Valborg in Taiwan...
My chalmers friends celebrated Valborg...I did not have the time to join their party...

But went to an Sushi all you can eat, with wine etc...

And friend enrique passed by to borrow my bike...I sneaked him some kind of dessert...

Here, they werv ice cream to you only get small pieces...

BUt you can take many times...they also have some nice brownie...

And creme brulé...

And lychee wine...

That was good, but I only had one glass of it...

And alot of fruit...

Later on I saw a rat running around on the floor...I wonder if it also ate the same food as I just showed on my blog...

Its a pretty small to some other buffet places...

I later on wnet to see Iron man 3...

It was rainy heavily this night...

The movie was ok...

Some times to many "speciial effects"

And some scene after the text...cuseing the audience to wait 10 minutes of boring names...for about 1 minute of extra talk...omg...
A nice apple cake
I ate a nice apple cake last night...

It was bought in Costco, and reminded me of my own cake, however I usually use sponch cake dough...this was more pie dough...
I semi-extended my 2:5 fasting...

Now I live more like i use to in sweden...meaning not eating alot from time to time...but not always...
Except coffee in the morning, I had grape fruit juice...its nice...from a famous taiwanese store...

Omg, my nctu emailadress from 2008 appeared on a computer at my chinese school...wierd...

I later on went to carrefour, to check the old fruit...mostly apples...apples are more expensive than bananas in taiwan...I prefer bananas....

But they seldom have them on discout here...I bought tomatos and plums pics...
A night in Ximen...
I planned to fast today...

But went to ximen after some discussion...

No burger today...but some pizza at allycat...

Omg the police station has some kind of christmas fancy...
Camerons magic show
I joined a magic class today in Taipei downtown...

We met up at NY was a lunch time on a sunday...I guess many people went out partying last night...

A guy at taipei main station had a bag with the swedish flag on it...

Cameron, he use to perform magic tricks professionally...

We used coins...I even showed some of my old tricks...

And then my friends got to try...some basic things when performing magic...

I had a tiramisu coffee...

Cameron also showed some tricks that included sugar...

We were at this dutch cafe...not far from the spanish restaurant near tpe main station...

Later on we went to Blé d´or to drink some favorite beer...and there I continued to practice some tricks...

Omg, so many tissues...

I had some bad beer experience on my beer safari in Taoyuan last night, so it was good to drink a good beer today...

They sell this beer at costco as well...

When I left I could see Shing gong tower, I will run up that one in some week...if i have time...

Omg, banqiao is developing, super many new houses is being built...

We met up at NY was a lunch time on a sunday...I guess many people went out partying last night...

A guy at taipei main station had a bag with the swedish flag on it...

Cameron, he use to perform magic tricks professionally...

We used coins...I even showed some of my old tricks...

And then my friends got to try...some basic things when performing magic...

I had a tiramisu coffee...

Cameron also showed some tricks that included sugar...

We were at this dutch cafe...not far from the spanish restaurant near tpe main station...

Later on we went to Blé d´or to drink some favorite beer...and there I continued to practice some tricks...

Omg, so many tissues...

I had some bad beer experience on my beer safari in Taoyuan last night, so it was good to drink a good beer today...

They sell this beer at costco as well...

When I left I could see Shing gong tower, I will run up that one in some week...if i have time...

Omg, banqiao is developing, super many new houses is being built...
A visit to club jump...
I went to club Jump last night...

Its mostly a gay club...thus the entrance fee is kind of high...900nt...

And then u get a beer...

To fit in I was wearing my sailorman jacket...and also some swimming medals I got when I was a kid...

It was crowded, they must earn a lot, the owners of this club... that far from Taipei 101...

MY friend Samy was there...he had a cool piercing on his neck...

Many people were dancing without shirt...

Alot of smoke...and super good music, many nice house remixes that I never heard about...

It was cool...

And the DJ also played Swedish house maffia...

"pure water"...I wonder what the alternatives are...
Fixing my tire...
I got a flat tire some days ago on my bike...

Some small object pierced my back tire...

Good that I already had a spare tire availalbe...
I better change the chain soon to, I will do a triathlon in june...
Beer safari in Taoyuan
I went on my second beer safari in taiwan yeserday...

Starting off at this place in Linkou, Taoyuan (in Taipei new city)...

