Local beer, peanut butter and cheese
I tried some local beer recently...

...this one I tried in 2012...some sweed orange beer....

...I tried to find a 1-2 liter skippy peanut butter at costco but didnt find it...instead their had their own "kirkland"...pretty slimy and keep on dripping...not sure why...I ate it with a local beer...that was of the amber kind...

I later on also tried some dark beer...it was a littlebit bitter..but I heard that if u burn the malt...it gets richer on antioxidants...it has its benefits in limited amounts...
U.C Table and Jasons market-caviar search
I visited another burgerbar recently...

"UC Table"...was its name...

...they had some pictures on the walls...

...and on the menu board at the service desk...

...but their menu was only in chinese...

..."ouder here"...

..."cash only"...

...I had a kiwi smoothie..but it was called "milk shake"...

...and a bi burger...that they cut in 4 peices...

...the milk shake looked wierd after some while...

...I also went ot jasons market...to look for caviar...

...alot of foreign food...

...and le ble d´or...

...this was the closest I came to caviar...fish...

...or some mushroom paste...

...omg...himalaya pink rocksalt...interesting...

...and some local taiwan beer...fith organge flavour..I think i tried this onve before in 2013...

...joels kopparbergs cider on the shelf...I wonder if he still imports them...

...and some cheap wine...

And this rare bottle...Johnny Walker Green Label...interesting...maybe I should buy this on e some day..cus its soo rare...
Kaviar search and daily pollution
Its hard to find caviar in asia...or more specificly in Taiwan...

...a friend showe dme her imported caviar...not even roe could be found...

I also tried to find maoynaise...the american one contains only 15% fat...compare to the real 80:ish%...

...each traffic light has alot of scotters idling...every day...no wonder so many get lung cancer here....

I later went for lunch with some friends...

...one friend suggested that I should use this outfit, to protect myself from the air in Taipei...

...I had some chicken...and later on some pizza...
A visit to le ble d´or
I paid a visit to le ble d´or some day ago,,,

...they had happy hour in the after noon...to bad I came after 17..

...still german interior design and french name...strange...and taiwanese beer...

...3 kinds of beer, they seldom have the seaonal beer...

...staff with tiroler outfit...so cute...

Some honey beer...that doesnt taste that much honey...

And some fried platter...
Shoes n candies
its hard to find shoes in asia...

The alrgest shoe is often around 43-44 EU size...

...omg, an pole hidden on a street...

...and a lamborghini on another street...

...many taiwanese loves haribo...not sure why...

...the "nappar" is a classic...

...strange name...

...I also saw some european loking roof....in the city...

...and some skaters...
A normal sunday: cinema, photo shoot n wine n cheese
A hectic sunday...without floorball..

I went to see Batman vs Superman this lunch...

...after that I went to some photo shoot, which was to show the culture...

...mostly foreigners...

...some random situations...in everyday life...(the guy to the left I met before, he use to be marketing manager of luxy)...I mentioned him in thie blog too......

Chrisopther...the manager of Taipei Trends...which was hosting the event...

...firsta time to see a sunset in taiwan this year.., and a very white:ish version of a sky...

..omg..the sun can also be spotted...

I later on had some wine n toast...(french Medi)...
A visit to Sherwood
I went to a swedish chamber event some years ago at the Sherwoods in Taipei...

I recently revisited that place...

...some strange restaurant with a temporatry chef called Hans...

The desserts were nice...

...they also had some T-bone peice...

...and some other pre made dishes...

...and some easter candies...

...omg, they also had home made waffle...love when ppl live in the restaurant...

...first plate..

...second plate...

...and some bread...reminded me of the old restaurant Fond in Gothenburg...but less classy...

...omg a cat in the bushes..

...I had some soup as a starter...

....and some mashed potato with peanut butter...

...hans came out to ask if the food was nice...he was the guy who made the food...seems like he is from chicago...

...medium rare?

....not as good as a swedish flinta steak though...

...and some dessert...

...and some home made waffle...

...the water seems to be from toscany...

...some healthy suggestion in the toilet...

"chef hans" on a poster at the resturant entrance...
Strange buss payment logic
In Taiwan they want you to pay the bus ride by cash, but at the same time refuse you any change...its pretty customer unfriendly...

In theory if i have a 2000nt bill for a 15nt ride, I have to pay more than 100 times the original price...
Greedy business model, reminds me a littlbe bit of vietnam,..
Food and fake money burning
Went to a place wher they use to have local beer some days ago...

...but they stopped selling the local beer...so no beer was bought...just some rice..

...and eggs dish...

...n sweet n sour sauce...

