A night full of beer house visits
Last night I went to many beer houses in Hsinchu...

I always wanted to go here, since my friends told me they went here...

This beer logo looks very german...

And a german flag...

They had 2 kinds of beer...dark and not dark...

And not that many german dishes...this is sushi...

Some steak...

And very nice chicken...it was sweet and crispy...

And german sausage...

Then the next restaurant was near by...

It is a new place, there use to be a Giant bike store here...

They also had 2 kinds of beer, I had to try both...

It was "Xian beer"...

They are open late...and offer all you can drink during june, on saturdays...to bad I missed that offer, its only for 100nt...

But this promotion is on friday at another store in jhubei...I called many friends to try to get them here...feasting on this cheap offer...

It was not the same beer as at the Beer Work in Hsinchu...but still ok...

And sushi without rice now aswell...

And cheese sticks...

And mini burgers...

The toilet had cool design...on the gender signs...

After 3 of these...they closed the place...I told my swedish friends to join tomorrow...
Drink wine from Rohan
Who drank wine from lord of the rings?

I did! Chevalier de Rohan...wherever it came from...it was nice!
Like a farytale...
Lame taiwanese drivers...
Why does so many driver suffer from tunnel vision in this country?

I was cycling in campus, when suddenly a car from the opposite direction just turned left, crashed into my bike...
Nothing happend fortunately...and the driver took off...
So blind...
Leaving the dorm...
The spring semester ends the 29th of june, thus many people have to leave their dorm...

I also saw the dragon boat coach there...perhaps helping to speak english for foreingers...
Scooters in campus...
There are many scooters in campus these days...

And as usual they park everywhere...mostly on the pavements (I many times think that taiwan has pavments only for scooter parking...)
The "Scooter on campus era" will end in a couple of days i think...
Baibai, Saamet, Donny and Sebastian...
I went to another Baibai-party last night...

Less and less people meet up nowadays...as the international students becomes fewer and fewer...

As taiwanese students running around cmapus packing their things and leaving the dorm for the summer...

We treid swedish "snaps"...not as good as "Hallands fläder", but still ok...

Saamet will go to Shanghai...

Donny will go back to sweden and Sebastian will go to Beijing...
C u later guys!
Free fruit on campus
My friend called me and offered me free fruit...

It was nice...maybe I will bake a cake with them later...
Cheese in the lab...
I opened the cheese I bought in Costco today...

It was ok, one smelled like sausage...the other one was goat cheese...super good...!
Visit a Moroccan restaurant in Taipei...
My friend Mariame invited me and someotehr students to join to a Moroccan restaurant in Taipei...

We met at 10, and it was super warm today...

My swedish friend Oskar arrived thismorning to taiwan, he called me, and I aked him to join us...

We went to this place...not easy to find, if you dont have a map...

The owner was from Marocco, he had lived in Asia for 15 years or more...

The menu was full of pictures from Marocco...

We ordered alot of dishes, starting wit soup...

The food was served super fast...and if we wanted more, they came with more directly...what a contrast to the burger bar some days before...

The dishes were very colourful...

It was barely space on the table for all the plates...

The owner showed us a magazine where he was interviewed...so cool...

After the food we got mint tea...wit sugar...just like in Turkey...

This is how u start pouring it up...

And then u are suppose to get higher...

Oskar was super tired, he did not sleep much on the plane...nor in sweden before he took of...

They had this cool coffee machine at the entrance desk...making cold coffee...
Eating with the swedes
I ate with the swedes yesterday...

We went to the beer house where we always go with Fredrik, here in Hsinchu...I suggested an all you can drink and eat place, maybewe take that next time...

They had a special kind of Taiwane beer, very good...

I ordered as many sweet and sours dishes as I could find, as usual...

I didnt know, even if I have been here so many times, that its a free fruit buffet included...

The waitress were very agressive in tryting to make me buy expensive beers as usuall, but I insited to stay with the Taiwan beer...

We later on went to north gate of the NCTU campus and bought cider and beer...

And found that Fredrik And Kristoffer has imiliar bikes, fredrik will send his home soon, since he is moving to sweden...

We continued to the DJ club,but the AC didnt work (there are always some things that never works in this room) :S

DJ Saamet tried the equipment...

Then we stayed for some hours...it was nice and sweaty...
Nice with Swedish cider...
Its really warm in taiwan nowadays...

But the swedish cider is really nice to drink in this warm weather :)
Its like juice...in drinking speed...
New stickers at 7-11...
I just saw that they have new stickers at 7-11...

Its nice...I wonder if i will get a full chart before I leave taiwan...
German is moving out...
My panama room mate German is moving out...

His english was not that good, so he didnt speak mch to me...but I heard he thought I was gay and thus (with his concervative culture) was afraid of me :S
Good luck German! I heard u might come back to asia later...
Costco purchase...
I just bought some things at Costco...

It was a while since I drank wine and ate cheese (2-3 weeks ago), so its gonna b good, with a part of my old life back...and super size milk and juice...so nice when its 40 degrees outside...
Strange email...
I got a strange email from some administration at NCTU that handles scholarships...
They say that Silver scholarship holders needs to work some days every semester, to earn their money, and Golden scholarship holders (who gets twice as much money every month) needs to work even more to earn their money, every month. Nothing has been reported this semester...
They say that Silver scholarship holders needs to work some days every semester, to earn their money, and Golden scholarship holders (who gets twice as much money every month) needs to work even more to earn their money, every month. Nothing has been reported this semester...
I went to talk to the GMBA secretary yesterday, who use to ask me for favors at the GMBA, since Im often in the lab, but when I ask if she ever reports anything from my work to the administration I get he answer "I dont know", I ask how much the other classmates work and she says "nothing"...
I wonder, how is the working process in this GMBA program? other programs really force their scholarship holders to earn their money, in particular the golden scholarship holders... It feels very inconsistent, very lame, I wonder how long it this GMBA program will survive, with this "I dont know" working method...
Costco visit
I went to costco to eat lunch...

It was the first time I ordered a sallad with my pizza...it was so-so...
Now im heading to my lab...time to b prducotive with my thesis...after uplading my blog, check my email, read aftonbladet.se, check whos names day it is at passagen.se check FB....etc etc...mabye also clean my desk...I tend to clean or do whatever else than study, when I really need to study...
Baibai Kim...
Kim, my swedish speaking finish friend had a farewell party last night. He intended to go "all-in" and party hard...

