Another trip to Wulai
Plan A, Tamsui, for beach run, Plan B, Fulong beach for mingle....Plan C, Wulai...

I met oskar at Xindian...for wulai...

SOme street guys treating us binlang...

Oskar liked it...not sure if he finished it...

We took bus to wulai...

Omg, a tapas restaurant...

Nice view...

Many paintings of aboriginals...wulai means hotspring in their language...

And some nice hunting...

390nt for hotspring, kind of expensive...

Not many ppl chose hotspringinthese days...

And we needed swim cap,oskarmade one froma plastic bag...

They had 40, 37, 35 degree, and one cold one...

Oskar wanted to enjoy the 40 degree for a while...

Wow, some mountinas far up...maybe above 2000meters...

Big spider at the rest area...

Then we tookthebus back, we hadtowait for a while...

And as a traditiion we also went to this pizzeria after wulai...

With italian chef...

"minimum charge is one dish/drink per person"...

I got rosemarin bread, it was ok...

Oskar was mingeling with the staff...

My cheesy was good, but as usual very big here...
A night at muse...
We went to Muse last night...

Its a club near Pasoul...omg, they had swedish vodka...

Muse had a nice view over parts of the city...

It is a rather relaxed club, people can enter with shorts...

We did "the list" again...

Oskar got some extra glas...not sure from whom...

This is alfreds friend of the night...

Oskar went for water after some drinks...

The bartender misheard and gave him a beer...

Then he went for some hunting...

and mingeling...

It was fun...

They also had some entertainment...

Some more mingeling...

omg, shorts...

More mingeling...

And some deliver from the entertainment girls...

Did this girl wear a wig?

Alfred, dressed for success....

More entertainment...

It was interesting...

And so was this american....he grabbed my shirt saying "dont touch me"....i asked what kind of logic that was...maybe alcohol wasnt this guys best friend....I became best friend with his french classmate instead...

A visit to Shida...
EVen if I cant see the sun, i still get sun burned...its tricky...

I started the day by playing a good old classic swedish song...

Later I headed to my chinese center, I neede to pick up some things...and there after I went to shida dto a pizzeria north of this one...

Offering stone baked pizza...

Pretty nice...

Thepizzaz were very small thought...

I also had a german beer...

It was party raining, si it was nice...since the day was very hot...

I ordered 2 pizzaz since they were to cheap...

Oskar also took pics...

This is my first one...wich extra cheese...

And secondone...with pesto...

They even played german songs in the radio...

Oskar was amazedof the interior design...

We later went to "the most famous slized ice place in town"...

Many people woring here...same as the pizzeria, more staff than customers...

I had a strawberry mangp plate...

Well back at shida road I saw many canadaian flags...tawian has many english teachers...thus many americans and canadians living might be crowded...
Friday night...
Before chinese class I paid a quick visit to banqiao...

My old classmates had some gathering...

Henry to the left is making a quick visit to taiwan...he works in china...

They went to some japanese restaurant...

And some beer...

As usual shottiing from small glasses...

After chiense class I went to ximen...

Some swedes joined up...

Finally I got to bring Joel to this all you can drink place...

I didnt order any pork...

Stil they kept serving it...not sure what logic they were having...
Most expensive burger ever...
I jsut had my most expensive burger ever...(compare to PPP, read: in taiwan)...

It was at garden hotelinximen, Taipei...

They have Deluxe beer here...same beer as I drank at the Beer safari in Taizhong...

I asked if they had any bergers and the waitress said "no"...opening the menu and finding burgers at the first page...and still they add "service charge" 10%, as many places here in taiwan...for what?

They also had beer cocktail...(meaning beer and some soda)...

Omg, Oskar is back in taiwan...he called me and said "hi johan, im on the bus from the airport...what happens tonight?"...

We shared a beer....300nt for a 33cl...thats also expensive...(we shared a 1.5 liter)...

It was dark....

They had some live band...

He was pretty good...

This is the 400nt burger...

beer and burger...940nt...thats like more than 200SEK...i wonder what nice allyoucen eat that could have given me...

I headed to ximen there cosbys burger...they are still Taiwans No1...

But i had a Kronenbourg 1664 instead....

OSkar talking with Billie and Ajie...

We will join some hash run later...we found a guy with this shirt and had to ask if he knew some hash runs...but nope, he was japanese,,,,

We also entered an underwear store...try to find some underwear with chinese characters...but no...

