A visit to Svenska Kyrkan in Frankfurt...
I went downtown today...with my old bike...

I needed to pump up the tires...

Asking at some gas stations, but they didnt have...

Only for cars...

Omg, many people were queuing at the plae...I wonder what they offer here...

I was heading for a market, where I bought my bike some month ago...but they didnt have it any more...

Some local market in downtown...

I was also looking near stands for bikes...for pumps...or some other machine that could be a public pump station...

Nope...nothing here...

Omg, a guy in latex pants...

And a guy in Fjällräven jacket...

I later went to the Svenska Kyrkan in Frankfurt...they had some christmas basar...

Many swedish flags...

And alot of activites...

And swedish beer...

And candies...just like in ikea...

And some performance...

And more things for sale...

And people playing interesting instruments...

They also had wurst...

"Svenska kyrkan, Frankfurt"...

Some Malt:ish drink...I think...

And semlor...thats interesting...

More things to buy...I wanted 2 things when I came...a ike pump or a swedish -german book...they had neither...

Swedish matches...

Nice portrait...

Later I wanted to buy some sausage...

The elk sausage...it was ok...

Interesting pic, with a devil near the snaps (shot drink)...

I bought "norrlands guld" a famous swedish beer...

They also have "kokosballe" or something...it sounded interesting...

Marabou Black...liquorice flavour...

A warning sign for a door that cant be opened to much...

More things to buy thats swedish...

A classical swedish candy..."Djungelvrål"...

And some intertainment...

I was about to leave for this time...

Heading back...passing the high tower...its a good way to localize myself in frankfurt...

Almost like home...people playing football in the cold weather...

Some bier garten I passed by earlier this year...

I had a run and took a pic from this place...

Also this sign I recognize...

I never took this tram though...

Before coming back I found an interesting resturant...maybe I should build a house like this when I get older...

I ended the by eating my white chocolate and finishing my swedish beer...
Google chrome...
It is by far my faovrite browser...

...but recently google chrome has crashed 1-2 tomes per day...

In germany they have, just like in sweden sometimes some items outside as a promotion...I wonder how this would look like in some asian countries...they wold probably disapear pretty fast...

Omg, an amarone wine...I like...

Many people were buying alcohol this friday night at the supermarket...

I bought sausage, cheese, wine and beer...but wasnt really that hungry...

I had my local beer atleast...
What the rest of many of my friends are doing...
When I suddenly are not busy all the time...

...I have time to catch up on my old (read: when I was 7-25 years old) hobby...watching TV...And expecially nice program from sweden...
And found some program where epople were traveling around in Sweden...

They were at stenshuvud, where I have a summer house...I like that place alot...

They found a glory hole in a house there...thats interesting...
My recent lifestyle in Frankfurt...
I seldom exersice when its subzero...its slippery and troublesome to run...i rather go cross country skiing...I remember in Alingsås, after a sudden snowfall at 2am, i went out on the main street in Alingsås city..skiing around...Epic...

Well, now im in FRA, a recent event made me see my short term life in a very turbulent way...but now im back on track...
I also found myself acting like a swede in germany again,...cheap wine for 2 euro (20kr or 100:ish NT)...made me have 1 bottle per day (today some Pinot Grigio which was pretty good)...but my reaction to alcohol is about 0, havnt checked my weight for 2 weeks but it might be over 90, (it was 85 some weeks ago, but use to be 95-105 since last year)...as long as I can do the "kustjägarmönstringskrav"...(meaning the minimum requirements for entering the swedish coastal rangers) im fine, and it has been my goal since I was 18, to until I die, be able to do them:
- Stepp Test with 30 kg packing, 3 min up / down on a bench
- push-ups: 40-55 reps
- Sit ups, straight high 40-55 reps
- Static back hanging, at least 60 sec
- chins with palms forward) at least 8-16 reps
- Run 10 km under 49 min
- Swimming some short distance...
So I dont feel bad, sitting at the computer all day, waiting for beeing in sweden with some snow...

I also have my europen diet...bread, cheese and some meat...not HCLF but maybe 7:0 diet...how has energy to check the kcal in everything one eat...when beeing abroad...if u know u can go the "swedish coastal ranger"-minumum requirements...
Days pass by in germany...
An other day in frankfurt...

