Long distance call home...
I talk to my family at home alot in these days...

...I use skype...and my sister and her family is at my parents house...thus the kid Hugo is on the display mostly...
Teppanyaki lunch
Except for eating "all you can eat" dinner with people who celebrates ramadan...

...I also eat at teppenyaki...some Teppanyaki restaurants serves extra much garlic...

I like that alot, however, the staff has alot of tattoos, making me feel like they are maffia memebers...I was told that here in Taiwan, maffia has tattoos, in general...
Many things in the DJ club...
There are many things in the DJ club during these days...

Not only one bag...

...but many, people are leaving their stuff in the club during summer vacation...
Interesting things at A-mart...
I went to A-mart yesterday...

They had some Absolute Vidka, special edition package...

And also beer from Laos...so exclusive...
I got my jacket back...
I got my jacket back...

I lended it to a friend, who were suppose to return it the day after...but it took a week...
Thesis feedback...
Adjusting some feedback...that I got from my thesis presentation...every committee member had to say "three things"...

They gave intersting feedback, but kind of the same things, andi heard that its not custom that the professor actually read the thesis, so no wonder that many things that I wrote about, but skipped during my presentation, I have to write more about...some concerns that I raised during the semester, but was then seen as minor issues, (ppl said "its ok"), now they act as if they never heard this issue, and I have to adjust this problem, I have experience that behaviour is common here in asia...
Baibai Nico!
When I was back back to Hsinchu today, I passed by 7-11 and found my old fiend Nico there...

He is leaving tomorrow morning...

After some schoolwork I went to eat burger...

And then people announced to meet up at a local bar to drink and hear stories from his travel the last month...

The waitress had some japanese outfit...

We bought some beer cylinder...

I think it was a local beer...poor Niko, he got totally robbed, and was shocked over how some people in asia behaved...

Also local people went to talk with us...

They serve this whisky...

They also offered this beer...

It was a spontaneous and interesting evening...
A night in taipei...
I spent yesterday night in Taipei...

It was at Zhongxiao Xinsheng, a place called Tacoloco, that recently opened...

And we were invited by a woman from Mexico...so alot of latinos and spanish speaking people were there...

She brought tequile...

And we got served japanese, food...

And taiwanese-ish food...

And chicken...

And mexican food...

Some cool, old guy from spain also paid a visit...

And people from the nightclub Micasa, including the bartender girls, bartender...

We got a super nice muchroom stew...

And some chicken with mashed potato...

The mexican womans daughter was there..she was fluent in many languages...

And the -mexican restaurant owner from Zhongli came, he recognized me...so exclusive...

I thought this was water, but I was served tequila...

Many people was there...even though we were early...

It was alsocheap since all drinks were for free...

We later headed to the beer factory, but there my classmates and friends told me they just closed...

They found my look.alike there to...so funny...

So we went to Brass moneky where they had rugby night...

I asked for apizza with tomato and cheese, but got only cheese...hmm...

Then we went to revolver...its a nice club...

I met my old friend Long there, a drunk tai guy, who use to collect bottles aoutside the 7-11 near luxy...

They also had dogs walking around inside...

My classmate ordered many beers...many foreigners were here...

And some were on the dance floor...

But the music was crappy, so pablo put on his own house music...and started to dance...

...and so did I...

it was fun...

he went kind of drunk...

outside people were selling LPs...

Alot of taiwanese people joined up when they were about to close...

We continued to underground on Xida road, but it was closed, instead we mingleded with Johnny from the border of england and scotland...he was taking a walk with his dog, crossing the whole city...

I found this nice helmet...

On the way back in the bus, I also mnet Kris an american english teacher who treated me beer...he likes to travel, and earns to much money...as english teachers do in taiwan...i will show him some beer bar in hsinchu some day...
Temple sign...
Im lloking forward to the day when europe can have this sign as temple...

People mix it up with the naze symbol sometimes...since they dont know the origin of the symbol, and that they are different (fliped vertical)
Blue sky in taiwan...
Many peoiple complain that there is seldom a blue sky in taiwan...

