Halloween party with Benny Benassi!
It is halloween here in taiwan...
they celebrate it as in USA...with alot focus on the outfit...

We bought pyjamases and bandanas, me and some of the chalmers students...
They only had 5 of them at the market....so we bought all of them, they all had different colours...
Since we had prebooked the tickets for the event in taipei, we did not need to queue...so we took it easy. Even though some of the company was allready in taipei waiting.
On our way to the place we meet alot of people who also was heading to the same place.

This is carlos, who joined us from the MRT (metro in taipei) to the place...
I never been to that club before...it was a big building where they use to have big parties once in a while...

They had alot of professional dancers and droids with lamps and smoke guns, shooting all around them.

This is the famous DJ himself, Banny Benassi from italy...he had one or two big hits in sweden...nowadays he use to remix other songs...
it was very light...so the pics are not that good..(I mean worse than they use to be...)
About 2000 tickets was sold 2 weeks before the party. I guess it was far more people there than that...

Here is a blur pic on the dancefloor...
many people rented their outfit...so they were more exclusive.
Now I am looking forward to more good european DJ's....
they celebrate it as in USA...with alot focus on the outfit...

We bought pyjamases and bandanas, me and some of the chalmers students...
They only had 5 of them at the market....so we bought all of them, they all had different colours...
Since we had prebooked the tickets for the event in taipei, we did not need to queue...so we took it easy. Even though some of the company was allready in taipei waiting.
On our way to the place we meet alot of people who also was heading to the same place.

This is carlos, who joined us from the MRT (metro in taipei) to the place...
I never been to that club before...it was a big building where they use to have big parties once in a while...

They had alot of professional dancers and droids with lamps and smoke guns, shooting all around them.

This is the famous DJ himself, Banny Benassi from italy...he had one or two big hits in sweden...nowadays he use to remix other songs...
it was very light...so the pics are not that good..(I mean worse than they use to be...)
About 2000 tickets was sold 2 weeks before the party. I guess it was far more people there than that...

Here is a blur pic on the dancefloor...
many people rented their outfit...so they were more exclusive.
Now I am looking forward to more good european DJ's....
Running competition at school
Today it was a running competition at school...
As far as I saw, it was only for old people...

atleast a thousand people gathered to watch the competition...

They also came for entertainment...of differeent kinds...

And as usual alot of food tents...near by....

Food, food and snax all around, and beyond that aswell...
I wonder if can can be invited to compete with the tais next time...it would be fun.
As far as I saw, it was only for old people...

atleast a thousand people gathered to watch the competition...

They also came for entertainment...of differeent kinds...

And as usual alot of food tents...near by....

Food, food and snax all around, and beyond that aswell...
I wonder if can can be invited to compete with the tais next time...it would be fun.
GMBA visit at Marquee
The local GMBA programs in 2 other taiwanese schools aranged a party in taipei in a club called Marquee, the money went to charity.
We where about 10 GMBA from my school, visiting the event.

It is a small place near Taipei 101 (a building in taipei...508 meters high).
First we went to eat some taiwanese food at a local restaurant, then we went to the club , where we mingeled around...
I was partly there as a representative from my program, so I took pictures and later on I will write an article...
Perhaps I will get to know more about other GMBA programs activites further on.

I designed my own business card for this event since my programs (NCTU GMBA) business card is not finished yet. At the club some guy informed me that Tiesto is coming to taipei in december...
I also met a team of doctors in taipei...who I got some usefull contacts from.
Im kind of tired now...time to go to bed...
A good song from Tiesto:
I will go to that event for sure...
We where about 10 GMBA from my school, visiting the event.

It is a small place near Taipei 101 (a building in taipei...508 meters high).
First we went to eat some taiwanese food at a local restaurant, then we went to the club , where we mingeled around...
I was partly there as a representative from my program, so I took pictures and later on I will write an article...
Perhaps I will get to know more about other GMBA programs activites further on.

I designed my own business card for this event since my programs (NCTU GMBA) business card is not finished yet. At the club some guy informed me that Tiesto is coming to taipei in december...
I also met a team of doctors in taipei...who I got some usefull contacts from.
Im kind of tired now...time to go to bed...
A good song from Tiesto:
I will go to that event for sure...
Stupid quizweek over...
We have quizz every second week in one course, and every third week in another course...so every sixth week we have 2 quizzes in the same week...
and this week was one of these...
So we went to Hotpot after the last quiz, which was today...(in which I probably flunked...since I did not prepare in the right way...(easy to blame))

This one had alot of desserts, like dutch ice cream... it was nice...
10 people joined up.

Some of us continued to watch a movie...
Unfortunately it seems like we cannot borrow the projector in the future...for some "purpose" reason. Perhaps we must combine the movie watching with a serious meeting...
to morrow it is GMBA event again...jippi!
and this week was one of these...
So we went to Hotpot after the last quiz, which was today...(in which I probably flunked...since I did not prepare in the right way...(easy to blame))

This one had alot of desserts, like dutch ice cream... it was nice...
10 people joined up.

Some of us continued to watch a movie...
Unfortunately it seems like we cannot borrow the projector in the future...for some "purpose" reason. Perhaps we must combine the movie watching with a serious meeting...
to morrow it is GMBA event again...jippi!
Another busy day
Another day passes with alot of homework, meetings and quiz...
I had problems log on the the local computer network at school recently, thay is why my blogg has not been updated for for more than 1 day.
I had problems log on the the local computer network at school recently, thay is why my blogg has not been updated for for more than 1 day.
Strange food at school
There are 3 big food courts at school.
I try to change the place from day to day...
They have funny things on the menu...usually I just point on a random dish and hope to get a thing that is eatable...
"Tribute pill soup" is one interesting dish.
"Halogen meat food" is enlightening your day....
"Canadian Smoked Bacon screw surface" is good, you can to whatever you want with it, the surface is allready screwed when you get it, so it looks the same anyway...
Long break on mondays
Every monday I have morning class and evening class...
this means that between 12.00 and 18.30 I have time to do other things...
Today I red and wrote articles.
We need to summarize articles in my class "Organizational behaviour", which was the article i red.
I am asked to write articles about what happends in my program, which was the article i wrote.
I will buy a better camera soon. I think if I combine my purchase with an indomestic trip, I can get tax reduction...my friends will try to do this tomorrow...
My GMBA program has decided that all the students must do internship at a company. anywhere except in the home country of the student...
So I am starting to consider my options...preferably a managment consultant firm...preferably a job where I get to travell, I can probably take whatever job...
Now it is time for dinner.
this means that between 12.00 and 18.30 I have time to do other things...
Today I red and wrote articles.
We need to summarize articles in my class "Organizational behaviour", which was the article i red.
I am asked to write articles about what happends in my program, which was the article i wrote.
I will buy a better camera soon. I think if I combine my purchase with an indomestic trip, I can get tax reduction...my friends will try to do this tomorrow...
My GMBA program has decided that all the students must do internship at a company. anywhere except in the home country of the student...
So I am starting to consider my options...preferably a managment consultant firm...preferably a job where I get to travell, I can probably take whatever job...
Now it is time for dinner.
A nice interuption
I was sitting in my lab...doing nothing...(more or less), since studying is so boring, when my old friend Allen called.
We went for a dinner, at a near by restaurant.

