The last day of October 2013...
I will prepare some cake for tomorrow...

I use to make kladdkaka, but since Costco in Taiwan offers half facricated brownie...I can as well use that...-

The first batch...

The my neighbours called...and we went to the roof top sippiing home made ale...

Joel was checking which bottle contained which kind of ale...

It was a nice evening...and I had a new camera...this is how a night in taipei looks like (the most dense area in the world, according to some sources (meaning zhonghe and yonghe)...

Nice folks...

And I also brought some meat from europe (that my old frined pablo supplied me with)...

And some AWbevs drinks...pretty good...

Strange pic...of joel...

And this is the view...from where I live..this is taipei.. and all the lights at the river...

Later I went all in for wine and cheese while make batch no 2 of my brownie...

Some other batch...

Adding M&M´s makes it more colourful...

Wine makes it more fun...

Last one...fourth cake...some of double size...some extra sticky "kladdkaka" means sticky cake in english...
Good night!
A night in Ximen
I went to ximen last night...

Omg, my pump and extra locker was removed from my parrking lot...

In ximen it was hectic business and shopping atmosphere as usual...

This was the restaurant for the evening...

Nice favorite...

Many people were walking on the streets...

I headed to the Honglou...(red building)...

It is nice here...european atmosphere...

I wanted a pinacolada...last time they told me they had it...but later rejected...

I was they had it...

They still offer the 500NT all you can drink...but the drinks are not that good in that my opinion...

Since caps...

And a famous duck on the magazine front cover...its a duck that is exhibited around taiwan...

Omg, Candy crush at the game cool...

After some mingeling we got to enter the restaurant...

They had free refill of beer...

And nice dessert...its the same chain as in neo19 at Taipei 101...

They has fresh passion fruit, and not so fresh passion fruit...

And alot of ice cream...
Lunds university visited Taiwan
I am currently taking some courses in sweden...

On distance I study chinese at lunds university...and Johan from there visited taiwan...

It was togetter with Enspyre academy...they held a presentation...

And susane was also talking...

And Johan...

Sweden has the second highest ranked education system in the world (from some australian "official list")...

And some girl who use to study in Borås was talking...they ahve some exchange with Fuda, many girls form Borås comes to taipei to study aswell...

Any my old friends from enspyre academy took pics...

Then some guy from the south of sweden who works as a music instructor played some swedish songs..such as "här komer kung av sand" and some wilmer-X songs...and we ended by singing "sol vind och vatten" all togetter...

He was pretty good...

And everything was recorded...

It was hard for the locals to follow up...but they did alright...

Then it was over...

He was also interviewed, jsut like me and Oskar...byt the interns at enspyre academy....

They also had browies...

And we ended by taking a group photo...

Gan "幹" "just do it"...a funny plate...

And mingeling...

Nice interns...we shared experience in taipei restaurants

And Vic became my good friend...

And more brownie...then it was time to leave...

I ended the night with le blé d´or honey beer and thai food...2013 continues...
Interesting working experience
Im facing a very interesting situation in my life right now, it was similar to when I worked in stockholm 7 years ago...with quick changes, for the ones who never complains...
things can never be 100%....atleast not at some places on earth...
A night in danshui (tamsui)
I wnet to danshui today...

The mrt station in dansui...

The night market in danshui...

The river in danshui...

Its pretty nice out here...

Many lights...reminds me of when i did my military service...

I also figuered that the atmosphere here is like the east coast and the south of taiwan...scooter drivers sees traffic ligths as recommendations or recommendations...

Like this guy...

Omg the bad its now open...some ppl were stuck here for 9-10 hours...some weeks ago...

I wonder if they peed down on the ground from there...

Many ligths...reminded me of alingsås in the autumn exhibition...

And the night...

Far away there I can see taipei 101...

We further went to check the bars...but not that many people were here on a monday evening...

I brought my own beer...

And later I passed by my old frien Pablos old place...where he use to live...

And we arrived to Beitou...Barhi...the only Yilan beerbar where we can find pilsner...

They were playing abba songs the whole night...

This is the password to their wifi...

Nice...1 liter of pilsner...last time they didnt have i was extra happy in all my miseries...

And Vincent..the owner treated me some fruit... 柿子 (dry persimmon)

It was not that sweet...but itwas sweet of him...

Jsut like last time I posed with him...he is a very nice guy...and kinds of rembers me...he told me he will remembermy name till next time...even if i just drop by here every second or third month...