After buying juice at the 24h open carrefour thursday was over...
Wednesday evening...
Its friends went to Roxy Rocker tonight...

I had a graoe fruit uice...

And at chinese I ate all my fruit I only have M&M peanutbutter left...not to hard to finish...
Late night at Cosby burger bar...
It was sometimes aorund 23.00...

A visit to Cosby Burger bar was paid...

Ofcourse I had a Miller...super nice beer, soft and not that bitter...

Salty snax...

And a burger...

I like doing my chinese homework here...
Pripps blå at 7-11
What is your reference for beer?

Well, my father always drank Pripps blå since I was a child...and from today they started to sell it at 7-11, togetter with the 3 hearts from Halmstads brewery...

Its interesting...but this is 5%, thats hard to get in the super market...

They have many kinds of beer in their summer promotion, and 2 of them are from sweden...

With some pistage nuts...

Joel, who imports beer to Taiwan, and is the reason why they have pripps blå at 7-11 was posing...

You get almost 5nt for the can if you return it in sweden...for environmental in taiwan, you only get refund for the green glass bottles fomr taiwan beer, if they were bought at 7.11 (not at costco or anywhere else)...

I love pistage..they are salty...most cashew in taiwan are sweet...and some peanuts makes your mouth go numb...

"just one more..."

after we bought all the pripps blå...maybe we have to go to another 7-11....not sure how many the store has...maybe I have to take a 3 hearts next time...

Even if it is owned by Carlsberg brewery, it is made in sweden. thats all that counts!
Red wine and bread...

Home...ppl enjoy life, and eerything that comes with it...the convenience of I enjoy some to get normal bread at all, with some wine...

Booste with garlic olive oil and vinegar...
A normal monday...
I had a lot of classical fruit roll-ups today...

Starting with one for breakfast...

And one for lunch...

And later in the night...i tried some other fruit jelly thing...

My chinese teacher is using 2 white for small notes, one for bigger presentations...

We used an advance level chinese book today...

And more fruit roll-ups...

I also relearned some russian...Lenin and Moscow...

And was recommended a pizzeria in Tianmu...I think I passed by a couple of times...

Here is the address, my classmate took a picture of shre with practical...
Some wine bread and cheese...
After buying some exoic friuts...(exotic in sweden)...I felt far more healthy...

(not sure if its cheap, since taiwanese ppl love discount, some times they "discount" with the same price, and people will buy it without counting), but its smaller quantities anyway...

They now sell 2 new swedish beers in Carrefour...Three hearts they sold in 7-11 last year...

Me and my friend went for some bread and cheese...

He also brought some wine...

Talking about future adentures...maybe a new cycling trip crossing many countries...

Omg full moon...

After heading to some roof top...I showed my friend the local gym...maybe he will be a new customer here...
Heavy rain on sunday...
It was raining heavily this sunday...

Slippery surface...

I headed to this American tribes cafe north of taipei 101...

Here me and some friends were cleaning windonws...

For some Kopparberg cider promotion...

Wow...pretty clean after some hour...

Rain and thunder...

Good for me that I was wearing a poncho...

Later on we went to a resturant...they have liver pieces almost the same as swedish leverpastej...

"dry" beer from japan...that was nice...

And some japanese noodles, in taiwan style...

Here is the liver part...

More rain...I like reminds me of the west coast of sweden...
Midsummers day
Midsummer, humid...and party!...

Starting off with some swedish daim and swedish coffee....I better be hyped today...many things are on the schedule...

Cycling to Guting riverside park to meet Joel, he asked for some help...but not that many people were there...

This is why I cycle...Joel was fixing the drinks...and its hard to find the closest parking lot...but he came pretty close anyway...Kai also met up to help...

Alot of cider, wine and ice...

Some Kubb instructions...many non swedes were there...

Sofia was showing how it works...

We were thereafter divided into teams...

But we started to drink first....

Tre apor (three monkeys)...some swedish wine...from france...or nearby countries...

I used my flower necklace from yesterday to make a flower hat for kai...

Serious talk...Louse and Joal..

And the kubb tournament started....I didnt participate the first round...

I think there were four teams...

We didnt do that good the first round...

In the second round I was asked to join more actively...

It was some years since I played last time...