I ate Nanban chicken. it of from the Sichuan province in china...it tasted like sweet and sour.

Here is Allen and his girlfriend. Alen is doing his militairy service for the moment.
We went for a dinner, at a near by restaurant.

I ate Nanban chicken. it of from the Sichuan province in china...it tasted like sweet and sour.

Here is Allen and his girlfriend. Alen is doing his militairy service for the moment.
Boring Saturday
It was kind of a boring saturday today...just stayed in school.
I ended the day by eating with some friends near school, we also went for some beers.

The japanese guys joined us.
They went for some ginseng soup, we hooked up on the Guang Fu road, which is a big road crossing Hsinchu.
I bought my dinner in 7-11.

Todays special was "chicken balls"...I also bought a small pizza...(taiwanese style with corn and mayonnaise).
I ended the day by eating with some friends near school, we also went for some beers.

The japanese guys joined us.
They went for some ginseng soup, we hooked up on the Guang Fu road, which is a big road crossing Hsinchu.
I bought my dinner in 7-11.

Todays special was "chicken balls"...I also bought a small pizza...(taiwanese style with corn and mayonnaise).
Another Friday...
We have 2 quizzes next week, so most of my classmates are studying. I heard that the tais are very competitive, and I figure they are studying alone, but the foreingers usually study in groups.
I spent some time in my lab reading the book, even if it is hard (american book are usually full of examples and usless text).
in the night some people suggested to visit a pizzeria in a near by city.

We took the cab there during rush hour...so it was alot of traffic. It is swedish pizzeria, the owner, and also the chief is from Serbia and lived in sweden for some years...
After this we payed a short visit to a store called Costco, unfortunetely u need a card to buy food there (costs about 1000NT per year (220SEK). It is cheaper, but the packages are several times larger than in a normal supermarket...

I might come back here and get a card...
At the entrance of the place they have a restaurant...

As if the Serbian/swedish pizza was not enough...we bought another supersize pizza at costco...(with our friends friends cotco card)
then we took of to hsinchu. A spontaneous visit to downtown. I wanted to see how the club with the name that almost sounds like swedens second largest city looks like.

The name is Götheburg, it is 400nt (100sek) in entrance which is kind of expensive for beeing a lokal bar in the little town of hsinchu...
We went to another bar which had a canadian owner, and they played rock music...

They suddenly started to play "Europe", after gunsn roses and ACDC.
After this I went home...tomorrow is another day, and even if I am a very bad and lazy student...I am going to join my friends to the lab...preparing for next weeks quizzes.
I spent some time in my lab reading the book, even if it is hard (american book are usually full of examples and usless text).
in the night some people suggested to visit a pizzeria in a near by city.

We took the cab there during rush hour...so it was alot of traffic. It is swedish pizzeria, the owner, and also the chief is from Serbia and lived in sweden for some years...
After this we payed a short visit to a store called Costco, unfortunetely u need a card to buy food there (costs about 1000NT per year (220SEK). It is cheaper, but the packages are several times larger than in a normal supermarket...

I might come back here and get a card...
At the entrance of the place they have a restaurant...

As if the Serbian/swedish pizza was not enough...we bought another supersize pizza at costco...(with our friends friends cotco card)
then we took of to hsinchu. A spontaneous visit to downtown. I wanted to see how the club with the name that almost sounds like swedens second largest city looks like.

The name is Götheburg, it is 400nt (100sek) in entrance which is kind of expensive for beeing a lokal bar in the little town of hsinchu...
We went to another bar which had a canadian owner, and they played rock music...

They suddenly started to play "Europe", after gunsn roses and ACDC.
After this I went home...tomorrow is another day, and even if I am a very bad and lazy student...I am going to join my friends to the lab...preparing for next weeks quizzes.
Temp in Taiwan
It feels kind of cold in these days. It has been raining for some days in a row. But I recon that the temperature still is about 27 degrees...
Like a swedish summer day...
I started to wear a sweater since yesterday...to get rid of my minor cold...

The display shows 27 degs and it was raining today (read:colder than usually), I think my body has started to adapt to the high temp.
I heard that feb is the coldest month...so it will probably drop down to 10-15 at the coldest...but we still have far to go.
Like a swedish summer day...
I started to wear a sweater since yesterday...to get rid of my minor cold...

The display shows 27 degs and it was raining today (read:colder than usually), I think my body has started to adapt to the high temp.
I heard that feb is the coldest month...so it will probably drop down to 10-15 at the coldest...but we still have far to go.
GMBA dinner and movie
I had a late class today. After that class me and some classmates went to a hotpot near school

There was not enough seats for all of us at the same table, so we needed to sit at separate places. It became more or less one table for foreigners and one for taiwanese students. We had a great time..., we used our european irony, which not always gets understood by asians...and it becomes very funny...
After this we went to school to watch a movie... unfortunetely a guy kicked us out from the classroom where we planned to see the movie in. It looked like we needed to cancel the movie session. But then we found a nice conference room on an other floor.

We saw Idiocracy.
The typhoon that crossed the Phillippines are heading towards china...but it might change direction towards Taiwan...so many trips are cancelled. I was suppose to go with my chinese class to a place called "gree grass lake" tomorrow. Perhaps we will postpond it.

There was not enough seats for all of us at the same table, so we needed to sit at separate places. It became more or less one table for foreigners and one for taiwanese students. We had a great time..., we used our european irony, which not always gets understood by asians...and it becomes very funny...
After this we went to school to watch a movie... unfortunetely a guy kicked us out from the classroom where we planned to see the movie in. It looked like we needed to cancel the movie session. But then we found a nice conference room on an other floor.

