First whole saturday

They promote a hamburger with many meats (as many as u like). however they only give u it in whopper junior sizes...
I said I wanted 5 pieces since 14 were to big to fit my mouth (I think). And they refused to give me real whopper meats...

It was kind of salty since it was bacon in it...

I continued to Nan liao near the coat of Hsinchu...were some parade was blocking the street...

Many people were in the fish market...

No people on the is forbidden to swim there as far as I can recall...later on some people took a walk on the sand but else most people chosed to walk on the bike track...

I tried to buy a cocunt milk tea... (Ye gou nai cha), but they didnt have I got some pineapple slush...

It is forbidden so smoke on the bike track...

Later on that night I went to my classmate cory...
I tried to contact some swedish people but no one of them replied when i texted them... I guess they r either travelling or to tired to be up after bedtime...

We went to Götheburg...

They have a lot of pole danceing in Taiwan...just like in Götheburg

The interior design is like an old castle..with paintings and swords on the walls...

People were dancing on the tables...

Cory find his old students in cute...

Corys friend Brian made alot of card tricks...very entertaining...
At 3 the club closed...

We were heading to another club...
It is entertainging with Tai people whos english is not that good, and logic is very strange...we made alot of jokes with them while asking for the address to the other place...

We made the misstake to ask local people for the direction. they always potin to a random place...hoping that that angle (out of 360 degrees) will point to the righ spot...
so we had to call a special number to find the right place...

After a while we finally came to the right place...
but the dresscode was different from what we prepared for so we coulnd enter...
instead we planned to go to some tokyo place...

But we went to Holland village buying some beers, te4a and sandwishes...

And went back to Corys place...

And cory got a haircut...

dropping the hair waste from his appartment (it is a 21 floor building, but he ives on the 12th floor or something).

I played some youtube Benny Benassi with Illusion...

But ended up using

Later on I went back home...

1 thing that irritates me is Taiwans neglection of environmental issues...
Forinstance they never care about idling driving problmes...
even when there is no traffic, the traffic light can be red for 90 seconds...
they need keep a traffic flow, and more education even on governmental level...
Another warm day in Hsinchu

They mainly had sushi all youcan eat...but also some other dishes were available...

The all you can drink beer was popular as well...

Some nice food, on the first batch...

second batch...

Here it the eating crew...2 classmates and one guy who recently came to taiwan...

After 7 bqatches I watrted to eat dessert...

I made an Taipei 101 with the dessert cups...

The staff said we needed to leave at we had a little bit more than 1 hour of eating..which was enough...
Later on I went to see a movie...
end of day...
Preparing for the upcomming events in TW

I asked for a little spicy, but as usual I got very spicy...I always try to remind myself of neer order spicy at all...

Then I passed by this "things that you didnt know that u needed store", that also was kind o cheap...
I bought this Cannabis smelling thing...I assume it wont have any effect...I might use it in the lab when the new students comes in september...
I later found out that my classmate went for a swim. so I went for a was kind of long time ago since I ran last is my new lifestyle...however my shoes are kind of old I was looking for new shoes yesterday but didnt buy any...

We thought about going to an allyoucan eat and al you can drink restaurant today...but we ended up in a normal japanese restaurant with free tea refill (all I requested was free drink refill since I wan very thirsty...
I also bought a coke a a Mosburger nearby...

Before I went back home I bought a new pair of runing shoes...only 2070 NTD...like451 SEK...very cheap... and good...
Time to prepare for an upcoming marathon in Hsinchu...
Summer vacation in a hot Taiwan

Yesterday we went to the librarys DVD room and borrowed 3 movies...
we saw 2...

I dran these beers that I cant recall I treid before...the one to the left was kind of good (if it is possible to read the label..."Martens"
Third day back...

It was free refill of I drank alot...and became super high on caffein...

But I didnt haved their largers burger that I once had beocfe...I had a smaller one...
then we went to tha airport after spending some time looking for my cellphone charger that I cannot I am unreachable... :S
and the camera battery I couldnt take more pics this day...however I went to swim in the ppol again...
tomorrow I might buy running shoes...
Second day back...

3-4 times per year...professional cleaners cleans the shower room and toilets in the dorms...(meaning they throw away the soaps and leave...) i always need to hide my soap...
unfortunately I was to late...lucky me, that I slept in so many hotels last winter vacation that I afford to just open a new one...

I ended the day swimming...practicing for a swimming competition in Sunmoon lake later in september...

It is still super warm so Iwalk barefeet once in a while...

I ate baked potatoes and pasta that night...

And there after we went to a farewell party...near the lake at the campus...
end of that day...
First day back...
Another one leaves...