We met at the north gate...Kim was almost 30 minutes late...it was super warm...

We took the bus to taipei, but came to the wrong place, since we used a different bus company than we use to...

I saw a cool Spiderman statue neat Taipei city hall...

We coninuted to Xida road, to eat hamburger...we were to late for the 1885 resturant...so we went to Kiwi hamburgers (KGB)...I never been here, but its highlt ranked among burgerbars in Taiwan...

It took a while before we got the burgers...we were 11 people...

And the drinks took a while to...especially since I was super hungry, it felt even longer...

I ordered the biggest burger they had, plus cheese on my fries...

Then we went to the bus station, some of us went home...some went to a club, on of the few that acctually are open on a tuesday night in taipei...
Farewell dinner with P4 class...
I went to a farewell dinner with a P4 class...

It was the same restaurant that we went to last year...

Some students brought their whole family...

I ordered beer...

We spoke chinese most of the time...

A lot of tainwaese dishes...not aboriginal though...
91 kg
I am 91 kg currently...

I mean alsmost 91...
I lost a lot...
Another farewell party...
I went to another farewell party last night...

Hmm...and all the other swedes will be gone within a week...
Bai bai Hubert
It has been alot of farewell parties recently...

Late nights at the lake...

And there after watch football...
Hubert and Victor, french and swedish left yesterday, so we had farewell party at the NCTU lake...it was fun, hubert brought some french red wine...
FIlm in the lab...
I spent alot of time in the lab recently...

I guess many classmates are bored right now...they are done with many things...just waiting to graduate...
Exam preparation days...
Im spending my days to prepare a take home exam...
Its in a course that, if i dont pass I cannot graduate...
We also got additional tasks in order to increase our chances to pass, meaning doing work books etc...

I have 2 of these exams...after that I need to start working on my thesis...life is hectic at the MBA if u have some advisers and some extra requirements...only for foreigners...
Dragon boat race in Nanliao, Hsinchu
We met in early morning at school to take bus to the harbor...

Not everyone showd up, some people went there by scooter...

It was alot of people at the harbor...

People stayed up late last night, so they were sleepy...

We got some tawanese bread...with red beans inside...

It was very windy...and each team got a tent...

My chinese teacher paid a visit...

Also many of my classmates from chinese class...

My friend Viktor bought burgers from Mcdonalds and Burgerking, it looked strange when he had them in the same bag...

Teams were starting continously he whole day...

One flag catcher was dressed as spider man...maybe to protect himself from the sun...

We started to warm up just before 12...4 hours after we met up for taking the bus...

Just the normal dragon boat warming up...

And some tactics...

We lost the first race and people were disapointed...just like last year...

We won the second one, and people were more happy...

We also got some pizzas and soft drinks...

It was alot of waiting in between the races...

Many people arriving, causing traffic chaos...

Many old friends from school came to watch us compeed...

I got a energy drink from my dear friend Charka...

As time passed by, fewer and fewer teams were racing...

We knew that if we lost one more race we were out...but just like last year, the first race was a "wake up" that we have to go srong all the time...not only in the end...

At the finals we lost with this light weighted indonesian team, they were uncyncronized but super strong...they deserved to win...

We waited another hour for the prize ceremony...

I lended my henna tattoo paste to some team members...

Some helicopter had some resque show, just like last year...

Then it was time for the award...

Many teams were lined up...

This is the glass trophy, kind of similiar to last years...

It was nice to take the bus back to school...ery relaxing...

Many team members fell asleep...but i was high on caffein, so i couldnt sleep...

at the night we met up at the NCTU pond...

A visit at a all-you-can eat all-you-can drink restaurant
I went to an all you can eat and all you can drink restaurant last friday...

It was kind of similiar to other "hotel all you can eat" but it was a hotpot...

They ahd free refill on San Miguel beer...

I sticked to fruit initially...but ate fish and vegetables later on...

This thing is a yolk separator...so funny...
AT aboriginal restaurant with my P5 class...
I went to an aboriginal restaueant not far from school with my P5 class (Practical chinese)

Its always nice to eat original food...

We took teat from a bamboo stick...

The paintings were cool, some looked lie easter island look-alike-drawings...

And the colours were jamacian...while ragea was played in the back ground...kind of wierd...

The waitress seemed to be aboriginal...so cool!

Nice decoration...

The food was similair to the one I ate in Taidong...

I was about to go to another restaurant after this visit, so i didnt want to eat to much...

This is grasshoppers...

They tasted ok...

And the mandatory rice in bamboo...

We stayed for some hour...and we also had another guest, it was a nice dinner...

Here is thecurrent class plus teacher and a guest...

We finished with dessert...slized ice, but also with red beans :S...
Its ok...
Pablo is in town...
Pablo came to town to meet our adviser etc...

First we went to see the GMBA secretary...

Then we went to see the adviser...but he was not here...to bad...
Trying to fill my monopoly board
I got another sticker for my Mcdonalds monopoly board...

Its a pity that I always get the same stickers...I need different sticker for every street...
A night at plur...
I planned to do my thesis last night, but people invited me to plur...
At the same time my classmate told me he will had in a draft of his thesis today, so i stayed in lab until late...

Anyway, later I decided to make a quick visit at plur...many ppl called me, and asked where I was...It was an interesting night...and so slow queue...no wonder they offer "all you can drink"...

My swedish friends...I will miss you guys, always supporting!

The french exchange students...always fooling around...

And Kuoping, taking his shirt of when its party...(some times)...so funny...

Students presenting today...
I had many classmates who presented their thesis today...

Some went to bed late, since they prepared their presentation...

Some celebrated...

Some were walking around and celebrating with those who celebrating...

I had some wine, and treated with my 24 month aged cheese...while doing my chinese workbook...

And later on rely on my bottle...it never disappoints...plus try to accomplish something with my thesis...will try to fix a first draft soon...
First year students gathering
Some first year students had some gathering in the lab...

They were drinking cider and stuff, saying good bye to some classmates...

Outside was the typhoon, and the mandatory puddle in the lab became larger...
Mingeling with Henry
We drank beer with henry today...

We had a beer and cider, and talking about his future plans...

Later on he helped me to paste more Mcdonalds stickers to my monoply game board...
Henry will live in the lab for a night...
I use to occupy the lab alot...