I also saw some nice pics from taiwan on the many plances I wanna go to in taiwan...
Sunday restaurant visit...
I went to a retaurant today...

It was in taipei city...

Pretty fancy...

And all you can eat...dessert first...

Many nice soft cakes...

And sushi and steaks...

And garlic bread...

Many people went here who had birthday...

It is only all you can eat during daytime...the interiors seems not to be made for it...since it was a mess to leave the table...

Another birthday celebration, the staff sang for the birthday was like 4-5 birthdays in the room...

I remembered the chemicals I read about that was on the tuna sushi...

They had alot of meat, but mostly stews...

Later a visit to ikea was paid...where I found julmust...

And ginger house equipment..

And nice...

And alot of beer...

But no marabou milk chocolate... :(

Many people were inspecting where to find the other ikea stores in taiwan...

Also costco was visited...

Omg, taiwan beer, I heard that the maffia in taiwan told costco not to sell it...but it was only the glass bottles...

So many is doing good...

They even have staff just to fill the conveyor speed up the queues a little...

Later I enjoyed the beer and cheese...not easty to find here...except in some stores...

Later on i went for some trip with my neighbour...

Right after sunset...a bike trip at the riverside park...

Many other people were cycling along the riverside...even if it was dark (usually its very crowded here just before sunset)...

We stopped at guting riverside park...for some fish and chips....

And some Le blé d´or beer...

And burger...

The fish and chips were pretty good...

They also had some concert at the bar here...same as i passed by with some classmates earlier this year...

It was 400nt entrance this time...

So we continued...

All the way to banqiao...

They are building many new houses here...

And offering free shittlebus to the mrt...thats nice...

We ended up drinking beer at the in zhonghe...

I also go to borrow a HTC usb cable...since mine is in some reason...

Later I prepared some beer again...

Alot of suger this time...(recently bought at carrefour)...

My old eqipment required some usual, 1 bacteria, and the beer might taste weird (even though some ppl liked my last batch which I think was pretty bad...maybe my friends are just nice to me)...

And my yeast is gone...I need to buy more...

I continued the evening with some wine and cheese...and some swedish TV show...

A day in Hsinchu
I started the day by going to the post office near taipei main station...

It was the only one open on saturdays I was told...

To cash out some money from my receipt lottery wins...

She asked me to write the address...but then rewrote everything, since she did not accept pinyin...

Omg, I later on went to hsinchu by bus...

Concluding that the route was on a bridge almost the whole way...

Alot of things happens in some years...

Initially I had to wait alot at campus...

Many people said they will be in hsinchu, but when I came there...not everyone were...

Martin my old slovakian friend was there...

I picked up a bag from him...

Omg, 10 strong years...chalmers NCTU...nice...

It was some sportsday at it was a lot of traffic in campus...

Perhaps some competition...

And some people taking pics of some girl...

I later headed down to some hospital in hsinchu downtown...

Dont understand chiniese? is it forbidden to walk to the right?

Well...i think it means, "dont enter here, walk to the right"...

And here I met Harry, and we went to 7-11 where I found peanut butter M&M´s...super nice,...

We had some beer in the sun...

Long time not see...

NTU hospital in Hsinchu...never been here...

We also tried some swedish vodka...

And more people joined up...

Harry showed me the best place to visit in india...

Pretty nice...

After some other hour, it was time to head back...time to eat more M&M´s...

I lived here 4-5 years...and still dont understand the logic in how they check the bus tickets...they rip them, and some minutes later som guy picks them time they will do something totally different...

I also found my old Teka my bag...

Next place was taipei...

Where I met Joel...

And we ordered burgers from cosbys...

And my friend kai treated me donuts...

Many people were here....since it was a pride festival today in city...

I had an erdinger....

Jacques were also there...

Yummy...cosby burger...

It was nice to catch up on old times...havnt talked to both these guys in some day...

We coninted to mingla for another hour...

Looking at people...since ppl here likes USA, they have huge halloween parties, and dress up and take it very seriously...

But the Stephen, my old GMBA classmate wasnt dresse up...but he might soon head to some party...he seemed to like his new phd taipei...thats nice...
Last friday in october...
Its friday...

6 6 cup...doable!

I planned to visit my school during their break, but due to taiwanese working culture this was not possible, got a super assigment some minutes before i was heading there...

2 faces i recognized...

As a tradition I brought ome beer...

And later I changed russian coins...with Maxime my russian friend...

Nice mingleing outside the class...

Omg, so many people cycling at shida nightmarket...almost like an alleycat race...

Later I picked up some vodka at joela place...