There were ofcourse clouds every here and there...and totally foggy in thehorizon, but many times, when its a blue sjy here, its actually very white, just since there is a lack of reference, it makes it look blue...
A dinner in Jhubei...
I went to eat with my taiwanese friends some days ago...

Taiwan, full of traffic, with poluting scooters...I heard that u can take a picture of fumes form a scooter and get money from the police...for "telling", but the worst gases are not visible...I wonder what this rule is for...

We went to chubbys...

Sweet friends...I had to rpmis to join them to Kaohsiung next weekend, they wanna host me around...

I also mingeled with this guy who has lived in taiwan for 30 years, owns a steak house in taipei (Franks texas BBQ), and invited me to visit him, and now gonna be a citizen of taiwan...he tld me, he came here to help some local girls to set upa business...

For once, i did not order their biggest burger...

They insisted to pay...

There after we went to Beerworks...

And ordered some snax to...I insited to pay...
Im looking forward to the Kaohsiung visit...
Rainy days...
Right now its 40 degrees and sun here...

But rcently it was heavy rain...I prefer the rain...not that sweaty...
Broken doors at dorm...
They fixed the lockers for the doors at campus some weeks ago...

Now they broke again...why dont they just let them be unlocked...ppl claim that taiwan is such a friendly place, who are they afraid of?
Oral defense
I had my oral defense yesterday...it was just a formality...

Pablo did tha mandatory "go to Vansessas office" to talk and practice chinese...

Then waitinfgor the committee to arrive...some where very late...Jim went talking first...

I also got a fan club, who came unannounced...(maybe for the beer that we were drinking at the presentation)

Pablo was the second one to present...and thereafter I went directly...

This thermos of beer was the one we opened first...its super nice honey flavour...even the program secretary joined to drink...

I also made brownie and we had alot of different drinks...

Here are two of the committee members...

And the speakers of the day...

My indonesian friend...

My american friend...he was practicing hebrew while listening to the presentation...

After the presentation, we wanted to drink, Jim suggested to go to taipei...we took his car, already prepared with party hats and everything...

It was a nice ride, american size of the vehicle....

We first passed by Pablo to pick some beers and leave some stuff, then we went to ikea but they are not selling beer here any more...I wonder why...

I bought hotdog and chocolate icecream...

"Fika", a swedish word that some people say has no translation into english...

Wow!, a new ikea is being built in Taizhong! so interesting...!

We went to see the ice skaters near nanjing east road, and also bought some korean beer...

Then we went to this pizzera...

They had many kinds of pizzas to offer, but this store is not italia, originally...

I had a capricciosa...

I added alot of olive oil...so good...almost like home!
After the resturant visit we went for dessert, then I went back home to Hsinchu...
Presentation preparation...
I was suppose to bake some things for my oral defense...

I got an egg from my roommate, but it seemed to be boiled, i didnt see it until I tried to crack it...so I ran down to FAmily mart to buy a new one...

Well, now the brownie might be done soon, time to start writing tomorrow presentation...better late than never...
Lunch at BK
My classmate passed by Hsinchu this lunch, since its cheaper to buy a ticket stoping in Hsinchu and then continue south, than going directly with the previous ticket system...

Her train left after some hour...

At the train station I saw this image of Daba Jian shan, a very cool painting of a cool mountain here in Hsinchu county...

There after my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go for a meet up with her, since she is leaving today...
I bought some 7-11 beer, to try out...after that I rushed back to the lab...I have many things to prepare...for tomorrow :S
Third ramadan dinner
For the second day in a row, I join my muslim friends to an all you can eat place...
Yesterday it was hotpot..
We planned to go to another hotpot, but it was full so we went to this korean barBQ...
With all you can drink...
I used my Happy go card...not sure why, it only gives me spam on my Email inbox...but maybe in the future, I can convert these points to money or something...
Second ramadan dinner
I went to an all you can eat restaurant, to celebrate ramadan with some muslim friends...

I went all in on fish and corn sticks as usual...
I wonder how much my weight will be when ramadan is over...
Taipei hang out...
I went to taipei some days ago, helping people move, and meeting new friends...

Mcdonalds discount...yeah...

I paid a short visit to ikea...

Not that many items...I just bought coffee...