...and some very nice fish n sweet n sour sauce...

...some day later I tried beef with dumplings...

...and observed the mrt from taipei to the airport...in action...but with empty seats...officially it hasnt opened yet...

I ended the day by wathing a local burning fake money...not sure why they do it...i guess they belive that good things will come if they buy and burn it...
Pollution and logic
Pollution alert...

super many people...not many cares about environment...

...and they prefer scooter; meaning about 1 vehicle per person....

...add to this that they are super many...its not a good combination...thus I was wearing mask today...hoping that they would take their laziness somewhere else and cycle...or go by bus/walk or subway...but no...convenience is more important than the future of our earth :)

...I also found nice wine glasses at a local super market...

..and some gross things...or maybe delicious...

...feet, ears? and stomach...

Strangest sign of the day..."pull" on a door wouthout a handle...i wonder about the logic here...couldnt even fit my finger around it...
A.K. 12 burger bar
I recently went to a new burger bar...

...it was in ximen...

...A.K. 12...american kitchen...

they had some high sandwich...

...and some non-american food...

...and peanut butter milkshake...

...I had some salad...

...omg superman and batman...

...the peanutbutter milkshake looked like this...

...i think "double burgers" are pretty boring...so i had some 4 cheese burger..it was very good...maybe on my new top 3 list of burgers in taiwan...

...but the fries were 1885-warning on...counter to 10-12 stripes...if im on a diet, i wouldnt order french fries at all...

...alot of cheese...

...but from outside ther was a "no drink and food" sign...interesting..

...and no service charge..this might even replace cosbys taipei...

...ximen is crowded as normal...

...I later on went ot a local super market...many pinapples...but the culture here is very conservate and many ppl are rigid...I dont think they have any dumpstring here... :(
I bought cheese n red wine...my new diet...
A day near Shida
I went to Taiwan university library today...taiwanese ppl love to rank univcersiteis..and this they rank the highest...not sure which scale or method they use...maybe "popularity among taiwanese ppl":..

...they had time on their bike parking...maybe to reduce ppl dump their bike there...

...smart...usually in taiwan it says "no photo" and a pic of a camera...I remember on a nightclub in hsinchu, I was stopped when using my camera...but the guard said it was ok to use a phone... strange logic...

...omg, they have eduroam here...but i didnt manage to connect to my swedish accounts...

...I later on went to this coffee store...

...many versions of coffee...I was recommended the baileys coffee..it was cheap..

...instagram alert! reminds me of this video:

it reminded me of the coffee store in Bali, where I visited 2013...

...panama product...maybe just a decoration...taiwan has alot of locally produced coffee...

...and as usually u need to ask for "hot coffee"...else they will give u ice coffee...

...second rount I had apple vinegar...too much caffein in my body...

...it was ok...taste like some sour juice (the history of vinegar in china, is as I was told that the government made juice illegal, so ppl started to drink vinegar...and this tradition stayed in the culture)...

...later we headed to a park nearby...where i spotted a squirrel...I saw one yesterday too...crossing the street...dangerous life...

...I had this honey beer..doent taste as good as Le ble dor honey beer...but this is a mass produced lager..

...I also learned that Johnny Walker whisky, green label is mostly in taiwan...(15 years old).

I also was introduced to an app, showing the bad air in taiwan...since so many ppl get lung cancer...but since its so conveinent to have a scooter...ppl continue to drive...no tolls in the cities...like in europe...

...fresh air on the east coast...

...this is china...

...these are taiwanese...idling...
...also the worlds largest coal power station is in taiwan...

...luckily some new scooters is on the market...in china the government decided to ban scooters in some cities...but its not as easy in a democracy...

...later on we went to a german teaching center...

...it was interesting...
A visit to Taipei fine arts museum
I went to Taipei Fine arts museum recently..

...and passed by SKF, a swedish company...omg in the middle of a crowded street..so rare..

...asking these japanese to find the exact position, the locals pointed in a totally wrong direction...

...finally there...clowdy day,,due to fumes n rain...

..."made in taiwan" expo...

...with superman and batman themes...some of them...

...and some superman art...

...and other anime characters..

...I just passed by this kind of art...i think i can paint similar paintings...for mass production...never understood its beauty....

...they also had a london expo...

...and some other cool sculptures...

...this one was a copy from some other outdoor site...

...locals enjoying chairs...and some non locals...

and some sound strongs....

...many physical art things...i like this alot...

...some other ball in wind stand...

...many things with wind...

hair dryer blowing a thread...

some disco room with lights and noise...

...and a bid audiense...not sure what they were watching...