And as usual some drunk funny locla appeared...

He gave me his number...he wants to drink...always nice to get to know more locals...
Last Thursday in october...
Today is my brother and sisters birthday...congrats to them...

I started the day by visitin the bank, try to get a password for my bank card that I can use outside taiwan...after some errors and try worked...

Later on I went to ikea...and now they have a picture of the Taizhong ikea...I havnt been there yet...

They still sell Stockholms festival beer and mariestads beer...

But no Marabou bad...

And they also have lösgodis...

I bought some...super expensive...almost 150nt for a small bag...insane...

I also met up some people to deliver China Oel...for a friend in Kaohsiung...

Later on I also went to my favorite beer bar...but this time i had to ask for snacks...usually they serve it automaticly...

My faovrite burger...

I also mixed beer and sprite...a german speciality..

Cosby taipei...

Some new women were there working...

One of them played candy crush...impressive...

Super many people at the red house in of my favorite places in taiwan...

There after a short visit to ximen night market was paid...

The kebab place was closed today bad...

I ended the day by eating some lö was nice...
Wednesday night hang-out...
Me and some GMBA students (the ones who usualy likes to attend events)...went for a dinner last night...

At some typical taiwanese restaurant...

Kuoping and Kristoffer arrived later than the rest...

Joel had opinions about the food, he liked this chicken? dish...

I went all-in for sweet and sour things as usual...

I also brought some swedish vodka and gin...

But mostly we drank the 18 day taiwan beer...

Vera and emerson were impressed of my magic tricks...

There were some Tsing tao beer girl walking around trying to sell the beer (the one to the right)...

and Joel wanted to buy that beer...

He might be weak for girls in suit...

Jacques said that he had birthday tomorrow (same as my brother and sister)...however we celebrated him in april...

Guoping was the hero of the night...he drove many people home, with his scooter...

And Joel went by bike...before he went home, he jumped on my bag, broke some liquid bottle...what a mess...

But he wwas happy...since he got to pose with the beer girl...

Even when she was heading home, he got some pics...

Krostoffer was discussing why appartments were soo extremely expensive in taiwan, he concluded since taiwanese people havr an eager to buy a price is not that important...(or something)...

I also passed by watson later on for some midnight shopping...
Back to zero
I bought some random stocks in 2006...

And after some following bad years...about now...6 years later Im back to around i can wait for the leverage...
Tuesday in October...
I passed by carrefour yesterday...

Fruit is not that favorable to buy...I went for cheese...

Since I wanted to make burgers...

Very greasy...

But goes well with my wine...

Later I went to see a classmate...omg, a bike crossing red light, even when it was traffic...traffic lightsare truly recommendations in northern taiwan...(for some people)...

My classmate showed me cheap beer...3 cans for 64NT...

Zhonghe really looks the same everywhere...

We had some beer and shots...discussing old times...
Receipt lottery wins...
I had 2 receipts that generated money from uly-august...

Now I just need time to visit the post office...
What did Johan eat a monday in the end of october?
AFter a quick visit to costco...

Which is a place i like tha atmosphere at...

And checking the Benini wine...

I bought this Cebernet Merlot wine...pretty cheap...

I there after went to the night market...

This is a place that really looks traditional taiwanese...

Omg, a kebab bad it was not open...

Instead I went ot the red house...but my favorite burgerbar was also closed...

So i went to the cheap hotpot instead...and concluded that the chocolate fontain was green...

Else i went all in on seafood, but still saved some space for meat...

And kimchi...

I think its easy to breakeven here...if I use carrefour as a reference...

A reminder of my hotel in Frankfurt...but it tasted more in frankfurt, and felt more exclusive...since it wasnt all you can eat...
Late night gathering...
I hooked up with an old classmate this night...

In the south-central parts of taipei...

Jacques my old friend...we might go for a dinner soon as well, its gonna be only taiwanese friends who is white...
Oktober fest in taipei
Sunday in taipei...a day of opportunities...

Faraway...Yangming shan (a mountain), lets go to it...

A, a coar with german plate...its common to have that kind of decoration here...

Up at the mountain, it was hard to find to the peak...

And when there was not more road going was alog of fog...

A path, that might lead to the top...

0.8km to the trail entrance...

Hmm...a maze of roads in the bamboo...but no signs...

I went straight...after some 100 meters, but now i was at the top...most probably it was far away to the top...i need to plan it a little better next time...

The environment here made me feel like i was in the game "myst"...totaly silent and interesting...