We saw Idiocracy.
The typhoon that crossed the Phillippines are heading towards china...but it might change direction towards Taiwan...so many trips are cancelled. I was suppose to go with my chinese class to a place called "gree grass lake" tomorrow. Perhaps we will postpond it.
A play in class
Today we had to make a play in our Organisational behaviour class.
It was fun, every group was consisting of 3 students.

Later on the teacher spoke about the themes mostly words like "Anchored Bias", "Stereotyping" etc.
Later on I had a meeting with the Career Development Division at my program...they try to arrange internship for the students.
right now we just brainstorm companies...since we are not allowed to call anyone yet...
Not like when I was in the Chalmers office and we called who ever we wanted, whenever...that was a non-rigid organisation...(perhaps a play ground)
It was fun, every group was consisting of 3 students.

Later on the teacher spoke about the themes mostly words like "Anchored Bias", "Stereotyping" etc.
Later on I had a meeting with the Career Development Division at my program...they try to arrange internship for the students.
right now we just brainstorm companies...since we are not allowed to call anyone yet...
Not like when I was in the Chalmers office and we called who ever we wanted, whenever...that was a non-rigid organisation...(perhaps a play ground)
We are studying in a fridge
In these days many students have a cold. Strange you may think since the climate is subtropic.
In these countries it is often considered as luxy to have it cold inside (with the AC on)
One school day with 3 classes, and 3 hours per class with only T-shirt and shorts, with the AC blowing on you, is not good.
The taiwanese students often have trousers and extra shirts.
I might need to bring an extra shirt in the future...

A common thing in the rooms in taiwan..."the AC"
In these countries it is often considered as luxy to have it cold inside (with the AC on)
One school day with 3 classes, and 3 hours per class with only T-shirt and shorts, with the AC blowing on you, is not good.
The taiwanese students often have trousers and extra shirts.
I might need to bring an extra shirt in the future...

A common thing in the rooms in taiwan..."the AC"
Many people thinks that there is a lack in the english language, when it comes to the word "fika".
I saw a sign using the word "Cafe" for "fika"

It was an advertisement, but never the less, it sounds like it refers to "fika"
I saw a sign using the word "Cafe" for "fika"

It was an advertisement, but never the less, it sounds like it refers to "fika"
Sleepy days...
In these days many people are very sleepy at school. I find in almost every class, some one who falls a sleep.

I took a pic on a guy in one of my classes today, who was sleeping (i think 2 others also fell asleep).
It might be this time in the semester when the energy is almost finished...
time to fuel up!

I took a pic on a guy in one of my classes today, who was sleeping (i think 2 others also fell asleep).
It might be this time in the semester when the energy is almost finished...
time to fuel up!
Billiard at school
I had a long break today, between 12 and 18.30. Except sewing, eating and trying to study I played some billiard. They have a big room with many tables...it is fun. I will invite more people to join me next time.

My Philippine friend was really good. I use to be lucky once in a while....but luck did not bite on him.

My Philippine friend was really good. I use to be lucky once in a while....but luck did not bite on him.
Study, study, study... :S
I keep on telling myself that I need to study. It is hard, with no discipline. Even though I studied "study techniques" before in sweden. It came to be an excuse to study less, since I blame the motivation factor.
It slighty remember last time I was in taiwan, all the homework was killing me. Now I am back on the same battle field...
Accept my faith or change the future... what ever...
now I'm going to buy some tea...
It slighty remember last time I was in taiwan, all the homework was killing me. Now I am back on the same battle field...
Accept my faith or change the future... what ever...
now I'm going to buy some tea...
Windy days...
There is a typhoon approaching...but I think it will miss taiwan, and cross the Philippines...
But there is still strong winds...

A door at out management building fell and glass peices covered the ground, due to the wind. It is not so common with wind proof walls...
Draughts are created, and it sounds a little spooky
I was wearing shoes today, so i did not mind leaving though that entrance.
But there is still strong winds...

A door at out management building fell and glass peices covered the ground, due to the wind. It is not so common with wind proof walls...
Draughts are created, and it sounds a little spooky
I was wearing shoes today, so i did not mind leaving though that entrance.
GMBA drinking competition
I was about to go to taipei yesterday to support my information managament teacher...but i recon that I woke up to late... Instead I ran to the bike store to check if there was any progress in my purchase...since they never called as they promised to...
Later on me and some friends hanged out in a tea bar, and went to some store after that..
I ended the day by participating in a drinking competition with my class mates...

It was kind of dark, near the running court at school, but it was fun. The competition was who could empty a small glass of whiskey fastest...it was one gulp.
then it was free beers and some food.
Later on me and some friends hanged out in a tea bar, and went to some store after that..
I ended the day by participating in a drinking competition with my class mates...

It was kind of dark, near the running court at school, but it was fun. The competition was who could empty a small glass of whiskey fastest...it was one gulp.
then it was free beers and some food.
Free food at supermarket.
When I go to the supermarket there is often free food oferred to try. Every thing from cheese and wine to youghurt and medicine.

If you want, you can probably eat your whole dinner there...

If you want, you can probably eat your whole dinner there...
Friday night (week 5?)
Time goes by very fast...I think it is week 5 now...not sure
Yesterday I did not have class, but I had alot to do at school. I finished some excersises and took a cup of coffee (read: I went hyper active)
I ended my school day with playing football. it is nice to run after a ball for 2 hours with caffein in the blood...

Usually they have lights at the running court in the evening (the sun sets about 18.00), but not on fridays...so we played partly in the dark...
After football we ordered pizza and went to a preparty.

Some of the swedes has their friends here for a visit.

We all managed to go on the same bus again, to Taipei...
this one did not have a toilet.

They often have 2 dancefloors here in taiwan, one with HipHop & RnB, and one with other music...
last night they hade trance night...with laser show on the trance dance floor. Tai's usually love hiphop and RnB.

This means that it is crowded at the hiphop dance floor, and some times almost empty at the trace one...
It is expensive to go out clubbing in taiwan, (the prices differ, from free entrance (if u are very early) to about 1000NT, which is 200SEK (usually "all you can drink" places or if there is a special theme or DJ at the club).
In comparison with how much a lunch is (about 50NT) that is alot. Last night we payed 600NT for entrance, the beers was 200NT each, even though we got 2 beers for free or 1 drink.
so to sum it up, clubing costs 12 lunches, a beer costs 4 lunches...
clubs with that price in europe would probably go bankrupt

But Taiwan has a trump card, which is called 7-11. Usually you can leave and enter the club when u want, since you get a stamp...
So it is always crowded at the local convenient store, where they sell both beers, cider, wine and other alcoholic beverages. They even have a guy, who job is to collect cans and bottles, to keep it clean, when all the drunk foreigners leave the 7-11 for continuing back to the club.
Yesterday I did not have class, but I had alot to do at school. I finished some excersises and took a cup of coffee (read: I went hyper active)
I ended my school day with playing football. it is nice to run after a ball for 2 hours with caffein in the blood...

