Hectic friday...
I fixed some things at my borthers appartment today (even if i thought I would never return to it). but before that I....

...went to the bank to renew a bank card...

...bought "hudsalva" for some friends...

And after the appartments visit I went to a hotel lobby to talk with some friends...they had a nice fire...

One of the ppl I met up was my old friend from my industrial engineering program who is very smart, and we often have intereting conversations...(he has no interest in beeing exposed on my blog)...

And our friend was also there...it was fun...I wish I could have joined them and concinue the conversations...but time is ticking...
I went by Västtrafik (local transportation company, which I usually boycott) their new ticket system sux, its very confusing, not sure I was charged once or twice...

I went home to pack...but I also ate some mushrooms that I picked in the forrest last october...