Ramen and pizzeria visit in Gothenburg
I paid a visit to a ramen place in gothenburg recently...

...I was here some time in winter...it is an ok place...

...I also passed by brewers beer bar for some beeramisu...(they used stout instead of brandy)...

...later on I passed by a Karaoke bar...maybe I will enter sometime soon...

...I also passed by a recently opened pizzeria...

...they had golden knives and forks...

...and an oven which had 400 degrees...but not heated by fire...

...the flavour was similar to grano...the bread was crispy and probably had corn fluor added to it...

...it was ok...like a mix between gourmet pizzeria (tipo-00 fluor and a normal pizzeria)...
2023 continues...
Menting engineers and a meeting with Mr Winestone
I was asked to be a mentor for some engineers recently...

At chalmers...were new medtech and electrical engineers just started...

...playing some games...

...and making some name signs...

...some dimensions for the name sign...

...the promosion gruop had yellow paint in their hair...

...later on I met some random people on the street singing and playing music...

...I also passed by the sci-fi book store to see if they had any cool super hero stuff...

...old mugs...

...starwars paintings...

...and other interesting pictures...

...I was wearing this t-shirt that I got in hongkong back in 2008...

...next stop was brewers beer bar...where they didnt have a mirror in the toilet...

...I had some pizza salad and falafel in pita...

...we later on went to a nearby steampunk bar...

...and inspected the menu at the nearby restaurant, looking for tiramisu

...I had a beer...
More BBQ sessions
I BBQed a lot of meat recently...

...making a new marinade...

...and a hot BBQ:..

...grilled beef...and some halloumi...

...and BBQed bananas in chocolate...
Grilled pizza
I will do a pizza over soon...

...since I make plenty of gourmet pizzas...

...but meanwhile... I use a grill...

...I havnt boosted the temperature higher than 250 degrees yet...but maybe in the future...

...the bread is pretty crispy due to that the heat comes from beneath...
Wine making and horla triathlon
...i made more wine recently...

...from dumpstered peaches and plums...

...adding sugar...

i also made some marinade for meat...

...with herbs from the garden...

...a lot of flavours...

...last weeks batch of plum wine was ready...

...filtering it...

...preparing a new batch...

...I also went to see horla triathlon...

...the start had many participants...

...the switch to cycling...

...we went to see the running...while preparing BBQ...

...later on some friends went for a swim...it seemed pretty cold...but im not sure...
Bike kitchen board meeting and a visit to Mr KJ
I joined a bike kitchen board meeting recently...

....they didnt access their new office yet...but I manated to stop a randon student who had access...and he let us in...

...plenty of bikes there already...

...i served people fika...(dumpstered)...

...I also brought some with me later on to Mr KJ...

...he has a nice collection of CDs...pretty retro....
Östad cup 2023
...the annual football game with my relatives was recently..

...plenty of cousins and second cousins showing up...

...the kids playing football...

...some uncle handeling the BBQ...

...some warming up...

...and penalties..

...then the real game started...

...and some screen for VAR:..

...and some candies as a trophy...

...my cousin Lucas got injured...

...I later inspected different kid of coke in alingsås...

...plenty of flavours...

...I ended up getting some thai food...it was good...
Brewery run: east bound (in gothenburg)
I arranged a brewery run recently...

...spotting a deer in the garden prior to the event...

...the start of the run was at Vega brewery...

...they had some spicy sauce...

...later a visit to Ivans pilsner bar was paid..

...random guy inspecgint a cobra phone...

..I also got some toasts on my untappd check-ins...

...next stop. två feta grisar brewery (means "two fat pigs")...

...they had some souvenir shop...

...I tried their burger...

...later we passed by Sad robot bewery...

...out at an industrial area...

...the owners studied at chalmers back in the days...

...i recognized many old chalmers students there...

...i also passed by the palce where my taiwanese friend had a concert some monthes ago...

...i also spotted a guy with disc brakes on his bike...