They served their beer in these cans... They had algea, dark, light and strawberry beer...their light beer was not that good...

And we got snacks...

They served the dark beer later than the other ones...not sure why...

If you check in on facebook, you also get free chicken wings...they were far more strict on checking this, than at Barhi in was confusing...

Taoyuan is famous for the maffia...I saw a maffia car outside this beer house...

The next stop was at this beer house...

They had live band that were pretty good...

The menu was in chinese...

They have new performers every day of the week...

Their beer glasses were pretty funny...

They had 2 grape flavour and one draft beer...

And some carlsberg euipment....

Today tey also had some dark beer, I got a sample, but it was not that good...

They store the beer in these barrels, I was told that one can visit their factory in taoyuan...Maybe i will do that some time...

The stage was at one side of the room, but the furnitures were places in all directions making if hard for the customers to see the show...

I orderd this bread with sweet and sour sauce...

The room looked like a church...

We checked in at this place, and were suppose to get ome snacks, but the service was pretty slow....

This girl was filming the show...

They had a minimum charge of 350nt per person...its kind of high...

I later on found a "style binglang" place...

Omg, so stylish...
Cut my hair...
I also trie to find a colour to dye my hair...its still a little dark since lst time...

I found some colours in thestore, but they didnt hair is in the same colour as before...
Cheap donuts at RT-mart
I passed by RT+marts yeterday...

Omg, 13nt for a donut...thats super cheap...
Omg, a swedish company is using youtube...
I was looking at some youtube clips today...

And saw "Enspyre" making adds there...impressive...
Friday hotpot...
I was supose to got for BBQ last night...

But it was full, and they said that I had to wait for 1 hour to get a table...

So I went to an other place in Ximen...

The good old 350nt hotpit...

Same diet as last time...prawns and fish...

All in...

And corns...

And kimchi with extra garlic

Kuo ping got a spainsh shirt...he was happy...

We later on went to G2paradise...

Where I had a peach ice tea...

Some geishas were passing the april rain...2013 continues...
Flat tire...
I got flat tire on my bike last night, in some way...

So I had to take bus and MRT to where ever I was going...

Even to chinese class...where they call "stinky tofu": "stinky beancurd"...I never heard this strnslation before...
Exotic fruit and After work...
I went out runnig with some friends on the rainy taipei night...

And had some exotic fruit later on...probably broke my 600kcal already...fasting is hard when it comes to "eat something", "eat nothing" is easier...

I later on went to La mesa for an After work with the swedish chamber of commerce...many students were there, including NCTU students...

Welcomming comittée...

I had an apple juice...

MIngeling...I mostly talked to the same ppl, they worked in the surveillance camera industry, its a big industry in taiwan, I know many people working with that...

Omg, street cats as a change...usually I only see street dogs runing around in Taiwan...
Healthy lifetyle project
Im trying to try out the 2:5 fasting...

Watching webcam of sweden while having chinese...

Then i ate some tropical fruit...

Screw...I had to much milk...its hard to fast in taiwan, food is so cheap...
Late night at Ximen
I went to Ximen tonight...

Many people eating out...even if its a tuesday...

Omg, cosbys increased the price for "leo" beer..."buy 2 get 1 free"...

I took a miller therefore....

Cosbys, burgerbar no 1...

And did some chinese...

Yummy...2013 continues...
Evening run...
Today it was pretty warm...

Like a swedish summer temperature...but more humid...i think my blood is thinner than ppl living at home...this still after a "cold" (read: 15 degrees) might take a while to get used to read heat again (>30 degs C). It was sweaty to run even in the dark...
Tea time...
Coconut milktea...with no flavour what so ever of coconut...

But its been my favorit since the first time i came to taiwan...hope i will sleep tonight...its high on caffein...
Chinese preparations and healthy food...
I delivered some old chinese exams to Emerson...

Me and Emerson will do an exam in some week...

Omg, my chinese language center has stairs going both up and down on both sides of the room...its made for alot of people running around...

The guard on the street seems to be a darth vader fan...with his light sable...

Later I went for my and fruit...(and some chips)...

And Salami that I got from pablo the other day...

Mybread was super sweet, almost tasted like vanilla...I have to bake my own bread next get it right...
A trip to ikea and Tamsui...
I made a quick visit to ikea and tamsui today...

I wanted to buy chokolate eggs there...(easter theme)...