And information signs that were blank...

Further downhill, it was a nice view of the city...

But it was taken on a scooter...thus a little blur...

And a little rainy...but still shorts weather...

Next stop, Wendels in tianmu...they had an oktober fest actitivy...

But first I went to a pizzeria nearby, I was recommended this by a clasmate...

Stone oven baked...

They reminded me of the pizzas at nctu campus...

I had an hawaii...

And they got olive oil...that was a big plus...

Made the pizza greasier...

They also got some award...

Thanx guys, I finally tried this pizzeria that I often just passed by before...

Next stop Wendel...

They had many oktober fest offers...

Haxen for isntance...but more expensive here than in Munich...

Not many poeple yet, but they were fully booked else...

Some ppl had lederhosen...

My beer was 550nt...(they were 10 euro in munich)....

And some sausage...

They also had a nice band playing...

Some german locals dressing up...just like at the le blé d´or bars in taipei city...

And the food stands also reminded me of the oktober fest...

Before we left, they were dancing and singing all togetter...
Just like in germany but in taipei...
Taipei Beer run
I came to taipei today at 6...

Back in taiwan, the heaven for scooter lovers...

And where birds are not allowed to take bus...

Directly when I arrived to went to the beer run near guring riverside park...

Many people were there...

My friend christopher was promoting it...

They didnt have any beer at the start, so many people went to a local 7-11 to buy some...

Many foreingers there...

The queue system didnt work totally...some queues were 1 or 2 people...

Long queue here...people prefered line up on this one...

I haf a Gold medal Taiwan beer...

They started people every 20 minute...

And we needed tattoos and an age check before we could start...(but they never checked it for real, i guess anyone could have started and participated for free)...

Many people taking pics...

And alot of light beer waste...but this we could not drink...

Everyone needed to wear the "beer run" t-shirt...

Some people ran, some walked, it was 3 km in total...

At many places they already wasted all the beer...I guess the early birds had more fun...

The first pitstop...

I felt sorry for people try to cycle crowded...

And no strucutre...the kids working here did now know how to manage it...they asked everyone to queue somewhere else...(i guess its a consequence of the high power distance in this culture), since no one came with any good solution, just do as they were told...(barely anyone got to drink here...(when I passed by)...

They had this malt drink at the first stop...

The ran continues...

Ukulele performance...

I use to run on this field...its close to zhonghe...

Some maze that the participatns needed to passs, mad upon beer cans...

They were all full...

Some people took the bottles....

After a while everyone ended up stealing cans from the decoration...

After onther 10 mins we came to the end...

And got a medal...

With super long queues for everything...I alwyas wonder why they dont have double instead of single queue system...chalmers often has it, it speeds up the distirbution by double...

This was some competition, that people lined up for...not sure what you could win...

More queing...

Another queue...

I won a beer helmet...

And tried some peanuts, with makes my mouth go numb...not a good idea to eat if i want to be able to drink...

The queue were very slow, many foreingers blocked the entrance...since they didnt display who won, except on internet, they wanted to ask if they won, befoing queuing for 20 minutes...

But if they won, they took the prize was irritating for those who lined up...

But drunk foreingers dont care about others...

This is the prize...

Omg, a guy sneaked a whole box of beer...

I had my beer from the maze...some nice guy shared...

Else everyone got 3 cans...

I went back to the maze to see if they had any cans left...but it was all gone...

Some guys took a box of beer...and so did I...they had soo much left over...

Later I went to an all you can eat and drink...

It was with hotpot and sushi...

And Tsingtao beer...

Joel was amazed by the fish...

We also went by costco...

And tried local whisky...

And checked the wine...

Omg, christmas is approaching...

Later we went out drinking...and catching up on time...

Many different kinds of beer...

I also brought my glass from the oktoberfest in Munich...

To get the real beer feeling...(but it didnt taste better)...

They restores the hi-life near Joel...not sure why...but it was a face-lift...
At frankfurt airport.
I had to leave early to get to the airport...

It can take 30-120 minutes by train...depending on connections....

When I came to the check-in, I saw hundreds om asians dressed in thie uniform...I wonder what that is...

Many times here in europe they have to counters for passport control, one for EU-citizens and one for all passports. I never understand why EU-citizens always enter at that counter, even if the "all passport" counter has no queue, they still line up at the saved me some minutes anyway...

At the customs they told me that there is no stores et after this (it was after the stores...but i just asked if they had toilets and wifi....which they had...then i was all fine...

I like the customs in frankfurt...they were all nice and smiling...