...2 guys walking towards the next brewery...

...spike brewery at gamlestan...

...having a snack...

...and bonded with some guy I met earlier today...2 breweries ago...

...after that we ran to Bearded rabbit...where I met an old classmate of a friend from alingsås...since the owners ehre are from alingsås...

...we then passed by poppels brewery shortly...and then went to 7ans burger joint...

...i didnt reall get what i ordered..but its ok...

...i got plenty of mashed potatoes...which I like...
2023 continues...
Later summer garden events at the west coast
I passed by a store that was selling spices recently..they had "spicy sauce"...

...i might check if it is any high scoville scale on any of those...

...i later on made plum wine...on dumpstered yeast and sugar...and the neighbours plums...

...i also made a path to nearby black currant bushes...

...and BQes a lot of dumpstered meat...

...I also included some mushrooms...

...it was an eatable mushroom...

...I added guacamole and some tuna cream...

...omg...the hortensia that i planted 2 years ago is finally giving a flower..."return on investment"...
Mushroom picking and cake session
...I went to pick some mushrooms recently...

...and found a lot of blurberries...

...and the red shoe that always is there...

...I found a ot of blodsop and Karl-johan and some chantarells...

...I also saw that some strawberreis were done at my srawberry plant...

...and a friend said that salt is a good way to remove moisture stains..even i i think that they will disapear anyway...

...a lot of salt...
After some dumpster diving session it was time for bed...
A west bound brewery run in Gothenburg
I hosted a brewery run recently...

...finding the vegitation zones in sweden while on my way to the start...

...the start was at snyt pilsner shop...

...a cloudy day initially...

...even if the pilsner shop had their own barrels...the brewery was located outside of gothenburg...

...but bartender gave me some international beer as a starter...

...but I wanted this...

...or this...since these are their own beers...

...they also had cupper cups...but only for the drink moscow mule...

...next stop was pils...where they had beers from Dugges brewery...

...where gothenburg beer run started backin the days...
I was the hare...so I made some traces with fluor (this time atleast 2 people from the local hash run showed up; i had this run in july cus they asked me to)...

...next stop...was fyrens beer cafeteria..

...and after that O/O taproom...

...sweet...a MJ poster..

...they used some plastic bottle to remove the foam from the beer glasses...that was interesting...

...they also had food..but only for the staff they said...

...we did some re-arrengemnt of the route..cus the final tap room closed at 18.00...so I made some orders via telephone...and once there (at beerbliotiek) I also painted some animals on the ground...

...the final stop at this race...majornas brewery...

...I tried a burger there...it was ok...

...they also had some spicey sauce...

...some red sauce aswell...

...we also stopped at an indian restaurant...

...where I had some mango lassi...

...and some grill mix (based on the servers recommendations)...

...later in the night I was recommended this drink..by my american friend...almost like a negroni but whiskey instead of gin...
A day fishing
I was in alingsås some time ago...

...expecting things that are leaving the house of my parents...

...some dala hourse...

...I later met up wiht Mr JR...

...he had some box with equipment...

...baits for each kind of fish...

...and some fishing bible...

...and some distance meter to see how much line you have out...

...I also brought some Egly Ouriet...

...which we brought when entering Jönsholmen...

...it was said tio be MR JRs favorit champange...

...over there is stadsskogen...

...Egly Ouriet was ok...

...I also raised some stones...

...made some places look almost like a grave yard...

...later on we headed towards östad...and it once in a while seemed like we will get fish..but no...

...and it became colder...as sun set...

...Mr JR wanted us to join for some "after fishing beer"...

...he had champange...i had some non alcoholc beer...since I was heading for dumspter diving afterwards...
2023 continues...
A visit th 7ans burger bar
I passed by 7ans burger bar (or kitchen) in central gothenbrug recently...

...this time I was taking the prime rib beef burger...since last time the patty seemed pretty thin...

...it wasnt that busy this day...