Me and some folks went up the the moutina area near is nice to be here since it is how Taiwan acctually is like...tropical rainforrest on a hilla landscape...

We went go-carting...

Driving here from Hsinchu I was told that i "drove to slow..." I thought it was time to show those snails what speed actually is about...I think i drove most laps that day...(during 15 minutes)...

We continued to another place after the go-carting...
Some people were cycling exotic...however it was super 35-40 degrees if u ask me...

It was a small road taking up high up on the hilly landscape...

To a hot/cold spring...however this pool had alot of algies...

it was a big resort in the middle of nowhere...

The had waterfalls and everything...

However the cold pools were nicer in the heat...
(the hottest were like 44.4 degs Celsius...)

I met some interesting kids is fun to speak chinese once in a while...

They forced me to go on the slide...

Looking up on the hills it really looks like a rain forrest, I just missed some monkey umping from tree to tree to make the feeling complete...

Since it was Taiwan they gladely mixed christmas, hallloween and other holliday stuff, using it in the middle of the exotic...

LAter on we went to a italian restaurant north of Hsinchu...

I had a Hawaii unusual...
After that I was suppose to go to another hongkong restaurant but it was cancelled, so i ended the day by watching the movie "My best friends girl" which was kind of funny...
Heading back...

It was a sunny and nice morning...

Not that many people were at the station platform

Bai bai sister...have fun on your girls night out tonight...

On the way I tried a beer...

And finally at Stockholm I went to my sisters place...and thre I opened another beer...

And another beer...

My sister and FH didnt drink that much with me...what a pity...since only losers drink alone (I can reacall that someone once said)...

We ate some lasanga for lunch, this no kebabpizza...
It was ok...

My sis had an old pic of me and her when we were kids at Kullebo...A house where we use to live in...she was taller than me at that time...

After the lunch we went for some icecream...I observed the big bike sign...just like the scooter sign in taiwan...

We went to a local producd icecream tsted like home made...mut no filling like real frozen fruit in the icecream...

Cilla also joined at the icecream store...

We thereafter went to cillas garage to check out a bike...

She had a Thai store near her appartment...

After that we went to Arlanda airport...

Last goodbye at the time I c u, u r 3...

So rare in EU...a "tax free" sign...

It was a swede (an immigrant) who made alot of noice in the embarrasing...people get tired of his behavious...but he fell asleep just before landing...

Another embarrasing thing is the chinese ppls bahaviour...they always send me to different desks (always the wrong one) and I always tend to get nervous when dealing with chinese authorities...they are always so incompetent...never know rules etc...

A deja vu...I always go to the second floor at Beijing hang out during my mastodont 20 hours or more...

An american guy from Florida missed his transfer and was not treated the way he expected...since he always go by business class...
I kept him company...and after 3 hours he took a stand by ticket to his destination...he feared that he had to wait in Beijing over the night...

Many ppl slept on the benches where I stayed at..however I red a book most of the night...not that much sleep...

This is the intersting look of beijing airport...everyone needs to take a trina at terminal 3 if they r going abroad...

and so amateur...the machines to get internet access was broken...
after about 55 hours of travelling (from alingsas back to school)... I was kind of tired but didnt feel it that much...
I reached my goal...
I reached my goal... 100kg... it is like reached the peak on a im going bo back to normal again...
Im thinking of participating in an Iron man in Taiwan later on in the i better get into shape soon
This is the weight without Johan on it...
Sweden days are coming to an end...

They have vacation now...
My final days here were kindof hectic since I didnt know when I would return back for internship (it still seems to be delayed :S )

I made a blueberry pie for some cousins who will pass by...

I cleaned the kitchen for a while...

And i made a brittish fish n chips (chips=mashed potatoes in this cake) lunch...with alot of oil...

My cousin had a camera that he used frequently...

We met up another cousin who came by boat...

It is convenient to have a pier at home...

We were eating the blueberry cake...

As usual we were joking around alot...I always have a great time with them...

My brother came home as well to give me some things...however wh forgot to bring the I didnt get them :S

Instead they were going water skiiing and wake boarding...

Bye bye my friends I will miss u guys

I didnt join this sunny evening on the lake...I was heading north to a summer house with some other cousin...

I met them up at Torp Köpcentrum, which is a big supermarket north of Gothenburg.

We went shopping...they are gonna party for one week at the summer house. I just gonna stay there for 1 night...

They used my car to transport their stuff...

Then we filled the boat with the stuff since the house is on an island...

Celebrating the party week with some cider...

It is in Swedens only real Fiord. There are not that many islands there and the environment is unique...