Usually they have lights at the running court in the evening (the sun sets about 18.00), but not on fridays...so we played partly in the dark...
After football we ordered pizza and went to a preparty.

Some of the swedes has their friends here for a visit.

We all managed to go on the same bus again, to Taipei...
this one did not have a toilet.

They often have 2 dancefloors here in taiwan, one with HipHop & RnB, and one with other music...
last night they hade trance night...with laser show on the trance dance floor. Tai's usually love hiphop and RnB.

This means that it is crowded at the hiphop dance floor, and some times almost empty at the trace one...
It is expensive to go out clubbing in taiwan, (the prices differ, from free entrance (if u are very early) to about 1000NT, which is 200SEK (usually "all you can drink" places or if there is a special theme or DJ at the club).
In comparison with how much a lunch is (about 50NT) that is alot. Last night we payed 600NT for entrance, the beers was 200NT each, even though we got 2 beers for free or 1 drink.
so to sum it up, clubing costs 12 lunches, a beer costs 4 lunches...
clubs with that price in europe would probably go bankrupt

But Taiwan has a trump card, which is called 7-11. Usually you can leave and enter the club when u want, since you get a stamp...
So it is always crowded at the local convenient store, where they sell both beers, cider, wine and other alcoholic beverages. They even have a guy, who job is to collect cans and bottles, to keep it clean, when all the drunk foreigners leave the 7-11 for continuing back to the club.
Late nights at campus
Lat night I went to bed at 4.30. Just as many other night, the foreign students spend some time outside campus near the 7/11.

It was nice, I use to try different beverages. But now I reach the limit, when I tried most of them...so now i go for the best ones instead...
Some times the police drops by and tell us that we cannot drink at some places.

They are not that consistent in their orders...since some times it is ok be drink at some areas, and other times it is not ok.

These policewoman was really good in english. The spanish people pretended not to understand...
But we left the place, and went to a near by lake.

It was nice, I use to try different beverages. But now I reach the limit, when I tried most of them...so now i go for the best ones instead...
Some times the police drops by and tell us that we cannot drink at some places.

They are not that consistent in their orders...since some times it is ok be drink at some areas, and other times it is not ok.

These policewoman was really good in english. The spanish people pretended not to understand...
But we left the place, and went to a near by lake.
Sushi dinner
I ate dinner at a japanese sushi restaurant. I never get really full in those restaurant.

I ordered 3 dishes...one soup, one tuna and some seasweed rolls.

It was alot of wasabi, but not that much ginger. The girl in the store spoke really good english, so it was easy to order food.
Usually I go to sushi "all you can eat", since then, I dont need to care about the price. It often get kind of expensive, to normal sushi restaurant.

I ordered 3 dishes...one soup, one tuna and some seasweed rolls.

It was alot of wasabi, but not that much ginger. The girl in the store spoke really good english, so it was easy to order food.
Usually I go to sushi "all you can eat", since then, I dont need to care about the price. It often get kind of expensive, to normal sushi restaurant.
I got a stamp
In taiwan they use stamps...instead of signatures, as more or less the rest of the world is using...
Service-minded banks usually let their customer use their signature when dealing with bank businesses. But if you get a taiwanese scholarship, you must use the conservative post bank, which does not support anything else than a stamp.

This is my stamp, saying my Chinese name.
Lucky me, who has my chinese name on my ARC (VISA), so that I actually can use my stamp. Some of my friends needs to buy a new stamp, with their normal name, since it is not ok to have different name on the stamp compare to the ID...
The use of the stamp itself I dont understand...since it is very easy to produce many stamps (read: fake anothers signature).
Service-minded banks usually let their customer use their signature when dealing with bank businesses. But if you get a taiwanese scholarship, you must use the conservative post bank, which does not support anything else than a stamp.

This is my stamp, saying my Chinese name.
Lucky me, who has my chinese name on my ARC (VISA), so that I actually can use my stamp. Some of my friends needs to buy a new stamp, with their normal name, since it is not ok to have different name on the stamp compare to the ID...
The use of the stamp itself I dont understand...since it is very easy to produce many stamps (read: fake anothers signature).
Deaf or blind...
It was a funny situation observing the Tai people at the running court. everytime when the football went out from the field, crossing the running stage....the tai's just ignored the ball as if it was not there...even when we screamed that that they "please could pass us the ball" they kept ignore us...
Deaf with blinder, I ask myself...
it was strange...

Tai's running around the running court...even if the ball passes by by 20 cm they keep on running...it looks really funny. like lemmings heading for the water (general exodus)
Deaf with blinder, I ask myself...
it was strange...

Tai's running around the running court...even if the ball passes by by 20 cm they keep on running...it looks really funny. like lemmings heading for the water (general exodus)
Football after class
Tonight we played football after class (mainly the GMBA students) but our friends was also invited.
The Tai's told us that it is just to go to the football field and play, but today it must have been an exception, since they claimed that we could not join...so initially we played beside the field.

We where 12 people who joined...but after some time the tai's stopped playing, and we, togetter with some arabs started to play on the field.
If was fun, we played for almost 2,5 hours.
I might also play this friday with the vietnamese...
it is not that popular among the tai's, but it unifies the foreigners for sure.
The Tai's told us that it is just to go to the football field and play, but today it must have been an exception, since they claimed that we could not join...so initially we played beside the field.

We where 12 people who joined...but after some time the tai's stopped playing, and we, togetter with some arabs started to play on the field.
If was fun, we played for almost 2,5 hours.
I might also play this friday with the vietnamese...
it is not that popular among the tai's, but it unifies the foreigners for sure.
Dogs on campus
There are alot of dogs on campus (as well as downtown Hsinchu).
It is not like in sweden, where the market for dogs is very strictly regulated...
here they just walk around...owner less (in flocks)
there is a rumor that one professor is supporting the dogs, and keep encuraging the students to feed them...