Tonight, Henry will sleep in the lab, he moved from his dorm, but the typhoon is hindering him from getting home to Kaohsiung. I will offer him a cover etc tonight...and some alcohol...he will soon leave to china for work...
Good luck Henry!
Typhoon lunch...
Its typhoon times...

Most facilities at school are closed, perhaps the food courts are open...but some classmates ordered hamburgers...I got a spicy chicken burger...from a guy who never came...
Cold in the lab?
It was 27 degrees this morning in Nanliao, and probably the same now...

My classmates are using hair dryer to gain heat...I wonder why they still use AC...(long time ago I was told that its a luxurious problem)...
Dragon boat practice in Nanliao
Today we had practice woith the dragon boat team at the Harbor on Nanliao...

We met at the North gate, uaually people say that we should meet 10 minutes earlier, but some people keep on beeing late...so for us who hate to wait, also comes right on time...

We got breakfast on the way...it was highly appreciated...

Many people took the bus, but there was also a few going to Nanliao by themselves...

Some basic warmup...

This is the pool where we are suppose to paddle...some ppl argue whether its really 500 meters or not...there was some problems with people not focusing on looking at their paddle partner and about when to scream to get more power...we will c, its just a race...

We were practicing for 90 minutes...it was raining a little, but I still felt that I got tanned...

Here is Hallman afte the practice...the only swedish guy except me in the team...

We continued to eat after the practice...

And gave our training Oscar an award for a good job coaching us...

He got an "Oscar"...

Then we paid for your T-shirts...

And went back to school...back to reality...Typhoon is arriving, but I will still work...Its rare that Hsinchu count gets a day off for typhoon, since the science park generate alot of money...
Hotpot in the lab again...
Some students arranged a hotpot in the lab...

I added some garlic and ate a little...
People having oral defense...
More and more students are having their oral defense at the GMBA program...

Emerson came to the lab yesterday, that is a rare thing...he presented...he is a full time worker who also takes some days off each week, for the GMBA program...
Typhoon times; Version 2012
There was a typhoon some years ago...not comming form the east, where most typhoons ocmes from, that dies in the mountians...
My friend told me that taiwan got 2.36 meters of rain in two days during the Morakot typhoon, that was its name....

Bring it on...it will be entertaining...
My friend told me that taiwan got 2.36 meters of rain in two days during the Morakot typhoon, that was its name....

Bring it on...it will be entertaining...
Toys to Tai kids...
My friend, who works as a teacher in Hsinchu asked if i had some spare toys she could get to give to her students...

I asked some ppl, and took things that were in my room...I hope other ppl will have better use of these than me...some are toys that my friend Pablo took from Mcdonalds at some Taipei visit...finally they also reach the right owner...

I asked some ppl, and took things that were in my room...I hope other ppl will have better use of these than me...some are toys that my friend Pablo took from Mcdonalds at some Taipei visit...finally they also reach the right owner...
Swedes at the food court
Mant swedes has returned home (8 out of 10 chalmers students)...

But still alot of students from Linköpings University are here...that is nice...

But still alot of students from Linköpings University are here...that is nice...
Chinese class
Im getting worried if my GMBA classmates will pass the chinese course...

They are never there nowadays...i will b dispointed of the teacher passed people just becuase it is a requirement for graduation, but still forcing some of us to attend...then I aa surely wasting my time here...in a very inconsistent country...

We also took group pictures...as usual and discussed when to eat a final dinner togetter...

They are never there nowadays...i will b dispointed of the teacher passed people just becuase it is a requirement for graduation, but still forcing some of us to attend...then I aa surely wasting my time here...in a very inconsistent country...

We also took group pictures...as usual and discussed when to eat a final dinner togetter...
Baibai Bazarmaa
I went to the airport this morning to say bai to my friend Bazarmaa...

She will return to taiwan to study later on this year...

It was early morning, but still many people here...

And a cool Helly Kitty room...I think it was Eva Air that made it...

I was here to ask about how to transport my bike back home to sweden...but didnt get any good answers...I also saw this safetly solution, having both bars and glass as protection at the bank...

She will return to taiwan to study later on this year...

It was early morning, but still many people here...

And a cool Helly Kitty room...I think it was Eva Air that made it...

I was here to ask about how to transport my bike back home to sweden...but didnt get any good answers...I also saw this safetly solution, having both bars and glass as protection at the bank...
Graduation lunch with professors...
I went to a graduation lunch with my professors yesterday...

It was in a resturant downtown, I had problems finding the dining room in the building...

Pablo came from Taipei to here...he was a little tired...

It was an "all you can eat" place...mostly taiwanese food...

Many people hadnt seen each other for quite a while...

Some people brought their kids...

There was a screen, projecting pics from the years that passed...

And there were some drinking competitions...

And drwing competitions...

The teachers were also participating...

This table did not participate that mcuh, they were busy with having interesting conversations...

Lotus walked aroudn collecting money, even from people who already paid!?!

And there was a shuffle generator picking people to participate in more comprtitions...My photo was not there...so i didnt participate...

Students and professors were suppose to do and eat things, that people at the talbes were suppsoe to gues what it was...

And the winner got some canides...

And the losers had to sing...

MAny people took photos...

in the end more people started to sing...but not with that great entusiasm...

And gifts wer given to the professors...

Some statues....

They were cute...

3 preofessors were attending...not my adviser...though....

Group photo...

Girls photo...

I tried to play some music...at the end...

The foriengers ended up at 1 table, where most of the wine bottles were...

Some students didnt miss a change to mingle with thei favourite proferssor....

Some parents had the same posture...

And there were alot of duscussions regarding thesis...

We sat there for a while...until the staff asked us to leave...

Then we went to buy some drinks and went to the GMBA lab...

We sat there for another hour...

Until people went home...

It was in a resturant downtown, I had problems finding the dining room in the building...

Pablo came from Taipei to here...he was a little tired...

It was an "all you can eat" place...mostly taiwanese food...

Many people hadnt seen each other for quite a while...

Some people brought their kids...

There was a screen, projecting pics from the years that passed...

And there were some drinking competitions...

And drwing competitions...

The teachers were also participating...

This table did not participate that mcuh, they were busy with having interesting conversations...

Lotus walked aroudn collecting money, even from people who already paid!?!

And there was a shuffle generator picking people to participate in more comprtitions...My photo was not there...so i didnt participate...

Students and professors were suppose to do and eat things, that people at the talbes were suppsoe to gues what it was...

