Night with the swedes...
I went to my swedish friend Kristoffer last night...

They had 150 bottles of beer they wanted to get rid of...or less...even though I brought beer and corn chips...

Kristoffer had some profesional poker chips as well...

We started with 200NT each...

I played very defensive as usual...

And got a big pile in the beginning...

They never increased the blind, so the game kept on for hours...

There were people from USA, Scotland and sweden who played, and some tawianese people joined up. Most of them worked in Hsinchu. I might go out with them later....some day...

Sam the Scottish guy, played very well...and won alot...some people lost, but paid themselves in again...

Fredrik got a Straight flush

I ended with this pile, and made 350 NT profit...but I think the others disliked my defensive strategy...