A trip to stockholm
I made a trip to stockholm recently...
...and had some spicy sauce at a local bar...
...the red was hotter...
...I also went to the ethnographic museum...
...and a friend had some music show...
...the had many items...from all over the world...
...and some cool indian stuff...
...a dream catcher...
..."we are seediq" is a local and reather new exhibition...
...interesting information about the tribe...
...similar to Truku and Atayal...
...and they were in fight with the japanese...
...and seediq means human...
...it was actually arranted by the swedish museum...
...and some QR-codes...
...it is interesting wtih seediq...and other indigenous cultures...
...other indigenous like the ones in the really north...pretty impressive...
...and some video...
...the women had face tattoos...
...many people have the name "Walis"...
..."walis" again...
...some seediq clothes...
...the northern sea...
...a totem pole...
...some interesting small dolls...
...some pens for phone..I dumpsted some year ago...
...stone carvings...i guess from some soft stone..
...I also passed by this fun restaurants...
...we got the international (or thai) restaurants...
...pretty spicy...
...this was good...
...the night ended with some rooftop bar visit...