And trree monkeys are more fun to focus on...

They had rose, and white wine...

And some svedish leverpastej...

Alot of ice...

Cloudy sky, some rain was approaching, just as it should be on midsummer...

I met this guy, he never been to sweden, but spoke swedish (a little)...

Photo shooting with flowers...

More kubb...

People were good...even if i have to admit that its more about luck...

Alfred was an anchor of our team...

We wont the second game...we were thrid out of four teams i think...

Hampus was planning later events of the evening...tomorrow he will go to Myanmar for an funny, his chinese name is "han pu si"...similarto his chinese name...resulting in that chinese ppl call him Pussy...since thats his first name (chinese ppl put the family name first), more fun is that locals dont even think about the fun part in that they, and of course also we, call him pussy! The pride of Alingsås! (he is from my hometown in sweden, ofcourse he needs a superior name)

We did a good job finishing all the cider...

And the leverpastej...

Since the bread was gone, I dopped chips....

Now its soon time for dance...

I think...

We needed a midsummer pole...

Some poor guy did well...

It was fun...

Rosario and Tim...they will join later for some restaurant...

We also played some football with the bag-in-box pillow...

Later the administration left, and only us kids were there....

I collected the last trash before we left...

No trash cans in the area....I had to put it in my bag...

Nice evening...

Wow...a burger bar...we passed by many restaurants on the way to our all you can eat place...

First we were suppose to meet ppl up at some MRT exit...

We chosed to wait at a store with AC:..

There more and more ppl met up...

But many ppl were we went to the restaurant and postponned the booking for an 30 mins...

Waiting for the food...

I had some juice...later I met up more ppl at the mrt station...(i did 4 rounds back and forth)...

They didnt have sushi this time (but they ahve thatin the autumn)...else I had seafood and steak...

And some other snacks...

It was about 5-10 mins walk from the mrt station...

With free drinks...

Many kinds...but this time I didnt see any baileys...

Nice slogan...

At the end we were about 12 people...

They also had alot of fruit...

I tried to go "all in" on fish...but it took the kitchen a while to prepare it...

The glasses said "san miguel" but i think it was taiwan beer they served...

This guy was taking lot of pictures all the time...maybe he was impressed by swedes...

They had a drink tasting like mustard...that was interesting...

And I also had alot of ice cream...

Omg...they part ppl of the night...Alfred was "dressed for success" he told me...

Their chairs were cool, a weight..

It was fool moon thatnight...

My friend (the taiwanese who never been to sweden, but spoke swedish) had swedish as a language on his camera...that was intereting...

I invited him for luxy later...

Sofia also brought a now im not the only cyclist in town...

The otehrs took a cap to the party area....

There I met Roy and Sophia my to friends who hanged out with Vlad and Saamet some weeks ago...

Luxy stamp...

It was crowded...

Hampus last night...he was partying hard...

And the party couple Alfred and Tim was in action...

Not missing any chance...

So professional...

And the ukrainans were there...from NCTU...

The cute...

Later the Luxy Girls performed...but I think the puxy boys are more cool...

Ong. Steve Smith, my classmate...he was suppose to join yesterday to they hawaii party but never showed up...

The luxy boys were preparing...

They dance and perform with lights...its pretty cool, and last night they had a new acts...that was nice...

More luxy girls...

Steves friend was taken up on funny...

Hi steve!

Hi party couple...

Some old couple..60+ was sitting on a bench...

The guy was sleeping, I wonder if they enjoyed it..maybe they were maffia...

Dennis was posing when I took a was fun...

Omg Fatboy slim will come here...

Leticia and Alfred, two old friends found each other...

Wendy, a hsinchu student, also found alfred...
Saturday is coming to an end...Hampus is leaving...luckily some ppl will stay for another month...
2013 continues...
Midsummers eve...
Starting midsummer in taiwan...

Got a spontaneous call from my brother...he is heading to fjällbacka at the west coast of sweden...probably party...

I was later on heading to chiense class...a chance for me to party...yes...its mixed...

Later I was going to a hawaii boat I made flowers on my fit in...

Omg, ny teacher had a chinese shirt...with buttons which are the same as mine,,,

If visible on this pic...

She also zhowed a CD which she contributed with...singing aobut Don Qijoite... book mentiones "doer"...there are to few of those in these days...

Dinner at family mart...what an offer...


