Dinner with Jinsu (Part II)
I went for a dinner with my professor at a new mall in Hsinchu downtown...

Its a place called "Big City", some kilometers from the train station...

They have alot of activites going on, similiar to the ones in Jakarta...

And many people here...

But super slow elevators...

We went to this place "Fun house Cafe"...

They had many belgian beers on the menu...

I tried this one "La trappe"...it was good...

I also had a burger...as usual...

The staff was kind of busy all the time, so we really had to stand up and wave our hands...to get their attention...

Afterwards, cory suggested us to play biljard...

He was really good...

I use to be lucky, but this night I did not find my skills...

This is the place where we played...they also have bowling etc...

Then we went to Corys place...

And continued to nan liao...(corys suggestion)...

We went to the small pizzeria there, to have a beer...

They had alot of stickers on their fridge...

"Windy City" is Hsinchu...

It was very hot at the counter...since thats close to the stone oven...

Cory picked the Djembe...

And started to play...

Many people were out here...on this saturday night...

They also had an aout door cinema, showing some taiwanese shows...

We took off south, on the "Most beautiful 17 kilometer coastline in Taiwan"

It was very dark...

We could barely see the ocean...

But I could glimpse some boats in the horizon, probably maffia smuggeling mainland chinese people here...also some fishermen were active on the road...

We went some 3-4 kilometers...then we went back...