I am not doing much more than walk from my sleeping place to the office...I feel like a ukrainina, when i drink every evening...(or maybe south european style)...but doctors recommend 1-2 glasses per wine per day...they didnt say how big glasses from the soure I read...

And some more peanut butter M&M´s...
Peanut butter day...
As usual in Frankfurt...I see airplanes all the time...

It is kind of in the middle of western europe...

I bought peanut butter today...

Nice sunset...

I also had some cheap wine...same as last time I was here...

And I finished they day with M&M´s peanut butter...
Interesting similarities among some Men and Women from Taiwan (based on observations from mostly my friends)
When I was in the GMBA program, me and my classmates could identify characteristics among some locals:
Men: They like to talk, even if they dont have much to say, and they think that they are expected to know much, because they are older (if you questionize their logic, they talk around the topic, until the listener gets tired of that the converstaion is not leading anywhere and the talker thinks that he once again shared his experience successfully). They dont want to lose their face, if they do, they act kind of childish (sometimes on a level of a 5 year old kid, never to forgive the person they dont like), and they are also in the culture of high power distance, many times they forward messages from their management, without process/filter it, so working under people like this, can many times result in confusion, since they can not motivate the thing they say.
Women: Never questionize what they hear and thus make and take strange desicion. They are also in the culture of collectivism and thus often use nepotism, to favour their close friends/family. Some times its a language barrier but asking a question is hard, since its hard to distinguish between a question and a complaints (in chinese grammar pattern is many times the same, except the word "ma" at the end of the phrase). Speaking english, there is no "ma" so any question can be interpreted as a statement.
Sometimes my friends use to name these characteristics from people at my GMBA program, and successfully identified others...
Working with babies?
Sometimes when I was in TW, having group work, I felt that I was working with babies...some characteristics...is that a culture thing?

Its frost in the morning, and ice..thats nice...

I still enjoy my dark chocolate M&M´s...

For lunch I have bread and cheese...chamembert...

I also had Reisling and Chardonnay...it was ok...relly felt like drinking form a bag in box...

Christmas decoration at

Omg, finally I got to try Czech budweiser...

Cheap drinks at rewe...

And some weizen...it was nice...
Sunday in frankfurt...
I thought about running to the airport...but I might do it next week instead...

I got a guided tour through taipei on scooter by internet...

And tried M&M dark chocolate...it was interesting...

Back in europe...but not at the prefered place...im back in Frankfurt...

I always see so many airplanes here...Im thinking about creating an app, so that you can check where the airplane is heading to, that you see in the sky...I often wonder...
Or maybe I saved some time:
I should make one thats for free...

I later went to buy some food...

At this gasoline station...in europe we have convenient stores here, since we are not as many as in asia...its cheaper to combine...

Beer, cheese and meat...nice...

My new diet...

And some dark chocolate M&M´s and more beer...

I planned to go for a run...but spent a long time watching my blog...of good memories in taiwan...and also discussed with some old friends...about future adventures...and how asian companies acts...most european companies sends ppl to a place on their expense and also offers to return once in a while...I planned to work for an asian company to get some experience...and I certainly experienced asian style...i complained alot before for fun about their culture...now i think it is really stupid, fun and tragic...how they reason...
"Its the best for the company"
Im heading to frankfurt...

Train from paris to frankfurt...I read the book my good old classmate JP from south africa gave me...I read it when I travel...its about a guy who walks from the south part of argentina to UK...it inspired him to head to taiwan...

Many ppl from asia comlains that there are not many places to buy food etc in germany...there is a 24 hour open place near where I stay...

I bought some weissbeer...

And started (a little bit to earlu than planned) to eat my Tokyo banana cake...so awesome...
Baibai Mr F...
My friend was heading back to taipei today...

A lunch flight...

He will be back in taipei tomorrow morning...
Meeting an old room mate in paris...
I headed west in paris to meet up an old room mate...

On my way I passed by Stalingrad...even the russians changed name of their stalingrad long time ago...i wonder why the french kept their...

Paris is pretty nice at some parts...

They have the same bike rental as in taiwan, and other cities in the rest of the world...(i was told that lyon was the first city to have, some told me that also some scandinavian cities were pretty early with it)...

Another christmas like road...

Well at the meeing place I ordered a strawberry mojito...