Omg, mrt doors are open...not safe...!

The taxi driver was cool...perfomring some music show while waiting at a traffic light...

Here is the boat where the hawaii party is...

In the middle of no where...near tamsui...and its an old paddle steamer which makes it more cosy...

My ticket...

They also take easy card...

Happy people...

Hula hula dresscode...

The name of the boat...

They had 2 bars...

And 2 dance floors...

My friend Kris had a promotion there...for his site

I had my flowers in my hair, a way to celebrate midsummer...

The DJs...

Many "flyers" with the earphone calbe twister...

Old boat....

People were comming late...

Ppl were parying...he was working...felt like the good old days when I worked at the swedish radio station, and had a promotin party or at icecream parlour, my friends local parties in gothenburg... to distribute the flyers...

some drunk girls stealing the decoration...

Omg...some styrofoam peices...dangerous near the river...for birds and fishes...

I helped to inform people about the website...but the flyer was also a useful was pretty hot...

My classmates were enjoying themselves...recruiting ppl to a local football team...

Marcus, the guy in charge...

They had a shot called "chocolate"...i had to try it...

I was the first one trying it...they had to open the bottle...

Not super many people on the top floor...

Andrew, he studies at the same chinese center as me...

Omg...the chocolate drink is beeing consumed....thats good... (im not the only one)...

Many french people were there...

Some local panama drink that my friend jose brought...

The bartender was also amember of the football seems to be a small city...

Later on tha party faded out...

And since we were in Guandu...far away from city everyone had to take was chaotic...

People started to walk back downtown...

Nice mountains near tamsui...

I think a nice paulaner beer resturant is nearby here...2013 continues...tomorrow its more midsummer activites...
Omg, free drink...
I got a free drink today from my friend...

so sweet...lemon juice...

Im also watching home, by webcam...home is so nice...when you are away...midsummer etc...
Give away wednesday...
I got many things today...

Starting with lychee...

Omg, I got the opportunity to chat with a person, when surfing on some webages...some technical support...thats interesting...they person felt a little wierd after a while though...

My teacher printed some characters for us..."Patience"...and "step by step"...its how to learn in life...

And we also got some other a small was fun!
Tuesdays dinner...
Heading to an all you can eat and drink with an old friend...will b uploaded later...pretty unsober now...

Not only did I head to maybe the wrong Zhongshan temple station...but some religous parade was blockeing the street...

With fireworks and ppl dressed up...

Luckily I had a bike, so I could cross some parking house to pass by...

Interesting outfit...

Well, when arriving, I realised I was wrong...and asked my way to the right station...each person who didnt want to lose his/her face cost me 5-10 minutes more...since I got wrong information...

But some scooter driver seemed to know...and eventually I found the place...

This japanese BBQ...

They had an english translation...of the menu...


And some sushi...

And strawberry in the sushi with egg...

Dessert or not?

I went all in for beef...

And mozzarella cheese sticks...

And beer....

Some photo taking...

I cleaned the strawberry form egg, before eating it...

Joel knows bpmf, a taiwanese writing method...(most foreingers use pinyin which is based on our alphabet)...

We were discussing some charaters...I worte "river" "he" with my chopstick...

Time for icecream...they had alot of topping...

Mmm...super nice...

But sticky...

We sat and chilled for some hour...they only had small plastic cups..

Omg...such a waste of cups..

Omg, one beer to many...i think it was taiwan beer...
I heard that Taiwan beer wont be offered in Costco, the taiwanese maffia said "no" to costco...welcome to taiwan...
What did Johan eat today?
Its pretty hot in taiwan these days...

But i drank all milk and juice 3-4 liters in the evening...(after an hour running tour) i went for cider, before chinese class today...and some marabou energy bar

Later on I headed for shida night market...

My old classmate showed me his best dining spots...

Some taiwanese food...

Some award for the taiwanese food...

Some pancake place...

Where is the meat from? was bought at costco...

Bacon pancake...

It was ok...

Later I found that they play christmas music at carrefour...thats interesting...some week before midsummer...

I went all in on old passion fruit...cheaper that normal...but some were a little bit sour...
Ikea visit
The manager of Ikea in taiwan told me they will start selling alof of canides at ikea (in particular lösgodis)...

I paid a short visit there today...

Finding someenergy bar...