Then I went to this, according to csoucres, best burger bar in Taiwan...Cosbys is still better...

It was big, but alot of broth...
Been ther done that...!
Making garlic meat in the lab...
I made some garlic meat in the lab...

It was nice...did not finish everything though...
Lab duty...
Professors in Taiwan seems to have the habbit otf leaving their things...especially cups etc...(compare to home...where everyone needs to clean after themselves)...maybe its power distance, or that they want to feel important!?!

So I was asked to help them...no need to feel ashamed...
Pride serves mostly at the door of success.
Dinner with Jinsu (Part II)
I went for a dinner with my professor at a new mall in Hsinchu downtown...

Its a place called "Big City", some kilometers from the train station...

They have alot of activites going on, similiar to the ones in Jakarta...

And many people here...

But super slow elevators...

We went to this place "Fun house Cafe"...

They had many belgian beers on the menu...

I tried this one "La trappe"...it was good...

I also had a burger...as usual...

The staff was kind of busy all the time, so we really had to stand up and wave our hands...to get their attention...

Afterwards, cory suggested us to play biljard...

He was really good...

I use to be lucky, but this night I did not find my skills...

This is the place where we played...they also have bowling etc...

Then we went to Corys place...

And continued to nan liao...(corys suggestion)...

We went to the small pizzeria there, to have a beer...

They had alot of stickers on their fridge...

"Windy City" is Hsinchu...

It was very hot at the counter...since thats close to the stone oven...

Cory picked the Djembe...

And started to play...

Many people were out here...on this saturday night...

They also had an aout door cinema, showing some taiwanese shows...

We took off south, on the "Most beautiful 17 kilometer coastline in Taiwan"

It was very dark...

We could barely see the ocean...

But I could glimpse some boats in the horizon, probably maffia smuggeling mainland chinese people here...also some fishermen were active on the road...

We went some 3-4 kilometers...then we went back...
"Do you think, or do you know?"
"Do you think, or do you know?", I asked the girl at the ISC yesterday...

I really dislike when people give u a false answer, just becuase they rather give u any answer than nothing at all. I asked if I had to pay 1000nt for a new ARC card, not to extend it...but still same answer (she was only looking at the sheet, where it said extension)...

It is strange, cause when I go to the airport they ask for an ARC, my friend Amy at the ISC was there the day after, she called the immigration office, which told her that I dont need it...but its only 500nt for a new one, so I might ask for a new card anyway...
Jesper got hurt...
Last week, I brought the swedes to Spirit...

He hurt himself worse than we thought...and went to hospital after the club...

He was happy when I told him that he won this bottle at the club anyway...
A night at Micasa...
Many people are still leavng the country...
And some latino has farewell party last friday, soo we went to the latino club Micasa in taipei...

Harry had vodka in a whisky bottle that he shared...

Well at micasa it was not that many people...

Here is the "bartender" how joined the Bartender girl home...so funny...

The bartender is super slow here, and there is no queue system, u just need to be bet friend with the bartender...to get served first...nepotism style...

The drinks are also not that good, they said since they rebuilt the place, they have better drinks...in the end everyone stayed with beer...

I have many classmates who were there, who are leaving this week..., and with nice tie...

And most european stayed outside for a while...since its latino dance, meaning, mostly dancing with other people...

Me and harry was bored. but were suppose to not go home to late, since i was about to go to "the highest tree in taiwan" the day after...however things changed and harry wanted to stay longer...

This guy wanted to "borrow" 50 nt...hahs, so funny, i told him that he could keep the money....no need to remember a small debt anyway...

And a guy entered with shorts...sitting on the sofa...so random...

Here is Jamil, a very good friend, who seen alot of things in taiwan...

Then when heading home, it was tricky who was suppose to go by car and who were suppose to take taxi...

And long queues back...

It was an interesting night...and fun, sounds like I have a lot of complains...but it is always tricky when going to taipei with many people...
Mcdonalds at campus...
I passed by Mosburger today...

It was apparently closed...

And signs like this were everywhere at campus...
A new guy in the lab...
There is a new guy in the lab...