This dog might sleep in danger...one paw is under the wheel.
It is not like in sweden, where the market for dogs is very strictly regulated...
here they just walk around...owner less (in flocks)
there is a rumor that one professor is supporting the dogs, and keep encuraging the students to feed them...

This dog might sleep in danger...one paw is under the wheel.
Meeting society
In these days my life is full of meetings...
Since we get alot of group assigmnets...as well as aother assigments...it is meetings all the time...(many times very inefficient...)
Another thing that affects me is the email spam from several information systems...which results in that I filter some emails, and miss important information.
They never use "FYA" or "FYI" in the email subject , so it is hard to know what is expected from me...
Since we get alot of group assigmnets...as well as aother assigments...it is meetings all the time...(many times very inefficient...)
Another thing that affects me is the email spam from several information systems...which results in that I filter some emails, and miss important information.
They never use "FYA" or "FYI" in the email subject , so it is hard to know what is expected from me...
Busy time at school
Right now it is busy time at school. I had a quiz today, and will have another quiz tomorrow...and article readings for wednesday...yada yada
Benny Benassi is coming to Taiwan in november...so i have some event to looking forward to. Since I missed tha last weekend in taipei...(event weekend)
I have not heard anything from about my bike, i will go back there when i have time...
Benny Benassi is coming to Taiwan in november...so i have some event to looking forward to. Since I missed tha last weekend in taipei...(event weekend)
I have not heard anything from about my bike, i will go back there when i have time...
Penghu island visit
Day 1

Students ready for take off... Mongolia, Sweden, Spain, South Korea, Indonesia, China, China and USA.

Students ready for take off... Mongolia, Sweden, Spain, South Korea, Indonesia, China, China and USA.
Today I flew to Penghu island with parts of my class (and some other students from my school). Since my Information Managent teacher invited us. We went directly from the TSMC visit to Taipei airport by high speed rail. Finally at the terminal we found out that our flight was cancelled.

I tried to read my teachers book. it is in chinese.
we waited for some hours and took a later flight. The lunch at the airport was also cancelled due to some reparation of the restaurant... it took about 45 min to go to the island. when there we took a bus to our hotel. It is far from town, but very near the beach. it is a strategy to be far from town, so that no person can drop of from any activity (our teacher told us). We, us students and the professors friends (mostly taipei people) ate dinner outside the entrance of the hotel.

we had some presentation about ourselves (even though almost everyone spoke chinese). and after dinner we spent a short time on the beach, before going up to our room

3 guys at the honeymoon room (we were 5 ppl sleeping there)
Day 2
After a short breakfast we took of to some island more to the west. The largest islands are connected by bridges. The areas was interesting from a geological point of view.
After 3-4 stops we returned to the hotel to dress up in "formal" clothes. Then we took of to a restaurant, which seemed to be used primary for weddings. After this we visited some museum where our professor held a speech (or presentation) for 2-3 hours. Since it was in chinese, we escaped and went to buy beer. We went back, ate some snax and studied a little since we have an accounting quiz on monday.

After this we went to an "all you can eat" restaurant, mostly chinese food and sushi. After some hours of eating we went back to the hotel.
Day 3
It was the same time this morning as well (9 am), to catch the tour bus. We are always in the last minute... we headed to a beach near by (everything is near by at penghu, it is a pretty small island, about 60000 ppl living here). Some people collected corals, others took a nap in the shade. after 30 mins we went to another beach. where we stayed 15 mins. Then we went for sliced ice, and some shopping in a near by village. Some people had to catch a flight back to mainland taiwan, so we said goodbye to them and continued to an "all you can eat" oyster place, out in the water...on a floating bridge, to which we needed to take a boat. there was also opportunities to fish...

There were many militairy ships over there, looking like swedish ships.

I ate oysters with wasabi. We needed to barBQ them ourselves...which took time...but it is easy to know when they are done, since they open.
"All you can eat"-BULLSHIT! I could eat far more but we needed to leave anyway...i broke my old record by far, i ate for 1-2 hours.
After this we visited an island which we can only walk to during some times per day (depending on the sea level). After this we went for dinner, and then we took a walk looking for a pub. we found 2 but only had time to visit 1, since the bus back to the hotel left back at 9.

They have an Imperial Cat Hall here in Penghu.
Day 4
This day we did not leave the hotel until 10.30, since we was about to take a boat to an island north of the bigger island, called JiBei. It was very windy on the boat, but nice.

At the ferry station, there were boats going to a range of different islands near by...(including mainland taiwan).

When we got to the island we visited a 5 star hotel, I was told that the scale in Taiwan is (4 stars= luxy hotel, 5 stars = luxy hotel + conference room). The definition of luxy remains unsaid...

The hotels usually have funny names in these places...
We sneaked in and took some coffee, while waiting for activites...
after 25 minutes we went to a restaurant to eat lokal food.

It was obviously seafood on the menu.
We where there during low season so it was a ghost town feeling about the place...
When lunch was finished we started fgo to towards a beach...in the burning sun... after a while did we pass by a bicycle store, so we rented bikes....and the trip went faster...

The saddles was low, and the brakes was broken... but we managed to ude the bikes anyway...

When we finally made it to the beach we bought some cactus icecream (colour; red).

All the benches at the beach had these spikes 1-3 mm on them...my shorts got stuck in one of them...a 2 cm hole occured :S
They sold shorts at the place...so I guess it was just a way to make more money...
while eating out icecreams, we watched the jetskies driving kids back and forth until it was time to return to the ferry...

The guide, me, the Professor, Ronny looking to his right and Pablo at the airport just before take off...
The others are suppose to stay until tomorrow morning...
I finished my penghu trip by eating lokal food...

It was PengHu Handmade Thread noodles with PengHu FengRu tea...
It was time for a short toilett visit, and my friends joined me...

The gate was changes in last minute..but they did not inform us...we where kind of lucky to ask some guard why the gate never opens (since some other staff said that they are just late). Some ppl said that the plain might be taking off early since they are affraid that they will be shot down by the fire works...(good quality of airplane?)

Since it is the 10th of oct (national holliday in taiwan) they had alot of fireworks...
They where in Penghu this year, and we where suppose to see them live...(it was a part of out schedule...) but due to school tomorrow we choosed to see them on the bus back to Hsinchu...
I allready miss the great time we had on PengHu...alot of laughs...and great food and great schedule!
Unfortunetely I did not bring any sunblock, so my face was kind of red when I came back to Taiwan... on the other hand I made the Penghu people scared, by looking like a hitman...