And many flavours of the marabou chocolate (my favorite)...

And nonstop...a swedish classic...

I also found daim candies i never seen before...with popcorn...

And somenew cider...cloudberries and

And some chocolate chip coockies...

Thats interesting...
Taipei art expo
I ade a quick visit to taipei art expo today

Having a QR code to paper broke, but luckily I saved a copy in my camera...

It should be here somewhere...

I went to this "recycle expo" first...

At this place...

But the real art expo was near this market at Yuanshan north of taipei city...

Many sponsors...

They had probems with my code first (scnning) but lucklily u brought my camera...


Some woman was speaking chinese...talking about chinese characters...

There was alot of grahpical interaction...

and paintings...

Some guy talking about characters origin...

And alot of falungong art...

And painters...

Some painting reminded me of the buddha painting I saw in indonesia...

Some guy posing for pictures...

Other girls doing the same...

Martial art part...

Wu-de...means something with stop and war...

Some weapons from acient china...

And some positions like tha "flamingo stance"...reminded me of the movie "karate kid!...

Some more interaction...

And some ppl trying to sell coffee...

It was from central america...

It was expensive...

More sales...

It was ok...i like the painting and martial art part the most...

Outside it was hot...I like the AC inside...
What did johan eat today and Receipt lottery...
Receipt lottery for march and april was checked....

Not much money this time...

I tried to finish my onion aswell...butting all of it in my tomato was ok...but not top 3...
Hosting some swedish visitors...
I had lunchs with some swedish visitors yesterday...

We went to Jollys...a brewery in downtown...

It was pretty warm, still we decided to walk to the next stopping point...

A short visit to 7-11

And up on a roof top, neat nanjing east road...

BOth of my friends had a short swim...

"Ladies stop Thank you for your cooperation" funny...

Well, maybe the rain was on its way...

Later I went to costco...

Wohoo!!! They had Le ble d´or beer here...

I bought some bottle, and later wanted to have a cup...but sinc customer service level i 0 or something...I had to buy softdrinks to get some cup...

Costco good old times in Hsinchu...

And some taiwanese beer...

My friend reacted, that it expired in 2 weeks...its a little short...maybe we drank an old batch...

We later on went to play snooker...

And then to YIland beer bar...

Where we had some beers...

And cheese sticks...

The beer here is nice, it taste like swedish knäckebröd...we had a couple of beers...
Looking for an exhibition
I was about to go for an art exhibition today...

I got an address to this road....

This guy tried to help me twice...

Leading me to this entrance...

This place...but it was closed...(all the otehr didnt speak english)...

This guy said its not open on weekend...maybe its a punishment for not planning better...I will give it a new try tomorrow...

Later at 7-11 this girl just sneaked ahead of me..when queuing...omg...interesting attitude...a friend of mine faced the same situtaion some time ago...not sure what these ppl think...that you have an interest of just "standing" near the cashier for fun?
Its friday!

Beer and cider....they say "alcohol improves my chinese"...

Maybe...I felt pretty awesome at the end of the class....

Later we headed to some beer bar...

Some swede were on business trip...and we hosted...

Ad magician was entertaining us...competing with my tricks...

They blocked the main entrance...

The gang headed to barcode...I have some other business to take care of....
Thursday night...
I treid a new "burgerbar" near banqiao today...

Couch potato...a taiwanese place...

They didnt have beer, so I bought some beer at a carrefour that was nearby...

Swedish beer...

I was worried that the burger would be to "taiwanese" with egg, andsome boiled ham or something...but it was ok...

Later I also bought a hello kitty beer...peach flavour...
Dragon boat festival
Meeting up Chris at Taipei main station...he came from hualian...

And heading to the airport in a short while...

Omg, Superman add...

We went to Le ble dor...

The waitress was wearing some hulahula outfit...

We had some honey beer...

And snacks...

Later I went to the cinema...

And saw Superman...

And after that it was a visit to Regent hotel...

Some buffet...

Wow, chocolate sculpture...

The all you can eat had 3-4 kinds of crabs...

Alot of seafood...

And cheese and bread...

And other things...

And soft ice cream...that was unique...

But no beer...

Some perfomers at the was nice...
Day before dragonboat festival...
Tomorrow is dragon boat festival...

Strting the day with a green was sweet...and ok...

Later I met anders and yini...