...but the bread was rather dry...

...I found this quote on the wall...some famous siner had a song based on some night here...

I ended later on with some dessert at Mcdonalds...
Last day in stockholm
Another day in stockholm...is passing by...

...I found a Kappa Bar! 1337 - LEET!

...I had more maple syrup for breakfast...

...and did some geocaching...and saw this bike parking lot...

...I also med Mr Joel at a bar...

...I didnt have my card availble...but took some pics at the local american store..fruit roll ups, apple jacks etc)...

...I must come back here...

...the tourist area in sweden were selling pride flags...so interesting that this flag is a symbol for sweden...muslims were burning the pride flag when also burning the swedish flags after some foreigner burned the koran in sweden som month ago...(will other countries take offence when they burned the pride flag?)...

...I later on had some inetersing lunch...

...and some "home made" vodka...
2023 continues...
Another day in Stockholm
I had some hotel breakfast in stockholm recently...

...they had maple syrup...but only a half bottle...which i had with pancakes...

...I also saw some cool japanese store with flying islands...

...and some old classic desk...

...and a friend had a seediq west...pretty cool...

...some university in taiwan was cooperating with an exhibition at the etnographic museum...

...and some tomato plant...

...one also could get a sediq name...first name is a characteristic you should have, and the second is the persons name who gave you that characteristic...

...some haid from head hunt knife...

...and some mountain...

...and some bag that looks like my paiwan bag...

...some taiwan people visited stockholm some year ago...prior to this exhibition...

...some cool wooden carving...

...and some paiwan items from taiwan...

...and some old toy horse...

...next stop was some art exhibition at waldemars udde...and the famous "molnet" (the cloud)...

...and some nice park...

...it was raining a lot...and I went for some geocaching...

...I later visited Happy Lamb...some asian hotpot...

...many things to pick among...

...2 flavours hotpot...

..I went all in, for shrimps...

...we also had the "premium" menu...so we got some extra shrimps...

...and icecream...

...it was good...just like back in the days in taiwan...

...different meat options depending on the choice...

...I also passed by a guice michelin resturant later...

...with some strange decoration in the window...

...Frantzén is the name of the place...

...I also found an american store...I must come back here and buy some american stuff...

...I also learned some flowers name...which I have a home...

...I also spotted a bagpipe at Joels place...it was impressive...
A trip to stockholm
I made a trip to stockholm recently...

...and had some spicy sauce at a local bar...

...the red was hotter...

...I also went to the ethnographic museum...

...and a friend had some music show...

...the had many items...from all over the world...

...and some cool indian stuff...

..."we are seediq" is a local and reather new exhibition...

...interesting information about the tribe...

...similar to Truku and Atayal...

...and they were in fight with the japanese...

...and seediq means human...

...it was actually arranted by the swedish museum...

...and some QR-codes...

...it is interesting wtih seediq...and other indigenous cultures...

...other indigenous like the ones in the really north...pretty impressive...

...and some video...

...the women had face tattoos...

...many people have the name "Walis"...

..."walis" again...

...some seediq clothes...

...the northern sea...

...a totem pole...

...some interesting small dolls...

...some pens for phone..I dumpsted some year ago...

...stone carvings...i guess from some soft stone..

...I also passed by this fun restaurants...

...we got the international (or thai) restaurants...

...pretty spicy...

...this was good...

...the night ended with some rooftop bar visit...
Tullenvarvet and some garden observations
I joined tullenvarvet recently...

I hosted the run it was 21 km in total...

I also found a new brewery...

...and later I had some local food...

...wtf; my sister stepped on one of my germaniums...i hope it will survive...

...and some rowan-berries...
Some july days
I recently saw a walewhut tree...

...it was interesting...

...and i saw super many apples...on 1 single branch...

...my brother had some session messing things up...

...and a normal doll...

...and later on some hotpot...

...and some other local taiwan food...

...later we headed to a new hotel...with some cool gorilla...