He suddenly came...ans styaed for a while...longer than me...he is a new "first year student" at the GMBA...
Hotpot at ramadan...
I went with my friend to celebrate ramadan some day ago...

The sun was setting...

We went to an old favourite...

A hotpot at qinghua nightmarket...all you can eat with great icecream...
I ate alot...as usual...
Showing the swedes Hsinchu (Part II)...
I showed the new chalmers students Hsinchu a little last night...

They are going for a culture trip to taipei tomorrow...but still had the evening off...

It was fun, its always fun to discuss with them...

They live here...in the buildings near north gate...

It wasmostly taiwanese people at the club, plus some latinos, and american people...

I try no to use flash, when taking pics, since the inconsitent staff some times, asks u to delete pics taken by camera, but if u use your cellphone, its "ok"...strange logic...

They had dancing girls on stage as usual...

It was their first "all you can drink" in tawian...

This club have student discount on thursday...only 300nt...(75SEK)

They were happy, these are the singapore chlmers students...

Many girls got super drunk, and so did the swedes...

More dancing...

Jesper is a funny guy...

I also met many NCTU students...who are taiwanese...

The swedes participated in a drinking competition...

And won...

But fainted there after..

Many people were hangin outside...

Some were dancing alon on the stage...
Campus hang out...
My classamte made a visit from Taipei yesterday...

Or rather, they came from many places of the country...

We hanged out at the program secretary, who complained over my cleaning in the lab :S
How can that be?! im the only one cleaning, so strange logic...she should ask people who never cleans, but her inspections are very random...not in the end of the day, when people should clean for more practical purpose...

Esther came for a visit...it was long time ago I saw her...

Some of us, went to the swimming pool...

Its always different information...now some people said, that its not until 2013 that the out door swimming pool will be open...

So we had to swim in the 25 meter pool as usual here at NCTU...

And some swedish friends dropped by...

Later we ate some mexican food...

I bought this one...

...and threafter this one...

Then we went to 7-11...

...where they have some beer promotion...

This is actually a good meeting point, many people I know pass by here alot...its outside campus...

I even met my classmate Lena, who has been to Jordan for almost one year, but now is back in Hsinchu...
Visit at the beer place again...
I made a short visit to the beer place some days ago...

Its nice and cheap...
Big bottle of juice...
I have a big bottle of juice in my lab...

American size I guess...
Nice when its warm...like Taiwan summers...
Many kids in campus...
There are many kids running around in campus in these days...

They seem to be on a camp as every summer...its entertaining...
Delivering thesis...
I got an email from my advisor today, he asked me to deliver the thesis to people...

This is a rare picture...a photo taken inside my advisors office instead of outside...

I took the bag of thesis, and with a description about where to find these people, tried to find, where they actually are...I went to this reception first...in a building where my advisor told me that the first professor as...

I was wrong, but they called around, and asked me to go here...but no one was home...

So i went to another reception, and asked if this guy had a postbox...it ended up that I gave the papers to these girls...

And then I went to another house to find the third professor...they also made some phone calls...

...and finally I found her...I also got her to sign a paper that I needed..I later on found the other professor to...now I just need a signature from my advisoer, who did not have time to sign my paper at the last visit...
Night with the swedes...
I went to my swedish friend Kristoffer last night...

They had 150 bottles of beer they wanted to get rid of...or less...even though I brought beer and corn chips...

Kristoffer had some profesional poker chips as well...

We started with 200NT each...

I played very defensive as usual...

And got a big pile in the beginning...

They never increased the blind, so the game kept on for hours...

There were people from USA, Scotland and sweden who played, and some tawianese people joined up. Most of them worked in Hsinchu. I might go out with them later....some day...

Sam the Scottish guy, played very well...and won alot...some people lost, but paid themselves in again...

Fredrik got a Straight flush

I ended with this pile, and made 350 NT profit...but I think the others disliked my defensive strategy...
Lab duty...
For stupid students, who does not cheat, accept nepotism and join the train of corruption that I can feel lies as a fog around this area...or for students who believe that they dont do it...

It is mostly cleaning the lab, but once in a while one has to run around and deliver things...to people...
Xian beer VIP...
I went to a Xian beer bar some weeks ago (local Hsinchu beer)...
The week after I returned, and the staff recognised me...I did not recognise them...

