Tomb sweeping festival begins...
Omg, they had some offer at 7-11, buy a burger and get discounted drink...
I had to take it...I also got a sticker, but i buy things so seldom here that I will never be able to get enough stickers until the offer expires...
I met a friend from cool...he is here teaching budhism...he became my best friend...
I went to look for a burger bar nearby after that...
After some 30 minutes walking, (since its late many resturants are closed at the night market, they close arount 10pm or earlier)...(or they closed permanently)...
...I found a burgerbar i been to before...Emerson my old classmate showed me around, he used to live here some years ago...
I had baked potato?!?...with cheese...
And a cheese burger...
With mayonaise....It was good...nice to have real mayonaise and not the sweet one...