Brewery run: east bound (in gothenburg)
I arranged a brewery run recently...

...spotting a deer in the garden prior to the event...

...the start of the run was at Vega brewery...

...they had some spicy sauce...

...later a visit to Ivans pilsner bar was paid..

...random guy inspecgint a cobra phone...

..I also got some toasts on my untappd check-ins... stop. två feta grisar brewery (means "two fat pigs")...

...they had some souvenir shop...

...I tried their burger...

...later we passed by Sad robot bewery...

...out at an industrial area...

...the owners studied at chalmers back in the days...

...i recognized many old chalmers students there...

...i also passed by the palce where my taiwanese friend had a concert some monthes ago...

...i also spotted a guy with disc brakes on his bike...

...2 guys walking towards the next brewery...

...spike brewery at gamlestan...

...having a snack...

...and bonded with some guy I met earlier today...2 breweries ago...

...after that we ran to Bearded rabbit...where I met an old classmate of a friend from alingsås...since the owners ehre are from alingsås...

...we then passed by poppels brewery shortly...and then went to 7ans burger joint...

...i didnt reall get what i ordered..but its ok...

...i got plenty of mashed potatoes...which I like...
2023 continues...