Hiking Old Jhuilu Road
I went on the Old Jhuilu Road which was made by the japanese some houndred of years ago...

But the trip started with a Starbucks visist...

...and me tryting to get rid of 16 free cinema tickets to the movie "the rover"...

Jason, my old friend form NCTU Europe took some...we had a nice cycling session along taipei river side...

Omg...3am on saturday morning, i got the honour to meet a Taroko aboroginal in a 7-11...

before arriving to the trail entrance of the old trail that one needs a permit to walk...in taroko gorge...

High mountains...this is probbly one of the more famous troutist sites in taiwan...

Pretty steep down to the river...

I heard that the military built this road...and many people died when doing it...

its mainly made by semi tunnels on the mountain edge...

...and still heavily trafficed...

Some cool holes in the wall created by water some million years ago..or thousand years ago...

This is the trail entrance...a bridge...

And a ranger guarding the trail...since no too many people can walk on this fragile path each day...

"Swallow Grotto Trail" might be another trail, but it was here that one can find tha entrance...

The ranger checking the permit...(also taroko aboriginal)...

After checking he opened the locked door...

"old Jhuilu road" is the name..

This is a common bridge in taiwan for trails at the east coast...

...but its not made for "whoever" to walk...

The water some 50-100 meters down looks pretty gray...

And some 20km down hills the ocean starts...

The trail was built some 100 years ago...

And went pretty far...to bad that its broken, so after 3 km its closed...

They say "at least four days" to walk...interesting...

"90 cm wide"...we will see about that...

Its cool that it crossed the island...

They had ropes on some paerts for the walkers to hang on to...

And snakes...I heard stores about the snakes in taroko gorge...

Else prtty much of the trail was in shadow...

"cliff outpost" was the place everyone was heading for...

In the horizon one could se high mountains...

Once in a while they had a terrace...it use to be a ploisce station during the japanese occupation...

Another bridge...

And many elder walked this trail...

It was pretty sweaty...since it was pretty low altitude...

As usual the locals walked with full "mountain climbing equipment"...

We were still walking on the edge...but not that steep down yet...

But once in a while they had a tunnel...

And most often they repaired the broken path with a bridge...

It is pretty nice to walk on trails like this...feels like one is in some "lord of the ring movie...(except that the bridge is made on steal)...

After some 2km the one could see the gorge pretty well

Some locals who take a rest...

Once in a while they also had a fence...

But at the steepest parts they didnt... i remember i reaceted to this the first time i came to this area 2008...

The road was down there...far away...

And the path was on the edge...I wonder how the build this 100 years ago...

It was hard to pass by anyone up here...

Some locals carrying a drone...

Omg...better hold on tight...

Some times they also had a tunnel up here...

But most of the time it was just thie 1 meter wide trail and steep down...

I was recommended this trail by a swedish friend who lives in Kaohsiung...

Here the trail was broken long tima ago...so they added a bridge...

After 3km one couldnt walk further...

Just some lines blocking the way...

And many people taking a rest...

Ok...time to walk back...

Same path...same similar pics...

I also met a new Taroko friend who taught me to say "hi" in their language "Madusu"...

After 3km downhill I reached the car road again...

Many people were walking on the big road. also enjoying the gorge...

And the ranger had to open the gate...(its not possible to enter this trail after 11 in the morning, by some reason)...

Many cars were parked here now...

And the visitors could borrow helmets if they wanted to...

Omg...an aboriginal patterned house...

And some totem pole...

Next stop was a "burger bar"...called Salt Lick, in Hualien city...

It was more like a sandiwch and steak house...

...inspired by american wild west...

With nice decoreations...

and free wifi..., however I wonder how they transport their "homemade" apple pie from their home...or maybe they live in the restaurant..

The burger was pretty cheese...it was nice..

But it was nor a real burger patty..more like 2 slices of meat...

And the french fries felt strange...like if they were fried from deep frozed raw potatoes.. that got dry...

The toilet was cool...

Next stop was this water falll...

But it was hard to reach it...even if it was announced from the road, that it was a scenic area...

This is the best shot I got of it...near Ruishui on road 9...

Or this...

Later on, in Ruishui, they had boriginal ceremony...

Many Amis dancing...

And different tribes were wearing different clothes...

I wanted to hear my second favorite Amis song...but they never played it (or i came to late to hear it)...

I think they also had some competition...and they announces which tribe won...

More dancing...

Next stop was these 2 stones (Saoba stone pillars)...which reminded me of a small part of Stone hendge in UK...

It seemed to be a part of some bigger archaeological site...

They dont knwo from where the stones are taken...but think they are about 3000 years old...which puts them on the so far oldest thing one can see, made by man in taiwan...

The highest one was over 6 meters high...amaxing how many earthquakes it standed in this time..and typhoons...

Its always confusing how they spell their characters in pinyin in taiwan...

..."jui sui" or "rui shui"...etc...I try to keep my facts right...
Some random events
I went out for a run som day ago...

Running barefoot...I might run barefoot in a competition later on...

Omg...I also saw a "fjällraäven" look a like bag on the mrt...

I ended they day with a visit to Joel...having some drinks..
A visit to BSB burger
I paid a quick visist to BSB burger today...

Its in Neihu...

Omg...the number of the beast...

They had free wifi...

And 7 different burgers, but no one had more than 1 patty...and the lower ones were chicken burgers...

They also had some cider...


I also got some beef soup and salad...

And my pineapple burger...it seems like it was not a fresh pineapple like in 1885 burgers store...

They also had many desserts...I picked chocolate cake...
No free refil of drinks though...
Another visit to Ximen
Its fun that Ximen offers more swedish products nowdays...

Especially since kopparbergs cider is here...

Same old bar...

And their flavours...

But I had a chocolate smoothie...

And a burger...

And late ron a strawberry smoothie..it didnt taste the much...but still more than water...

At G2 paradise...I even got to know the waiter now...
A visit to Taizhong
I paid a short visit to Taizhong some day ago...

Taking high speed rail to save some time...

This is the downtown for taizhong...

My guide telling me which areas are the richest...

And which car thats most common...

Some Taizhong style building...

And some mall that no one wants...(ghost house?)...

...they also have interesting architecture...

This is said to be a nice downtown bar area...

Omg...we also passed the burgerbar I went to last time i was here...

We also passed some random teastore...

It was pretty nice...like in ximen...but up among the roof tops...

We got some green tea...

Omg many kinds of drinks...

And a huge flipflop...

They also had a robot cafe...

And some mall with real bushes on the wall...

And a T-shirt of china...hmm...not that popular here...

More drinks...

And Le ble d´or...awesome...they have 2 stores here in Taizhong...

Tey also had some outside book place...it reminded me ot bockenheim in frankfurt...where they had a shelf for people to take a book and leave another...