The house is use to be a modern house (50 years ago) but now it is not even electricity in the house (only in the barn beside the house.

There is a bridge there, that looks almost the same as the one we have at home.

They used a tractor to carry up the stuff, however I carried my own stuff...

I guess this tractor will b used alot since perhaps 20 people r expected in a couple of days here...

From the house it is a great view

We started the BarBQ directly...

And the stove is heated with fire (there is a gasdriven stove as well)

The grill was very hot, but I put my flinta steak on anyway...

I ate the steaks with swedish nice...

We ate dinner until it was dark (around 24.00).

I kept the fire alive the whole night...

They started to mix drinks...based on watermelon.

I kept the fire alive as long as I was awake...

And Viktor tried to keep the fire in the house alive aswell...

The fire in the kitchen went on all night...

I ate some left overs for breakfast...

I also ate some blue berry cake and tea...

From the breakfast table we could see the fiord...(here as a window reflexion).

Erik felt like a host and were deaking with alot of things...(and also speaking english with a very brittish accent)...

Erik picked some yellow chanterelle, I guess they were ment to be for dinner...

New morning, my friends are ready to party, im ready for leaving...

My stones were still there (I tried to make a stone ship but didnt have enough material)...

Erik made a short swiom in the water just before we took of back to civilization...

It was time for relaxing in the sun on the way back...

They installed windpower plands in Skredsvik and I can also see Skredsviks kyrka...

There were alot of stinging jellyfishs in the water...making me wanna swim even less...

I was about to say goodbye at the bridge...but I insited to join my frineds to the superarket and to Systembolaget...just joining no buying...

Look swedish exotc I wonder how it taste like...

Look some swedish beed from the northern east exotic...

"Postiljon" a ber from the center north of sweden (or middle depending on how u count as north) exotic

Exclusive beer edition? so exotic!

Another limited summer edition beer...from south of e****c

Sigtuna Sommar, expeisive but exotic

A red ale from exotic...
I found evenmore exotic beers...I shoud really try them out next time...(the ones I didnt buy).
Since from enterint the Systembolaget wioth the though of only accompany my friends i bought 8 beers and some wine...

However my friends bought even more...they were about to party (but not that exclusive beers were on their list)

At the supermarket we found some food that had my moms and cousins family name... "Alstromer", relating to my grandpas grandpas grandpa who introduced the potatoe to the swedish people in 1700 something...

After that I went home...and in about the same time my second cousin showed up with my sister...who was home for some vacation...

My dear friends sat at the kitchen table and enjoyed the food i made for the (i hope/think)

I made very fat pizza with alot of cheese...

I also drank some alt that I bought earlier that day...

And I also started packing at the same time...stuff everywhere...

It was a nice evening...

After some hours of packing (I use to do packing to a slow process), I was done...

