Graduation lunch with professors...
I went to a graduation lunch with my professors yesterday...

It was in a resturant downtown, I had problems finding the dining room in the building...

Pablo came from Taipei to here...he was a little tired...

It was an "all you can eat" place...mostly taiwanese food...

Many people hadnt seen each other for quite a while...

Some people brought their kids...

There was a screen, projecting pics from the years that passed...

And there were some drinking competitions...

And drwing competitions...

The teachers were also participating...

This table did not participate that mcuh, they were busy with having interesting conversations...

Lotus walked aroudn collecting money, even from people who already paid!?!

And there was a shuffle generator picking people to participate in more comprtitions...My photo was not i didnt participate...

Students and professors were suppose to do and eat things, that people at the talbes were suppsoe to gues what it was...

And the winner got some canides...

And the losers had to sing...

MAny people took photos...

in the end more people started to sing...but not with that great entusiasm...

And gifts wer given to the professors...

Some statues....

They were cute...

3 preofessors were attending...not my adviser...though....

Group photo...

Girls photo...

I tried to play some the end...

The foriengers ended up at 1 table, where most of the wine bottles were...

Some students didnt miss a change to mingle with thei favourite proferssor....

Some parents had the same posture...

And there were alot of duscussions regarding thesis...

We sat there for a while...until the staff asked us to leave...

Then we went to buy some drinks and went to the GMBA lab...

We sat there for another hour...

Until people went home...

It was in a resturant downtown, I had problems finding the dining room in the building...

Pablo came from Taipei to here...he was a little tired...

It was an "all you can eat" place...mostly taiwanese food...

Many people hadnt seen each other for quite a while...

Some people brought their kids...

There was a screen, projecting pics from the years that passed...

And there were some drinking competitions...

And drwing competitions...

The teachers were also participating...

This table did not participate that mcuh, they were busy with having interesting conversations...

Lotus walked aroudn collecting money, even from people who already paid!?!

And there was a shuffle generator picking people to participate in more comprtitions...My photo was not i didnt participate...

Students and professors were suppose to do and eat things, that people at the talbes were suppsoe to gues what it was...

And the winner got some canides...

And the losers had to sing...

MAny people took photos...

in the end more people started to sing...but not with that great entusiasm...

And gifts wer given to the professors...

Some statues....

They were cute...

3 preofessors were attending...not my adviser...though....

Group photo...

Girls photo...

I tried to play some the end...

The foriengers ended up at 1 table, where most of the wine bottles were...

Some students didnt miss a change to mingle with thei favourite proferssor....

Some parents had the same posture...

And there were alot of duscussions regarding thesis...

We sat there for a while...until the staff asked us to leave...

Then we went to buy some drinks and went to the GMBA lab...

We sat there for another hour...

Until people went home...