And some tetrapack expo...

Not sure why they had this...

And a car expo...

This place was famous for the cheese cake...

Not sure why...

And some cheese ice cream...

Later on we went to this all u can eat...

It was in the very center of taizhong...

We ordered many dishes...but I went all in on sweet and sour sauce and deep fried things...

This was the dessert...corn and sweet potato...

Omg...the standard fee for taxi is 85 here...

This old japanese bank is nowadays an ice cream store...

In the vault they make waffles...

And on th etop floor they sell chocolate...

They had like 60 flavours...atleast...

Hard to chose...

I just picked randomly...

The result...

Many houses here were pretty old (for beeing taiwan)...

I even got a gift...

Next stop was a wine bar...

With a tiger at the entrance...

They tried to keep high class...

But every drink i asked for they said "we dont have"...even he beer..."they dont have":..

Some girl also came to us to sell perfumes...interesting sales tactic...(in the wine bar)...

My friend Rosario hosted me...he had an interesting house...with many paintings...

And nice coffee...

Omg a military...

We went north the second day to pick mushrooms...

At some farm...

Not sure which kind...but it seemed typical taiwanese...

They were growing in bags...

It seemed to be a mushroom area...

Some mushrooms were very expensive...

We also picked some...

Pink mushroom...

Yellow mushroom...

"Tips for picking mushrooms"...

And a mushroom list...

And different mushroom flavours...wasabi, soy, neutral etc...

Nest stop was an organic farm...

They picked some things for us...

We had some tea...

And then it was our turn to pick...

It seemed easy...

Lemons...the new gold of taiwan...many beetlenut farmers change their binlang-trees to lemon trees, due to that they eaern more money from lemons...

Omg...they used extra sleeves to protet from light...not sure why they have lights at home...when they are afraid of it...

A quick stop to a mango stop...

Many houses up here were for sale...

Next stop some old tea club...

But now its a restaurant...

Interesting signs...

...and art...

We got some chicken soup...

And fried chicken...

Omg...many classical asian art artifacts...

And sculptures...


Some old painting...

It looked like a museum...

Some classical painting that reminded me of tibet...

And a turning torso miniature...

After this lunsh I returned to taipei...Taizhong is an interesting city...it seems to have many things to offer...
A quick visit to Zoca Pizzeria
I met an old friend today...at Zoca Pizzeria

It was prrtty good...

I had an hawaii...it reminded me of La lupa a little bit, it was cheaper but not as much cheese...
Pond Burger Cafe and Rolling Burger Bar visit
Today I started off by visiting a burgerbar near taipei 101...

"Pond Burger Cafe"...

Chinese menu...

Its loke a noremal cafeteria...

They have Super bock beer...

Its a portugese beer...

They say the have wifi, but it was super slow...the browser didnt recognize any speed and said "no internetaccess":..

I had an appertizer...

And a burger...it had egg etc in it...felt a little wierd...

Omg...some sticker in the sallad saying "sweden"..interesting...maybe from their IKEA plate...

Next stop was in Ximen...

To and other burgerbar with a more "bar" like look...

Menu in english and chinese...

We ordered 1 coffee and 1 coke...which is which?

I also had a burger with a crab on it...it was pretty expensive...

a "soft shelled crab" or something...

Ikea glas saying "Made in bulgaria"...

On the second floor people were taking pics of their food...

the name 2as "Rolling cafe"...but no sign from the street...

Many people were out walking today...

Later we headed to honglou in ximen...

For a coconut milktea "yeguonaicha"...

Omg...nice pirate pants...

Another burger bar...looks interesting...might be the next one on my list..

It is nice to walk around in ximen...

Omg, a solarium store in taiwan...so rare, since people really dont like getting tanned...I guess mostly foreigners go here...

I also passed some italian guy selling tiramisu...maybe he made them at home...selling them for 50nt each..pretty cool...

And some street performance...

Later on we went back to honglou...

I had s chocolate smoothie...

And a kiwi smoothie...they are pretty good...especially the chocolate one...
A lazy day in sanxia and zhonghe
I went south today to look for a geocache...

It was on the road I use to go everyday to work...

And then some monutes up hill for the mountains...some 700meter...

It felt like more than 700meters...

A nice view from sanxia...an early sunday night...

Later I also found some nice street with coloured lighted trees...

I had some pizza with some people...

And had swedish cider...form Herrljunga...

Omg...later I went to some nearby store...and found some swedish machine...

I also saw my neighbour play this machine to win some toy..but I was sceptic...
A trip to XIaowulai waterfall, and baibai party with the swedes
I paid a visit to Xiao wulai (little wulai) yesterday (wulai means hotspring in Atayal language (an aboriginal tribe from nothern taiwan))...

Wulai is easily accessable from Taipei, however, Xiaowulai one needs to go some hours to reach...since its on another side of a mountain...(or one can river trace I heard)...

Many people went here this day...

And many places to visit..but many people wanted to see a waterfall...from a transperent bridge...not sure why...

This was the path to the view from the waterfall base...

With some metallic stairs...

And some locals swimming..

Up there somewhere is the waterfall...

It was a 10 minutes walk in 30 degrees...

Omg..there is the waterfall...

Pretty big...

With some old temples that one can see the waterfall from...

It was a pretty small river right now...

And some smaller waterfall over the first one...somethere there the transperent brdge is...

Not sure which waterfall is the biggest in taiwan but this seemed pretty big...

From the road one could also see it...

Later on I went to taipei 101...for some all u can eat...and drink...

Many swedes joine up...

Patric was the one who announced it...

It is one of my favorite ones...

We were 9 people so they gave us 2 tables...I walked between the tables..its fun to mingle around...

Patric has striped shorts, pretty fancy...

Omg, so weird...they had many jars with chocolate etc at the ice cream bar..but only 1 was for eating, the rest was for decoration...how wants forbidden food as decoration?

Later on we went to a nearby bar...where I had this IPA:..

I was told that they also have local beer but it was out of beer this day...

Most beers were about 242 nt (or 220 nt plus 10% service charge)...

This guy was the bartender...Stanley 18 years old...

Later I also had an Hoegarden...

Later Joel insited of visitiing a night club...

We were heading to Club Halo...

But ended up at Club Spark...never have high expectations in taiwan...or anywhere else...

They often encourage people to spend money here...and they try to have a luxurious attitude...

More girls shoing everyone someone who bought champange...

OMg...broken sofa...

Joel was happy..

And drunk...

More sparkling wine bottles in the air...

Joel also bought some champange...but no girls holding up the bottle with a light...

Some picture taking...most people here were celebrating some event...the foreingers went here cus it was saturday...

Some guys who couldnt stand the pressure...

And some numbers sharing...business also on the freetime...
A new/old burger bar visit and a night out with the boys
I visited a burger bar near taipei 101 some day ago...