I wanted to finish as many beers as I could that night (of the ones that I bought), before take-off
This, Sigtuna was the most expensive one...
Desperate attempt to gain weight...
I was about 92 kg or something when I came here...I was up at 96kg, but my swedish lifestyle, with alot of exercise and cycling makes it hard to really gain weight...even if I eat alot...
I made some pizzas with extra cheese...
The other pizza was even more cheese...alot of fat (hopefully)
I ate thise pizzas and I also drank alot of wine, in order for the liver to prioritze alcohole, instead of fat burning...and thus absorb more gain weight...
i think i might increas to 96 kg this night (wishfull thinking), I need to gain 4-6kg in 2 days...(I can drink 2-3 liters of water so in reality I need to be 97-98 kg to fulfill my goal 100kg, before I return...
Monday in Alingsås
I packed my things in Gothenburg today and cyceled back to Alingsås...
I also returned some of my brothers books he had when climbing mountains...
I was reminded how convenient it is to borrow and return books in sweden, no staff needed, only use machines...(thus seldom queues...)
When I came back to Alingsås, it seemed to be rain in the air...
Some dark clouds in the horizon...
Last time this year I used my bike to cycle to gothenburg...or at all...
I also passed by my grandma, and there I met my cousin and my aunt...
She will be 90 next year, and was chilling out at the tv. making some textile decorations...
After that I went to the supermarket with my mom...we met my neighbour Janne, who, when we were talking got bird shit on his head...bad luck that generates good luck?
When we were done, the rain finally catched up on us...
On the way home we passed by some places where they are vuilding new houses...this are pavement stones...
We also passed by some new houses, that are super expensive...
For dinner I ate kebabpizza that ws frozen and bought at the supermarket...kind of different to the other ones I use to eat...
My parents were watching TV while eating...
It was finally sunshine on the house...
The whole sweden were celebrting the bronze prize in the football championship...
Now im gonna start preparing for my upcomming days and return back to another world...scooters, chaos, fumes, all you can drink, mandatory attendance on useless school classes and elevators that says 10 people or 500kg (or something similar)...etc etc
Sunday in Gbg
After that oscar returned, he had to throw away some things he left in the fridge..not informing me i could take it...
I found some eggs I though about to give to my cousin...
But he would only throw them inthe compost, so it wouldnt b fun...
My brother has nice neighbours...there are often new ppl in the house, which is even more fun...
Then my brothers old classmate passed by (who also joined him to Mount Blanc), since they took the car, they passed by the german border...and ofcourse bought cheap alcohole...
Alot of alcohol...infact there is a big big big distribution central in the north of germany, just to sell alcohole to scandinavians...ppl come from far away to buy there, since they still save money...
I also saw a 2 floor västtrafik bus, which was exotic.
After this I went to my old classmate Ville...
We use to play guitar hero and rockband when we were young...
now her had this "Pro guitarr", and some other more advanced tools to take the game to another level...
He was doing some ironing and cleaning when I came...'
Even though he usually get Bluray rips from internet, he had a some bluray films at home...
We drank some czech beer while hanging out...
I also got some good coffee...and swedish biscuits...
He had programmed his TV so that when he picks a film from the computer, it automaticly gets the IMDB score... (from, and he uses this rank to pick films...
He had alot of candies,which I almost ate up...
He had an advanced home cinema...Im also gonna get this when I get a job...
We continued to play rockband 3, it is hard but fun...
The cool part is that u acctually learn to play the real song, when u manage to play the game...
Togetter with the surrounding sound, it was an intersting feeling to play...
After this I went to an indian restaurant with my parents...
its a pity im not a big fan of swedish indian food...
I had an intersting carrot cake for dessert...
My mom just bought an Sony Ericsson xperia arc, my brother tried to fix some settings...
my dad will probably buy one as well...
Later on in the night I went with my cousin to a golf court...
We were collecting balls for some party next week...
After that action I went back home...
At home I met an interesting indian guy who was in sweden for a 2 month visit to settle some business here...he also has business in italy, dubai and india (something to do with car industry)...indias car industry in increasing by 30% per year, since all indians want to have a car...maybe for status it seems to be a good way to earn money...
He gave me some nie indian food (as it taste in india...), it was better that the swedish indian food...
An afternoon in Gbg
I cyceled to gothenburg ...
On my way (in Lerum) I met my old friend Christer, who was training Jujutu when i was a was a nice reunion, I use to meet him once every second or third year by coincidence...
At partille some ppl had a bachelor party...
For every car that blow its horn the guy must take a shot...
it iw a well trafficed road...he was sitting in the middle of a roundabout...
After that,I went to meet my friennd at humanisten in gothenburg
IT was a nice fountain there...and at that place i met chris...
We went to eat lejonet och björninen icecream...all the way at linnestaden...
Chirs got more icecream than me :(
I have carrot cake, texas fudge and coconut icecream...
It was a sunny nice evening...unfortunately I burned myself when i was cyling to I had pain... :S
We passed by a nice restaurant street at linnestaden.
Gothia cup is in town, the worlds largest football championship (what i heard) alöot of people are in town from all over the exotic....
After that i payed a visit at "uncle Nils".
I got a steak, which was nice...
He had a rowing machine at home...
Else we were watching tv
Family guy and some dancing program...
After that I passed by Ica focus, the best supermarket in town. They have alot of exclusive food
I went here to buy a cheese that is that good so that you laugh when u eat it... (according to my friend). It was a nice experience...
Then I went to meet other a nice restaurant near the riverside.
We cyceled there and stayed until the sun set (about 22).
It was a nice view over the city.
Not that many cisites has these kind of places...
They also had a live band playing...
Then we went back togetter...
The police attended at the avenue....
There were cool light where we cycled...
We went to buy hamburger...
I could recall that my younger sisters friends once promised me extra mashed potatoes when i ate food at her kiosk. So i was looking for her to get benefits...But i couldnt find her at this kiosk...
So we went to another, but she wasnt there either...
I bought a 200 grams hamburger...
We continued though a cementary...
And after that I came back home...
When, back home I tried the good cheese again togetter with some local beer...
My brother came home that night aswell...
He had been up on Mount Balnc in france and Grand Paradiso in Italy.
Going back to Gothenburg for some network maintainence...
its in swedish, but deals with that a person is its network...
Im going back to gothenburg now to meet more people...
Creating small pizzas a la Operations Management
Filled with garlic and aged cheese...