The third time I went there, I got this...so now I have discount every time I buy beer...
Mcdonald glass...
Mcdonalds has a pronotion again...

And they offer a different design than last year...I had to buy one...
Reception make-over...
The reception at the swimming pool at campus suddenly moved...

More convenient for the staff and the visitors i guess. Especially now when the outside pool will open...
thesis delivery
We are three students who are going to present at the same day, one is working and one is studying intesne chiense, both in Taipei...

So im the one, knocking on my advisors door and calling him, to see if he is in his office...

In the end I just gave the reports to a random girl in an office nearby, pointed at his office and asked her to give it to him...
My friend said that he told us to deliver them to the other professors inthe opposition...
A visit to the print store...
I paid a visit to the print store...

A lot of people were there...they seem to have kind of standardised tasks...

And super fast printers ofcourse...

After like 30 minutes it was done...
I printed my things...
It is july...
The body temperature is 37 degrees...

The Hsinchu temperature is 39 degrees...
Doesnt really feel that warm...but Im wearing surfer shorts, flipflops and a thin white shirt...
Might go to exercise later...beverage never feels as good as after that...
Unservice minded receptionist
I did a quick visit downtown today, to pick up a USB, that my friend left for me. I even prepared some chinese word for USB and I also wrote pinyin...

As usual, service minded people here are scarse, and they often say "no we dont have it"...instead of "I will try to find it"...
I had to make some phone calls, ask for people to ask them to check for me and to translate...and finally after 10 minutes of calling, and even more minutes of asking...she gave me the USB, which was right in front of her on the desk...why is it so hard to try?
Long days in lab...
I have been spending long days in lab recently...

This is where I have been hanging out...
Lending my sleeping bag...
While im preparing for thesis hand-in, some people are preparing hiking trips...

My classmate just bought a cheap backpack, and asked if i wanted to join...we will c, seems like he keeps taiwanese waling speed, but i might hike with him later...he has invited me for hiking trips for more than a month now...and to places I really wanna go...
Hsinchu buy and sell...
Suddenly some facebook groups appear, like we use to have in sweden, but here they are only "buy and sell" home they are "buy sell give away"...which suits me better...

I told my old classmate, that I refused to take more than 200nt for an iron (even though I never mean to sell it), I gave him a discount, (meaning he got it for free) plus a soap...I gonna "fake" some sales later on aswell...how fun is it to sell second hand units, im not even famous...
What happen?
What happen? The guy in 7-11 suddenly just disapeared after serving me...?

Ah, he was just picking his smartphone...to translate what he wanted to say...
Beer in da lab...
Its boring long days in Taiwan...

...but it is Taiwan...cheap german beer...and chips...helps the process...

This is a nice brand...same as in Taipei main station...where ppl wear tiroler clothes...
Snack donation...
A friend called me, and wanted to give some snacks...

Some policemen were at the north gate, delivering parking tickets...

My friend came by car...gave me some snacks...kind of taiwanese-ish...it was nice...
A quick dinner with the swedes...
I went to have a quick snack with the swedes today...

First thought I saw them at 7-11, but it was Terry who had a beer, and some random tais, who made a movie...

I was rather late, but only intended to stay for some 20 minutes...the swedes left to downtown after wards...I went back to my business...
Working for the GMBA...
I had to work for the GMBA today...seems like its only me and my spanish friend who comes here to do that...

I paided, but didnt get the right receipt...

Second time I came to the post office, I saw this sign...I asked what it meant, and the ppl said, "djanting shouling"...I asked what was the meaning, and the ppl thought, by repeating the same phrase, i would understand what "Jdanting shouling" meant...so funny...I guess it meant that it was closed, even if 2 ppl sat at this desk...
Pablo is in town again...
Pablo is in town again...

I treated some german beer...

We worked on the thesis for a while, and tried to reach our adviser...

Vanessa also gav him work, tomorrow I have to compleet what he started...we have to work the whole july...

Johnny also passed by to say goodbye, he is leaving to Taidong later...

We also went to vanessas office...

We got gingseng...didnt tast to good, reminded me of when I was in Korea...and ate alot of it...