We were suppose to wear formal dress during some of the events...I brought my student suit... even though I am 10 kg heavier, I can still wear it...puh
This weekend "life was a party" and I was invited!
song of the weekend..
Day 4
This day we did not leave the hotel until 10.30, since we was about to take a boat to an island north of the bigger island, called JiBei. It was very windy on the boat, but nice.

At the ferry station, there were boats going to a range of different islands near by...(including mainland taiwan).

When we got to the island we visited a 5 star hotel, I was told that the scale in Taiwan is (4 stars= luxy hotel, 5 stars = luxy hotel + conference room). The definition of luxy remains unsaid...

The hotels usually have funny names in these places...
We sneaked in and took some coffee, while waiting for activites...
after 25 minutes we went to a restaurant to eat lokal food.

It was obviously seafood on the menu.
We where there during low season so it was a ghost town feeling about the place...
When lunch was finished we started fgo to towards a beach...in the burning sun... after a while did we pass by a bicycle store, so we rented bikes....and the trip went faster...

The saddles was low, and the brakes was broken... but we managed to ude the bikes anyway...

When we finally made it to the beach we bought some cactus icecream (colour; red).

All the benches at the beach had these spikes 1-3 mm on them...my shorts got stuck in one of them...a 2 cm hole occured :S
They sold shorts at the place...so I guess it was just a way to make more money...
while eating out icecreams, we watched the jetskies driving kids back and forth until it was time to return to the ferry...

The guide, me, the Professor, Ronny looking to his right and Pablo at the airport just before take off...
The others are suppose to stay until tomorrow morning...
I finished my penghu trip by eating lokal food...

It was PengHu Handmade Thread noodles with PengHu FengRu tea...
It was time for a short toilett visit, and my friends joined me...

The gate was changes in last minute..but they did not inform us...we where kind of lucky to ask some guard why the gate never opens (since some other staff said that they are just late). Some ppl said that the plain might be taking off early since they are affraid that they will be shot down by the fire works...(good quality of airplane?)

Since it is the 10th of oct (national holliday in taiwan) they had alot of fireworks...
They where in Penghu this year, and we where suppose to see them live...(it was a part of out schedule...) but due to school tomorrow we choosed to see them on the bus back to Hsinchu...
I allready miss the great time we had on PengHu...alot of laughs...and great food and great schedule!
Unfortunetely I did not bring any sunblock, so my face was kind of red when I came back to Taiwan... on the other hand I made the Penghu people scared, by looking like a hitman...

We were suppose to wear formal dress during some of the events...I brought my student suit... even though I am 10 kg heavier, I can still wear it...puh
This weekend "life was a party" and I was invited!
song of the weekend..
cinnamon bun
Today the Chalmers office had a cinnamon bun event, meaning that they gave away buns. It was nice.

I saw many swedes at the office during the event. It is always nice to mingle around...
Later on that day I ate a garlic bun at 7-11, not as sweet as the cinnamon bun. It was good togetter with "Delica" red wine.

It is french, thus not that sweet at the Tai wines...
Btw, on friday Armin Van Buuren will play in Taipei... I will miss it due to a trip :(
To u who are going there I can just say: HAVE FUN!
Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9FDrr4dpsU&ob=av2n
Fatboy slim will also perform...at another club...
and ther will ba a trance party, all in the same week :S

I saw many swedes at the office during the event. It is always nice to mingle around...
Later on that day I ate a garlic bun at 7-11, not as sweet as the cinnamon bun. It was good togetter with "Delica" red wine.

It is french, thus not that sweet at the Tai wines...
Btw, on friday Armin Van Buuren will play in Taipei... I will miss it due to a trip :(
To u who are going there I can just say: HAVE FUN!
Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9FDrr4dpsU&ob=av2n
Fatboy slim will also perform...at another club...
and ther will ba a trance party, all in the same week :S
TSMC visit
Tomorrow I am going for a lunch at TSMC. It is going to be nice. I am responsible for taking pics and write about the meeting, for the purpose of the GMBA program...
It is suppose to be kind of casual lunch...whatever that means...

It is suppose to be kind of casual lunch...whatever that means...

jehovas at school?
Some church visited our dorm today. They were knocking doors and informed about their community.

"Are you jehovas?" was my first question... they said "no", and turned out to be the church with whom I went mountin climbing with some weeks ago. Many people in my corridor seems to e christians...So it was a good catch for the church to be there...

"Are you jehovas?" was my first question... they said "no", and turned out to be the church with whom I went mountin climbing with some weeks ago. Many people in my corridor seems to e christians...So it was a good catch for the church to be there...
cleaning day
Today it was my cleaning day at the GMBA lab. It is not that big, but many students occupies desks and tables permanently. So it is hard to know what to throw away and what not to...
I also need to prepare a presentation for tomorrow about some culture study, I thought it would be easy, but it turned out to be a many-pages-article to present. So i was kind of regretful yesterday, when I first found out the workload...
I also joined 2 divisions in the so called GMBA-company. Marketing and Carrer Divisions. It is like beeing a member of a student organisation at Chalmers. A way for students to practice beeing a part of something bigger. Even though it is hard to take initiatives here...since everything must be processed for such a long time.

This is how parts of my new hairdo looks like... short on the sides.
I also need to prepare a presentation for tomorrow about some culture study, I thought it would be easy, but it turned out to be a many-pages-article to present. So i was kind of regretful yesterday, when I first found out the workload...
I also joined 2 divisions in the so called GMBA-company. Marketing and Carrer Divisions. It is like beeing a member of a student organisation at Chalmers. A way for students to practice beeing a part of something bigger. Even though it is hard to take initiatives here...since everything must be processed for such a long time.

This is how parts of my new hairdo looks like... short on the sides.
Open bank account
Today I finally got my VISA...
which means that I can open a bank account. I went to the bank to check what was needed to open one...Passport, ARC plus 1000NT...
I might drop by there tomorrow.

I saw a brochure about eyewear called "Gunnar" which is a typcal Swedish name (in my view, mosty older people has it).
I am waiting for a call from the bicycle store, hopefully they call any minute...but on the other hand, I wont be surprised if they wont call at all...
I am still waiting for a reply on whether I can buy a football or not from the GMBA, it seems that I wont get an answer... :(
(like if the most common way here it to but you "on hold", so that you dont need to deal with anything)
Yesterday I cut my hair, I made a small change, similar the old mohawk hairdo, but in a discreet way...So that I, in the long run can save for a mullet or a swedish "hockeyfrilla". There's a risk that I will look like a russian teenager...
which means that I can open a bank account. I went to the bank to check what was needed to open one...Passport, ARC plus 1000NT...
I might drop by there tomorrow.