They were awesome...preferably eaten with red wine...(or white)
cycling back to Alingsås
it was partly raining, but still summer, so I cycled in shorts in the 18 degrees...

I found a new gate and mail box at my parents house...interesting...
Later on I made elderflower cordial and other cordial from different berries...

We have alot of rasberries nowadays...

To make elderflower cordial is different from other cordials, since it needs to stay untouched for some days (like about 5)

I included rhubarb, European gooseberries, blackcurrant and rasberries plus some few wild strawberries in the cordial...

It looked like some cassis cordial...
I met Erik
My cousin Erik lives in London, and came to sweden today, for a short visit
Once upon a time I use to get free eggs from Erik that he got from his job.
Today it was payback time...
The reason I got eggs from he for free was that they always expired...
My eggs were old, so perhaps they also expired, thus he threw them in the compost...
After this we went to buy kebabpizza.
Erik claims that Deniz pizzeria is the best in town..., however kind of expensive
They even had a mongolian flag on the top of the building where the pizzeria exotic
The pizza looked good.
I also used a mockabryggare at his make coffee...
I made him pose in the same way he did 8 years ago, when I visited him another time...
Here is Eriks development since a child...collected pics in his parents room.
My copy of his Mickey mouse poster was also still exclusive...(i didnt have the original accesssable when I made the copy, why it might not look 100% exactly as the other one).
He still had him Batman alarm watch...which was cool...
After some hours his father came home from his work. They were suppose to eat dinner togetter, so i went to his neighbour Maja.
I stayed there until it was dark, since then me and erik and some other guy were suppose to make an secret action at the golf court ("borrowing" golf balls"). However Erik later on said he was tired, so we ended up watching a movie...
It was raining outside
She had 2 cute rabbits...
And her parents had a very cozy kitchen...
Chai tea - soo good
I had Chai tea for breakfast today, it was soo good.
It is also known ad Masala is common in india and nepal.
Another day in Gothenburg
I spent a long time at my brothers appartment this morning...not doing so much...
I ate blodpudding for lunch...
In the evening I went to the casino in town (in sweden there are only a few casinos and they are owned by the government)
I met some old have a beer...
I drang Paulaner, a very good beer...
After that I met more friends...
We passed by Gotheborg, which is an old ship originally, but was built as a perfect copy some years ago. It sailed to china and back.
We went to an old favourite restaurant in gothenburg, an all you can eat mongolian barBQ, however it is not the same taste as in mongolia...not any horse meat etc.mostly chinese food...
They have a good salad...
As a predish we god noodle soup and garlic brread.
We picked material for the the main course.
Then this guy fried it for us...
We picked different mongolian souces...
I had alot of pineapple in my food.
In the second one as well, and sheap meat...Im lucky sheap doesnt taste the same here as in Mongolia, I heard it was soso there...
It was a good time...
It is a rare pic to see a buddha and a swedish flag...
It was an old restaurant, they been in the news papaer some times...
The people on the news paper pic looks mongolian, however the saff in the restaurant spoke mandarin, and barely swedish...
We stayed until the sun almost set...22-23 something...
We also passed by a building in the center of gothenburg near brunnsparken owned buy Chalmers...I always wondered what that houe was about, but it didnt say, it only told us about the history...
Cycling to gothenburg for reunion
On a sunny tuesday evening I cyceled to Gothenburg.
I started at 20 and arrived some hours later...
I visited some friends who also were visiting Gothenburg and some who came home from some trip...
(some ppl on the pic are from Singapore)I also mt some of these friends the day after...
I met them at Swedbank where I also saw Gunnar Ek, a famous guy in stock associations in Sweden...
We went to eat kebabpizza...we decided to eat it at another friends place...on the way to look for a pizzeria, I found this sign at a cementery, "tänk på döden" means "think about the death".
We found a pizzeria that had Halal meat, since they are muslims...
Ín the elevator to my friends place I saw this sign...meaning 1 person is 85 kg...i think that is heavier than in taiwan...
TB my chalmers friend had bought a new appartment in Gothenburg city...
He had a cool water machine, that also gave ice...
I got to try it myself...
So I had cool water when i ate my...
The also had a set of Global knifes, which was impressive...
They had many starbuchs cups...(i use to collect HArd rock cafe T-shirts, maybe I should aim for starbuck cups instead).