And some fried Camembert...it was pretty good...

My friend Alexandre...

I told my friends that I usually ordered hamburger...but today I saw lasanga on the manu..

Omg, but later I found out that they also had hamburger...to bad that I missed it...

Seems like everyone were ordering hamburger...except me...it must have been pretty good...i have to come back here some day and try...

They also made a joke on the menu saying that one dont need to order dessert....

I had some chocolate cake and english cream...which I now know how to make...I had my friend look it up...it was like creme brulet...

We havnt met since 2008/2009, he might soon move to the other side of the world...to work for a while...

Omg, a casette shaped smart phone cover...

We also got candies before we left...

"Le clan de jules".... a pretty nice place...they have branches at many spots in paris...

We also got free shots, since they missed to add the wine to the price...which we informed them about...

We also almost emptied the candy jar...

I also saw paris new car service...its the same busines model as with the bikes...but here you can pick a car and park somewhere else...

It seems convenient...electrical cars...

I ended the day by concluding that the bottles at the vending machines in the metro are up side down, which makes the drink all shaky when it drops to the ground...my friend got coke all over himself yesterday...when opening a bottle...
Later on in the night, some coworkers told me that the company paid dinner at any exclusive restaurant, too bad that the information was only distributed to the chinese people. Thats to bad, else I would have gone to a Michelin Restaurant resturant afterwards...I think master suppression techniques are more commonly used in asian parts of the world...A visit to FaErSai (Versaille)...
It is not super warm in Paris...

I did a short trip to Versaille today...

I might have been here before...

Many Thai people were here...

Looks a lot like other castles around europe...which i have been visiting...

It is easy to get lost in the garden...

A cloiudy day in france...

Omg, so many things happened when I was born...

I thought about buyina a "royal with cheese"...

But I bought a wrap...
Days continue in paris
Days in paris goes fast.
Some times it feels like im home, things are efficient.
Right now im a little irritated, since it feels like i always have to follow up things, that needs to be done, else they will be carried out in the wrong way.
I also faced huge problems with my domain supplier...interesting...maybe I will change...

Last night france qualified to the world championship in Brazil next year...

I also saw a Fjällräven bag in the metro...

And can conclude that in France people are 78,75kg...

I passed by a bakery store last night...thats french...

And tried some spicy pepper...at a vietnamese resturant...
Adventures in Paris
As mentioned in earlier posts, im heading away from taiwan...

I fixed the ticket in last minute...and alos got to try some kavalan qhiky from yilan at the airport....that was nice...just like in buthan...where they had local whisky at the airport...

I there after checked out...

Enjoyed a meeting with cels...who just came from usa...

I later on, before take of, inspected the shower in the VIP lounge at the airport...it was pretty big...

Pull up if you did the "big" and down if you did the "small"...

Omg, they showed many clips about Taiwan...on the airplane TV...

And I also saw a movie about Jeremy Lin...

The staff had an interesting picture to communicate with non english speakers...regarding the food...

Omg, we are over Sweden...

Thats nice, to bad I had isle seat and couldnt see out...

Later the staff were sparying some WHO approved killer gas...

To avoid some bacterias or something...

When we landed not many people stood up before the seatbelt sign was off...im in europe...

When arriving to Paris, I picked the queue for "all passports"...since it seemed to be faster...but a guy stopped me, saying "all passports" doesnt mean "all passports"...i had to go to the "european passport queue"...wierd....

Its ok...im not nia rush...

Later I passed by Eurostar counter, the train to london,

And I also saw tbhe funny rabbit sticker...I all my life wondered why they have a rabbit there...
Just like my munich stays, things happens here in Europe...local adventures, yesterday i spent the whole rest of the day looking for a bag that my friendn lost in the metro...
Not much sleep, but i for sure know where to go and where not to go, when loosing something athte metro.
Im heading west...

I left the corridor..."inte ett öga var torrt"...

I didnt have any ticket when I arrived to the counter...only some reservation...maybe I can stay another day in Taiwan...

Here is the famous Hello Kitty room in terminal 2...I didnt enter, my co-workers wanted to go to the lounge...
Visiting another post office...
I went to see another post office in Banqiao today...

It was a nice walk in 25-30 degrees...

Omg, the first thing they guy said, was "I ill try to find the cheapest way to ship"...(i liked him dirctly)...