We went to BBQ...I havnt seen them since some month...

They had a special offer, so we could pick food from a more exclusive menu...

Some garlic shrimps...

And more juice meat...

I had ice cream in the end...

And some bread with ice cream inside...

Andmore shrimps...

The place did not let us split the was kid of stupid...

Alfred brought his beer was allyou can drink...

He planned to palry later...tomorrow is holliday...not sure if he ended up somewhere...

Passing ximen, I saw the sporty taxi again...
Mondays event
Dragon boat festival is approacking...

I got some rice dumplings and tea...

I was also the first to chinese class...

Omg, some error on my phone...

I also have alot of onion in the fridge...

I made some attempt to get rid of it yesterday night...making another pizza bun...
A beer reuniion and tour to fishermans wharf...
I went to tamsui yesterday...

Passed some night market at Tamsui riverside...

We ended at a beer bar I went to with my spanish friend some half year ago...

We had weisbeer....

And some pizza...

And some other beer...

My friend Christian wakled alot yesterday, I gave him some compede...

Omg, a verison of the logo...pretty cool...

Someone is sitting on the disabled person seat...

Things to do in tamsui...

Here is the lovers bridge...

And lovers tower... looked like "lisebergstornet" to old tower in gothenburg...

Atleat it had AC:..

Nice view...its here the dahan river in taipei meets the ocean...

Omg...nice quote...

Ah, it was an ironman wonder...

The next stop was the bridge...

Many boats heading to downtown...

Some street performers...

We had a beer and then we took a boat...

It was a very noisy boat...

Looks like gothenburg...

Chrstian enjoyed the view...he is here for some days...else working in china...

Typhoon on the way?

Cool guy...nice job...

Taiwan beer, it is better in small quantities...

The spanish fortress from 1624...

Wow...a park, so not taiwanese...

More street performers....

And some kids...I remember they use to dance breakdance here...

Next stop, Barhi in Beitou...Christian is mingeling with Vincent, the owner...

Say cheese...

I had double pilsner...

And some german hotdog...

Omg a swedish flag...

Omg...they may implement crowd control measures if its to crowded...I wonder that that implies...

Next stop: Jollys

They have many different kind of beer...

I had some scotish ale...super sweet...

There after Brass monkey...

They didnt have theor own beer but they had tennis...

"Grimbergen"...som new brand...

And a kopparbergs....ofcourse...This ends my day! Gnight!
Saturday night.
Some friends are going back to sweden on sunday...

But we hanged out this saturday night...

Trying taiwan beer and eating at a typical taiwanese resturant...

He had a line - "do you want to see my underwear", in order to pick up girls...they had chinese characters on them...

A magician was at the restaurant, and was performing...

With cards...

My friends from northern sweden, wrote some swearwords on the cards...

My friends were pretty hungry, and didnt have time for the magician...they said,,,

Mmm...sweat and sour...

Many dishes,,,

Later we went to a classic club...Pasoul...which changed location some year ago...

Oskar tried out the underwear trick to some nice girls in the queue...

A slow queue...

Not sure why, but the opeoend half an hour later than they said they would...


More mingeling...

It was an "all you can drink club"...

Entrance price: 800nt...(about 200SEK)...

Oskar suggested that we had to do the "list", as in the good old times...drinking from top to borrom...

They didnt have absolute vodka anymore...some still some other quality vodkas...

I did some magic in the queue...of the drinks...

Oskar took some "pills" with the alcohol...

Since he drank milk was pills to protect from lactose reaction...

The party was ok, some times electo music, some times RnB...

And they showed the music videos...its that people has something to watch...

Some ppl complained that it was mostly guys here...

Here is Christian and Otto...Some swedes who are visiting Taiwan for some days...

OMG!!! Oskar who announced "the list" thing...suddenly started to drink water...that is not OK...I was a little disapointed...

Maybe he needed a "clear mind" to keep on having "goog" conversations with the locals...

He was mingling alot...

Some swedish songs...

Some Swedish guy...

Once again he did the underwear was fun...

Some guy also wanted to see his underwear...

Christian in the queue...

Christian was also very funny...

Here is June and oskar...full of energy...

Ok, team up, wing left...

Later the club closed, everyone was slowly going down to entrance floor...

And some more mingling, saturday night is coming to an end...
A trip to Maokong...
I went to Maokong today...