I also got to try some chinese starch cake...with green tea flavour...
We also got to see the rest of the appartment...
with cool interior design...
and a big closet...
We ended up in the couch, and had a nice time...
later on I went to c another friend...
On the way to there I saw the new water tower that is said to be a dormitory for students with rich parents...u can also see the ocean from there, i was told...
At my friends place I ate another kebabpizza...
I also treid a new beer that was super good.
I also had some i was trated coffee...(i was a little high on caffein...)
I also saw a this new appartment that belongs to my chalmers friends anna.
Convenient supermarket visit...
I went to the supermarket yesterday...
In sweden many of the supermarkets offers customer cards that you can pay with.
At the ICA stores in sweden, the customer acts cashier, but calculating the total price of the items with a device, and pay at the exit, without help from any staff...there is almost never any queues at those counters.
Rescue mission in the lake
Yesterday I went out with the boat...
As a marine I know the importance of using sea chart, even if it was a little old.
The weather was nice, but the wind was perhaps a little to strong.
I didnt have a seaman hat...but I still felt like a seaman...
Captain of the ship...I found my way around the lake...
went home for a short dinner...
I didnt drink that much beer, even it if only was 2,9 % alcohol, in sweden it is high penalties to drink and drive also on the lake.
I ate fish, perhaps it came from the lake...
"Mayday mayday, we are sinking, we are sinking". What were we sinking about?
By some reason the engine died on the second trip...I had to call my dad, ask to pull us from the cliffs...
He was near the lake, so the problem was solved. Lucky us that we had the cellphone with us on the boat.
NB: The boat didnt go aground. I managed the situation by the book (if u ask me). Not sure what caused the engine problem, but we took the smaller boat out instead on the second trip.
A lot of clothes give aways...
I have a big family...some live in big houses...
Many time those houses are full with old clothes...and once in a while the owner of the house wants to get rid of clothes...(which is far more harder than it seems).
My mother and her siblings emptied my grandmas old closet, which was to big according to them (my grandma is about 90 and doesnt like to throw away things)
old dresses that are super nice...and me and some friends were free to pic before they sended they to chairity
I spent a long time looking for an oliver twist cape some year ago when i was travelling in south east asia..., now I got a perfect Frodo cape (top right pic)...that I surely will use later on this year...
i also got some hats and shirts...vintage is nice sometimes...
A visit to Gräfsnäs
I was told that they cut some trees in my parents garden, and eventually some tree fell on my windmill (on purpose!)...hmm
I spent 10 minutes collecting the pieces and made a provisional solution...I will work on it later on...
After my short windmill fixing attempt, we took of to Gräfsnäs where there is a bog ruin from a former castle...
We drove though endless of woods...
While in Gräfsnäs there were alot of handcraft stores...
They were selling alot of interesting things
We visited an old castle that has been in alot of interesting fires, historical moments etc
There were people there acting like soldiers from some centuries ago
They were selling bread a la 100 years ago
This is how the castle looked like a long time ago
This is how it looked a long time ago (but not as long as the other pic)
there were a moat around the castle...
People were shooting with an ancient gun
An old friend of my parents who won the world championship in BarBQ at the caribeans some years ago had a restaurant nearby.
AFter the castle visit we went to a cafe
Alot of people were having their "fika" there
I had a small prawn sandwish...
my mom payed ;)
My sister bf insited of paying for himself, i "borrowed" his wallet, and found these classical GF pics in his fun to see how my sister used to look like
The cafe is kalled "Kallestugan" and has been a cafe managed by relatives to me for ages...but since some years some other family has it...
First night club visit in Alingsås, since long time ago...
I visited a nightclub in Alingsås last night...
It was interesting...I called some friends and asked which club that was the best for the seemed like there were not that much of an option in alingsås (population 20 000 people).
My friends complained that the music was not that good. it was a little house but alot of latino music...which im use to so i think it was ok...
The place use to be a cafe during daytime. and night club in night time...
I had a tie from a former activity I did, which made me look like a business man that had a night club after work experience...
The security guards some times has a text on their back saying "ordnings vakt", making them feel very powerful. It is entertaining...