They had 30 minutes lmitation of wifi at the airport...per email adress...i wonder why they kept it per email...

Some lady had problems in the airplane...

When I saw the gmp in the airplane, i kept wonder, why Akureyri in iceland was there and not Rejkjavik...

about 10000km to taiwan from germany, closer than sweden...

Flying is a good way to catch up on new movies...I saw 4 of them...

Omg taiwan...

as usual some guys stood up while the "eastbelt on sign" was on..."the area of recommendations"...

I also became best friend with this filippino woman...she was nice...
Summer weather feeling in germany...
Today it felt like a summer thunder storm was comming...

Atleast when looking at the clouds...

I had german cake was nice...not sure why I had it...

I also had some spicy korean food for was nice...
A trip in middle of germany...
Today I did a trip in the middle of germany...

Travelling on autobahn...

I went to paderborn...

And to Bonn...

Later I continued my korean food session...

I was a little disapointed with some promises i got from my job...however, a disapointment is a mental failure...and soon I got to see some solution from my expectations...but just for fun i was thinking about the best ways to solve an irritating feeling (read: frustration)
- exercise
- alcohole
I picked the second one...a bottle of wine for 1.9 euro is to cheap to resist...
Back in germany
My coworker told the staff at my hotel something, so i got korean breakfast today...

Cold spicy Squid, and kimchi...

I also fixed my smart phone...rebooted it, but have to reinstall the apps...

Sushi for dinner...(korean sushi)...

I was told to mix it, the waitress tried to correct me, but I misunderstood and mixed to many things...but finished the dish anyway...

I also went to the drugstore, to buy things for friends in taiwan...many ppl ask me to buy things back...its a nice tradition...

I ended following Sweden-Germany in friend Oskar helped me to report the facebook chat...
A quick visit to gothenburg
I paid a quick visit to gothenburg. Meeting some people. it was nice...

My sister gladly driving me away from the train station...

Omg, the time was a little bit earlier than schedule, due to construction work...

Went to a hotel in gothenburg central station, where they have many painting made by silvia papas one of my faovorite artists...

I also passed by Eberth...and had some beer...

He was happy...

And had many bikes in his appartment as usual...

Cool fixed gear design...

And i showed him my bracelet...

Which he cut off...

More bikes of his...

I continued to Tess, and has a relative local beer...

And some kebab pizza...

We saw some movies...since she had netflix...

And another kebab pizza...

And surround sound system...

And some sparkling wine...

More pizza...

And some homework hand-in...

And I also went to the street where my counsin lives...

To see maja...who is a dolph lundgren supporter...

And has alot ot tea...I tried to find my buthan tea, but couldnt...(I gave her that last year)...

But she has alot of chinese tea, since she use to live in china...

And on TV at her place they had some people going to "K2" the mountain, where you only go once...

Omg, they are building a thrid gotia tower in gothenburg...

And they have subway...just like in taiwan...

I met my mum at some cafeteria near the train station in gothenburg later on...

She was heading to alingsås later on...

And I bought some bus ticket to the city airport...seems complicated, since the company that has the buses is nowadays separeted from the other traffic here in the gothenburg area...

After meeting up with my brother, i went to chalmers...

I wanted to vivit the NCTU europe office, but it seems like thay are not open on mondays...

So I headed to one of my favotire pizzerias, mossens...

Checked my note there...

...they also have a tull reduce traffic, i wonder if taipei had this...the air shoud be much more fresh...

Just passing by NCTU europe office a last time, to see if someone was there...but no...

So i headed to the library and then downtown...eating my kebab while walking...

Also passingby ica focus, the "best supermarket" in gothenburg, according to research...

...I also passed by the old Post house, where they have a hotel today...

And found an old reminded me of singapore, where they also had a similar one, in the city hotel...

Then I went to the city airport...and found that the weights are free to frankfurt, where they charge...
Soon i will be in germany...

By this cheap flight...

In germany they charge to weight your luggage...
Some nice garden work...
Sunday mornings...the best time of the the kitchen with a cup of coffee...

My father is heading to småland, to hunt moose...or he is preparing his stuff here...

We also went for some garden work...

Moving stones...

And fixing the boat....the water level is super low...
Old friends reunion
I met more friends last night...

Ville, was fixing his appartment...he was almost done...

We went to a bar la'ter...

I had some alcohol free beer (the only one they had)...

Blur sorry...a result of no flash...

I also tried a local beer...Dugges...

It is a small and warm (and dark) pub...