Oskar is going home to morrow to sweden...we decided to meed at Shida, for teppanyaki...

Discussing some trails that we need to do some time...

Pingxi is nice...I have been in that area before...

And the "Crags" are cool, i have to go there this summer...

We also went to a baker ty by some buns...with sesamy...

Oskar has a bracelt only men can touch, according to some aboriginals living in a island south of taiwan, "orchid island"...

Oskars favorite barber pay in a vending machine and waiting for some light, then you enter...

It was super warm today...

They have a whistle in the bus...if you feel that someone is touching you...

The whole bus was full of these whistle...then the driver wills top the bus...

An instruction of how to use it...the guy touching a girl was a foreinger...omg, maybe now taiwanese will think foriengers touch girls like this...

Its hard if you are short to reach the whistle...

I also bought a coke...its gonna be a long day today...

Maokong gondola...

A long queue...

Some ppl could enter faster than others...

The staff were pretty agressive some times...

Oskar at maokong...

"embark and disembark in good order"...omg, we already broke a rule...

"not rock the gondola", oskar read "rock in the gondola":..

And played some good rock music...

Nice view today...

We could see all the way to yangming shan...

Many people queuing to get down...from here..

Where is the 20cm trail we planned to walk? (20sm broad)....

Some famous tea shops...

Oskar enjoyed the view...

And wanted a coffee...

Its time to harvest the tea...

I bought some tea, but it might not have been from this area...

Oskar had some mosquito stick that was universal...

Heading back we tried to simulate a 20cm braod path...since we didnt walk it today...

Ong, people were queing, they want to go in the "crystal cabin" meaning a car that has glass floor...

"as the gondola remain absolutely stationary, please maintain good order"...

A crystal car...

We ate the bun in the was ok...

"graffiti is bad for the city´s image", reminded me of hongkong where they said "falunggong is bad and evil"...
The Taiwanee loop...
Its common in taiwan that people want to send you somewhere else, if you have a question...

And after some hour, walking to next place, you end up where you started from the beginning...

I call it a taiwanese loop, since it happens me alot here in Taiwan...but not today...I went to taipei 101 to get a free entrance ticket...and was sent to exit E...then they said no go to exit exit H they said "no go to exit E"......

Well, I asked them to call exti E and write me a note...

After calling exit e they found more in detail where i shloud go...

I als got a after some 10 mins I got my ticket...
Many swedes in Taipei right now
Its friday!

Drinking cider, beer etc in chiense class!

My teacher brought lychee...

Many of them...

I had them in my drink...

Steve Sminth also enjoyed the swedish cider...

Emersons class has not started the Dfriday tradition yet...

More snax after the break...some japanese cookies...

And more beer...

And some rice dumpling, since its draon boat festival soon...

After this i went ti Ximen...or "Ximem" as they chose to spell it at some stand...

We headed for the hotpot...

Shrimps all in...

Oskar didnt want to eat first...he ate some hour ago...but soon changed his mind...all you can eat for 350nt, is to cheap to resist for a person who lives in sweden...

Nice to drink time to catch tomorrow morning...

LAter we went to the red house in ximen...

I had a mango smoothie...since they were out of milk shake...

Christian my old Chalmers friend joined up...

Shot after shot...

Some people from mainland china also joined up...

We ended they stay at a 7-11 near their hotal...

Showing how a click cigarette works...never seen it wonder since i dont smoke...
Swedish national day
We had some event at a hotel in Taipei city...

Many people showed up...

Typucal swedish food...meat balls...and some salmon etc...

Very nice food...

And swedes working or studying in taiwan...

And Otto, the swede who is here for some days...that I got to know through the computex trade show this wednesday, since he shared hotel with some computer company ppl that I talked to...

He studies wood material at some technical university in sweden, only Sweden and Canada has that field...

Free alcohol...

A picture shown by ikeas CEO in it looks at the spot where the new IKEA will be built in jakarta next year...

Henrik at the trade council was also there...

Oskar added pearl starch to the juice...

Last call...we ordered some glasses...

It was fun...

Some guy from Skövde in sweden...

And a lady from Skepplanda...

Louse from the chamber of commerce...

Seems like they promore the computex here as well...

"the sherwood" was the name of the place...
Interesting drink
I tried a lemon juice with coconut gelly inside was an interesting experience...