But they were sold out....they only had other eater things...

I bought some pork think...think it was brittish...

After that I went to PAblo topick up some stuff, in Tamsui...

Nice...some food etc...

And chinese exam things...

We met Nelson a guy who had retired...spoke spanish and needed help with his email account...

Pablo assisted, talked with his son in spanish, who was in America some where...

He use to work for Delta Airlines...and invted us to his appartment...

However, I rainchecked his invitation...and went to eat some healthy food instead...
Fasting times...
I just saw a documentary about healthy lifestyles...

They said that fasting 2 days per week (eating less than 500-600 Kcal, will create a healthier lifestyle...
M&M´s and TV shows took a big part on this weekend, except some travells and exersices...
Baibai Pablo
Pablo is heading back to Europe...

We had a gathering, some GMBA say baibai for this time...(a rainy evening in april)...

We went to this place...near Shilin...

And they had alot of taiwan beer...

I ordered 4 sweet and sour dishes...


And they had alot of taiwan beer...

I ordered 4 sweet and sour dishes...


Some fish...

Many times at places like this they have a lady dressed in a tight shirt...trying to promote other kinds of beer than Taiwan beer...I guess someone at our table couldnt resist her offer...and took Heineken...
Maybe it was Pablo himself...

Charlie was teaching Emerson some characters...

We later on went for Bowling...Emerson showed his skils in baskedball...

They had equipment for cutting your nails there...

Many people were here to play...

We also went to buy some drinks...I tried Sparkling Chardonnay on can...

Charlie is instrucing everyone how to do...

He is professional...

But he fell once, doing his technique...

I bought alot of chocolate stuff...

Many times at places like this they have a lady dressed in a tight shirt...trying to promote other kinds of beer than Taiwan beer...I guess someone at our table couldnt resist her offer...and took Heineken...

Maybe it was Pablo himself...

Charlie was teaching Emerson some characters...

We later on went for Bowling...Emerson showed his skils in baskedball...

They had equipment for cutting your nails there...

Many people were here to play...

We also went to buy some drinks...I tried Sparkling Chardonnay on can...

Charlie is instrucing everyone how to do...

He is professional...

But he fell once, doing his technique...

I bought alot of chocolate stuff...

Charlie´s special "kicking your right leg to the left" technique...

Charlie was on the move...all night long...even helping people to get the late night...
Cheese and wine...
Cheese and wine everyday, keeps the docter away...

I hope...bought some cream cheese and soft cheese....
Fridays adventure...
Omg, my HTC refused to start...maybe batteries...however, it made the noise for "start up" like 10 times in a row...

Its ok...i tookout the battery and shaked it...maybe it needs a recharge...

I later in headed for Ximen...a foreinger was performing some houdini stunts...

Next stop, all you can eat...

Nice...i ate the same as last time...but this time i added coke...

And salmon...recent studies confrimed my theories...and I have no fish liver oil here in I need to eat alot of fish...

Its really nice with botteled coke in taiwan...many places in asia serves a wierd sugar extract in the coke...but botteled coke taste normal...

350nt for usually a night offer...but they started earlier today that usual...super cheap...

Omg, my old classmate has a 200nt note...thats cool! he said it means luck, and doesnt wanna use it...I can recall i use to owe one, but used it...I almost offered him over price to buy it...
Late Mcdonalds visit...
I visited Mcdonalds a late night in April...

Long queue, with "customer service" as something written in a book in a foreing country...

After half an hour, I got to order...I had a Mcdonalds pita, and a double quarter ounder with cheese (half pound!?!?)
Pills and bike pumping...
Ok, I took the challenge...I took some pills...

6 pills or 7 is a norlam dose...

More burgers and some 7-11 stuff...

We will c how it ends...bumping p the tires for cycling everyday...
What to do when u feel that u might catch a cold?
I use to consider myself an expert in the field of not catching a cold...reading alot of articles about it...

Conclusion, eat alot of food, and sleep...I bought juice and cheese...or "liquid and salt" (with vitamin)...

Taiwan style, trust the doctor, buy a bunch of medicine...I hope placebo will work...never seen these many pills for just "having a cold"...but i think its good for the drug industry to keep the citizens belive that this is the best solution...

I also had a hamburger...maybe protein will work as well...
Mondays endeavours...
I got to taste Yegounai tea (coconut tea) yesterday from 50 degree...

