Blackout at school
I major blackout just occured at school...
Lucky me, I had my candle enlighened, so it was barely any difference...

The elvatrtors were broken, Im hapy I was not in htere when it ahapend...people were waiting in the lobby for the electricity ro come back...or jsut to chill out...

I went to they gym cuz it still had light...but a guy said i could not go barefeet becuase it was not safe, I asked why, and some other person translated saying that if i drop something on my foot, the shoe will maybe protect...haha, what logic is that? it was sad but interesting...I asked him to write down the regulations, so that I could translate but he refused...

I went back to the dorm, and had to take the felt like a dejavu from lst taipei 101...

I had my flashlights, wo I was safe, even though its kind of handicapped and warm without a fan here in taiwan in summer...

Its a big impact...
Back at the lab I got use of my old "birthday cake candles" convenient to save things...sometimes...

The elvatrtors were broken, Im hapy I was not in htere when it ahapend...people were waiting in the lobby for the electricity ro come back...or jsut to chill out...

I went to they gym cuz it still had light...but a guy said i could not go barefeet becuase it was not safe, I asked why, and some other person translated saying that if i drop something on my foot, the shoe will maybe protect...haha, what logic is that? it was sad but interesting...I asked him to write down the regulations, so that I could translate but he refused...

I went back to the dorm, and had to take the felt like a dejavu from lst taipei 101...

I had my flashlights, wo I was safe, even though its kind of handicapped and warm without a fan here in taiwan in summer...

Its a big impact...
