Hectic Gothenburg days...
I ended last night by baking a nice pizza...

A margeritha with extra cheese...

In noon time I went to Tieto in Gårda, Gothenburg...

I went for alunch with Christian an old friend...

We went to an indian resturant in the area...

Later I went to see an other classmate who i wrote my master thesis with...taking tram, causing me a delay...

We went to see a energy exhibition...in the city center...
Many kinds of mustard...

It was info about solar cells, wind power and Bio energy...

Then we went to check computers...

And Windows 8, which looks like it has a smart phone interface...

Acer as popular here...

We also went to a new restaurant where they were selling hot dogs...

Many german sausages...

We also ahd a coupon, so we got it for half price...



Also in the Nordstan mall they had a christams tree...

Next stop was the new city library to check some stuff...

Free toilets...many people complains...about public toilets in the city...but every here and there they are free...

Nice windon design at NK...

I late onwent to Ville...

He got a nice book about beer..in chrstmas gift...

They mentioned Paulaner...

We also drank coffee from his espresso machine...

He had a machinese to grind the coffee beans...

Super fresh...

And we discussed and saw some program about the new toll charge here in Gothenburg...

I also had some Julmust...

Nice elephant painting...

Later I went to mu uncle...super slippery pavements...

My cousin was baking some bread...(or cake)...

Big table for a big family...

And I got svagdricka...my father and uncle use to drink it during chrstmas when they were young...

And we saw some movies...and tried to install some programs on his computer...

Canadian Goose...nice and exclusive...