Campus hang out...
My classamte made a visit from Taipei yesterday...

Or rather, they came from many places of the country...

We hanged out at the program secretary, who complained over my cleaning in the lab :S
How can that be?! im the only one cleaning, so strange logic...she should ask people who never cleans, but her inspections are very random...not in the end of the day, when people should clean for more practical purpose...

Esther came for a was long time ago I saw her...

Some of us, went to the swimming pool...

Its always different some people said, that its not until 2013 that the out door swimming pool will be open...

So we had to swim in the 25 meter pool as usual here at NCTU...

And some swedish friends dropped by...

Later we ate some mexican food...

I bought this one...

...and threafter this one...

Then we went to 7-11...

...where they have some beer promotion...

This is actually a good meeting point, many people I know pass by here alot...its outside campus...

I even met my classmate Lena, who has been to Jordan for almost one year, but now is back in Hsinchu...