And the winner got some canides...

And the losers had to sing...

MAny people took photos...

in the end more people started to sing...but not with that great entusiasm...

And gifts wer given to the professors...

Some statues....

They were cute...

3 preofessors were attending...not my adviser...though....

Group photo...

Girls photo...

I tried to play some music...at the end...

The foriengers ended up at 1 table, where most of the wine bottles were...

Some students didnt miss a change to mingle with thei favourite proferssor....

Some parents had the same posture...

And there were alot of duscussions regarding thesis...

We sat there for a while...until the staff asked us to leave...

Then we went to buy some drinks and went to the GMBA lab...

We sat there for another hour...

Until people went home...
Late meeting in the lab...
I was in the lab some days ago...

These students were preparing some events for the lunch we will have with our professors...
I made cory a tattoo...stars and stripes...

These students were preparing some events for the lunch we will have with our professors...

I made cory a tattoo...stars and stripes...
Rainy days...
A typhoon might come soon...

Heavy rain showers are very common nowadays...

Heavy rain showers are very common nowadays...
Euro2012: the second swedish game...
The swedsh trade council announced that they will watch the swedish game togoetter in Taipei at "on tap, a bar near the party district...

I didnt really eat anything this day, so I started my day at New Yourk, shortly before we were suppose to take off...

Bobby, my old friend who use to work at 7-11 at north gate, was finally back in business...it was fun...

The swedes were warming up in the chalmers office...painting their faces...

The french borrowed some pens to paint their faces aswell...

At 7-11 I found "Rekorderlig Cider" again...havnt seen it here for a while...I had to buy it...

We walked to the bus station...took a bus that dropped us out side the bar in taipei...

Me and Koupingm went to his house first...I wnated to see how he lived...on the MRT to there, I saw that Akon is comming in the end of june...the is quality...

We had to go to Guting...its a bit outside the center of Taipei...

And from there walk...

Here is his house and his parents car...

It looks like a typical taiwanese home...wooden furnitures etc...

They had an aquarium without fishes, that still was on...he didnt know why...

And his parents collected this figures...

They had washing machinese togetter with TV...

This is his sister...

His parents were sleeping...she was also going to bed, and we were about to leave...

We took the taxt tback to the bar since the MRT stopped go...it was about 1 am...

We went to this bar...

They consitently told guests that they might be full...(the the bar)...when I told them that "Fredric" had reserved a talbe from the swedish trade council he siad "oh, the VIP room...welcome in"...so then the "regulation" was not that important any longer :S

Alot of people were watching the first game...

I bought a beer, they charged me twice as much, maybe uts a routine...not sure...they didnt even appologize when I asked why it it cost 648 for a beer, maybe the waiters english was not that good...and his logic (about what a beer price is, was even worse)...

We had a small TV in our VIP room...

Spending time watching the France-Ukranian game...

Outside they had alot of displays...

It was very full in thie bar this night...

We took a break inbetween the games, and I went to have some rice meat thing...typical taiwanese...

We also went to Family mart, to get something to eat, some people drank energy drinks...

And we imitated Zlatan, and his geastures on the street...

Some people made paintings on their face...

This is Fredrik, who arranged the event...he use to be a chalmers student...

This is the control room, for the TVs, they changed the comentator from japanese to english after a while...not sure why they used japanese broadcasting at all...maybe it was a better picture...
Fredriks was so cute, he was wearing his football outfit, with his Uefa 2012 T-shirt...

The fist game ended with that france won...

And the swedish game begun...

So exsiting, so much hope...

Swedish national anthem...

Suddenly many people left, only some brittish and swedsih supportes left in theclub, even thought, on the paper, it was fully booked, but chinese people, we were told...

It was in the basement og theclbu so the reception was not that good...

Some people were bored during some times...chatting on their phones, or playing games...

Then sweden made 1-1, and people wer happy...

1-1 created hope...

2-1 to sweden...wow, we heard the english people screaming when they scored, so we didnt want to be worse...

THen england scored 2-2...and 3-2...

When the game was over some people took of pretty soon...

We were about to go to McDonalds, but they didnt serve hamburgers...

We wer heading to B.K. but it was closed...

So some people went to a bagel store, why we who lived in Hsinchu went to the bus station...

Well in Hsinchu, it was morning, and people were praying at the temple...so interesting...

I didnt really eat anything this day, so I started my day at New Yourk, shortly before we were suppose to take off...

Bobby, my old friend who use to work at 7-11 at north gate, was finally back in business...it was fun...

The swedes were warming up in the chalmers office...painting their faces...

The french borrowed some pens to paint their faces aswell...

At 7-11 I found "Rekorderlig Cider" again...havnt seen it here for a while...I had to buy it...

We walked to the bus station...took a bus that dropped us out side the bar in taipei...

Me and Koupingm went to his house first...I wnated to see how he lived...on the MRT to there, I saw that Akon is comming in the end of june...the is quality...

We had to go to Guting...its a bit outside the center of Taipei...

And from there walk...

Here is his house and his parents car...

It looks like a typical taiwanese home...wooden furnitures etc...

They had an aquarium without fishes, that still was on...he didnt know why...

And his parents collected this figures...

They had washing machinese togetter with TV...

This is his sister...

His parents were sleeping...she was also going to bed, and we were about to leave...

We took the taxt tback to the bar since the MRT stopped go...it was about 1 am...

We went to this bar...

They consitently told guests that they might be full...(the the bar)...when I told them that "Fredric" had reserved a talbe from the swedish trade council he siad "oh, the VIP room...welcome in"...so then the "regulation" was not that important any longer :S

Alot of people were watching the first game...

I bought a beer, they charged me twice as much, maybe uts a routine...not sure...they didnt even appologize when I asked why it it cost 648 for a beer, maybe the waiters english was not that good...and his logic (about what a beer price is, was even worse)...

We had a small TV in our VIP room...

Spending time watching the France-Ukranian game...

Outside they had alot of displays...

It was very full in thie bar this night...

We took a break inbetween the games, and I went to have some rice meat thing...typical taiwanese...

We also went to Family mart, to get something to eat, some people drank energy drinks...

And we imitated Zlatan, and his geastures on the street...

Some people made paintings on their face...

This is Fredrik, who arranged the event...he use to be a chalmers student...

This is the control room, for the TVs, they changed the comentator from japanese to english after a while...not sure why they used japanese broadcasting at all...maybe it was a better picture...