It was really good...but it tood a while to finish...causing me to have high levels of caffein in my body all night long...

Even during chinese class and after...
Sunday hotpot
My sleep rythm has been a little warped lately...

Waking up around 16 on sunday I went to a all you can eat hotpot in Ximen...

Nice icecream and fruits...

Alot of prawns...

And drinks...
Its easy to break even here...if you use carrefour prices...I like it...
Saturday party session in Hsinchu
I did not sleep much that night...but woke up with served breakfast...that was nice...

Eggs and healthy...

It was some religious activity at NCTU campus...many people singing etc...not sure why, but here people have the habbit of making noise...5-6 stands are playing their own music, 2-3 large groups are singing their songs all at the same time, thinking that only their songs are is always interesting...

Many clubs were also attending...

And people dancing on the stage...

I took a picture at the nightmarket...and my old teacher Jinsu showed was nice to see her after this long time...she seemed to be happy...

Alot of night market food creating night market smell...

Another gourp of people singing...

And the stage performers playing music...nice...the sound of taiwanese market...

I went to the second food courts second floor later...

To have burger and some drink...they are often very slow at this drink stand...

But my friend Johnny is always the slowest...playing with the cute...

I spent some time on downloading some apps, like chinese dictinary etc...
And I met Martin...I known him since I came to taiwan in 2008, he is a nice guy... also looking for an app that recognises characters with the camera...i have to download that one too...

I passed by the chalmers office...they had funny message at their entrance...about that they are innocent people...not sure if they translated in the wrong way or just were ironic

It was fun...
I also met other people...carrying swedish bags...

And rose...who only slept 3 hours last night...preparing school stuff...she is christian and told me that christianity s not a religin...according to the bible...thats interesting...

I also passed by many people are debating....

Bog people are having blogs...

Wow...aboriginal club..they serve aboriginals...
I also checked my body fat percentage...but i think it was wrong...googling 24% body of bigger people than me shows up...Iremebmer some years ago I had 8% body fat...I have to reach that level again...

I paid a visit to the DJ club and met a funy engineer...he treated us free tea...

I also tried M&M´s peanutbutter flavour...nice. i alwas wanted to try this one...

My friends parents just came back fromeurope, so he had some dutch cheese...that was cool...

I also helped him to change his coins...again...about 150nt in 1nt coins...

With a heavy wallet...I found this new store near Qinghua nightmarket...

But I went to ricks burger my classmates were there...for some private party...they had their own beer was interesting...

So irritating, they wanted me to pay took about 10 mins to collect my 460nt for a burger and beer...

I remembered the size to be was alot of cheese i like it alot...

Many friends were there...

Abier was the brand but they will remane it to 18 peaks beer or soomthing...

People also drank alot...whisky...

What is pablo texting...he suddenlt started to laugh...
It was fun...

Pablo liked to touch Jacques nipples...that is so pablo...
Lapard was there...our Ukrainan friend...

At least that is what we use to call him...
Time to open the brandy...
Cool guys...

Many GMBA students showed up...
Nice cake for Jacques...

And some singing...

They waiters at this burgerbars are so funny...

Dancing and joking around...

Nice cake...

Jacques ready to leave...

They have a chopper at the entrance of this bar...

We later on headed to beerworks, where Jesper had a birthday event...and most the people from the party before were about to join here...they had an Allyoucandraink offer this month...

A barrel full of local beer...

The swedes were playing drinking games...
I made my friends a rose of a was fun...

Another gourp of people singing...

And the stage performers playing music...nice...the sound of taiwanese market...

I went to the second food courts second floor later...

To have burger and some drink...they are often very slow at this drink stand...

But my friend Johnny is always the slowest...playing with the cute...

I spent some time on downloading some apps, like chinese dictinary etc...

And I met Martin...I known him since I came to taiwan in 2008, he is a nice guy... also looking for an app that recognises characters with the camera...i have to download that one too...

I passed by the chalmers office...they had funny message at their entrance...about that they are innocent people...not sure if they translated in the wrong way or just were ironic

It was fun...

I also met other people...carrying swedish bags...

And rose...who only slept 3 hours last night...preparing school stuff...she is christian and told me that christianity s not a religin...according to the bible...thats interesting...

I also passed by many people are debating....

