Wednesday night hang-out...
Me and some GMBA students (the ones who usualy likes to attend events)...went for a dinner last night...

At some typical taiwanese restaurant...

Kuoping and Kristoffer arrived later than the rest...

Joel had opinions about the food, he liked this chicken? dish...

I went all-in for sweet and sour things as usual...

I also brought some swedish vodka and gin...

But mostly we drank the 18 day taiwan beer...

Vera and emerson were impressed of my magic tricks...

There were some Tsing tao beer girl walking around trying to sell the beer (the one to the right)...

and Joel wanted to buy that beer...

He might be weak for girls in suit...

Jacques said that he had birthday tomorrow (same as my brother and sister)...however we celebrated him in april...

Guoping was the hero of the night...he drove many people home, with his scooter...

And Joel went by bike...before he went home, he jumped on my bag, broke some liquid bottle...what a mess...

But he wwas happy...since he got to pose with the beer girl...

Even when she was heading home, he got some pics...

Krostoffer was discussing why appartments were soo extremely expensive in taiwan, he concluded since taiwanese people havr an eager to buy a price is not that important...(or something)...

I also passed by watson later on for some midnight shopping...