Many other parcels beeing shipped...

7.1 kg, thats 2400NT...not cheap...since flight is the only option...

He gave me a tip, to cut the height...and save more money, since the box wasnt full....

So I spent 5 minutes re deisining the top...

Attempts number 2...the price ended up almost the same though...

I also passed by my neightbour returning some items...

And a visit to costco...

And I bought a Hawaii pizza...super nice...
Zhonghe hangout...
I went to a taiwanese resturant yesterday...

it was the same I went to some week ago...not far from Costco...

Where we ate sweet and sour sauce dished and drank beer...

Jacques (same pronunciation as in jacques chirac)...I thought I had an english way of saying it before...withou silent "s"...

More food...

These squid:ish balls were good...

"ok, lets tell jokes..."...and I told the old jokes that i know (2 found here:

The Salmon was nice...

Guoping was drinking...

Some pic of someones pants...

And a tai dish...its very popular here...I ate it first time in 2008..."it makes you strong, but I wont tell you what it is" my friend then said...some kind of intestines i think...

Of course they also had a "beer lady" whos job is to make us buy a specific beer...i usualy dont like that, since they try to sell beer thats not the cheapest...however, after I while I bought the brand she wanted...Jacques convinced me...

After a while the tequila came up...

And once ina while, I also practiced my new favorite toy..that I got from my elsalvadorian friend...

Jac once in a while tried to gather the tables with e toast, saying something like "Ottawa"/"Otaga",...he isalmost fluent in japanese..

But the other talbes were to busy to join up...

I also passed by costco for a turkey chiken sandwish earlier this day...I really like atmosphere in costco...

I later walked to YIland beerbar...where they had "chinese medicine" flavour of their seasonal beer...

Interersting...i could tell that it was some flavour...but it was not easy to guess "chinese medicine"...

Guoping was funny...he is very interesting guy...we were joking alot...

We also got treated beer from a guy who knew some swedes in taiwan...Guoping and he disucessed business in taiwanese...it was funny to listen to...

After some hour it was time to leave...

Omg, a tourist map in the middle of Zhonghe...

And some old lady burning fake money...I joked with her, and prepared to throw in real money...she gladly gave me some fake money to burn instead...

Fruit and tea donations to the gods...(not like in hsinchu where I see beer and beetlrenuts (binlang)...

Later I tought Guoping how to brew beer (a 5 min crash cours)...

We also played with my break dancer toys...

And I gave him some free bees....

Before we said by,we inspected the nice view of taipei...

Guoping, always funny to joke with...(today wearing his swedish shirt that he bought in japan, he is also a big fan of Peter Jöback...thats respect)...
Shipping my bike attempt
I went to the post office twice this week to confirm that I could ship my bike home...

The dimensions i got from the post office was that it should be under 1.5*1.0*0.2 meters...

Ofcourse this time they said "can not"...

I showed them the size...and told them that they said it was possible...

But the counter gave me a box of 40cm, saying that I should put it in this!?!?!?!?! (no comments)...

After arguing, and using my friend to translate...(since its not that customer oriented), i got to talk to their english serivce by phone, and I told them, "dont say I can not, rather tell me other alternatives", and then finally she told me that I could use DHL...or something...

And now the post office staff started to check again...howwe could do...

I told them agin about the dimenstion...

The weight was 10kg...

The price was 31819NT...haha, thats like a new bike...for 10 kg...(i can fly myself plus 23kg luggage plus a very heavy hand luggage for less), but these ppl are seriouly offering me to accept it...
"here is your sign"
Friday in Taipei
It was a hectic friday today...

I rushed to pick up my business cards at the printer store...

I continued to an After Work with the swedish chamber of commerce...

I had a pinacolada...

I told Kristoffer that I "picked up my cards from the printer store...the font is "silian rail":..

Chalmers students and GMBA students...

And oktober fest beer...

It was interesting...always new students showing up...

Johan showed me that they sell Le blé d´or beer at wellcome...

Jacquese was joking around...and he is fluent in japanese...so he and Johan had a converation...impressive...

Derek held a speech...

He s a funny guy...

I later went to Enrique...

Hi bro!

He gave me a gift from El Salvador...so sweet...

Later I went back to zhonghe...