They had many cans on ther desk...but it wasnt possible to order all these...

This was the name of the bar...


And this was the burger...it was very good...

They also had free refill...

I later on went to ximen...

And to mega city in Banqiao...I saw lucy,,.

Some hours later...went to danshui with Joel and his friend...

I tried to go to an old beer place...but it seems to always be closed on normal weekdays...

I had this dark beer that they also sell on 7-11...

The ocean could be seen in the horizon...

It was a cosy place...

Tiny stairs...

Next stop was closer to the mrt...

Some girl was practicing her voice at the table nearby...

Omg...we ordered a 2.5 liter can...

IT was fun...

I seldom drink carlsberg here...

As most places they have an evaluation form...

Omg...after some minutes it was empty...

These guys drink alot...

Omg...they had lights in the trees...it reminded me of the "Lights in Alingsås" in western sweden

Many people come here to enjoy the sunset...

It was ok...reminded me of nanliao in hsinchu...

As always in taiwan the sun sets some 2 fingers over the horizon due to fog...or clouds...

Not sure why it does like this...

Many couches were empty here...taiwanese people generally dont enjoy sitting in the sun...

...if its not sunset...

Omg...some dirty beach...

And some turkish stans making icecream...

We later on went to this new zaland bar...

Watcihg boats on the river...

They are famous for their burgers...

I also got to play some car game...

The we took the 50 minute MRT back to city...

Henrik using the empty seat for disables people...

This was the next stop...a japanese nakiyiko place...

We even got the menu in english...

It was good...

Some marshmellows among the meat...

And nice icecream with chocolate sauce...

Omg...the people next to us left alos of food...

I helped them to BBQ it...

While enjoying free beer...

Next stop was ximen...

I met bryan there...

He did some magic...like swalloing a balloon...

People on this gay street was amazed with him swallos that hue balloon...
A trip to Teapot mountain and the Gold muesum
I left the scooter crowded taipei today...

Millions of scooters every day...

...I headed east...(ironically not by bike this time...(but by scooter))...

To the touristic place called Juifen...

Omg...taiwan has many ways to spell the same place..."Sijhih" or Xichi...etc

Here the "cliff" teapot mountain can be seen...

Not sure why...but they say it looks like a teapot...

To get here I had to pass by a gold geological park...this house was made by the japanese a long long time ago...

Many tourist were here...

Omg..they used a mini rail to pull and push the gold...

Another view of the teapot mountain...

One of my long term goal in taiwan is to see the boggest gold bar in the world...i think it should be here...

Omg...many people guarding different areas...not sure what they are for...

Its open during daytime...no wonder I often miss the opening hours...

Cool...they had rail going everywhere here to transport the gold...

And a big cave (or gold mine)...cute kids wearing helmets...

Omg...gold has been found here for thousands of years...

An interesting illustration of the gold mine...

And some medals...

Gold art...

And here it is...the biggest gold bar...

So interesting, no guards...

Covered by some plastic glass...

4 meters from the exit that doesnt have any guard either...i remember when I went to a temple north of taizhong and they had a 400kilo gold statue also unsupervised, the taiwanese said that they didnt need to guard it since "no one would steal any religious thing..."...hmm...smash and grab...i wonder how much one would get for this bar...

It was interesting...

I should have strachted some of...

it was pretty heavy though...

And here is the exit...in 20 meters from the exit, one could meet up bu scooter...

...enought security discuttion...here is another mountain opposite to teapot mountain...

And the path from gold museum to the trail entrance for the teapot mountain...

Omg...some japanese style house again...I really like their archititcture...

Signs to find the trail...

And the teapot...

And some tunnel...not sure where it leads...

Here it the trail entrance...I was told...


And nice view...

Omg..some car road also heading up hill..it felt unnecessary to climb if i could take the car...

They also had many of these small temples...I wanna build one of these back in swedes...its pretty nice with this asian architecture...

Not far now..."chahushan" is teapot mountain in pinyin...

Here is the "real" trail entrance...after some kilometer walk uphill...

or "ear-free teapot"...

900 meters left...

The stairs were partly broken...

But later they were fixed...

So it wasnt much of a climb...more a walk...

Omg...so close...

And some sign...not sure what they mean...

From here I could see juifen...

And keelung...

But I had to walk in some cave...to reach higher...

Here is the path...it looks interesting...

More tunnels...

Asome random guy was here...changing shirt..it was super warm...

Up on the "top"...

But not the real top...some high rope was indicating that its possible to climb higher...

The random guy also suggested me to go higher...to anogher mountain...but i think i could take the car to that mountain another time...comepare to the caoling trail that i did some year ago...this wasnt that spectacular...

just a cliff on a mountain...

Omg, I can also see taipei 101...i always see that building from peaks in northern taiwan...

To reach another peak further up I had to continue to in the caves of teapot mountain...

The ocean is pretty close...its the north coast of taiwan...

To the left one can see the higher ridge passed teapot mountain...

Some interesting field near the gold ecological park...

And the car road heading down...

And some hugh statue near the trail entrance of teapot mountain...

And a cool tree house...

Here is the gold museum...

Many tourists here...(mostly japanese I think)...

More people taking pic of the gold bar...

I had to see it again..so cool...

And the door didnt have any specific lock or anything...so interesting...

Next think on my schedule: geocaching...

I walked back in the gold ecological park...

Closer to Ruifang...a nearby train station I was told that there should be a cache with a trackable...

Near this old tunnel....

It was pretty deep...

I remember the "hint"..but my gps wasnt that accurate...

After a while i found it...now I better head back to taipei...the sun is really strong here...i use to be Mr Shadow man..a day out side in the sun is killing me...
Tried a new burgerbar - Jimululu
Yesterday I tried a new burgerbar...

It was near DaAn in taipei...

It had some Hawaii theme...

Omg... "Organic" tea...

They only had 4 kinds of burgers...

2 people working in the bar...it seems like they put alot of efforts in the drinks...

The interior design was Hawaii...

And Surfing...

Omg...I had a sprite, but no refill...to bed most of it was ice...

I also ordered some appetizers...

The burger was ok...nice with grilled pineapples...

Later on I went to Imax in ximen, since some time its open 24h per day...

Many people wants to see this Lucy film...since its recorded in taipei...

...but since it was sold out...next stop was banqiao...and Le blé d´or...

They had happy hour before 17...

And still same flavours...

Not that many people at this time of the day...it was about 23...

And this place also had some HAwaii theme...

I had a honey beer...I think Yilan beer taste better...its not that much flavour in this beer...

On the wall they showed how they make the beer...

This elevators are famous for beeing the slowest in taiwan...(but here i found some back door elevator, I was the only one taking it)...
A company visit with the swedes
I went to Hsinchu today...

Omg...a fjällrävenbag at taipei main station...

