Friday in Taipei
It was a hectic friday today...

I rushed to pick up my business cards at the printer store...

I continued to an After Work with the swedish chamber of commerce...

I had a pinacolada...

I told Kristoffer that I "picked up my cards from the printer store...the font is "silian rail":..

Chalmers students and GMBA students...

And oktober fest beer...

It was interesting...always new students showing up...

Johan showed me that they sell Le blé d´or beer at wellcome...

Jacquese was joking around...and he is fluent in he and Johan had a converation...impressive...

Derek held a speech...

He s a funny guy...

I later went to Enrique...

Hi bro!

He gave me a gift from El sweet...

Later I went back to zhonghe...

HAnging with Jacques...

And found a parrot in the dark, so interesting...