After the club visit (it closed at 2 am), we went to eat hamburger...usually swedes prefer kebab...but it was my favourite hamburger chain...(or use to be), so exception was made.
It was a long queue, but we came there rather early...
The kiosk had sign saying "like us on Facebook", my friend Patrik told me he and his two friends were they only 3 people liking them...
We asked for discount due to this...but did not get any...
I ordered a 130g burger and a Västkust salad. It was long time since I ate this. So awesome.
Confirmation at my cousins...
I visited my cousins today, one of them had a confirmation party...
Alot of people...
The food was great...
We often have parties in the family, since I have many relatives...that has things to celebrate...
And as usual, the summer experience...strawberries, icecream and whipped cream...
They have a trampoline, it is very common in sweden that people have a trampoline in the garden...
Their house is red, as most of the swedish houses...originally from a famous iron sweden.
When I came home people were barBQing...
They used the big grill...
A strom came kind of quickly in the middle of the BarBQ event...
We offered the germans help, since they were out fishing...but there were fine...
Quick visit in Gothenburg
I went to gothenburg for a quick visit...
I wanted to take the car...but there were not enough sister also made a visit with her friends...she was not as willing to go tourist either...
So I made a private guiding for my taiwanese guest. very exclusive.however alot of walking.
We started out by eating at BK...
Partillecup is a handball competition (the biggest in the world), so the streets was crowded with young handball players...
There are alot of tourist attractions in Gothenburg. "Hjulet" is a ferris wheel, 60 meters high near the is interesting but kind of touristic.
It was an interesting view.
They also had a VIP carriage, that was more expensive and had shaded windows...I wonder who wanna go with that one...
There weree alot of performances downtown...
Many kids has this as a summer job, Gothenburg really puts an effort in beeing an event city, I think they are really doing a good job...
Over 90 people were performing, singing and danceing all over the city...
We also saw an exibition about the falun gong society in China...
It was very interesting...just like my fear to be kidnapped in china, where they take all my organs and sell on the international seems like they earning some extra money on poor falun gong people...
Also a short visit at NCTU europes office was payed...the staff are in Taiwan I think...
I ate another mossens pizza, and ofcourse pizza salad...which is comomn in Sweden but rare in other countríes.
There after Liseberg was on the agenda...(spontaneous visit), where I met Per, my old Chalmers awesome...and nice...
I went with the rollercoaster in this station several times...
It was raining so there were not that many people. it was the perfect condition.
It was a funny sign "Åkmesar" and "Våghalsar", the first means something like "cowards" the other is like "daredevils", choose the path depending if u want to try the ride or not.
The staff were kind of passive...since it was raining and lack of people (initially I thought it would be alot of people, since the handball cup oinvited thousands of people...but lucky us, not that many people chosed to come).
Carl Einar Häckner was performing his Varité, very entertaining...
Also an acrobat from leibniz was there...kind of strong guy...
The Bumber cars were sponsored with the radiostation I use to work at...I took the NRJ suited me most...
The top-of-the-line ride was Atmosfear...some 100 meter drop down...with great view over the city...
After a short visit at Tiroler restaurant, checking out some läder hausen...the visit was over...
It was more than 10 years I was here the lasat time, doing the rides like now...thank u liseberg...
Hanging out in Alingsås
I spent some time fixing the boats at my parents house...
It was alot of problems...but finally I got them to work...guiding my friends around the lake...and hopefully going on more fishing trips...
We also passed by some inner courtyards in Alingsås...there are alot of them...very picturesque...
I also compared some camera prices...conclusion: Sweden is expensive :(
To fika in Alingsås is a we passed by a famous cafe...
I had a mango chocolate muffin...
We went shopping, as usual I looked for the nearest seat in the store...and soo did "Ferna", the visitor from professional...
We also passed by Systembolaget...and I saw a "Absolut Svea", a vodka with summer flavours...
A store had Sale...they were very clear with that...
Later on I went to gothenburg...
Dish washer...
Here in sweden I often use a dish is so convenient.
The best solution is to have 2 dish washers...where the dish goes from one to another...
Hosting people from all over the world
Alot of activites going on.
I started they day by picking blueberries and wild strawberries...

