A night in taipei...
I spent yesterday night in Taipei...

It was at Zhongxiao Xinsheng, a place called Tacoloco, that recently opened...

And we were invited by a woman from Mexico...so alot of latinos and spanish speaking people were there...

She brought tequile...

And we got served japanese, food...

And taiwanese-ish food...

And chicken...

And mexican food...

Some cool, old guy from spain also paid a visit...

And people from the nightclub Micasa, including the bartender girls, bartender...

We got a super nice muchroom stew...

And some chicken with mashed potato...

The mexican womans daughter was there..she was fluent in many languages...

And the -mexican restaurant owner from Zhongli came, he recognized me...so exclusive...

I thought this was water, but I was served tequila...

Many people was there...even though we were early...

It was alsocheap since all drinks were for free...

We later headed to the beer factory, but there my classmates and friends told me they just closed...

They found my look.alike there to...so funny...

So we went to Brass moneky where they had rugby night...

I asked for apizza with tomato and cheese, but got only cheese...hmm...

Then we went to revolver...its a nice club...

I met my old friend Long there, a drunk tai guy, who use to collect bottles aoutside the 7-11 near luxy...

They also had dogs walking around inside...

My classmate ordered many beers...many foreigners were here...

And some were on the dance floor...

But the music was crappy, so pablo put on his own house music...and started to dance...

...and so did I...

it was fun...

he went kind of drunk...

outside people were selling LPs...

Alot of taiwanese people joined up when they were about to close...

We continued to underground on Xida road, but it was closed, instead we mingleded with Johnny from the border of england and scotland...he was taking a walk with his dog, crossing the whole city...

I found this nice helmet...

On the way back in the bus, I also mnet Kris an american english teacher who treated me beer...he likes to travel, and earns to much money...as english teachers do in taiwan...i will show him some beer bar in hsinchu some day...