Then we went to the FSA president Mukesh birthday Bash...I gave him a gift...

And students were eating food, from some EECS gathering...

And people were singing ongs and playing games...but we left early...

I paid a squick visit later on...mostly indian people were dancing...its a good party place...
Baibai Zongo...
My classmates roommate Zongo ws leaving, so ppl were gathering at the lake last night...

But first i paid a quick visit to the beer bank...

It was kind of small, like a bar at the entrance floor...

They had Hsinchu produced beer, one light kind that also is sold at the other Xian restaurants in the Hsinchu area...

Not sure why it is called "beer bank"...

I also bought the dark beer, its a little more expensive...

Then we headed to the lake...Charka was leaving when we came...

Most people were about to go home, I guess they came early, I didnt leave my lab until late...but many indians were there...I gave some beer for them to try...
...and Zongo also already left when we came...maybe I will meet him in the future...somewhere...
Henna - All-in...
I emptied one of my henna tattoo tubes today...

This is the result...I wonder how long it will stay...
Meeting new GMBA students...
I attended some important parts of a GMBA meeting today...

With new GMBA students...
To make it easier for students to get to know other students...
I explained how it works in other universities with sponsors and mentors...but its hard to implement here, where ppl often prefer to meet each other by msn and bbs...
My mouse died
Suddenly I could not use my touch pad on my asus...

I played around with the soft ware, try to make it work...but no...so Im using the externam mouse from now on...
Cleaning conference room...
All GMBA students escapte school...

But many gets money...its ok, I earned long time ago, that escaping tasks and work is a habit...
I cleaned the conference room for lasy professors...its difference attitude at chalmers...and other univ. i studied at...without that super high power distance...
A "quick lunch" at New York Magiano....
I was suppose to eat lunch at Food Court 2 today, but the foreign student association president Mukesh told me it was closed...so instead I went to New York & Magiano...which is a merged restaurant...

Terry?!, the owner helped us with the orders...

I got a whole set...not super cheap for a lunch...

I went there with Mariame, shes from Marocco, super easy going...

I ordered espargus and seafood pasta...

And got some dessert...

Terrie is a big supporters of dogs, including street dogs...here is a secret supply for the hungriest one...
Chalmers office first meeting
2008, I can recall that we had our first meeting, in september-october some time, with the chalmers office.

Today, the chalmers students had their first meeting...

This is their meeting agenda...
I told them to add "review of last week's meeting minutes"...so that things happens...
Sunday night...
I was suppose to have a dinner with my teacher last night. But it was cancelled.

So I made a short visit to my friends house...where they had some big gathering...

I was told that they have a new swedish beer at 7-11 and went to try it...

My friend Serene is in taiwan for a short while, I also went to see her...

She gave me this rice sauce thing...
She is only in Taiwan for 1 week, visiting friends in taiwan every day...
Showing the swedes Hsinchu....
Last night I gave some swedes a guided tour in Hsinchu downtown...(crash tour)...or tried to...

We went to Wasabi, all you can eat sushi and all you can drink beer restaurant...

They also had other things, but sushi is relatively expensive...so its nice to go "all-in" on that one...

They came a week ago, and its nice to guide them around, showing things that we dont have home in sweden...

And its also cheap in taiwan, compare to sweden, atleast food...and drinks...

We also went to Plur, but it was just 22, so no one else were there...

So we went to the "hell temple", and i showed them some night market...and other interesting "locally famous" things...

And a bar where english teachers go to play pool...

Ian, a fellow i met some times, had a bachelor party for his friend "mike", they all printed T-shirts saying "über Mike"...it was fun, but he refused getting to drink, even though they had 2-3 liters of tequila from USA...

This is Sparkle, i have a classmate who use to play music in here...we also pased by the Tokyo bar...where ppl goes after the night club, often maffia ppl and strange girls...

And we also paid a visit to the "red bar", where also many english teachers hang out...

Then we went back to plur, now it was full, but barely any foreigners, since its summer vacation...

They had dancers on stage with "moulin rouge" outfit...