I saw a brochure about eyewear called "Gunnar" which is a typcal Swedish name (in my view, mosty older people has it).
I am waiting for a call from the bicycle store, hopefully they call any minute...but on the other hand, I wont be surprised if they wont call at all...
I am still waiting for a reply on whether I can buy a football or not from the GMBA, it seems that I wont get an answer... :(
(like if the most common way here it to but you "on hold", so that you dont need to deal with anything)
Yesterday I cut my hair, I made a small change, similar the old mohawk hairdo, but in a discreet way...So that I, in the long run can save for a mullet or a swedish "hockeyfrilla". There's a risk that I will look like a russian teenager...
End of week 3
I just ate at hotpot.

It was Ice cream included, in different colors...

I finished with an american dark beer.
Im uncertain about next weeks homework...I better check it... all I know is that I have alot of articles to read :S
Even if I have been in the country for more than a month. I have:
1) No VISA (it suppsoe to take 2 weeks, but things goes super slow in this area)
2) No Health insurance card
3) not all the course books
4) no bike
5) not been to an All-you-can-drink
6) not been to any sushi-all-you-can -eat
7) no response about if I can buy a football to the GMBA program
My roommate found the "Goteborg" nightclub in Hsinchu...that is some progress atleast...

It was Ice cream included, in different colors...

I finished with an american dark beer.
Im uncertain about next weeks homework...I better check it... all I know is that I have alot of articles to read :S
Even if I have been in the country for more than a month. I have:
1) No VISA (it suppsoe to take 2 weeks, but things goes super slow in this area)
2) No Health insurance card
3) not all the course books
4) no bike
5) not been to an All-you-can-drink
6) not been to any sushi-all-you-can -eat
7) no response about if I can buy a football to the GMBA program
My roommate found the "Goteborg" nightclub in Hsinchu...that is some progress atleast...
information technology center
Usually when I use a computer here in taiwan, I use the public (for NCTU students) computers. There is a computer room that are open 24-7.
There seem to be people here always. Last night I came here 4 in the morning, and still some taiwanese students sat here.

On the screen to the right (on this sharp! picture), you can see Rihannas lastest song "only girl" the Liam keegan remix (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5einZs-YNs). It is the song i listen to mostly nowadays...but they dont have that one in the clubs when I ask :(
There seem to be people here always. Last night I came here 4 in the morning, and still some taiwanese students sat here.

On the screen to the right (on this sharp! picture), you can see Rihannas lastest song "only girl" the Liam keegan remix (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5einZs-YNs). It is the song i listen to mostly nowadays...but they dont have that one in the clubs when I ask :(
Saturdays event...
There was a pre party at the swedes appartment this saturday. We ordered pizza (which took more than 1 hour to be delivered) and listened to music (we used NRJ's podcast). Some of the swedes went surfing the same day, but droped in one by one, super sun-burned.

There were about 20-30 people at the party, mostly swedes, but also alot of french, chinese and taiwanese people. In the beginning, only some of us was suppose to go to Taipei. The Linköping students wanted to go and party in Hsinchu...and some others did not plan to do anything this night.
But in the end all of us joined up to Taipei (except some taiwanese, since they seldom go to clubs).

It is really hard to get many people to leave and catch a bus...in a fast way. Many times the group was devided into 2 parts...or more...since some ones easily gets behind...
Our ambition was to enter Luxy before 23.00, so we needed to leave Hsinchu at 21.

We managed to go with the same bus to taipei...It even had a toilet, which was good, since some poeple really drank alot...

Strangely enough it was designed for kids (age 1-3), only some of us managed to use it...

Finally at luxy, after rushing into taxis from the main station to the night club area, we found ourselves being 2 minutes late...(the price is twice as high after 23, and sometimes it is free before 23)
we considered for a while to change club to Pasoul, which is an All-you-can-drink club, or to buy a table in Luxy which would make the entrance cheaper. But some of us did not want to wait.It was included 2 drinks, so it was a good price anyway with 600NT (or rather 1 drink, if you're nor a big fan of a "screwdriver" with 50% ice cubes in the glass).
In taiwan there is always a 7-11 near the night clubs, where everyone goes to get beers etc, so we also paid some visits in those stores, during the night. The we dances on the stage in luxy and mingled around all night.

There were about 20-30 people at the party, mostly swedes, but also alot of french, chinese and taiwanese people. In the beginning, only some of us was suppose to go to Taipei. The Linköping students wanted to go and party in Hsinchu...and some others did not plan to do anything this night.
But in the end all of us joined up to Taipei (except some taiwanese, since they seldom go to clubs).

It is really hard to get many people to leave and catch a bus...in a fast way. Many times the group was devided into 2 parts...or more...since some ones easily gets behind...
Our ambition was to enter Luxy before 23.00, so we needed to leave Hsinchu at 21.

We managed to go with the same bus to taipei...It even had a toilet, which was good, since some poeple really drank alot...

Strangely enough it was designed for kids (age 1-3), only some of us managed to use it...

Finally at luxy, after rushing into taxis from the main station to the night club area, we found ourselves being 2 minutes late...(the price is twice as high after 23, and sometimes it is free before 23)
we considered for a while to change club to Pasoul, which is an All-you-can-drink club, or to buy a table in Luxy which would make the entrance cheaper. But some of us did not want to wait.It was included 2 drinks, so it was a good price anyway with 600NT (or rather 1 drink, if you're nor a big fan of a "screwdriver" with 50% ice cubes in the glass).
In taiwan there is always a 7-11 near the night clubs, where everyone goes to get beers etc, so we also paid some visits in those stores, during the night. The we dances on the stage in luxy and mingled around all night.
Cheers bar
There is a bar not far from campus, that has closed on Saturdays...(as far as I know) but open all the other days...
Some friends said that it is often gang members who hangs out there...
Some said that they charge you 200NT just to sit at a table...
I went there with some friends this friday just to have a beer, while our other friends was skimming downtown for a new pub called "Guteborg" or something like this... unfortunately no one found that pub yet...

We got a table on the second floor. It was smokey, but a nice hang-out place. kind of dark inside, but a good view of the cars and scooters passing by outside.
Some friends said that it is often gang members who hangs out there...
Some said that they charge you 200NT just to sit at a table...
I went there with some friends this friday just to have a beer, while our other friends was skimming downtown for a new pub called "Guteborg" or something like this... unfortunately no one found that pub yet...

