Midsummers eve...
Starting midsummer in taiwan...

Got a spontaneous call from my brother...he is heading to fjällbacka at the west coast of sweden...probably party...

I was later on heading to chiense class...a chance for me to party...yes...its mixed...

Later I was going to a hawaii boat party...so I made flowers on my nails...to fit in...

Omg, ny teacher had a chinese shirt...with buttons which are the same as mine,,,

If visible on this pic...

She also zhowed a CD which she contributed with...singing aobut Don Qijoite...

Omg...my book mentiones "doer"...there are to few of those in these days...

Dinner at family mart...what an offer...


Omg, mrt doors are open...not safe...!

The taxi driver was cool...perfomring some music show while waiting at a traffic light...

Here is the boat where the hawaii party is...

In the middle of no where...near tamsui...and its an old paddle steamer which makes it more cosy...

My ticket...

They also take easy card...

Happy people...

Hula hula dresscode...

The name of the boat...

They had 2 bars...

And 2 dance floors...

My friend Kris had a promotion there...for his site taipeitrends.com.tw...

I had my flowers in my hair, a way to celebrate midsummer...

The DJs...

Many "flyers" with the earphone calbe twister...

Old boat....

People were comming late...

Ppl were parying...he was working...felt like the good old days when I worked at the swedish radio station, and had a promotin party or at icecream parlour, my friends local parties in gothenburg...

Tactics..how to distribute the flyers...

some drunk girls stealing the decoration...

Omg...some styrofoam peices...dangerous near the river...for birds and fishes...

I helped to inform people about the website...but the flyer was also a useful fan...it was pretty hot...

My classmates were enjoying themselves...recruiting ppl to a local football team...

Marcus, the guy in charge...

They had a shot called "chocolate"...i had to try it...

I was the first one trying it...they had to open the bottle...

Not super many people on the top floor...

Andrew, he studies at the same chinese center as me...

Omg...the chocolate drink is beeing consumed....thats good... (im not the only one)...

Many french people were there...

Some local panama drink that my friend jose brought...

The bartender was also amember of the football team...taipei seems to be a small city...

Later on tha party faded out...

And since we were in Guandu...far away from city everyone had to take taxi...it was chaotic...

People started to walk back downtown...

Nice mountains near tamsui...

I think a nice paulaner beer resturant is nearby here...2013 continues...tomorrow its more midsummer activites...