Bog people are having blogs...

Wow...aboriginal club..they serve aboriginals...

I also checked my body fat percentage...but i think it was wrong...googling 24% body of bigger people than me shows up...Iremebmer some years ago I had 8% body fat...I have to reach that level again...

I paid a visit to the DJ club and met a funy engineer...he treated us free tea...

I also tried M&M´s peanutbutter flavour...nice. i alwas wanted to try this one...

My friends parents just came back fromeurope, so he had some dutch cheese...that was cool...

I also helped him to change his coins...again...about 150nt in 1nt coins...

With a heavy wallet...I found this new store near Qinghua nightmarket...

But I went to ricks burger my classmates were there...for some private party...they had their own beer was interesting...

So irritating, they wanted me to pay took about 10 mins to collect my 460nt for a burger and beer...

I remembered the size to be was alot of cheese i like it alot...

Many friends were there...

Abier was the brand but they will remane it to 18 peaks beer or soomthing...

People also drank alot...whisky...

What is pablo texting...he suddenlt started to laugh...

It was fun...

Pablo liked to touch Jacques nipples...that is so pablo...

Lapard was there...our Ukrainan friend...

At least that is what we use to call him...

Time to open the brandy...

Cool guys...

Many GMBA students showed up...

Nice cake for Jacques...

And some singing...

They waiters at this burgerbars are so funny...

Dancing and joking around...

Nice cake...

Jacques ready to leave...

They have a chopper at the entrance of this bar...

We later on headed to beerworks, where Jesper had a birthday event...and most the people from the party before were about to join here...they had an Allyoucandraink offer this month...

A barrel full of local beer...

The swedes were playing drinking games...

I made my friends a rose of a was fun...

My caribean friend Jean also had a birtday...three celebrations in 1 day...hectic days...
Chalmers Office 10 year anniversary
I went to the Chalmers office 10 years anniversary last night...

Omg, so bad customer service at the Giant store in taipei...I wanted to change my chain on my bike, but they said they refused to let me leave my bike there, while they did it...talking to them took almost an hour...and i had to go to hsinchu...

I went to banqiaos high speed rail station...

Nice sunset on taiwans westcoast...

I have an HTC phone...but could not connect totheir Hotspot...I have to figure out more details about htis free wifi that i was told about...

I went to hotel Sheraton where they had the event...I was pretty early, since many people came late, from some event at the NCTU library where they have teir office...

My name card...

Johannes the head of office and Gustavo (dealing with internationalization of chalmers) were talking innitally...

And the presidents of each school were sitting on the stage...

Anders showed up a little late but he came directly from work...

Many NCTU europe alimnis signed up for this event but hree were many seats empty...on their places...

Chalemrs - NCTU 10 strong years...

They served many kind of wine...

And had a book of songs, that we use to sing at parites in chalmers...but translated to english..

And a 7 dishes meal, we were told that we could eat in our own phase...

And Wan, brother of my friend Long was there, he was the first chalmers student at nctu 10 years ago...

Jeremy my other friend was there as an oficial photographer...

Kai, my taiwanese friend likes to talk, he held a speech...

The dessert was interesting at this event, almost like in Buthan, we got some metalic coloured thing with the fruit...

Henrik at the Swedish trade council (or he used to work there)...also held a speech...

Many people were wearing red ties...

I think thats cool...

Not sure if some guys agreed in advance to wear it...

Even Henrik...and me...

We asked to get some wine to our in the MBA graduation party...

Jörgen also held a speech..(from chalmers)

And the CITO students were singing...

Anders was shy, but happy...

And od friend from Lerum in sweden is in taiwan for an fun!

The Chalmers president chopped a cake...

With a big knife...

And many people took pictures...

And some were drinking at the open bar...

Funny swedes...

They didnt have any milk for white russian, so the ppor bartender had to open many of these coffee whiteners...

We also tried out many different kind of whisky...this use to b one of my favorites...even thou i think green label is better...

This is anders train card, he can thus go on the train between hsinchu and taoyuan without the need to buy tickets every day...just like in sweden...

The whisky testing continued...

I also found out a stupid thing that chnaged at nctu...etudents gets adultcards...for easycard (a card you can pay with)...

Even id you are a student...thats wierd...but i guess comon in a ureaucratic and some times corrupted society...