After that we went to BK, and then I headed home...

I had some nice cheese and tomato before bed...tomorrow im heading to gothenburg...
Some gatherings with the family...
I went to my uncles place today...

But first i went to some church...

Some christening at Anten...

Uncle, aunts and cousins...

And my cousins daughter...

And christian songs...

Some ppl even know them by heart...thats impressive...

Some ppl are using smartphone...

And additional songs...

Funny uncle got to tap the water...

And some funny jokes...

And tha main part, giving the name...

"Icke some jag till utan som du"...funny quote "not as I want, but as you" I think it means...

And photo shooting..


Some realtive grandpa i think...

My grandma has an apple tree...

With an apple...

Then we went to my uncles house in a long car caravan...

Nice autumn weather...

My aunt etc heading inside...

And sister with the sun in the back...

My sister is home writing a thesis...but most attention goes to talk about her win in the swedish championship...

Many old paintings...

And nice smörgåstårta (sandwich layer cake)...

And some presentations about the house...

My uncle talking about the properties...

This is a unique area, from a environment point of view...

More paintings...

Sun i setting, time to leave soon...

More relatives...

Any cookies...

My sister likes to be on the pics...
not sure why...
A quick visit to downtown...
Days are hectic in sweden...

I went to see my friends in alingsås today...

At the innebandy court...

I also sent a postcard to Wolfgang who drove me from Stuttgart to frankfurt 2 weeks ago...
An early morning in sweden...
Its one of those mornings when I wake up and are still full...

No time to wait...better keep eating...

I further on inspected the garden...the water is low in the lake...

Autumn weather...

My mom wants to get rid of all the trees in the garden...its a pity...

I also prepared rösti...but i didnt use that much chease...but thats ok...
A short visit in Sweden
I made a short trip to sweden...

I paid 4.25 euro to get to frankfurt city...

And 14 euro for the bus to the hahn airpot (its the airport for cheap fligths)...

Many people didnt fit in the bus, but they arranged an extra bus 5 minutes later...

Many people passing the customs...(check in was made online)...

I did some homework while waiting for the plane...

Omg, so many Aboslute Vodka kinds...

Ryan air...the flight ticket was cheaper than the trip to the airport...

Everyone wants to ut their luggage at the top...

I dont understand why...

Omg, classes and some duck beak, is not allowed...

After some clouds session I could see Känsö, styrsö and other islands outside gothenburg...

Omg, after landing, no one stood up, even if the seatbelt sign is feels to be home...

It is autumn time in Sweden...its nice...

My uncls and cousin helped to pick me up at the airport...

And my father...

I first passed by my brothers appartment in the city...

He will cycle to paris soon, so he has som prepartins to take care of...but today is he going to london with some other counins of mine...

Omg, my father likes Avicii - Hey Brother...thats interesting...I told him it was country-house...

First sunset I see in sweden since january...

We bought kebab pizza...

It was 13 degrees outside the optimal temp for the mind...

and the fridge was filled...

Even if my sister is home...compeeting about eating up the food...

Eating Kebabpizza - Check!

Eating Aladdin chocolate - Check! (in my fathers chocolate drawer)...

But all my favorites were gone...

Later I checked my mails...since 10 month...

Eating more chocolate...

I headed to the supermarket later...

Buying some local beer...

Big moon...I can see gothenbrug from home...

I headed to downtown later to check some light exhibition...

Sweden- Austrai...2-1...Hurray...many people watching the game...

The map for the light route...

nice metallic car...

Omg, a taiwanese guy is exhibiting in alingså

First place...

Secind place...

Nice message...

Many people out in the night...

Omg,. the hood i seldom go to as a kid...

I alway associated this place with criminal people...

Light spot three...

The taiwanese guys place...

Some movie...oretty nice...

Many people walking in the dark...

And some cool light street...

Later I continued to eat nice food...i might gain weight these days...
But thats ok...2013 continues...
Being spamed by Quality Call
Im getting phonecalls from Quality call...

Seems like im getting phone spam From Quality Call...i wonder what their marketing strategy is...

I had some nice dinner today...they call it "black bean sauce", I call it soy sauce...its confusing...
Spamed by phone calls...
By some reasons i got spamed by phonecalls today, byt ppl who wanted sell useles things such as special sox or pay to be a part of a lottery...

They said it was "free" as long as i payed...haha so stupid...

Another call...

I usually dont ming, these calls...but in germany i need to pay to receive calls from sweden...I wonder where this list came from...

After my korean food...