Omg...many steps on the stairs at the staion said "Watch your step"...who goes in the stairs and doesnt...but still pbserves that text?

I also tried a pineapple burger att mcdonalds...super small...

Me, Mr Love and Kris went to the company...which a friend in swedes helped me to get in touch with...

Kris has been here before...so we pretty much knew the way...

IT was an interesting presentation...they have been ranked No 1 in the world...

And here are their state of the art products...

And a "sauna"...a room where they try their devices out, in an incredible heat...

After the visist our new friend Sawa drove us back to the station...

We got some epic pen...

Later we went closer to hsinchu downtown...

Omg...Xian beer bar wont open until 17...

...we passed by another beer bar that also was closed...

But costco wasnt...

I showed Mr Love Le blé d´or...he liked it...

Omg they had some kopparbergs left...

I had a pizza as a change...

Its so funny here...ususally u ar not suppose to enter without memebership...but I just walk in anyway...but kris told me that u can get a membership (that lasts for 1 year)...but withint 365 days you cancel the membership and get your money back...in that way u dont need to pay...

Later on we went to xian beer bar...kris wanted to play darts...

I didnt mind...

Omg...Xian beer started to make their own cans...

Me and Kris tried to get high scores...

Mr Love was watching...

We wanted to get 450points or 500 points...

Since then we will get free french fries or a free beer...

Omg...I got french fries...epic...

It was nice...

They only had Barley beer this time...not sure why...

Later on a quick visit to this taiwanese food place was made...

It was famous I was told...
A night out with da boys
I went to the post office yesterday...

It was heavy rainoutside...

After thatI planned to visit ikea but got an urgent call from a friend to solve some issues...

I passed by some hospital, looking for a photo machine...

Omg...not many photo machineshere...

I passed by ikea

Checking the supplies...

Omg...millions of scooters everyday...no one wants to take a car...people here dont give a shit about carpooling...environment is the least on peoples minds...

Later on I visisted som taiwanese restaurant...

They had fish too...

Me and some swedish guys went all in on the food...

Omg...oysters...it was not that bad...

Then we tried to find a bar that my friend visisted some time ago...but it was hard to find...

EVentually we found it...

Omg...they had skies at the entrance...epic...

Looked a little like an afterskii bar in the alps...

I had a pinacolada...

Omg...absolut was sponsoring this drink...
Camouflage Colors Run
Yesterday I had to go up early...

AT 6 something...to make it to a military camp in beitou...

It is the second run I do, where Chinese people are not welcome, since we run in a military area...

This was called Camouflage color run...and was 5km...

Just like in the beer run some year ago...they gave away fake tattoos...

They also had some warming up with some military coach...

It was fun...

Many people were wearing camouflage clothes...we also got to paint our face...

Then they started us of in groups of 50...


Some military veterans were hosting...

Omg...almost my turn...

It was in Beitou, just near the mountains...

The we started to run...however almost everyone were jogging...

We also passed by some hinders...(but some ppl skipeed this part)...

I made sure to pass all of them...it was fun...but also pretty easy..since I have done all of this before...

Omg...a Hilife in the military area...

After the second lap we were done with the run...

It was mostly people running for fun...some some people were pretty serious...

I got this tag after compleeting the race...

OMg...a a fjällräven bag in a military camp...

The run is over...I should get some sleep...(just slept 3 hours last night)...

To bad that it was a floor ball competition nearby...which I wanted to attend...however...life is about priorities and compromises...I can sleep later...

...I tried to take a nap in Tianmu...but was to hyper...later on my friend Patrik arrived...and we cleaned the field...

It was a little slippery but still playable...

Many ppl like left hook...strange...right hook is usually more common...

I also checked the fence...since my friend anders encourage me to check the posibillites to put up a net there...

its about 70cm high and 56-57meters long...

Next stop was costco...

And after that my second dinner was eaten at Mr Oniion...

Nice atmosphere...

It is a steak house...

With english menu...so prefessional...

Omg...many sets...and pretty high prices...

Dish 1: salad...

Dish 2: some soup/stew...

Dish 3: Soup...

Dish 4: Steak...

Dish 5: Cake...

Not sure when it was made...the saus seem to be stuck in the plate...

I ended they steak house visist with a beerbar visist...YIlan beerbar in Zhonghe...

Im still thinking about if their Barley beer is better than Le blé d´ors honey beer...

Its a nice malt flavour anyway...
A visit to a burgerbar and bar etc
It was a rather rainy saturday...

Omg...a blurry Heineken bike pic...

I passed by banqiao...

And enjoyed the heavy scooter traffic...that asia offers....

With some more rain...

And a teppanyaki visit...

I also passed by ximen for a short while...

Later on I went to this burgerbar near taipei 101...

Pretty nice...

My friend had a party here...

With a big TV screen on the wall showing music videos...

And we also had a quiz...

Kris and the manager of the place...

My burger was nice..and cheap...only 180nt...

I also tried the portugese beer "super bock":..

I realised that I east fast...my place was empty in 3 minutes..my friend took about 15 minutes to finish his...(however I ate with my hands...which increases the speed)...

We also sang some swedish songs...

And answered more quiz questions...(google was a nice friend at this quiz)...

More videos...

I also had a nice passionfruit/pinapple smoothie...

More singing...

And some birthday cakes...

"kodak moment"...or "iphone moment"...

It was fun to ahve a quiz during the dinner...

We also had to help out for finish the snaps...

They also ahd free wifi...

Omg...the winners of the quiz won a daim bag..nice...

I did some stupid magic tricks...it was appreciated...and I was asked to do some more...but since I did all my tricks I coudlnt come up with anything spectacular...but it was still appreciated...

I did some trick with the straw...

Next stop was this place..near SYS memorial hall...my friends like this place...

The party crew...

Mårten was also here...I met him 2008 when we both came to taiwan the first time...

I had a pinacolada...it was ok...

They also ahd some "Cinnamon Honey Cider"...I wonder what that is....

The staff was a little irritaded..nto sure why...

We ordered so many things...must have made their night...
A friday with many activities
Yesterday I stated to assist a friend of mine...

We had breakfast togetter...

And I went to buy some stuff for her...since she got injured in some accident...

Omg...Amis restaurant...i really like aboriginal stuff here in taiwan...

I also met some people at this random place...waiting for going to a more popular place...

Here we had some local lunch box...

And meatball...

I later went to a restaurant in ShiDa where I could not take pictures...

This was the place...

So I had to go out to take pic of this cake that I had...

And I secretly took an other pic inside...due to stupid explanation why it was forbidden...(that "people might pic the pics to put in a book, and spell the name of the place wrong")...

This was the song of the day...

Next stop was taipei train station...some weeks we were 8 people going to keelung...but it was cancelled with 1 days notice...I made a new attempt to go there...but now only 3 ppl could/wanted to join...