The winners of the whisky session...
I continued with never disapoints me...

More photo shooting...

And shots...

And transportation to hsinchu downtown...

We had a table at Plur...

It was many taiwanese people there tonight...

More drinking...

Luckily i brought my bag, so people could store their things...

Some entertainment...

Jesper had birthday tomorrow so he was happy...

Later on we wentback to nctu...and chilled at 7-11...when leaving plur some people got very wierd...that was interesting...

I had my sleeping bag with me...

Nice view from the swedes appartment...
Slowly it got lighter...
Jesper and Sara was talking...

It was fun...and no rain...even though it was cloudy...

It got pretty light when we went to their appratment...

Ready to sleep...

Well...i went to sleep...the others continued...

it was fun to listen to them...

And find people using my camera while i was sleeping..

nice couch...

Birthday boy...

This is anders train card, he can thus go on the train between hsinchu and taoyuan without the need to buy tickets every day...just like in sweden...

The whisky testing continued...

I also found out a stupid thing that chnaged at nctu...etudents gets adultcards...for easycard (a card you can pay with)...

Even id you are a student...thats wierd...but i guess comon in a ureaucratic and some times corrupted society...

The winners of the whisky session...

I continued with never disapoints me...

More photo shooting...

And shots...

And transportation to hsinchu downtown...

We had a table at Plur...

It was many taiwanese people there tonight...

More drinking...

Luckily i brought my bag, so people could store their things...

Some entertainment...

Jesper had birthday tomorrow so he was happy...

Later on we wentback to nctu...and chilled at 7-11...when leaving plur some people got very wierd...that was interesting...

I had my sleeping bag with me...

Nice view from the swedes appartment...

Slowly it got lighter...

Jesper and Sara was talking...

It was fun...and no rain...even though it was cloudy...

It got pretty light when we went to their appratment...

Ready to sleep...

Well...i went to sleep...the others continued...

it was fun to listen to them...

And find people using my camera while i was sleeping..

nice couch...

Birthday boy...

Later hampus showed up as well...when everyone else were sleeping...busy guy in the nights...
Tomorrow they are heading to taipei with the chalmers administration...I have some activites in hsinchu...
Chinese and bread...
Days are passing by...

More chinese classes...

More bread...

And wine...I finished my 500g yeast...finaly...

And have been eating mashed potatos for quite some while...

...with more bread...maybe I should start making hamburgers again...
Its not LCHF diet...lucky me that im exersicing regularly...
Guting Riverside park hang out...
After making a parmesan pizza today...

I decided to go to Guting riverside park...

I had some old classmates withme...

We went to a famous sausage place...

Looked like 7-11 sausage...

They also had garlic...I should go here when its not a weekday the day after so I can eat alot of garlic...without people I meet tomorrow needs to suffer...

I also tried some local beer...

River side park is a big park in taipei...I use to run here some times...

We also had chips ane grape beer...

After a while we came to an underground cafe...

They had some live band...but no guests...

We later on went to guting, and visited a pizzeria...

Each table had a funny button to get the waiter...

I got salad and soup at the same time...

I also had a hawaii pizza...(this time without corn)...

On the way back I passed by this ark that shifted in colours...

It was pretty cold today...I need to come back here and chill more often...
Saturdays beer race...
I visited an italian resturant in banqiao last night...

They had alot of pics taken in italy, mostly rome...the two guys making the pizzaz were probably from italy...

It was ok...not as cosy as the place near nanjing east road i went to some weeks ago...

Vecchia Roma...was the name...

I also got soup as a pre dish...

The most italian sign...the cross...

Omg, so taiwanese, i ordered a hawaii, and got corn...

This cappricosa (or what it was) was also ok...the crust was pretty thick though...

I continued to Mega City...

My second attempt to visit Ble d´or...for some honey beer...

It was open, they played alp music...

My friend though it sounded like nazi music...

A liter of honey beer...i need to know how to make weissbeer...

Second liter...

Later on i went to Bobwundaye, seems like a canadian bar in taipei downtown...

I had another weissbeer there...

And met some americans...

It seemed to be some private party there as well...

Next stop was Roxy Rocker...

"Ticket fee: 0." so generous...

They ahd alot of CD albums...

This time i had a darker beer...

And also some peft over pizza from banqiao...

THeyhad some advertisement for sprin scream, not sure if it was the one in kenting...