HAnging with Jacques...

And found a parrot in the dark, so interesting...
A visit to the taiwanese bank...
I was told that taiwanese banks are very efficient and usefull...

I disagreed...and today my opinion was once again confirmed...

Signing many papers to get internet bank, since its not mandatory to get...I found out that:
1, for foreingers, internet banks are pretty useless, since its only in chinese...
2, you can not make transactions, I need to go to the bank to make them...I signed some other papers in order to be able to make online transactions...but it might not work i was told...
Maybe its useful to locals...
Some thursday in november...
I ate more of the rice mal from hualian today...

It ie pretty easy to cook...

And might even be healthy...

I also passed by the pet store...

To buy food for cats...

Later I passed by Mcdonalds...

And the bank...taiwan still uses bank books...thats retro..
Hanging around in taipei
I paid a visit to my neighbours block today...

Checking the status of my business cards...

I alsohad a beer from a wine glass, it was nice...

Later I went by mrt...to the other side of town...

To miramar...

Omg, le blé d´or...

They sure have many kinds of tea in the cinema here...

My friend arranged discount for us...only 100nt...for a movie...

It was about taiwan...


And started with alot of sceneries..i recognized most of them,,,

Mountian area...

And my favorite mountian in the background...i think...

And the earthquake lake...

And later it was alot about pollution, that the worlds largest coal power plant is in taiwan...and that not many people cares...they need to be more aware...no info about scooters though....that was wierd...

On my way home, i saw a very old man actiing aggresively...trygin to hit people on the road...kind of cute...

I ended the day by trying the dry rice that I bought at my cousins place in hualian...

It was pretty good...
Shipping some trash home...
I went to the post office this morning to ship some trash home...

The counter saiid that there are no seaway shipments....only air (means expensive)...

I always send by boat before...but I know from experience, that when a taiwanese said something one time, they refuse to change their mind, just to that they wont lose their face...I called some friend so translate...but still they said that there are no boats...to bad...2800nt something, for a box...strange...so bad I cant send it later...(tai working culture)...

I also put alot of efforts in finishing my brownie...its nice for breakfast...
Business card project...
I planned to print my buiness cards...

I did a draft yesterday...
Using my friend as a reference, and tried to have similar font to Silian rail...

The most similar was Garamond I was told...

After a burger at home...

I went to the store to check it out...maybe my idea was too much...i will check with the printer store tomorrow...it was a littlebit messy...

I also went to Ximen for some gin business support...

And back to the printer store...to check some things...

I helped my neighbour with the car...
Giving food to homeless in Taipei
Omg, a co-worker showed off with a special bag today...

Her brother went to sweden recently...

Later in the night I went to long shan...

It was some performance....

And I also went to the night market...

And bought Beef noodles for myself...

Typical night market feeling...

All stands are mobile...

We ordered 10 extra to give to homeless...

Omg, so much food...

Then we went to long shan to pile thing up in bags...
Fruit and beef noodles...

And then looking for people in need...

Some other organisations seemed to also deliver food to homeless in taipei...

There are alot of strange areas here...

A crazy swede in the dark...with a bag full of food...

AFter some while we only had 2 left...

Oh, back to longshan temple area...

In the rain we found some more people sleeping...

Alot of things not to do here...

"Danshui river"...its like 30-50 minutes to danshui...strange place to hace a sign...

Many homeless people sleeping here...

The last person to get our beef noodles...I remember those few nights I sleep in the airport...thats every night feeling for these guys, except that im inside...
Sundays adventures...
I joined my neighbour to Le blé d´or in banqiao this morning...

Some strange performance at Mega city...

My friend ordered a juice...it was super small...

But as usual there were many people in here...

I returned some bottles, that I bought from them...so I got a beer for free...

Later we headed to the square in banqiao...to see the christmas deciration...(since halloween is over, the new commercial holiday is starting)...

Police and military....nice...

And police with their horses...i have never seen that before here in taiwan...

We later headed to a belgian beer bar that i never been to before...

They had hoegarden, but not Rose flavour...

They also had a funny menu...

I asked for th least popular beer...they said it was very sour...so i ordered it...

I also tried a "Satan"...

A belgian guy who lives in south of taiwan is importing these things...

They also played Elvis presley with Suspisious minds...so epic...