Fredriks was so cute, he was wearing his football outfit, with his Uefa 2012 T-shirt...

The fist game ended with that france won...

And the swedish game begun...

So exsiting, so much hope...

Swedish national anthem...

Suddenly many people left, only some brittish and swedsih supportes left in theclub, even thought, on the paper, it was fully booked, but chinese people, we were told...

It was in the basement og theclbu so the reception was not that good...

Some people were bored during some times...chatting on their phones, or playing games...

Then sweden made 1-1, and people wer happy...

1-1 created hope...

2-1 to sweden...wow, we heard the english people screaming when they scored, so we didnt want to be worse...

THen england scored 2-2...and 3-2...

When the game was over some people took of pretty soon...

We were about to go to McDonalds, but they didnt serve hamburgers...

We wer heading to B.K. but it was closed...

So some people went to a bagel store, why we who lived in Hsinchu went to the bus station...

Well in Hsinchu, it was morning, and people were praying at the temple...so interesting...
Ikväll smäller det!
Ikväll smäller det!

Nu får d bära eller brista :)

Nu får d bära eller brista :)
Blackout at school
I major blackout just occured at school...
Lucky me, I had my candle enlighened, so it was barely any difference...

The elvatrtors were broken, Im hapy I was not in htere when it ahapend...people were waiting in the lobby for the electricity ro come back...or jsut to chill out...

I went to they gym cuz it still had light...but a guy said i could not go barefeet becuase it was not safe, I asked why, and some other person translated saying that if i drop something on my foot, the shoe will maybe protect...haha, what logic is that? it was sad but interesting...I asked him to write down the regulations, so that I could translate but he refused...

I went back to the dorm, and had to take the stairs...it felt like a dejavu from lst weekend...at taipei 101...

I had my flashlights, wo I was safe, even though its kind of handicapped and warm without a fan here in taiwan in summer...

Its a big impact...
Back at the lab I got use of my old "birthday cake candles"...so convenient to save things...sometimes...

The elvatrtors were broken, Im hapy I was not in htere when it ahapend...people were waiting in the lobby for the electricity ro come back...or jsut to chill out...

I went to they gym cuz it still had light...but a guy said i could not go barefeet becuase it was not safe, I asked why, and some other person translated saying that if i drop something on my foot, the shoe will maybe protect...haha, what logic is that? it was sad but interesting...I asked him to write down the regulations, so that I could translate but he refused...

I went back to the dorm, and had to take the stairs...it felt like a dejavu from lst weekend...at taipei 101...

I had my flashlights, wo I was safe, even though its kind of handicapped and warm without a fan here in taiwan in summer...

Its a big impact...

His name is Henry...
He used to be my "scared classmate"
Made me think of:

He is very nice, and knows pinyin...and far from scared any longer...

He might go to china to work after he is done at the MBA...his name i Xinren in chinese but Henry in english...
Made me think of:

He is very nice, and knows pinyin...and far from scared any longer...

He might go to china to work after he is done at the MBA...his name i Xinren in chinese but Henry in english...
No adviser in position...
I went to my adviser again...

He was not there...u might ask yourself...why dont i ask him when he is there, he told me he is here often...but I got his number today, so that I dont have to waste any time on going here...

Its at the 7th floor in the building with the slowest elevators at school...I was inspecting my new look, while waiting to arrive at the bottom floor...my new hair style..., french style one can say...and yes, im wearing my indonesian "disco-disco" shirt.

He was not there...u might ask yourself...why dont i ask him when he is there, he told me he is here often...but I got his number today, so that I dont have to waste any time on going here...

Its at the 7th floor in the building with the slowest elevators at school...I was inspecting my new look, while waiting to arrive at the bottom floor...my new hair style..., french style one can say...and yes, im wearing my indonesian "disco-disco" shirt.
Late breakfast
I ate breakfast at lunch...

Eating home bkaed bread (my lab is my home), with swedish coffee and italian parmesan...alot of garlic in the bread...its relaxing...

Eating home bkaed bread (my lab is my home), with swedish coffee and italian parmesan...alot of garlic in the bread...its relaxing...
Late night at lab...
I spent alot of time in the lab last night...

In the end, it was only me and Tayi left..at 4-something...
I guess the following weeks will be the same... :S

In the end, it was only me and Tayi left..at 4-something...
I guess the following weeks will be the same... :S
Chocolate truffles at food court 2
Today they served Chocolate truffles at food court 2.

They always serve some plum flavoursed hospital candy...(also served at hospitals some times...) this was an intersting extra thing...they are always so nice there...everyone in the restaurant...
Is there no law for making pedestrians wet?
I ofter wait at the intersection Guangfu road and Daxue road in Hsinchu...

Cars drive fast here, right in the puddle only caring about that they arive in time, not about if others get wet...so annoying, I wonder if i by law can force them to clean my clothes...like inte sweden...
Extending my dorm stay...
I think I need to leave my dorm by end of june...so I went to the ISC to ask for help...

I sensored the service lady...after agreement...

And took pics on her name sign...

I was asked to continue to the housing division...
After paying I know can live in my room some month longer...
Dorm door is broken...
One of the entrance doors are broken at my dorm...

Its annoying...usually I just open the dorm without card...its convenient...now I need to bring my student ID card...its a tough developed country problem...
Chinese class and adviser tryout...
I had chinese class today...

I missed a quiz...but i might do it next week...only 4 students attended...Roberto my dear latino friend, went to Spirit last saturday, and got heavily beaten up by radnom taiwanese guys, totally unprovoked, it might be as people say, "Taiwan is a lawless country, controlled by maffia and corrupted police...", so he has skipped classes for 1 week...

I also went to my adviser twice, but he was not there...
Cut my hair and did an intense diet...
My friend asked me: "Is that your belly?"...I wonder whos else belly could it be? and asked if she saw anyone else but their belly on mine...

I did a 4-5 day diet, and am down to 93...I still need to change my lifestyle if i wanna get my old body back...we will c, its summer and im heading home soon...I think...so its high potential for a "life style change"...

Haircut and shave...but still chubby...
Visiting my adviser...
I made a short visit to my adviser today...

He was not there...maybe he has class when I have chinese...Ill try tomorrow again...
Victor is in town
We had visit from a guy from sweden in our chinese class today...

It was fun, he brouhgt Marabou Mjölkchoklad with Daim...that he treated the class...
Thesis writing...
I try to write my thesis...