Taxi in Keelung...

They replaced their rubber duck with some big wooden horse...

The entrance of Ocean University...

Professor Wu meeting up...

We went to ocean university...

With many people involved in how to develop keelung...

Omg...a cute miniature of a ship...

We waited for some french people to arrive...

So we were mingeling around introducing ourselves to others mean while...

And got to sign a guest book...

We later went to a nearby room for some dinner...

Professor Wu picked local specialities...

Omg...super nice wasabi fudge...

And some other snacks...

We also got Professor Wu´s new book...aobut travelling in europe...

Some photo session...

Omg...3 books in 1, amazing...

It was all in Chinese...

Professor Wu was posing on the pictures...

I also got introduced to a cruise that goes from Keelung to Japan...pretty cool...I wanna take that some day...

We ended with a promotion video from Ocean university...

...and some photo session...

Important people were taken seperately for more photos...

Omg...101 places to visit on earth...I wanna see all of them...

We got to go by car back...

Where we passed by Luxy...

My classmet KP had a smokey icecream...

Some bar passby...

Omg... a man with hat holding a child...

We also passed by a Beer bar...

It was Beer and Cheese near DaAn...

They have some special offer on tuesdays...with big glasses...

I tried their 2 local beers...one was super bitter...

It was brewed in Hsinchu, at the Xian beer brewery...

It was the second time I was here...they offer many kinds of beer...

And sometimes some snacks...
Baibai Alfred
Alfred is heading home tonight...

SSo I met up with him at Vapiano, Taipei...

Jsut some final pics for him...

I have been here before...this chain store they also have in europe...

Some bakery...

I had some hawaii similar pizza...I had to add extra flavours, since it was pretty tasteless...to start with...

They had rosemarin at the table...but I went all in on olive oil...

It was an ok view from there...

We played the transformers monopoly...

Later on we went to barhi...Alfreds choice...since he wanted to enjoy the hotsprings in beitou...

Omg...they love guam there...

It was a nice evening...

But the menu was all in chinese...not easy for foreingers...

Haha...and the servant didnt understand much...of what we said...we waited some 10-20 minutes for the boss to come, he is fluent in english...

Omg...this is my new favorite beer...

After some more transformers game...they headed to the airport...
All you can eat near Taipei 101
I went to neo19 last night...

To their top floor...or something...

They have wine...

And ice cream...

And wine with beer...

My friends went all in on meat...

I went all in on shrimps...

I had to order many times...since they didnt understand how many i wanted...

Alfred had his karate bandana...

I tried to eat alot of fruit...

Alfred brought some transformers verison of monopoly...

The staff prepares wine glasses for us...but they left them filled...so it was a little vinegar touch on the wine...

Same french wine as last time (but no year on the label)...

It was only the foreingers who drank beer...no wonder they afford to offer alcohol...

Omg...flying lanterna in the ceiling...

We played the transformers game until they closed...

15 people, no beer or wine...

Alfred enjoyed the beer...

Alfred has this thing to put a snus in the urinal...so intersting...
A quick visit to Jollys Brewery+ Restaurant - TPE main station
Last night I paid a quick visist to Jollys near taipei main station...

It was a rather small entrance...

But is the same branch as the Jolly near Nanjing east road (they also have a bransh in neihu)...

The beer here is brewed in Zhonghe in southern Taipei...

They have a drinking competition once per month...this month its the 16th...

Omg..they invested in their own porch...

Still 6 kind of beers...

The "special brew" was American Dark wheat Ale...

They tend to change once in a while...

Omg...brewing tabloids on the wall...

The taste was a little like the Barley beer from "le blé d´or"...

Some bread was also given for free...

Not sure why, but they used malt boxes as wall paper...

They had more than 1 room in here..and some big screen to show sports on...

And their own coaster...

Open at lunch and until 24 everyday...
Looking for a net operattion
I went to look for a net yesterday...

And passed by this restaurant...for some lunch...

They had the portugese beer "Super Bock"...makes me think about some swedish friends I have...

I had some pesto pasta...

Outside the mall they had some intersting sculptures...

It was a hazzle to find things in carrefour...I asked 4 times for coffee filter "Kafeiluzhi"...they kept on directing me to diffrent floors...however, as usual, I satayed with the same person at the end, refuse to leave her sight...so that they would show me in person, where the filters are, instead of "re-direct the problem"....

Omg...so many kind of beers...

Poor this girl...but she managed to find it eventually...

Here...at the pottery....not at the coffee like in other carrefours...confusing...

Later on I passed by a hotpot...

It was interesting, near Taipei main station...

Omg...englich menu...so professional...

It was a typical japanese hotpot...interesting...

I ended they "taipei main station" visit by passing by Nova...

...I bought some cheap HTC battery...

I also passed by Coldstone, for some peanutbutter cup icecream...and I also made som magic for them...ITs always fun to do magic for taiwanese...they often beleive in the magic...

Omg...Ximen delivers...A fjällräven bag!
A burgerbar visist and some Barefoot marathon preparations
I did some preparations for a marathon that I will participate in...in september...

I went to river side in Taipei...

Running in flip-flops...

Its complicated to take the bus in taipei...nothing is in english...and no map. so its hard to know where each bus goes..and not even the bus numbers are announced at the bus stop...

I later on took a bus to downtown...omg. no pick whistles for sexual harassment prevention...

This bus "307" goes everywhere...i think...i often see it...

There is a code in each bus...where people can follow by GPS where the bus position is...

The goal of the day was this burger bar...

It is famous for beeing expensive...

They had many burgers...

Some football screen...

...and an even bigger baseball screen...

And earphones hanging on the wall for some reason...

And posters on hamburgers...

600nt for this...strange...I compare each burger with cosbys hamburger..and everything seems expensive and tasteless :)

I later on passed by YMCA...so funny...

And Taipei 101...today with red lights...

Omg, so many chinese names of western celebs...so funny...
Who is who (in pinyin)?:
xíwéisī shǐtèlóng
jiésēn shǐtǎsēn
méiěr jíbóxùn
ānuò shǐwǎxīngé
wèisīlǐ shǐnàipǔ
dùfū lǎnggé
āndōngní'ào bāndélāsī
(hint: all faces on the pic are represented in the name list)
A tvisit to a local Beer bar
I paid a quick visit to a Beerbar in Zhonghe last night...

I thought their beer was from Kaohsiung...but it seems like its not...

The have some kind of open bar environment...

With many kinds of beer...

Looks pretty much the same as last time I was here...then the beer tasted very bad...(atleat the local brew)...

This it thebrewery in Taizhong...

Not sure who ordered this one...but the staff gave it to us...

And some skewers...

They were donating some stuff to the gods...(after all itss ghost month)...