A little bitter...but maybe alot of vitamins...
Wednesday night...
I was first at chiense class...but I was still late...

We got pipe make was fun...

Here is the creation of the class...

LAter I went to Ximen...for hamburger...

What did Johan eat today?

I also found out the benefits of the expo entrance computex...omg...
Computex day 2
It is wednesday...

A rainy least around lunch time...

After a quick lunchas Mosburger...

And after getting a reminder that in Asia, its not that much pens and candies at trade shows...but mostly girls in shorts skirts...

I entered ICT trade show...same as yesterday but this time in Nangang...

A small train with bar codes...

Some screens that are water proof...

And more show girls...

Ail mountain...thats a new one...

They say its often alot of Microsoft here, and not that much google...

A screen for beds...


Nice waiting for the movie "Man of steal" to come...

More show girls...

blue haired show girls...

Tiesto played music at the acer show yesterday...I was told...they showed their add video here...

Here is is...

Some vending machine with QR code...

Some scandinavian design...

Loop was the name...
The visit is over...
Later in the night I was told that the visitor card I got, I can use to take free mrt, and I could also pick up a taipei 101 free entrance card...I need to return..
What did Johan eat today...?
Was about to go to a swedish resturant...but it was cancelled...

So I baked some bread...I still had dough left in the fridge...

Some muffin pizza and cabernet sav...its nice...
2013 Swedish Mobile Tech Forum
I visited the Swedish Mobil Tech Forum today...

Arranged by the swedish chamber of commerce...

It was at Taipei international convention center...

Many people showed up...

4 companies were having presentation...

And they had some cakes...

Also computex computer fair was held near it was alot of activities...

Mostly people working in the IT industry were there...

The Manager of Itri (a taiwanese research institute started off)...

Mobile internet etc is the big "new thing"...they all say...

Ericsson continied, a guy from india talked...

Then pause...with pic on the Swedish princess...

They also had many exhibitions outside...

Design competitions...

More swedish pics...

I wanna go home...seems so nice home...

Then TCO talked...about sustainability...

5 billion smart phones...18 month in life cycle...where do they go...?

Its good that many countiries signed the Bazel agreement, saying that they need to deal with their waste...

To bad that USA, as usual refuse to sign the Bazel agreement, (same attitude as the old koyoto protocol, just for economical growth) that they can export more iPhones...and dont need to take funny...

After Fingerprint, the companiy I targeted for the evening presented...the seminar was was very interesting...
Monday night
I had class in the evening as usual...

Only me and Steve Smith was teacher...

I there after wnet to Tai power building MRT exit 4 to meet up Oskar...

Here he is...tomorrow at 4am he will go to Xueshan...for some mountain climbing...

We sent to shida nightmarket...omg, an iPhone cover with swedish epic...

This is Oskars favorite place to buy dumplings...I remember I went here som half a year ago...based on his recommendation...

Oskar shows how to do...

Like a "halv special" in sweden, but taiwan style...

"It has to be eaten with a taiwan beer" he told me...

I bought the mango flavoured beer...

Then preparing the upcomming week...

I never really used lonely planet that much, but its pretty useful...

Maybe we will go to Shiting this weekend...its gonna b awesome!
quarter ironman
I did an quarter ironman was ok, i burned my skin...on my right hand, i missed a spot when putting sunblock all over my body, several layers...
I took it rather easy...might have been the last one up from my starting group after the swimming part...
I took it rather easy...might have been the last one up from my starting group after the swimming part...

We swam in a river...

Slow Johan, enjoying the stream...

but I catched up on bike and by usual...

No running in the transit area...

It was warm..and sunny, I drank 2 liters of beer the night i had plenty of carbs in my body...

After some 3 hours...I finished...
I also passed by a steak house/burger was ok, they said they had a "big burger"

however, the big part with it was the bread..the meat was like a BK whopper size. (Cowboy station)
I also lost my camera...somewhere...hmm...

But managed to take this pic, I was treated some snails ata local resturant in taipei...

I ended the day with some beers, with my friend Joel...he just fixed so that Pripps Blå, a famous swedish beer will be sold in 7-11 this summer...what a he got 1000nt from me...
Last years swedish beer:
Preparing for Yilan
Im heading to Yilan soon...

But started they day by baking bread...

Same as last time...some bread/pizza thing...

I also checked my bike...