I asked my classmate yesterday, where she found her theories from...she said her adviser gave it to her...I thought: "hmm...so lucky to get things like that...". I came up with some limitations anyway...that is a start...
I fixed my bika a la MacGyver...
Since my bike broke just when i came back from fixing it...

I used plastic tape on the inside of the outer tire...I hope it will last...until I buy new outer tires...
Garlic pizza...
I made a pizza with garlic yesterday...

It was alot of garlic...I guess I smelled alot...
Old dough...
I found my pizza dough a little old...

It smelled a little sour, but still tasted good...I might make new dough tonite...for dinner...its thesis time...everyone is working on it...as it seems...as they say...hmm...
A visit to the bike store again...
I went to the Giant store again...

They often give a good inression when Im down there...
But some times, they give me different suggestions for the same problem...

When heading back to my lab, my back tire broke...I really need to buy new outer tires... :S
Swedish premier in Euro2012
I was amazed last evening, when I spoke to some asian and african girls who seriously belived that Ukraine was a better team than Sweden (in the statistics)...they probably based it on how many friends they had from ukraine who are football interested, or mixed Ukraine with some other country...

Hmm. 17th vs 52nd postition in the world rank...I wonder what their source was...but didnt do more than just reflect...since I could never recall that ukraine played in fifa or uefa that frequently...maybe they knew more than me...

I thought about joining the ukrainians to watch, since we have so many of them here at school...but I think they take the sport soo seriously...and I dont wanna get them angry with me due to some game...

It was a boring first half...in the second alot happened...it was alot of new players in the swedish team...it was alot of people trying to slow the game down...at the last minutes...in the last 20 minutes more chanses occurred...but without result...

I brought my indonesian Arak...and treated the people attending...and took a shot for every score sweden did...I did not end up to drunk...
Im happy for Ukraine that they have a win...since they are hosting...sweden never won playing with the host nation the last 5 or 6 championships...however, sweden seldom lose playing with england...lets see what the next game have to offer...
Where are my classmates?
Where are my classmates?

Only 6 people showed up on todays P4 chinese class...we need to pass this class to graduate...and we had quiz...hmm...we will c what happens...
Taipei 101 run up...
It seemed to be a very popular event...

Not that many people who tried to sign upp succeeded...but I was lucky to get a place...

I bought redbull and some rice dumpling as breakfast...

Its a 508meter building...not sure about the floors...

Many stands were set up...with sponsors...

Everyone had to fill in some health check form...

They didnt want any person to get a heart attack up there...

I didnt get a chip...and the tai ppl tried to get rd of the proble, byt sending me a way (a very common taiwanese approach)

But by not leaving, its possible to make they feel uncomfortable, and finally solve the problem...

People started in groups...and in order of start number...

Many lotteries and freebees were given away for those who wanted...

I got noodles etc...

I thoguht in running barefeet, but later on changed my mind...

AFter handing in the physical exam...I got a bracelett that people put stickers on when I took the freebees...

Where was a monitor at the start, where people could see the finish at the top...

Many people were queuing up...

This is the distance to walk...

at 12.30 (on the paper, but in reallity at 13.00) I went to stand in line...

This guy was organising the queuing system...

Then we had to scan out chip to enter the building...

And another line up...in sections...

20 people in each section...

Everything went very slow...atleast it felt like it...

Elevators...the normal way to go upstairs...

There were alot of staff checking the queues...

After this section queue, we went to another queue...

It was near the start...

I always wanted to go to this restaurant...my friend when here with her parents 3-4 years ago...i think its an italian restaurant...

THen they scanned my chip again...

And the walk begun...it was hard to run, since people were covering the path...

And they walked very slow...

At some floors they offered water...I also think we could take a rest in the corridor if we left the stair way...and maybe enjoy the view from there...

However, some people choosed to lay down on the stairs...

Or just wait for better times...

It was straight from bottom to top...if i dropped an item at the top it will fall half a kilometer I think...

I didnt know how many floors there were...some one told me 91...so this is abouthalf way...not really tired yet...but warm...

I ran the last 2 stairs...I was never really tired...it was fun, but maybe I should have enjoyed the rest places...with the view more...to explore the building...

Up at the top many people were waiting for their friends to come up...

It was a great view...I was here with my parents 4 years ago...but we couldnt go up on the terass...

Its hard to believe that the building is so high...it feels like standing on a mountain, looking down...

To get down I had to queue, there was only 1 elevator taking people down...

so it was a 40-50 minutes queue, at the time I came up...

These guys ran in the graduate suit...

Here is Taipei downtown...

These guys arranged the queue...

Here is the bus stataion (far away)...this was the higest elevator queue I ever been in...

Danshui (where the ocean is) can bee seen in the horizon...

These guys also graduated...

These foreingers (one I know use to study at NCTU, she from hawaii...sneaked ahead and saved 40 minutees queuing...)

This is the first elevator...super small...

After the frist elevator, we entered another queue...

And another elevator...a little bit bigger...

To this floor where we had to change elevator again...

It was an even bigger elevator...

Well down at the entrance floor I could see thestarta again...

We had to queue to get out from the building...

These guys were just about to start running...

We returned our chips...

And got our time on a diploma...

I got 20 minutes...next time I might run some seconds faster, to get 19 minutes something...it sound much faster...

They also offered a finish monument here, for people to take pictures...

After the run, sight seening in taipei was on the agenda...

Thepublic library had a cool self service borrowing machine...

Since I didnt eat that much breakfast I went to Mcdonalds aswell...(im still in a kind of a hamburger diet)

I bought alot of drinks...

And took a wal in a park I never been to before...

Max speed 20km/h, ppl in wheel chairs has to take it easy...

It was many many people exersicing here...

One of taiwans biggest mosques were here as well...

Many people were reading...most of the students...

I stay in the library with my friends until they closed...and then took the stairs down...I got a dejavy from earier that day...

In taipei they have a "bike and walk" way, instead as in sweden, a "bike and car" way...i dont know which one is the best...
Get sticker or not...
Some times when I charge my cellphone with money at 7-11, I wont get any stickers...

...some times I get stickers...I dont know the pattern...maybe it depends on the cashier...
tung börda!
Graduation day...
It was alot of confusion about when and where to be during the graduation day...(some info in chinese was provided)...

People gathered in the lab around 13.30 for some photoshooting at the library...