And some tug of war...
Then i gave them an address card for the place, so that they can come here by themselves in the future...i know that it is hard fo get a grip over Hsinchu, the roads are just a mess...and everything is in chinese words, so its hard to remember the road names...
Meeting Kai and Shuman...
Kai called me...

...he and Shuman was having a tea break, after some Chalemrs asia meeting...of some kind...he ust finished his militairy service...they were discussin pros and cons with sweden. High on caffein, I talked for 30 minutes, before I headed back to the lab...
A night in Taipei, with the Swedish chamber of commerce...
We were supose to go to taipei, for a After work with the swedish chamber of commerce...

We were a little late, plus waiting for others...so we fixed phone cards for of the swedes...

Then we were stuck in traffic for some hour...

Fixing MRT cards (just charging the student card)...

This is the place...Alleycat´s in Tienmu, Taipei..

5 people were there before us...and we were almost 12, so it was a big add...of people...

I had some seafood pizza...it was good...

And their own Amber ale...i think...

This is Henrik, he is swedish and the first person in history, who got a Permanent ARC in Taiwai...he was even interview in news paper, due to this...

We went for a quick beer in Ximen...

Before some went home...and these guys went to club, one of them borrowed my spare pants, to be able to enter the club...

I found, that the latest bus leaving today was 01.30...later than last time...

In the bus, the AC is always on, and you cannot shut the flow off...so I used tape to hinder it...
Where is the AC remote?
I spent some time, trying to find the AC reomote in the DJ club...

I asked local people, but without result...
Quick snack in a burger bar...
I went to a burger bar some day ago...

It was not far from school...another of many burger bars in the area...the name was "The Deli"...

I saw this instruction timeline at the entrance...it was in swedish, and it was a map of Euopean Union´s History...

It said many funny things...

Like youth in the 1989 likes to eat Asian food and go to Rave parties...

The burger was so far the best I had in Hsinchu...but still Cosbys in taipei is number 1!
People loves vouchers in taiwan
I have alot of experience that people loves vouchers here in taiwan...
Sometimes, people are willing to pay more to save money...

My friend gave me some coupons, very nice...but they usually discount the most expensive stuff, but still the discounted price is far above other similiar products...I know many people here are sensitive to taste...for me, it usually all taste the same...
Lab duty...
I remember when I was a first year student, and sweeped the floor every time it was my turn to clean...

Well, the cleaner is back...
Fixing AC for some Belgian internship students...
There are always some summer students here at NCTU...

Some Belgian students are doing their internship here, and asked me to help them with their broken AC...

I asked an expert...my roommate...who was sleeping...

...but still willing to help some europeans...

It was an easy problem, just that if one has 17 degrees C, the AC cards point get deducted super fast...we recommended 27 or something...

Even in my room there were many ppl...making some food...
My working day...
I was asked to do my lab duty today...(What is that, many of my lasy classmates might wonder?!?!?!)

I had to deliver paper to the OIA...

Lorraine, one of the girls who works there, might miss the old swedish chalmers gang, she paid me a visit to the lab...after visiting the GMBA secretary...
Oral defense for two GMBA legends...
Today two GMBA legends had oral defense...


And "the stephen"...
Congrats guys...you both passed...

They had some cake left overs that was distributed...

Some times it is hard to split a cake...

And some coffee...was left too...
Chinese, chinese, chinese...
I feel sorry for people who does not know chinese on campus...

What does it say...I asked the administration to have translation, they do on some places, but it can never be 100% :S
A visit to the beer bar...
I made a quick visit to a beer bar last night...

It was nice beer, and cheap, even if it not was all you can drink...

I got french fries for free, the waitress said she recognized me...so flattering...

And some other things, that I think they recommended...

And hair in the food, I was first about to ask to get new...but since they were so nice with the fries...i didnt say anything...
A short visit to the chalmers office
I went to the chalmers office to return some items and mignle around...

I started to cold talk, and soon reache popularity, among the students, for my knowledge about the country, and my recommendations...

After a while, I went back to the lab, where Palbo did some work...I helped him a little...
Some people have to work for their scholarship...
I was just announced to do scholarship work...

I was asked to copy many papers while I was working on my thesis...I wish i was one of my classmates, who never were bathered by this...some ppl never even clean the lab, which is their duty, on the paper...