...I started a new hand-in...about german society...
Taiwanese company
Taiwan has holiday tomorrow (2 days), they also had 2 days off some month ago, according to law i should get double paid if i work on this day. but no info about this...its always tricky to be on a 6 weeks business trip...
What did Johan do and eat today?
I started of by chees and salami....

At my nowadays daily breakfast...

And my dailty dinner is korean food...

I had a hand-in at midnight...i think it was so-so...lets see what the teacher says...
First monday in october...
Just like in taiwan, the sun sets around 18.0...atleast for this week...

Its not as extreme as in sweden, but I guess next week, days are even shorter...

I havnt read these papers, I got them sent to me by my father some half year ago...

It fits good to read now, eating korean food in a korean resturant, surrounded by koreans...the only thing to do is eat...and read...

I have a hand-in tomorrow...time to "try" to do some preparations...
A revisit to the Oktoberfest
It is the last weekend of the oktoberfest this weekend...

I met up somw friends at the frankfurt train 6 to make a day trip to munich...

I also checked if I could go home from here...

Yes, 3 transfers and some 10 hours later...

My friend brought food in for the morning train...

Marcus and Kat...(one local Frankfurt guy, and on au pair, whi is styding german)...

Omg, trains in germany drives on the right hand side...

The first transfer was here...

No transfer here...

I also checked the lederhosen...

After 10 years, I got my lederhosen...80euro...

They were a little broken...but the vendor was easu european, its hard to get a good deal with them...they know they can sell them for full price to some other west european...(atleast according to my experience)...

A rainy munich day...

First stop, some street beer bar...

A oktober feest beer...nice...

My tweet jacked suited good for my new outfit...

Many people using the ATM´s at the fest area entrance...

Here again...2nd weekend in a row...

Marc and Kat waiting for some friends...

Omg, so long queues, rain didnt make people stay home...

Many umbrellas...

We finally found a place outside...

Fistt beer..."HB" was nice...

It was around 13.00...and very full...we were told that people start to come here 5 in the morgning all ready...

Standing up...even though the waitresses were swapping the seats once in a while...

This guy was nice...helping people to find toilets...thats a infrastructure problem here at the oktoberfest...i think he was american...

More breakfast snax with the beer in the rain...

A waitress swapping the seats...

Marc was impressed about the heater over was nice with some heat in the rain...

A dirty guy, probasbly slept outside this night...

Sebastian, our new latino friend from colombia...

Hax´n, some local food, Marc recommended...but it was "festival edition" without any extra saurkraut....nor sauce...

But still ok, with some turkey meat or something...

Seems to be a famous thing...

The waitress brings 10 glasses at a time...impressive, each glass is 10 euroe each, i guess they make a lot of money...

Last week of oktober fest 2013...the rain disapeard for a while after lunch...

The "Weiz´n beer" more or less all theast the same...

Omg, this guy had "ai" tatttooed on his neck...interesting (means love in chinese)...

More glass carrying...

And many people trying to sell beer tickets (pre-brought)...

More scraping...

We got some canadian friends joining up as well...

Omg, a "fjällräven" bag...

And interesting songs played in the backgorund that people knew...such as "country road" and "having the time of my life"... etc...

Some italians drinking with us...

Omg, some sun in the sky...

And later the light came on...almost christmas feeling...

People started to get drunk...

Souvenir selling...

More beer...

Many guards carrying away drunk people...

Swaping beer...

Drunk latinos, even in germany...

Later I went to my friend Jonatan, he was in anothe beer house...1000 of people in the..and pretty hard to find...

After some smsing I found him...

He was there with some swedish and german friends...

Omg, this is the real oktober fest...inside...

Alot of food, mostly chicken...seems like business is good...

Mingeling to another table...

It was hard to order beer...but after a while...we got some...

And I met a chinese guy who liked to have interesting conversations...

Germans and swedes...

And some girls from the nearby table mingeling around...

This tent was "spaten"...never heard of, but it was ok...

Some conversations with the locals...and with chinese...

I stayed for a while in this tent, before I headed back to my friends in the other tent...

I got this message on my way back...

My friend was gone...hmm..we were about to leave at 17 first but changed it to 02 friend was gone...hmm...

The police were stainding at the train station...

Else I spent some hour trying to find the others...

And hanged out with this nice guy, he was also looking for some people...

After some smsing I found them...

But kat was still we went to t the police station again...seems like police intereaction is a tradition everytime I visit the oktoberfest...

And went around in the metro system...

And on the platforms... sign of her...