Omg...Joel got a new business card (he joined me here)...

He went all in on Taiwan beers Weissbeer...

Some locals also enjoying the outside tables...

They also offer baseball on TV here...

Omg...Joel kept on bringing beers...

Omg...what is this...some police suddenly showed up...

And started to argue with the boss...

Not sure about what...but in this korrupted country, many peopl backstab each other...

They did some notes...

Me and Joel kept doing magic tricks to people who ere passing by...

The police were not interested in our magic skills...

My new trick is merging 2 100NTs to 1 200NT...

After a while the police left, and the boss asked us to sit inside...

We got new friends inside...

This guy was an owner of 2 7-11 stores...we were told...

Omg...barely any weissbeer left...

And the tables were all gone when we left...

Next stop: Ximen...but i couldnt visist Cosby this time...

This place made some micro pizzas...for 280nt...

It felt wierd sitting here...

...Just some 3-4 meters from cosby and cannot eat their burgers...

Omg...there is Billie...maybe she owns Cosby...atleast whe works there every day...she left the store after some hour...

And after some while I got my pizza...a small hawaii...

I compensated the experience by having a smootie...as usual at g2 paradise
A floorball session in Tianmu
I went to TianMu this morning...

Omg...a local church...

At 10 I was told some floorball game would start...mostly foreigners (north europeans) tend to attend...

At this place...historically Tianmu is a place for rich people, since the forinegers use to live here...which pushed the price leve on the houses....

They have alot of art etc here...

This was the floorball court...

Many old people were exercising...

Omg...hula hoops...

The court has many seeds, which came from the trees...

We did some effort in swapping them away before the game...

Martin...a swedish guy use to bring the equipment...

Even the goals...

It was fun...the chalmers office in Hsinchu also plays floorball once in a while...

Most people used left hand hooked...

...including me...my rack had some red tape...making my hands red...

We also had breaks every 30 minutes...it was pretty sweaty...

Some german and slovakian guys...

"ok, lets play again..."...

Also some local kids passed by..thinking we were americans...and wondered why we didnt go do church...so funny...

"ghost month in Taiwan"...people pray and think that the gates to hell is open...
Basial Craft Beer bar visit
Seems like some abiriginal in Hualien started to brew beer...

But they only sell it in Banqiao...

...not sure why...

Omg...they even har "lady 1 free"...what that means?!...

MAny barrels on the wall...

But only 1 kind of beer...

Baisial...might be some aboriginal name...as well as the logo...

however they had 3 sized of glasses...

The business card of the owner...

They didnt have any fixed tap...thay just had the barrel on the desk...

"Beer still Live"...whatever that means...

And some traces on the wall, about that one could watch the worldcup here some month ago...

They also had something called "butter beer"...seems like sweet milk with beer....

The minimum charge was 200nt...
600nt charge if u bring your own food...
All you can eat and Drink in Banqiao
I just paid a short visit to FE21 in Banqiao...

On the 12th floor they have an all you can eat and drink...

This is the name...

Ad this is the price...

Many dishes...

Mostly steak and sushi...

I went all in on pistage nuts...

All in!

And some desserts...this time I did not eat that much sweets in the beginning...and since I came rather late i didnt have too much time for just picking around...

Omg...15 people or 1000kg, welcome to light weight taiwan...
A trip to Jiaoxi
A new day in Scooter world...

Convenience first, environment last...

Omg...a parkinglot for pregnant women...

And a parking lot for people with high heels...so funny...usualy people who are handicapped have their own parking lot...seems like taiwan qualify women to this :S

I wish it could be more equal one day...and parking lots for guys will exist...

So funny...

Even id it was only 10-12 of them...

Omg..french croissant at 7-11...

Usually the toilets are naimed Toto, but this one was nemed Alex...

In Jiaoxi a visit to Yilan Beerbar was paid...

Its the 3rd of 4th time im here...

They only had 3 flavours this time...

But still free hotspring...

Which most people come here for...

Its more like an outside bar than a restaurant...

With a big poster...

Minimum charge 100nt...

And in nights they have a dancefloor here...

"Yilan Maitian" in chinese...

More people using the free hotspring...

and some "hotspring fish"...

And nice sound system...

They ahve both Wheat and Barley beer...

And some take away barrels...

I also had some french fries (what did johan eat today)...

Even from the street they promoted...

Nex tstop was a Houdongkeng Waterfall...

Due to rain it was not super many people there...

They had some ditch for water tansportation...

And some small waterfall at the entrance...

And then some bigger one...

And even huger uphill...

If one dared to take this slippery stair...

Some small creek...

And locals swimming...

Pretty steep...they better watch their step...

Luckily it was only a 5 minutes walk from the road...

this place must be on www.taiwanswaterfalls.com...

Omg...I held on tight when walking down here...

Later on the scooter was heading north...of jiaoxi...Omg..many new houses...

And later on this place...

Many people wanted to take pice in here...

On anything...

Omg...a turish waterpipe...

And free coffee machine....

On a telephone booth...

Omg...a german sticker...on a car,..as a decoration...

Wellcome to Jiaoxi...Taipei is some 5km on the other side of these mountains...

I also passed by this famous place...atleast for me...everytie i go around taiwan i see this "rotary and lion"-watch...

I ended the stay by do some geocache search...on Toucheng...
An Ericsson visit, Beerbar visit and BurgerBar visit
I went to Far eastern hospital station today...

I never been here before...

...I was meeting some Ericsson people...

We went to a vietnamese store...

Not sure about the difference between vietnamese and taiwanese food...when I was in veitnam i remember eating oysters with wasabi...

Ericsson is expanding alot nowadays...

Buidling these stations...

I later on went to Barhi in Beitou with the guys...they will only stay in Taiwan for a short while and wanted a full experience...

They have many brands here as usual...

My friends thought it was awesome...they recently went to Yilan, and the tai-people there gave them "taiwan beer", when they asked for Yilan beer...so imcompetent...

The wall with autographs were even more painted now than before...

They also had some food...

A new burgerbar is in town...

So I later on I went to taipei 101...for that burger bar...

They had bikes in the ceiling...

And a super big fan...

And Steves beer and kopparbergs...

My burger was ok...

But still expensive compare to Cosbys...

And it was "free refill" of soft drinks...but the staff never watched the tables...so I had to walkin the kitchen myself...which they didnt like...contradictional...

I ended the night in ximen...

With another smoothie...

I aso saw a guy with a propeller on his helmet...so cute...

Omg...a fjällräven bag again...
A visit to Tzu chi in Hualien
Me and my friends went to hualien some days ago...

After a visitn in hsinchu...we went to KFC....and made an order.. but theres seldom 100% translations in taiwan...they tranlated the "order here"-sign...but the didnt have energy to translate the "pick up here"-sign...