The beer with a hawaii pizza was super nice...

They also made it colder by having this water smog...

Later I cycled in the "swedish summer:ish weaether" to my friend...and had a Kopparbergs cider...

And enjoying the view...while it lasts...they build new buildings here every year...2 years ago we could see TAipei 101 from here...but now: no...

Also epic gardens on the roof tops...reminds me of Ximen...

And some nice balcony...

Lter we went to Costco...

Business is doing good...

Omg, they offer red bean ice...interesting...

We ordered some salad...

With wine... (this did johan eat today)...

Later i had a swedish beer...
A visit to Hsinchu
I paid a visit to Hsinchu yesterday...

Omg...still 30-31 degrees in November...

It was a gmba event...Ramiro held a speech when I arrived...

This is Nick from Colombia...a new student...

Professor Wu, my very good friend...

Omg. alot of Vodka and beer...I like...

Em was also paying a visit...

Then all students were asked to go up and talk...it was 6 ppl from my year...many people signed up but few showed up...

There were alot of food...

I didnt eat to much...I was mostly mingleing with Cory, who I havnt met for quite a while...

More food...

He still has his "No mokus passenger" sticker on his bike...so funny...

Omg, all the russians and urkarinans are gathering at 7-11 near the south gate...just like in the old good times...

We later headed downtown...but on my way I saw that the guys from Thailand brougt a "doggy box" with all the food leftovers to their dorm...

Some guy wanted to go to the red bar...so we did...(the password of their wifi is their phone number)...

It was mostly foreingers or old taiwanese GMBA students who joined (most of them lives in taipei)...this is yenny form indonesia...

Ramiro had birthday...

Some guys were playing dart...

We later on went outside...

My friend Vanessa told me that her name was picked becuase it meant "sexy" or something...so cute...

Omg, someone used my camera and took a pic of me...

Maffia?!?!, we had our own drinks as well here, and the owner was ofcourse irritated due to this...it gave us a reason to leave, not too late...(hsinchu is hsinchu after all (read: compare to taipei, not super many things to do)
An evening in Ximen
I planned to go to ximen last night...

But before that I had a home made burger...

There after I went to mu favorite burger bar...

And had another burger

I also made fun of their djembe drumb, which is from Anchor Watt..."wogeku" in chinese...

And there after I went to cafe dalida...

And met toto...I promies him some vodka...

I also brought some brownie...

And had a nice Hawaii fruit juice...

Aaron was also there...flirting with strangers...such a funny guy...

Next stop was reolver...

They had some DJ on the second floor...feels like "sticky fingers" (an old night club/bar) in gothenburg alot here...

They had KOpparbergs cider...so nice...

And some cool beers...

I had the "trooper"...from Iron maiden...

It was my fourth of fifth time here...

Omg, I also met Mr "Long"...he always use to hang outside Luxy some years ago...collecting bottles...

Last stop was at Hi-life...my neighbours told me they might be there...but i came to late...
A thursday in November...
I havnt been to Flavors since 2008/2009...

But yesterday I went there again...

They have interesting paintings...

I got the opportunities to try nice food...

It was all from sweden...

Things I know is swedish but havnt tried there either...

And ended with a super nice apple dessert...

It is also possible to see taipei 101 from here...

We also passed by many other places in the area...like this "hidden" bar...not sure about the name...but I would never find it if not anyone told me it was there...

Next stop was Whinos...it is in DaAn, where my friend use to live...

It is a cheese and wine place...

Just like in FE21 department store they keep the wine in some glass room....

And a nice bar...

Joel was not happy with his merlot wine...so he asked for something stronger...

And a nice cheese plate...I almost felt like home...

Omg, bire with honey...

And some brittish cheese I havnt heard of...

They also carved ice cubes...for some reason...

It was not a cheap place...

Then we mingled with the owner...it was fun...

Joel knew her a little since he use to live here...

And he had his new Cowboy shirt...super cute...

I have been in this area before...

But then I visited this place...without beeing able to enter...since it is a popular place...(but then it was a friday)...

They have plenty of drinks...but no drink list...the bartender told me that he knew the drinks anyway...I just needed to ask...

He kind of miss understood me...but it ended up that me and joel got the same beer...

And I got a pinacoloada...which was pretty nice...

