria again (Mossens)...I checked that my old note still was there...

Then after getting the meat, I passed by chalmers, for heading to my brothers place...

And later to Oskar...

Jon and Nancy were already there...

I was told that were were joiing a competition (Sylvesterloppet), but it turned out to be aranged by the host him self... MR Stenriker...

Some people cyceled...

We ran...

It was rainy and cold...

But still serious...(ready for the start)...

10km...only Oskar new the way...we had to follow him...

It got dark pretty soon...

And thepath was full of puddles...

Some nite lakes...

And a skiiing path...

Later we took some whisky to get warm...

Oskar was streching first...I skipped that part...

Hehad some scotch whisky...

I had my Taiwanese whisky...

Later we pepared the evening...I chopped almonds...

It was fun, even if im not a big almond eater...

I also started to do my kebab pizzas...

Oskar showed us his purchase from when he was travelling, these he bought in Laos...

Ths in Taiwan...

This bag also in Laos (I think)...

A lamp from Africa...(Gambia?)...

I had kebab meat from Sweden...

We also listened to Oskars was pretty good...

Nice chill in "early" New years eve...

Later Jon and Nancy came back...

And the serlous food making started...

My first kebab pizza ever...(its a margeritha initially...

Nice crust...

And later I added the meat and sauce...

I was appreciated...

I was not really satisfied witht he dough...

But Oskar liked it alot...

We also had Taco pie...

And guacamole..

I had my Batman cufflinks...

Dessert was also super nice...with banana...

Very professional...

There were alots of lights in the room...

Glögg was another component of the night...

And since it was Jons birthday we also had a cake...

It was a super nice cake...

And around 12 we went out to watch fireworks...

And waiting for other ppl to go down town to party, we sat and drank...

And listened to music...

Many people waitedfor the tram at the tram station...

And many people were down town...(liek a normal saturday)...

And the police were present...

The club clsoed in 1 hours but charged us was a little to much, so we mingled around on the avenue...and around 3.30-4 we headed back...2013 continues...