I went to the Office of international affairs...

And then back with a big pile of papers, that would take some hours to copy...

Luckily pablo my friends was willing to help...acctually he did mostly everything, since I will work for him tomorrow...welcome to taiwan, where only some people need to work for money :S
BaiBai Roberto
Roberto from guatelama, had apparently lived in Taiwan for 3 years!!!! He spent some time in Pingtung in south of taiwan...

Who knew...and now people gathered in his dorm room...

I brought Swedish cider...waiting to say bai...

Later on some people went to Nanliao to do something...but I went to the lab...
A quick break to see Roberto...
I have spent my day revising my thesis.

However my friend Roberto is leaving tonight...so i just went quickly down to see him...

The campus is fileld with kids running around in T-shirts...I think its a promotion thing for NCTU...
Breakfast served...
I got breakfat this morning...

It was Kefir, bread and cheese, what a good start.. Said to expire soon, but i seldom care about those numbers...
Eurocup final...
I finally made it to the computer scince building, to watch the euro cup...

Many people showed up...it was fun...some of them are acctually returning tomorrow...

There was a rumor that people watched the game on national television, but the taiwanese peoplethat i asekd did not find the game on the tabloids...
I brought my computer to the place, to revise my thesis...
Dinner with Jinsu
My professor Jinsu, asked me out for a dinner. She felt that she wanted to appreciate me...super sweet...

My classmate cory joined aswell...

I asked to go for a Korean restaurant...as usual, a naitive often thinks the food tasted better at home...I remember my mexican friend saying the same...(except many swedes, who are totally fine with ikea, wherever they go...)

They had kimchi...so nice...

And alot of meet...

The owner is korean...I did not meet him...its a pity...

I remember that she mentioned her kids, that they argue about which song to play in the car...(been there, done that)...we listened to some korean kids song on the way back to Hsinchu...
Thesis and the bottle...
My life right now...

I still have some rum and whiskey from last years winter vacation in Bhutan and Nepal...it goes good with my thesis work...combine pleasure and pain...
Akon in Taipei
I went to Akon last night, its a pity that some people had a gathering with the swedish people in Hsinchu at the same time...

Akon really looked serious on the poster...

The concert started 20, but even at 21.20 he had not yet started...

And people started to get worried...and unpatient...

A guy came two times, to say, "its five minutes left, until he comes" and some people started to "buu"...

The a DJ appeared...

He was funny...and full of energy...
And then Akon arrived..
He sang his famous songs, but very short each song...
Ha had 3 shirts, so he became very warm on stage...

Another guy took over for a while...not sure about his name...
Then Akon am back, and started to take his clothes off...
Akon was flirting with the audience...
And he started to stage dive when he sang "sexy bitch"...

Then, as when Roxette performed...everyone had to leave from a supersmall door...

And the co-singer went out to take pictures...

And many people conites to club myst...I had shorts but brought pants...

Even the swedish company Svedka was present...

I managed to enter the club anyway...this is a picture with my Taipei 101 run up bracelet, with Taipei 101 in the back ground...

It was not super many people at Myst, but alot of east european models...

And taiwanese girls posing at the entrance...

When going out, I had to wait super long time at some places...

Clement ad Roberto did their last night in taipei...they went to taipei 101 to buy souvenirs...

And when we arrived back to hsinchu, they ran to their dorm to change...it was the last night with "all you can drink" at plur...
German beer house in taipei
I went to a german beer house in taipei some days ago...

Its in Tianmu, and it has a german owner...

It is also famous for its bread...

They had a special basket for bags near the table...

And homemade ice cream...I wonder how they transport the ice cream from their home to the restaurant...

They also promote Euro2012, that is showed here...

And I asked for alot of extrea bread...

And ordered a cheese plate, tasted like costco cheese some of it...

And a nice onion soup...

And Schnitzel...not exactly like in austria...but almost...

And potato stew...

And a rel. try chokolate cake...

This is the schedule for th eurocup...finals on monday...

Even the toilet signs were in german...it was a nice restaurant...
I went to this area before...at a taiwanese store...even that was nice...