We tried our graduation dresses.

At the library main entrance many other departments were taking photos as welll...they had some statues dressed as graduates...

It was freaking hot in the black dress...

Many relatives showed up...I always wanted to see how my classmates brothers and sisters and paretns looked like...

This is a photo with the girls in the class...

This is a photo of all the photographers...

My old roommate passed by...

There after we headed to some classroom for more photoshooting and speech...

We got some flowers as well...

As usual they as an american to be the host...

The professors were talking a little...

And the we were shooted with some dark blue book...and a professor...

and some students were picked from the professors to speak...

This is a family comming all from the south of taiwan to see their son graduate...

This is "the stephen", he was hand picked...by professors

Some students were picked by other students...

After a while people didnt know what more to add...so the speeched faded out...I was also down there to say something funny...

Then som photo shooting...

More photos, but in different room...

Some cakes...

More familiy look-alikes...

More eating and mingeling...

I was looking forward to meet these parents...

This is a brother /guy to the right) of a classmate...

We could pick photos that was taken during the years...

Then people went down to some bigger room...I was wearing shorts under my dress...it was worth it...even if some ppl mightthink that I was naked under there...

Here the class waited for going on a stage and take more photos...we bought some beers while waiting...

Here is the stage...it was hundreds of students who were shipped from right to left...with the professor or a dean beside them...

We also queued for a while...and the stood there for some minute while people took pictures...

We also got free books...but they were only in chinese...written by a speaker that we didnt listen to (it was also in chinese)...

One of my favourite professors...professor Who (Hu)...was at theentreance of this building so that students could take pics with him...

We returned to our lab and had some shots...I jsut got some arak from indonesia from a friend to took it home for me...but delayed his delivery...

We contined to Mcdonalds...

Where I saw that they had the "Taiwan Monopoly" again...with NCTU as a medium expensive street...

I ended the night by going to a pool party...where people were kind of drunk and flirty...

They later headed to some All-you-can-drink club to drink even more...I had to go to bed early...(my sleep was disturbed for some reason...an earthquake was in Hsinchu...6.5 on the richter scale I heard)
Swedish finish preparty and Euro2012 kickoff...
I was about to go to taipei last friday...just for the sake of the preparty feeling...

I bought some healthy things at 7-11 before I went to the swedes...

I also brought beer from a-mart...

It was only 3 of us, who planned to go to taipei...to a park fo celebrate a finish guys birthday...but time passed by fast...

...Viktor H showed up, his chinese name is Houman...its sounds cool...

...they guys didnt leave until 22.30, and that was a ittle bit late for me who only wanted to join the bus back and forth...

So I choosed Plan B and baked pizza in my lab...

With exclusive cheese...and ate it before I went back to the same appartment...

Where we watched the Euro2012 premier...

Even Fredirk Ramberg showed up...with his newly bought Euro2012 sweden shirt...from intersport in Gothenburg on his way to the parport back to taiwan some week ago...

We used VPN to sweden, and watched it from svt...its the most convenient way...

The girls made some pie...I brought icecream...it was a nice night...
Candle in the lab...
My old Hooeters candle is still in my lab...with all my other things...

I had to leave in 1 hour...so its still alot that remains...
Broken shorts...
Yesterday 2 of my shorts broke...

I took a break in some article reading by fixing my shorts with Swedish bear thread...it tends to be a better quality then...
Some classmates preented their thesis today...

Others are done, waiting for soem opposition group to read theirs...many gramatical mistakes and big pictures...
Im still working on my thesis...not decided when to present, but I went to my adviser today...to get some paper that we need for administrative purpose...
FSA graduation party
Last night the Foreign Student Association had a grauation party...

It was under the bridge near the south gate of the campus...

Alot of people came there...and as usual, people tended to separate themselves in groups depending on nationality...

This is the "arabic BarBQ", always smells so good...

Not that many vietnamese students came this night, Swallow my classmate sat with my other GMBA classmates...I introduced her for my friends Yini, who was looking for vietnamese students...

It was very warm this night, over 30 degrees...

The french exchange were having fun throwing water on each other...not appreciated among some latinos...

After a while there was alot of left overs...its hard to see in the dark if the meat is done or not...

After the BarBQ we went to Plur...on the way there, we saw a super long queue at Spirit...my finish friend went to ask what was going on...it was some kind of graduation party...for some other school...(they all seemed to be taiwanese students)

In plur it was the same as always...but with sand on the floor...

And this time the police interupted the party...didnt the club pay enought to the police?

They were there for a long time, and the MC asked people to lower their voice, for the police to do theri job faster (checking IDs). They only check the ID on people who look asian...

When the police was gone, it was super long queues to the bar...longer than usual, they are kind of slow here...

Many people know each other, and gives their glass to someone who already is queuing, but its only 2 glasses per guest...

...but people then just sneaks ahead...not appreciatedamong the people in the back...
Most of the french exchagne students brought sunglasses...and were posing at the dancefloor...it aparently works for picking girls...its interesting...
A visit to the library...
I made a visirt to the administtraion at the library today...

I passed by the 8th floor...to check if i understood an email they sent me some days ago...

I also passed by 3rd floor where i found that they got my message in a bottle that I sent from Green island some weeks ago...
Chinese presentation in Chalmers office...
We had our chinese presentation in the chalemrs office today...

We started earlier...ike 13.00...

People brought food and snacks...

Indonesian presentation...

Guatemala presentation...and a Honduras presentation...

My P5 class...Simon is going home pt sweden next monday...so it was the last class with the whole gang...
Superior earphones...
I got to borrow my friends earphones for a while...

Wow...it really put the songs to another level...when i get old, i will buy a good sound system...
Brownie time...
Ye I know...brownie is boring...if a person makes kladdkaka without varying...its lack of fantasy...

I made a small one this time...

Its for my chinese class tomorow...we will have it at the chalmers office by some reason, and some people will present their country´s history, like i did this tuesday...
Making exclusive pizza...
I made some pizza of my exclusive cheese...

I mixed mozzarella, , cheddar and the special cheese...

It was a little bit salty due to the parmesan...but still very good...
Cheese and wine in lab...
I got more cheese in my lab...

I tried to finish my old one, while reading articles...its the exclusive 24 month aged cheese...
Swedish national day
Today was the Swedish national day...

Only Saamet and Simon was there when I arrived...

Soon more people came and we ate american cheese cake and lemonade...

