An afternoon in Gbg
I cyceled to gothenburg ...
On my way (in Lerum) I met my old friend Christer, who was training Jujutu when i was a was a nice reunion, I use to meet him once every second or third year by coincidence...
At partille some ppl had a bachelor party...
For every car that blow its horn the guy must take a shot...
it iw a well trafficed road...he was sitting in the middle of a roundabout...
After that,I went to meet my friennd at humanisten in gothenburg
IT was a nice fountain there...and at that place i met chris...
We went to eat lejonet och björninen icecream...all the way at linnestaden...
Chirs got more icecream than me :(
I have carrot cake, texas fudge and coconut icecream...
It was a sunny nice evening...unfortunately I burned myself when i was cyling to I had pain... :S
We passed by a nice restaurant street at linnestaden.
Gothia cup is in town, the worlds largest football championship (what i heard) alöot of people are in town from all over the exotic....
After that i payed a visit at "uncle Nils".
I got a steak, which was nice...
He had a rowing machine at home...
Else we were watching tv
Family guy and some dancing program...
After that I passed by Ica focus, the best supermarket in town. They have alot of exclusive food
I went here to buy a cheese that is that good so that you laugh when u eat it... (according to my friend). It was a nice experience...
Then I went to meet other a nice restaurant near the riverside.
We cyceled there and stayed until the sun set (about 22).
It was a nice view over the city.
Not that many cisites has these kind of places...
They also had a live band playing...
Then we went back togetter...
The police attended at the avenue....
There were cool light where we cycled...
We went to buy hamburger...
I could recall that my younger sisters friends once promised me extra mashed potatoes when i ate food at her kiosk. So i was looking for her to get benefits...But i couldnt find her at this kiosk...
So we went to another, but she wasnt there either...
I bought a 200 grams hamburger...
We continued though a cementary...
And after that I came back home...
When, back home I tried the good cheese again togetter with some local beer...
My brother came home that night aswell...
He had been up on Mount Balnc in france and Grand Paradiso in Italy.