Joel also made a promise...to buy some things before he dies...I will check before he dies if he kept his promise...

Next place was On tap...

They had "open mic" evening...many funny guys were talking...however...we were pretty late...and many missed the best ones...

I tried a new beer...

Joel knew many people here...

This indian guy was pretty funny...

And this south african guy as well...most of them have lived here for ten years or more...

We also met a guy from norway...thats amazing...he is the second norweigan guy i meet here...ever...

Next stop...brass monkey...the ppl at the entrace acted like ass holes...

Not service minded...

Many brats were here...

My norweigan friend was professional, he just entered withou any paying...

I met ppl who worked in my industry...its always nice to make contact...I need a ner business card...

Aso this brittish guy was interesting...he tried to sell insurance in taiwan...

Joel is also brittish, it was a perfect match...

We also made him buy Kopparbers cider...to support sweden...

My norweigan friend seemed to enjoy the place...he got alot of attention from the girls...

And the staff got alot of tip...
But tomorrow is another day with new adventures...2013 continues...
Wednesdays adventures...
I had a "kiviks cider" experience yesterday...

It was this beer with apple flavour...interesting...

I also had nachos with hotdog flavour...and Beerlao...beer from laos...its very good...

And a flat tire :S

Yikes...a peice of glass...well, luckily I have spare tires at home...

I ended with a burger...
Nice coffee...
I drink alot of coffee...

Since Im swedish...im drinking coffee everyday...1-10 cups per day...I found out that they have some nice coffee beans at the machine i use to use...seems like they get it from a loka
X-mas is approaching...
I can tell that christmas is approaching...

They sell julmust at ikea...

I had it with a banana cake <3
Difference between Tai and Swedish companies
I had a talk with one of my best friends in taiwan.
He told me that Tai companies many times treats their employees as their "property" and sometimes have a "punggrepp" on them...(also some taiwanese freinds comfirmed). Maybe this is to the lack of a national welfare system, creating a different power among the corporations.
He said that western companies more are like "friends" and try to see for the benefits of the employess.
Its interesting...im not sure maybe there are exceptions. But I heard that international companies are more popular in Taiwan.
An interesting observation:
For example, a taiwanese company could tell someone that they have to move within the 2-3 weeks from they got the message, permanently. Ofcourse it might come as a surpirse....but they also get informed that if they want to stick to the old, original plan, they can do this and at the same time get the kind offer to: use their "personal leave and expense to go back Taiwan on Dec. to handle your personal belonging again.". It is a monthly salary to get to there...I wonder the logic in this...
I was impressed, thats so nice, but it must also be stressful, I have the feeling that every moment is a negotiaion issue...where someone will take the share, if you dont do it.
A burger for dinner
I made a burger for dinner today...

After some year in the freezer, the bread starts to get a little dry...
Visitor from Sweden in taiwan...
Yesterday, I met a swedish guy who was in Taiwan for a busienss trip...

Before I met him I went for a power walk in zhonghe and yonghe...

And I also met a salesman on the street who knew about Stockholm and sweden...

I brought some beer from le blé d´or, which i got yesterday...

And I also inspected the water...I was told that it was dirty...

Later we went to the roof top and enjooyed the view...

And the beer...

The mountains around taipei looks pretty awesome...

Later I ledt my bike near my neighbour...and headed downtown...

My neighbour had nice shoes...but his feet were aching...due to the power walk...

We decided to meet up at taipei main station...

Its always confusion when meeting in taipei main station...its a maze with thousiands of people...I always neet up at "starbucks at the bus station"...it takes 5 mins to go there from the mrt...but saves 20 minutes in calling and searching people...

Omg, a "fjällräver bag"...

Some blur pic of the staff...we were 30 mins early..but it was not a problem to get a seat...


And meat...

And Jens...who is in Taiwan for some week...he lives in Hsinchu...at a hotel...

I like this place since they offer chocolate sauce...

But they erve beer in plastic glasses...i think glass made by glass would be better...

The staff were happy, we gave them the change we got...when we paid...

Jens lived in Japan for many years...and recognized these Sake barrels...

We passed by the spanish restaurant near the train station, but it was closed so we headed to the Le blé d´or restaurant in Q-square...

1 Liter of honey weissbeer...

Omg, they changed the glass coaster..