They had a dj there...and we could pick LPs which he would play....

I picked Eurytmics and Meatloaf...however, he did a "taiwanes" on my second request (sayinte "yes yes" but never play it)...

They also had a live band in some other room...

Tricky DJ...
At 4 we went to some 7-11, some went to luxy...i wonder if they managed to enter, they guards there are pretty wierd...
2013 continues...
Rainy days...
I spent alot of time in taipei recently...

Its rainy, and I was recommended not to hike on the hard trails when its rainy...however, the isolated place has limited amount of buses as i spent time visiting stores instead...the ifrst one was ikea...

They still have alot of eater things...

I bought alot of påskmust...

I later on went to taipei city hall...

Meeting up some friends...

We went to an exclusive all you can eat...pretty expensive...

But they had alot of nice food...

Nice desserts...


More desserts...

Creme brulé...
Pretty full...I will go exersice after rainy tapiei...
Relaxed Thursday...
I went up pretty early on this holiday...had some things to take care of...

Later on I passed by ikea to by easter påskmust...(some softdrink we drink in scandinaviua during eater)...super good...

They also had alot of eater candies...I bought some chocolate eggs...

Im usually very lucky in this game...but we didnt play any games...just fooling around...

He had flash cards...its very commonly used when you study chinese...

We later on went to some taiwanese returants and wanted squid..but god this...

I ordered alot od sweet and sour sauce almost always delivers something good...

We also wanted some ginger squid...and asked some locals guests to help with the translation...

This is how it looks like...pretty good...

I was also taught that the taiwan beer label is very good, they fit alot of information into that small labal...(one of the people who joined worked in the busines of improting beer)...

The resturant had sme cameras to check up on their customers who sat outside...

We later on went to yiland beer...had a couple of swedish friend who joined never tried this brand...suck a shock...vincent my friend who always says he is the owner of yilan not the owner, atleast not if you ask the staff at this resturant...
I was told by my swedish friend that its very common in taiwan that you say that you are the owner of a place, if you just have a small a stock or something...omg...i was in that case misinformed...i should tell more people here that i owe many companies...since i have some stocks...

And after that we went to banqiao for some more beer...but even if that resturnat (ble d´or) was suppose to be open until 24 they closed at 22 today...such a disapointment...

Later on i ate alot of candies..including my easter eggs...

And after that we went to banqiao for some more beer...but even if that resturnat (ble d´or) was suppose to be open until 24 they closed at 22 today...such a disapointment...

Later on i ate alot of candies..including my easter eggs...

And some whisky that goes well with the chocolate...
Tomb sweeping festival begins...
Omg, they had some offer at 7-11, buy a burger and get discounted drink...

I had to take it...I also got a sticker, but i buy things so seldom here that I will never be able to get enough stickers until the offer expires...

I met a friend from cool...he is here teaching budhism...he became my best friend...

I went to look for a burger bar nearby after that...

After some 30 minutes walking, (since its late many resturants are closed at the night market, they close arount 10pm or earlier)...(or they closed permanently)...

...I found a burgerbar i been to before...Emerson my old classmate showed me around, he used to live here some years ago...

I had baked potato?!?...with cheese...

And a cheese burger...

With mayonaise....It was good...nice to have real mayonaise and not the sweet one...
A night in ximen...
I passed by ximen this afternoon...

I never seen a single cop in Taiwan who is not working with traffic...

Since no one dares to deal with the maffia (atleast there are alot of maffia), I guess they have to do something.(some are in the administration of checking mountain permits)...

I continued to the burgerbar where they have alot of swedish stuff...

And had a soup...

And a salad...

And a double cheese burger...

Omg...they painted some eggs...easter is not forgotten everywhere on this island...

They ahd Herrljunga well...

I continued to watch hookers...they were in an alley with many cats...

Some walk on the more crowded street...maybe the maffia has some actities here, why there were so many hookers at this street...
Trying new candy and fixing the GPS on my phone...
"it is good for your stomach", I was told...

The plum look a like candy actually tasted like tried mango...

I also fixed my GPS...could be good when Im climbing mountains next time...

My current posistion at my chinese school in Taipei...

"if you eat too monotonous diet you risk getting scurvy" i remember my grandmothers cousin say...Well maybe im in the riskzone, eating pizza everyday...(the same kind)...