We later on took the train east..I dound a small space to sit in the ground...not sure why the placed a cup holder on a 0.5 meter luggage area...

Many people took off at hualien train station...

Aomse local brand imitation "twinings" tea label...

We started by going to a japanese restaurant...I have a "pizza", but it was a chicken, with tomato sauce and cheese on...so creative, that they replacd the bread with meat...

It was very good...

"pork cutlet pizza set"...

At this restaurant we also changed out clothes...since we couldnt wear shorts at the monastery...

...i visited this place some half year ago too...

Out at the ocuntry side of hualien...

With 2 swedes, Love and Kris...

we went her to find inner peace...

Our local guide showed us around...

And we was set off to work...

The munks here meditate by working...and so did we...

I was even offered a coffee...

And some taro-soup...

Perfection is the only way...we were told...

We also found some "socke-plast" in their local store....

And Kris found some combat chopsticks...

After som trip to the garden we found aloe vera...

The grass here looked like golf greens...

Omg...dragon eye fruit...they had soo much of them...

I also got a rare banana...

In the night we participated in some night activity...(night means around 19-20...)...

Omg... a frog...no animal can be killed in the monastery...so we had to watch our steps by night...

We had this nice dormitoryto stay at...it reminded me of the japanese saloon in NCTU library...

Some volunteer doing his laundry...

After some nights sleep we woke up at 03.30 something...

We staied in line with some munks and volunteer for morning pray...some bakgorund drum was making the atmosphere feeling like an indiana jones movie...

After some hours praying...we had breakfast...which means "no talking"...it was intersting...

...we later on went back to work...

Some buddha statue....

We also got a friend...some local kid who lived in USA for some years...he was interested in trains..and took pics of each train that passed by the monastery...

Not sure which this was...but he knew all names...

We got the chance to pack rice this morning...but in the afternoon we went back to the soap station...(they send alot of food and toilet articles to diffferent areas with their organasation)...

The mountains are high near the monastery...

Love and Kris ready for rice packing...

High tempo...it felt like some munks wanted to show the high tempo...but we pretty fast catched up...

Kris was always full...after breakfast we had some noodle snack...and then it was lunch....

We also got local corn...it was pretty sweat...

Some girls from mainland china was there too...and wanted to take some pics...

...our local friend still prefered to take pictures of the trains passing by...

Some mingleing in the dorm again...

Our sleeping space...it was pretty cosy...

We also got more dragon eyes before leaving...

We also pased by the store...I missed to buy some sockeplast...but got some tea and rice instead...

And some lucky lottery "wisdom words":..

We later on took the bus back to the train station...

But before that we went to some Tzu Chi museum...

Pretty big...

And talked to some organsiation memebers..over some coffee and chocolat.e..

I been here before but it was a nice reminder of how big this organisation is...

They also ahve many recyling stations...(just like i visited last year in Yongher, pulling of rings from PET-bottles)...

Some earthquake safe pelar...

After the visit i put on my shorts again...

vefore leaving the central hospital in Hualien that was sponsored by the Tzu Chi foundation...

Omf...a "coin laundry"...suitful for local maffia guys...

I ended the stay by passing by a very nice japanes/local restaurant...I havnt been to hualien that much so its always nice to drop by...
A night with the indians
I went to visit my friend Pranay some day ago...

He will move back to india...

...just like in the good old times...we went to his place to try indian food...

And listen to music....

Kris was also there..showing his ned gadgets...

We also passed by 7-11...

Omg...I got to try some "spicy powder", by indian definition...it was more painful than hot...

I also got to try some kebab/falafel...

We had interesting talk about religions...

And about political things...

Harry came aswell...after his work...(he has nice working hours: "as long as his work is done, he may work whenever"...more or less)...

He wasnt that interested in political discussions...

We also talked about some german guy in Goa who was killed due to some arge about that the beer had too much foam...

Later we started the food...it was spicy and nice...

Harry couldnt fit his soap pn the sink...he had the top consstantly pressed down...

Indian style: eating with hands....

9pm, wild discussions about russia and the "propaganda war" in eastern europe...and some argues about what "democracy" is all about...

1 am...wild discussion about which loop is the most important in jaca, "while"-loop or "do-while"-loop...

...one of the guests who were interested in political questions went home...so only engineers left...
Precious 200 dollar bills
I paid a visit to Joel some days ago...

He even had a symbol of sweden at home...

We later on went to the bank...

Omg.."citigold center"...the part of the bank office thats always empty...

Passing 2 banks...now I got enough 200nt for the rest of the year...
A day at northeastern Taiwan
I met Karate kid and Captain Haddock yesterday...

Dressed for success as usual...

We planned to see some water fall in the north east of taiwan...

Omg...Puyuma train is the fast one...but it doesnt stay at that many stataions...

Its hard to find the right train...some random police helped us out...

Then we went for beer...

Alfred had his tourist bag with him...

Omg...a fjällräven on the platform...

They are more often promoting taiwan destinations now on the trains...

First stop was Shifen...for some waterfall and night market inspectations... (and I took the karate kid role)...

Its pretty chaotic on the rail...

Train arrives...feels like in india...very crowded...losses are expected...

"JS"...thats me!...

This place is famous for the flying lantern, I bought one here last time i visited...

Itw a big industry...

People writing wishes...and taking pics...

Strange but funny...when the train comes everyone moves...then they get back on the rail again...

Even the pavement decoration have flying lanterns...

We went on a path fo see the waterfall..but it as very crappy, since the locals want to earn money...they more or less blocked the view...

...so that people, after walking 1-2km had to pay to see tha waterfall...

...taiwan turns touristic....

We went on some bridge back...

This is tha waterfall on a "nice day"...

Since im with the swedes, they have a different way of thinking aobut spending money...a "cheap" taxi took us 700m for 150nt...

But we still had to walk 500m since the driver wanted to save time...

Taxi drivers here act like in vietnam och main land china...

Back to the night market...

The train was pretty full back to Ruifang...where we started...

But we squeezed...since it leaves like once or twice per hour...

Once down at ruifang we took andother bus up to another village...

With nice view...

Its near Teapot mountian, which i wanted to climb for a long time...

We also had some coffee there...boosting my caffein level...

More picture taking...

Kodak moment...

It was an inferno of taxi cars driving up and down and people running back and forth...

This is the old main street...

It reminds me of italy here...

...and this town was used as model for the best anime movie ever..."spirited away" (based on imdb ranking i think)...

Many slized ice stands...

And some peanut in dark sugar cubes...

And other things you didnt knew you needed...

Anothe coffee store...

The guys wanted stinky tofu...

Every now and then one could see the view...

Funny soap store...

Slow spring roll stand...

This guy didnt want to recommend any of his products...or maybe its my chinese that sux when it comes to the word "recommend" (Tuidian)...

Asian style red balls...