So many people here on a sunday evening...business is doing good...

The others had barley and dark beer...

Some competition where a guy threw a dice...not sure what he won...

Second round I had dark beer...

Some decoration that is blocking the entrance...

My friend tol me that these lockers were made at the block where he lives at in taipei...

Busy guy, even in the mrt..

Omg, another fjällräver bag...

The girl told us that she had 2 bags...one blue and one green...

My friend also had a blue bag when he as young...omg, like soul mates...

We alse made good friends with the taxi driver...

She had a wunderbaum in the car...thats imprssive...

And the widest rearview mirror i ever seen...

We ended the day with some beer at Hi-life...

Just wondering why this duck that is showed at different locations in the world, is such a hype here...

Joel used that duck to promote his cider...i think everyone can benefit from this hype...
The first saturday in november...
I heard that I will get free beer if i return le blé d´or bottles to their resturant...

SO i collected the ones I hat...

And headed in a heavily trafficed street towards banqiao...

Omg, the scooters never stopped to leave...

Everything gathered in an ikea bag...

The store in banqiao was as decoreted as in taipei main station...crazy...

And the staff were also dressed up...

It was interesting...

And some movie about their production...

I always wanted to make weissbeer...I better learn from them...

I started with a 500cl honey beer...(which i got by returning a pinguin thermos)...

And I also bought some fish nuggets...

This is the owner...

He looks like my beer brewing teacher in Bali...

And cheese sticks were ordered...

And more beer...

And some birthday....was celebrated...

The beer we didnt finished we got to take home...

Interesting decoration...

Next stop, cosbys in ximen...

I ordered a hamburger with bacon to take away...

Since I wanted to have a pinacolada, else were...

Ad the G2 paradise...

It was ok, it was rather strong...

But I like ximen...its open until 3-4 and its possible to eat outside...

This place milk tea is said to be good...
A daytrip to nanjin east road...
I started the day by a short visit to Muzha in south of taipei...

I used the free wifi that the city offers...

It was a cloudy day...

But atleast I can find peanut butter M&M´s at 7-11 thats nice...

I later had coffee and brownie for breakfast...

And took of for Nanjing east road...

By Scooter...

Omg,,, Dublin Teppanyaki...must be where ireland meets Japan...

The destination was La Lupa my number 1 pizzeria in Taipei...

Always nice atmosphere here...

Some old italin guy...

And italian oil etc...

And my friend is working here...atleast I try to be his friend...

Seems like he was working here by himself today...not sure where the older guy is...

He also seemed to be best friend with the tea store on the other side of the street...he just waived with his hand....and they came with more tea...

Shit...super good pizza this time...some mushroom paste...

I later went 20 minutes west...to pick up a friend...

Who ordered "the sectet" a pizza which ingredients are secret on the menu...and it was different things on now, than when I ordered it earlier this year...

I also got to take a photo with my friend...Sweden Vs Italy...

Ill be back later...

I also found out that this place (a hotel) owns a baseball team in taiwan...

The next stop was Jolly...

Some pilsner...super good...

After a short ikea visit where I bought Stockholm beer...

We bought some cinnamon buns...

Never bought it here at ikea before...

More baseball photos...many people stopped to watch...

At taipei min station I saw many runners...or atleast they had runner bags...maybe they just did Hualien marathon...

Next stop: Le blé d´or...

They had halloween theme...

The staff were all dressed up...

Alot of decoration...and music from "tim burtons nightmare before christmas"...

Wow, a non coloured beer bottle...havnt seen that earlier here...

Interesting staff...

Its halloween time... thumbs up...

And I had a "pumpkin beer"...it was special for this season...

We also passed by the spanish bar near taipei main station...very nice...the were preparing todays events..but it opens at 18.30...

We finally ended up at starbucks...to meet a girl who recently came back from USA...

My friend bought a new iPhone 5s...pretty nice...
A birthday in november...
I had a birthday in november...

My friend offered me pineapple cake...

I had brownie...

I went to TLI to treat them...

I had alot...we didnt finish it all...

But a group photo was necessary...

Later I headed to Yiland beerbar...

It was super slow service...

But later I got my beer...super nice one...

And cheese sticks...epic taste...

And I was wearing my plastrong...it was an extra dress up session today...

I ended the day with a nice banana cake...super nice!