New years eve in Gothenbrug...
I spent my New years eve in Gothenburg...

I was asked to make some food, but nothing else than meat from Sweden was accepted...(if i wanted meat) the day before the 31st I called some places asked for the orogin of their meat...

And started the make kebab pizza...

After repairing my shoes...

I took of to Gothenburgs...

The ticket machinese were I went for free...

Passing my me favorite pizzeria again (Mossens)...I checked that my old note still was there...

Then after getting the meat, I passed by chalmers, for heading to my brothers place...

And later to Oskar...

Jon and Nancy were already there...

I was told that were were joiing a competition (Sylvesterloppet), but it turned out to be aranged by the host him self... MR Stenriker...

Some people cyceled...

We ran...

It was rainy and cold...

But still serious...(ready for the start)...

10km...only Oskar new the way...we had to follow him...

It got dark pretty soon...

And thepath was full of puddles...

Some nite lakes...

And a skiiing path...

Later we took some whisky to get warm...

Oskar was streching first...I skipped that part...

Hehad some scotch whisky...

I had my Taiwanese whisky...

Later we pepared the evening...I chopped almonds...

It was fun, even if im not a big almond eater...

I also started to do my kebab pizzas...

Oskar showed us his purchase from when he was travelling, these he bought in Laos...

Ths in Taiwan...

This bag also in Laos (I think)...

A lamp from Africa...(Gambia?)...

I had kebab meat from Sweden...

We also listened to Oskars was pretty good...

Nice chill in "early" New years eve...

Later Jon and Nancy came back...

And the serlous food making started...

My first kebab pizza ever...(its a margeritha initially...

Nice crust...

And later I added the meat and sauce...

I was appreciated...

I was not really satisfied witht he dough...

But Oskar liked it alot...

We also had Taco pie...

And guacamole..

I had my Batman cufflinks...

Dessert was also super nice...with banana...

Very professional...

There were alots of lights in the room...

Glögg was another component of the night...

And since it was Jons birthday we also had a cake...

It was a super nice cake...

And around 12 we went out to watch fireworks...

And waiting for other ppl to go down town to party, we sat and drank...

And listened to music...

Many people waitedfor the tram at the tram station...

And many people were down town...(liek a normal saturday)...

And the police were present...

The club clsoed in 1 hours but charged us was a little to much, so we mingled around on the avenue...and around 3.30-4 we headed back...2013 continues...