My friends wanted some beer...

We got this balcony...it seemed like a coffee store...

But the view was nice...

Omg...halloween decoration...

And keelung island...the island i spent 1 day trying to get to...without result :S

The waiter spilled half our beer on the table....

...but greedy resturant owner, gave us the rest of it in glasses, pretending that nothing happened...and later on charged us full price...the consequence of tourist industry...

Alfred was enjoying his snus...(tobacco), which he brought from sweden...

Pretty interesting.....he use to buy it online in taiwan to save money...

The rest of the team also tried...

Keelung by night...

And fishing boats with strong lights to attract squid or something...

More beer...

And Monopoly deal...

Alfreds favorite game...

It was a pretty fun game...

Easy to play...

And based on taiwanese sites...

The owner didnt want to be on picture...maybe since he charged us over price and cheated us...

They had funny spelling on the places...

I might buy one of these games...

We continued on the small path through juifen...

Many people taking pics...

They even had this "selfie stick"...seems to be the new thing...

We tried to catch a cab..but it was hard.. .

After some negotiation we found some guy, he had nice music in the cab...

Then we went back to taipei...

Many people to mingle with...

Omg...the Q-square elevators had their own life...

The "le blé d´or" had hawaii theme again...

Pretty expensve,...1 beer and 1 pizza was more expensive as an "all you can eat and drink" price...

They als told us that we cant play monopoly there...strange...

Thats ok...we didnt understand chinese for a while...

It use to be my favorite beer after all...
A visit to ximen
I ended last week by a quick visit to ximen...

Same as usual...

With burger and smoothie...

I even tried a local orange smoothie...

Alfred and his friends are visiting Taiwan for some weeks...he is so funny...i found 3000nt, that flew out from his taxi before comming...

So he got a budget for the night...

But he was stuck in japan due to a typhoon...so he and his friends were all a little tired...
A trip to Taidong
I did some interrailing this weekend...

Started by taking the MRT to Taipei city...and aw this disco-wheel chair...

Omg...the toilet flush sensors were sometimes put upside down in the toilet...welcome to a "never 100% country"...

Strange sign...looks like a face...

I spent the first part sitting on the floor...

Omg...in Hualian I found a Amei- store...

"Saopu Stonehenge"...I wanna go there...!

I paid a wuick visist to this place...it was close to the trainstation...

They had "deep water beer"...interesting...

And an aboriginal waitress...maybe AMai tribe...

The trip continued in early morning...

I could see the new rail way...

And the mountains never ending...

After some time I came to taidong...and observed many red flowers on the trees...

And uncle Pete s Pizzeria to be closed as usual....

I also passed by the book store...where people read books, instead of buying them...

And they recently opened a ned pizza hous called "Big Ö"...but minimum charege was 350nt per person...not usful when you just look for some snack...

Plan B was this burgerbar...last time I Was here it was closed...

It looked prettymuch like any other burgerbar in Taiwan...USA 1959-influenced...

Johnny also had a system camera...he was currently hosting his polish friend...

I wanted a beef burger...but accidentally marked chichen burger...

Noooo!, it was suppose to be a "huge burger", but the only thing that was big was the bread...then it was fille with smal pieves of meat...just as the burger store in Shilin I visited some years ago...

Well...since the peices fell out when trying to eat with my hands...the bottom bread layer was left when the burger was done...what a pity...(.it was a big bread with 4 peices of chicken separated to cover the bread)...

After this I passed by a sweet potato chips place...

And some hotel that closed...

It was said to affect the corals...

Over there...I should be able to see Green island...some 35km away...

But not its a ghost house...

I also met a super funny Amet guy...in this car...I sang some Amet music that I heard...he seemed to like it...

Next stop was some bridge in 8 parts...

Conecting Taiwan to a smaller island...

It was especially forbidden to defraud people here...su strange...(why just here)...

HEre is the brideg...

"Sansiantai island"...

And some cluffs reminding me of that its a vulcano island...

I like the east coast..and that they offer small sites for people to visit...and its pretty concentrated to Road 11 or road 9...

Many steps to walk...it was not until I reached the bridge that the wind came...it was a sweaty walk...

Hualian is there somewhere far away...

I saw that they had a light ouse here somewhere...

Omg...after beeign out in the sun, and missing a spot with sunblock or clothes...I needed to suffer with pain...

Burning myself on random places...

Reality chech, am i really at the east coast? -Yep...no helmet...


Nice sunset...

Next stop was Uncle Pete´s pizzeria...

I ordered some Mosambique pizza...it was as close to hawaii pizza that they had...

And i also got sauce...

Omg...there was a Motor bike festical here..so many motorbikes...(monkey bars equiped Harley davidson´s etc were here)...

Even the host "pete" was entertaining the guests with guitar playing...

I got best friend with this old lady...

I think its my 5th time to pass by, and now, after 3-4 years its was finally open when I came...

A big crew was baking...

They had some shelf for already made pizzas...

And surfing boards as decoration...

The locals wanted to go to a japanese resturant...so this was the next stop...

But they seemed to be out of many things...

By some strange reason, I got a huge glas of saké...the others got warm sake in small shot glasses...strange...

We alter on visited some Motorbike expo...

Many clubs from all around taiwan was represented....

Pretty cool...especally when they were cruising on road 11...along the coastline...

Omg...I also saw this transformer car...so cute...

And a vespa...original italian...might have been only for decoration..

And some tree house in the middle of nowhere...

I made sure to get som local frui before I took offf...

I was forced to take the slow train...so I spent some half day enjoying the view of eastern taiwan...

And observed that the warning signs for construction workers had some thai language on them...maybe thais come here to work...

I ended the trip by seeing an "H&M" bad in the MRT...omg has H&M finally opened in taiwan!?!?! congrats!
A revisit to Bravo burger...
I went to Gongguan today...

To bravo burger...which is said to be one of the top burer chain stores in taiwan...

I think its ok...they have free refill and many kind of burgers...

Also this huge burger...but its not that "big" in senge of big meat...its just 5 patties of meat...

I ahve some double meat. burger it was ok...pretty average taste...

I brought Kristoffer there...we calles Tzu Chi buddhist organsiation, sicne we want to stay at the monsatery in hualian for some days next week and learn to appreciate life and increase our wisdom...

Omg...bravo burgers cameras works also when the lights are off...

Adn they had some salt in their rice jar...

We later on went to look for river tracing things in gongguan nightmarket...

Thie is the shoes I might buy...or jsut use my boots which i almost never used...

I also passed by the "Museum of Drinking Water"...where on can se the history of how drinking water developed and maybe try different kind of drinking water...

Later on I picked up some burma visa...oretty cheap and fast...3 days and 800nt...(200SEK) for 1 month visa...in a 4 month period...

This company is the cheapest in taiwan I was told for these matters..