Sebastian went home, me and mark was still looking...

Taking a break at burgerking...


And they have mayonaise here in germany, so nice...

Many people are sleeping in the train station...

hundreds of people, and tonight we might be one of them...

We missed the train at 2...

But took a nap on the platform for the train we were suppose to take...

Many drunk lederhosen...

Marc was relatively sober...I think...

At 5, another train went back...but still no sign of Kat...I got a weird phonecall from sebastian, but he didnt rpely my sms...

We alos went to a local police station nearby...

After some waiting...

We were told to check here...where drunk and lonely people are sent...

And they said that Kat was there but went home with her latino friend....poor Marc, his cellphone was broken...but atleast he found Wifi at burgervking...

Atleast we knew that Kat was safe...time to get back to frankfurt...

07.03 is the new time...14 hours later than first expected...

We bought a 5 people ticket, since they are very cheap...but since we were only 2, we asked others if they wanted to join us on our way...

Hmm...Sebastian called, Kat was at his place, but now she wanted to go we left our 07.03 train and waited for her for a while...

And got interfeared in our "waiting" by this drunk guy...interesting but drunk...

7.33, the next train home was 7.36, I wonder if we will make it...(still waiting)...

Jippi, Kat is train leaves at 9...after 30 hours since i slept last oktoberfest experiences are associated with no sleep and police interaction...

Baibai munchen...

Marc was also tired...

I was back at my hotel at 15.39...time to take a short nap...
Heading up early tomorrow, so friday night might be boring....
A saturday which starts early can make the friday night boring...except last friday night when i never went to bed...

I moved today btw...this are the bottles i had in the room...things are so cheap in germany...i got refund from most of them...

I also had muffins at wrok...

I also got a misscall from someone...not sure about the bad...

My new hotel has free dinner...its korean owner...i guess my upcomming weeks in germany will consist of korean food...

I ended the day with a local beer...

And some super cheap wine...under 2 euro...

Finishing my wine, Im watshinc swedish podcast...etc...they have lederhosen...time to me to buy some too...
the oktoberfest started with a royal wedding and entertainment...but now it is a lot of focus on the beer...
A day trip to Großer Feldberg...
I can see this mountain from where I work and live...

The top is called Großer Feldberg, I was told...

After eating some tomato soup I headed north,,,

It was a sunny day...

Also passing by my new hotel, to check when I can check in tomorrow...

And then I just cycled towards the mountain...

There were alot of park areas there...

And alot of up hill...

More uphill...

Some people picking mushroom I think...

"Großer Feldberg"...

My friend Katherinne joined up as well...

It was hard to cycle on this kind of road...

Many people were talking today, it was some holiday due to the berlin wall...

A "bokskog" as we say in sweden...I kind of felt like home...

More people...and many kids...

Suddenly we passed by a beer house...I think this was a common rest place...for people walking up the hill...

It was a big area...(maybe most frankfurt ppl go here in the weekends)...

And many Downhill bikes...

Later we found out that we could take the local bus to the was thus not as interesting as i though ti cycle to the top...

Some natural sculpture...which attracted many peoples...

Finally the top...

Omg, Glüwein...I havnt tried it yet, since I came some month ago...

Glüwein - Check!

Many people on motorcycle were here...

We tried to see the "view point", and this guy said that it was here...such a small part of frankfurt...

There seem to be some military house or something here on the top...

Ahh...finally we found a tower that we could enter...

With super many stairs...

Ok, now we saw more...but a smaller peak was covering alot...

Many people using their kites...

And an even higher tower...

The windows here were pretty dirty...

I could see the sky skrapers atleast...and maybe also my office...

JS at Grosser Fieldberg...

They even had some liquer label...

More motorcycles...

Now the easy, but very cold roll down...

i was afraid my bike would was cheap and had some minor errors...

We headed to a train station closer to frankfurt downtown...

Omg, there is the mountain I just cycled (and walked) up at...I used it many times when running back from downtown...its easy to find your way, when u always know where north is...

Later I even found a convenient store that was open...omg, so unique...on this "Berlin wall"-day...

Also my neghbours were parying in the dark...

I ended my day with cinnamon drink...

And a beer...pilsner never been my bitter...
First wednesday in october
Today I had a bottle of wine to finish...

And peanut butter and cheese...

And banan...that was my dinner...
First tuesday in october
Not much happened today...

Bought beer, wine and cheese...germany still delivers cheap things...

I ended the day with normal lager...better than the "weissbeer" that tasted like some german malt drink...