We got a table on the second floor. It was smokey, but a nice hang-out place. kind of dark inside, but a good view of the cars and scooters passing by outside.
Bike purchase
I promised my friend to buy a bike before october...
Yesterday we concluded that I was to late...so I needed to pay his pizza. And if I do not buy one until next week I must buy my Information Technology-teachers book (which is in chinese), as a punishment for beeing more than one week to late...
So today I went to buy the bike...at the Giant store. Their english was not that good. I wanted:
1) carbon frame (carbon fiber)
2) disc brakes
First they gave me a semi-carbon frame...so i needed to tell them it must be in totally carbon.
Then they said that I cannot cycle on the bikes they have in the store, since they were to small, so they needed to order a bike from the Giant factory...which might take 1-2 month...
When i mentioned disc brakes, they said it is impossible to get disc brakes for racer bikes in taiwan...
I asked why, but they couldnt tell...
it is also problem when using carbon material, since it is not as strong as aluminum that many of the other bikes was made of.
So i said that i might buy a front fork from a Mountain bike, since they apparently had disc brakes...
this turned out to be impossible as well for some reason.
So then i decided to stick to a carbon frame bike with V-brakes...
just before i left i just wanted to confirm my order...which turned out to be wrong...they ordered the semi carbon one...so i needed to explain my requirements again... :(
They said they will call me back next week, about whether they have the bike or not. I hope they have it (or can make it).

It is a "Giant TcR Advanced 3", the frame is in black and red (as far as i understood).
Yesterday we concluded that I was to late...so I needed to pay his pizza. And if I do not buy one until next week I must buy my Information Technology-teachers book (which is in chinese), as a punishment for beeing more than one week to late...
So today I went to buy the bike...at the Giant store. Their english was not that good. I wanted:
1) carbon frame (carbon fiber)
2) disc brakes
First they gave me a semi-carbon frame...so i needed to tell them it must be in totally carbon.
Then they said that I cannot cycle on the bikes they have in the store, since they were to small, so they needed to order a bike from the Giant factory...which might take 1-2 month...
When i mentioned disc brakes, they said it is impossible to get disc brakes for racer bikes in taiwan...
I asked why, but they couldnt tell...
it is also problem when using carbon material, since it is not as strong as aluminum that many of the other bikes was made of.
So i said that i might buy a front fork from a Mountain bike, since they apparently had disc brakes...
this turned out to be impossible as well for some reason.
So then i decided to stick to a carbon frame bike with V-brakes...
just before i left i just wanted to confirm my order...which turned out to be wrong...they ordered the semi carbon one...so i needed to explain my requirements again... :(
They said they will call me back next week, about whether they have the bike or not. I hope they have it (or can make it).

It is a "Giant TcR Advanced 3", the frame is in black and red (as far as i understood).
sport activites at school
I played some football with my vietnamese friends this afternoon. It was nice and fun.
I asked the GMBA program to buy a ball. They asked me to wait for a while, to decide, if my motivations was good enough...some organisations can be truly rigid...
But I hope to get an answer within some week.

16 people participated in the football at the running court today, it was fun. 3 teams with 5-6 people in each
There were several games going on today, my roommate played ball after us, with some other people.
I asked the GMBA program to buy a ball. They asked me to wait for a while, to decide, if my motivations was good enough...some organisations can be truly rigid...
But I hope to get an answer within some week.

16 people participated in the football at the running court today, it was fun. 3 teams with 5-6 people in each
There were several games going on today, my roommate played ball after us, with some other people.
1 SEK= 4,6451 NTD
The value of the swedish krona is better now than this summer.
1 SEK was like 4 NTD this summer. Now it is 4,64, and hopefully later on it will be worth 5 NTD.
Since I am buying a bike now, it is good that the SEK is strong, since it gives me almost 20% discount (I will also ask for a 10%-20% discount in the store).

Hopefully it will be more strong this winter...
When i was here last time (08/09) it was about 4,2NTD for 1 SEK i think.
1 SEK was like 4 NTD this summer. Now it is 4,64, and hopefully later on it will be worth 5 NTD.
Since I am buying a bike now, it is good that the SEK is strong, since it gives me almost 20% discount (I will also ask for a 10%-20% discount in the store).

Hopefully it will be more strong this winter...
When i was here last time (08/09) it was about 4,2NTD for 1 SEK i think.
New Swedish(?) pizza restaurant in Hsinchu
Me and some friends went to visit a swedish pizza restaurant in Hsinchu. It was a new one, as I heard. I knew that there is a swedish pizza restaurant just north of Hsinchu (the guy who bakes the pizza is from serbia but lived in Västerås for 3 years and hence knows how to make a pizza, and he speaks swedish). But I dont know who the owner of the new pizzeria is.

The name of the restaurant is "Doftar" which means "smells" in swedish. there was a garlic smell when we entered the place...

My pizza had tomato and mozzarella (margarita). It was a strange feeling to eat this kind of food in taiwan...I will go back to this restaurant some other day as well...

The name of the restaurant is "Doftar" which means "smells" in swedish. there was a garlic smell when we entered the place...

My pizza had tomato and mozzarella (margarita). It was a strange feeling to eat this kind of food in taiwan...I will go back to this restaurant some other day as well...
End of the running era.
So far, I have been running downtown if I had any things to do there. But in a very near future I will buy a bike.

This blur picture shows me, running on a street downtown. Usually I run in the opposite direction of the traffic, it feels more safe.

This blur picture shows me, running on a street downtown. Usually I run in the opposite direction of the traffic, it feels more safe.
Chalmer Asia opening ceremony
The Chamers Asia office had an opening event in their office.

Some of the office members had a presentation.

They served swedish food (ofcourse). After this ceremony (which was at lunch time) they had an event, but in the evening.

Then they had competitions...where the guests was divided into teams. (1 individual comp. and 1 group comp).
and my taiwanese friend Duck won the first prize in the individual komp.
Later on we went to buy some beer, and then we went to some swedes to see the classic action movie Commando, it is a very funny movie.

Some of the office members had a presentation.

They served swedish food (ofcourse). After this ceremony (which was at lunch time) they had an event, but in the evening.

Then they had competitions...where the guests was divided into teams. (1 individual comp. and 1 group comp).
and my taiwanese friend Duck won the first prize in the individual komp.
Later on we went to buy some beer, and then we went to some swedes to see the classic action movie Commando, it is a very funny movie.