Even if it is "early" summer there were alot...

There is also alos of shamrock that also is eatable...

This year seems to be a real wild strawberry year...more than one liter was picked

Parts of it became a nice summer cake...

It was very tasty...

I also ate blodpudding today, it was more than one year since last time i ate this...typical swedish...

I also made some swedish coffee...

And then we had some swedish fika...

Then we spent some hour try to get the boats to seems to be a minor problem with getting the engine into the water...

After that we went to buy kebab pizza at my favourite pizzeria in Alingsås

The staff there are always nice, and told me some secrets behind their pizza. The cheese they use is very rare, hard to get in Taiwan.

Swedish people often eat outside when they can, since most part of the year it is to cold.

After this it was time to fish...

It was rain in the horizon...

The guys went to pick worms...

I prefer prawns but they wanted to use worms...

Sara went to town...

Time to take action...

The neighbours went water skiiing.

FH got 4 fishes...

The neighbours dog jumped into the lake to chaise the boat. It gave up after 100 meters.

We used the smoke to prepare the fish.

Alcohol and wood was used to smoke.

The fishes are on place. Ready to smoke. just wait 30 mins...

We has to refuel the smoker, due to lack of alcohol...

It was very tasty...but the minnow had alot of bones...
At the same time my parents came home after a long trip...they got to taste some

Meanwhile the germans were still out on the lake fishing for more...
A lot of wild strawberries in the garden

It seems like this is a "wild strawberry year", there are so many everywhere...
Now Im hosting foreingers, so exotic that I can offer these berries now.
Todays industrialized country problem
I always wonder...
The candies left in the bag...the ones that were picked last...why did I pick them? low prioritization. I asked myself this question yesteday when I bought candies...which ones gonna b the last eaten...usually the chocolate goes first...and other unique candies
Some Do's in gothenburg is done...
I went to meet my old school mate up near Chalmers...
This was Gothenburgs highest home is an old water tower that became dormitories...
Now they made dorms in another water tower as well...these dorms are just one of a kind ;)
In sweden the dorms encurrage parties and social activites. so they often have bars, and barBQ places in the dorm areas...difference mentality than in TW where u r not even allowed to bring alcohol into the building (kindergarden attitude)
We went to my favourite pizzeria in Gothenburg - Mossens pizzeria...
I picked no 78, Maffios. it use to be a favourite...
...and look, my old note from 2 years ago was still on their bill board...I was gratituding their pizza..I even wrote the chinese word "hao3" on the top...i think they liked my comment
look, i wished some years ago that my parents bought this and shipped it to Taiwan...perhaps they can do it next time they visit...(frozen might b easier)
Chris, my mate bought another kebabpizza and added was more crispy...
...and Yes, I also eat fast compare to other swedes...
After this we went was full of rockers...
Most of them were wearing Metallica shirts since they will play at Nya Ullevi tonite
I tried new flavours at a Triumf glass stand...Dammsugarglass, Delicatoglass and Lionglass...not as big as at the Triumfglass store in Partille but it was ok...
So many ppl had seems to b a part of the hard rock culture...atleast they were showing them...
We continued to buy Lösgodis...since it is not that common in Taiwan...
I bought half a kg candies...
Gothenburg also seem to adapt the convenient bikes that u rent...but i think the rules might b different compare to stockholm...
One can see that it is summer in the city, and that there is a concert tonite...Hard Rock cafe was full, playing metallica awesome...however perhaps i little to feels like more that 30 degrees...perhaps I should visit sweden in February next year and stop complaining...
Later on, another nice summer dinner was served...
BarBQed salmon and other nice summer awesome
Strawberries and cream...
My friend Therese got a Mac...not my type, but still interesting...
She recently bought a new bike, I took my old one back, cruzing through a city filled with "the big 4" music...super nice
Back in Gothenburg...
I just back back to Gothenburg...I will visit some friends who I havnt seen for a while...
On my way to Gothenburg I passed by a road that had my awesome...
I cyceled on a road that my ancestor once funded...
He was a Duke or something and payed for the road, it became more convenient to transport between cities on the west coast of sweden due to this...
Days r passing by in sweden

Mum took the car, while I took the bike...

It was almost 1 year since I was in is always fun to go shopping in the supermarket...

The bike path goes parallel to a creek, its very exotic...(as so much else in this world)
When I came home I helped my dad taking the boat in the lake...

Backing a carriage is sometimes tricky...

All the way to the lake...I was directing from behind...

Then we needed to pull the boat in a good position. Charge the batteries etc...I think it works now...ready to go wake boarding...

I found wild strawberries near the is where other strawberries origin from...

Later on I made garlic bread and some swedish was Im planing to cycle to Gothenburg...
My way to sumo...

I made some good mediterranean chicken lunch yesterday...awesome...europeans flavours...

I alto went out picking up the mail...and saw the garden, it doesnt look like before...the trees are gone...

Even the best fishing bay ever, is more open...

The cars are parked on a row...full view over Mjörn...

Some one smashed my wind mill...I assume it is one of the autumn or spring storms that always seem to demolish my mills :(

My father asked me to cut the grass...before the rain comes...I hope he wont ask me to help him repaint the house...that is more than a weeks project..and he's gonna go for a trip tomorrow...

We went to my uncle and aunt later on yesterday...

The food was very summer...

Dessert also swedish summer..

Some people took the boat here...maybe we will do it next goes faster than taking the car...and is more exotic...
Hard rock weekend in gothenburg

Iron maiden will play at Ullevi 50000-60000 people will watch...
later on this weekend slayer and...

...metallica will friends will go...perhaps i will join up.not decided yet..
Today I ate alot of food hanging out in the sun. My sis went to denmark...
I will go to my aunt...