It was like a birthday...

After a while more people came...it was nice...

SOme guy had something he called B-vitamine with him...

It was a big "A" on the jar...I think it might have been some other chemicals to, people said it was good for fatigue...

Some swedes tried out a graduation outfit aswell...

They looked really funny..

We ended by singing the national anthem...

And talk around for a while...
Leaking elevator...
I have a leaking elevator in my dorm...

Water kept dripping down...

It was not even raining...I wonder how the house was biult...These NCTU facilities never stops to amaze me...the janitor was not there when I tried to tell him...
Folk at 7-11 on tuesday night...
I passed by 7-11 last night...

Some exchange students were working hard on picking girls...its interesting how some people work here in asia...they seem to go "all-in"
Dinner with the swedes...
I ate dinner with the swedes today...

The blur picture is from an "all you can eat" in Jhubei, I was here last semester aswell...with the same swedes...(more or less)...

I met my old roommate again...and many nice old friends...

And some french exchange students...the calm ones...

I started with some icecream as usual...it really took long time for the staff to deliver the orders here...but its self service on the dessert...

We ordered alot of meat to start with...its nice to eat alot of meat even if it is mostly very thin slizes served here in "all you can eat barBQ"...

But we had 3 hours of eating (or 2) I think, so we had time to reorder...

Just ike last time, we had 2 tables...that are very isolated from each other...

But after a while, peaople start to mingle around...and change table...

This is what was left on the table...when we were dont...many cups and some burned meat...but more or less empty...now ppl took the taxi back to campus...I took my bike...
Fixing my bike again...
I fixed my bike again...before heading to Jhubei for a dinner...

I remember some years ago, i had alot of flat tired during a period, and some day I found a microscopic peice of glass in my outer tube...today I was really looking after some sharp object but couldnt find any...I hope I got rid of whatever made my tire flat...
Change in diet...
I try to change my diet...

Yesterday I ate alot of fruits...

Today I ate a pizza as late lunch...I will soon go to all-you-can-eat with the swedes...so i tried not to eat to much before...while there, i might go for alot of fish...and corn...i dont know, i just done that recently, when its all you can eat..I heard its healthy...good fat...
Chinese presentation
I had presentation in my chinese class today, it was about my countrys history...

I figuered that its safer to bring a PPT with pictures...so that people who dont udnerstand me atleast can get something out of it...

My classmate Simon, also presented Sweden, I took before Vasa, and he after Vasa... we covered the early ice ages (2 million years ago), all they wat to today...
Opened my last Indonesian coffee...
I went out of coffee I thought, but found another package of coffee from indonesia...

Its with cocnut flavour I think, but not for percolating...I have some extra filters...maybe I will buy swedish coffee at ikea when this coffee is over...
Quick pizza in the lab...
I made a quick pizza in the lab...

Its easy when you have all the ingredients...

It was good. alot of garlic, but still the korv stroganoff feeling...

The cheese was balling up...but it was ok...
Lunch with my old roommate...
My old roommate asked me for a lunch...

We shared room for about 1 year...he is from thailand...a really funny guy...

We ate at mosburger...on my way back to the lab, I saw that someone is feeding the street dogs with dog food...I always thought they ate from the dininghall leftovers...

I ended my break with buying tickets for graduation BarQB. The interesting french exchange student Quentin joined me...
Snoopy stickers at 7-11...
Every time I buy things at 7-11 for more than 60 to 100 nt, I get a snoopy sticker...

I had a full chart last night and got a bag...wow, not sure why, but I got a lot of bags here in taiwan...lucky me that im a frequent bag user...
Receipt day...
I havnt checked mmy reciepts for a long while...

My second time I did not win anything....its very rare...hmm...
Pizza sunday
I spend all day in lab yesterday...

I went downtown to buy cheese...I used puree instead of tomato paste...with meat pices it tasted a little like Korv stroganoff...

To bad, I got a flat tire on my way to the store...so i needed to repair the tire...(or change it), i didnt find any sharp peice in it that could have casued the flat tire...later on I gor another flat tire...ayio...maybe time to buy new tired totally...
Another day in the lab
I spent another day in the lab today...

Reading about legal issues regarding using sustainability in advertisement campaigns...and the ethical dilemma with this...

I also logged in on my bank account (SEB), for the first time this year...

The Taiwan dollar is 4,1 to the SEK...hmm, not a good time to cash out...
A visit to red bar
I made a quick visit to red bar last night.

I ordered some meat from a bar nearby red bar. I asked why they have a italian flag, they did not know...its not that many italian dishes on their menu...but just the vlew of the flag makes it look like a restaurant...

We sat outside, ate and drank...it was fun, some people later headed to plur...
A calm saturday
I spent alot of time in the lab today...

Seems like many ppl are doing nothing today. Might have a beer with some friends shortly, tomorrow I need to continue study...
A day in the lab...or a weekend...
I will spend some time in the lab to try to get some structure of my thesis...

Some first year students and me...
Meeting an Aboriginal in Hsinchu downtown...
Johnny invited e to eat dinner with an aboriginal from Taidong...

The FE21 department store that I thoguht we were suppose to eat at was under construction...it was hard to fidn the entrance...

The cool guy is an aboiriginal...he understood "a-lai", it means "thanx"...in aboriginal language...I think...

We went to a burger bar, where I ate some month ago...

Johnny ate super slow as usualy. I ate super fast...

Its a small but cosy restaurant...

We went to the DJ club there after...Johnny went home after a while, he felt sick...

Some equipment was said to be broken...but I had experience that it worked when I tried it out some time ago...and today it worked aswell...a reparation would cost about 20,000NT i heard :S
Graduation party 1
Yesterday I went to a graduation party...

My old friend Kai was there...it was cool...

MAny Linköping swedes...but no Chalemrs swedes were there...

And Mt friends Jose, who I havnt seen for a while...he lives in taipei for the moment...

Even kris was there...he seem to be in the flow recently...

It was a buffet at the restaurant but still everyone get some special dish as well that we preordered...but it was kind of slow...
Brian perfomred magic...he is really skilled

He also did magic with the audience...it was very entertaining...

Afterwards we were duscussing whether going to Spirit or Plur...

We ended up going to Plur...

They had beach team...snad of the dance floor...so many people took their shoes off...(I have henna tattoo on my feet)

Some people performed some breakdance-ish dance moves on the stage...