...nore hairdryer art...on a vobbling LP...

...and hairdryer with ball...

....more "Made in Taiwan":..

and some superman painting...

...most importnat the free admission...

...abd all the things u cant bring in...maybe just decoration...cus many ppl used phone inside...
A visit to Banqiao all you can eat
I went to one of my favorie "all u can eat today"...

...its cheaper around lunch...

...many people queuing...

,,,they had many new kind of taiwan beer this time...

...and international beer...

...I started with the dessert...

...and some fish n cheese...

...and crabs...

...and after that some sushi...

...but I avoided the suchi tuna...since it according to research can contain alot of mercury...

...more dessert...

...some coffee and more dessert...

...omg the plat had a "J" on it...

I kept a pen from the restaurant...
Met Simon at ximen
i went to ximen last evening...

...the times new square of taipei...

...Simon is travelling around...

We went to a place where they put out bags in cases...

One of Simons business card...

...and a baileys drink i had...a hot one...

I added some chocolate on it...

Omg...later on I found a new burger bar...

...in the crowded ximen ding..

Simon bought me some iron eggs...

...interesting taste...Simon never finished his...

....but he also had nachos and other snacks...

...and he accidentally ordered sake form korea...but wanted beer...

...I had some sweet and sour drink...

...some friend platter...

We later n met some Paiwan guy who seemed nice...it was the end of the day...
Bravo Burger and shoe hunt
Shoes are small in asia....

I passed by Bravo burger some days aago just before looking for shoes...

...I had a bacon burger...

...and some peanut butter burger...

...then a visit to the niht market was paid...

...many kind of shoes...but all small...

...its still raining hevily...each intersectionin tawian has a police man...probably cus it will be chaotic if no police supervice the traffic, so no one sneaks ahead...

...Aiyo...my rear light for my bike broke...by some strange reason,,.
A bike purchase
Some day ago I spotted a fjärrräven bag on the street...

...they are prttey common here...

...I also got tricked by a bus triver...confusing...

...and i bought a cheap giant bike...

...some kilo heavier than my old one...and different gears...

...omg, this bike seems hardcore...

...I also bout pants for 199nt (50sek) among other things...

...they promote "no drink n drive" in the super market...thats good...

...a bottle of red wine for the price of pants...

...my bike in daylight...the rear light broke pretty fast...strange....

...the wine was good...from france...I had it with some cheese...
A new burgerbar in taipei
I took the train some day ago...

...omg, bounding for my favorite place...

...the display was not syncronized..showing different places in chinese and english....

Scooters, scooters and more scooters...

....never ending scooters....

I had some korean food for lunch...

Kimchi and panncakes...

And later on I headed for Burger Ray...

...they said that their speciality was their Foie Gras and truffle burger...but it didnt really taste much more than a normal burger...

...customers were offered to use gloves...

...and got some free refill of meat sauce...

...the foie gras...

And the sallad tabke...wih no refill...

...however some sauce was missing...

...they try to be big in recycling...

...but everything was trown in the same can, except the cups,,,more or less...
Street run and burgerbar shock...
i went for a run in the city some day ago...

...it was not that sunny...nice running weather...

...omg...a homeless house...pretty nice...and cosy...

...but very polluted city...can u see the sky? millions of scooters driving here and there...

...omg a sofisticated bike intersection...

...and some urban garden with herbs...

...I tried to meet up an old friend at a starbucks but missed him with some half an hour...

so stupid..."free wifi" ppl brag about here...but without a local phone number its hard to access the wifi, since u need to login with an account that requires a phone number...

...more scooters..

...when i was in germany my friend said that germans work slow...well...this building has been under construction for seveal years...not that fast here either...

And the worst part of the day...finding out that cosby taipei, the number one burger bar has closed...a big "booo"....
Rainy days passing by
It might b rainy season...

...but its not due to that we cant see blue sky...pollution pollution...

...I went to check some scandinavian itens in teh local supermarket...

Near österlen in sweden..

and they started to sell a "taste a like" beer to le ble d´or too...

...after a local costco visit i recognized more products from home...(which i have seen before)...

...this place attracts soo many locals..they require membership, and get profit only on the membership...so they need to have cheap products to keep the members...

..."non fat yogurt"...might make u fat...since its alot oof sugar...

...i had a pizza...

...the honey beer was ok...might make a similar some day...

Ilea was full of easter things...

...and piston head beer of differnt kinds...

...ad some nice cheese..

...not much coffee for brewing...mostly espresso...

...i wonder why the are hiding the "ecological" text...

...i also had some meat balls...

I also inspected some cheap bikes...might get one of these some day...
AW at little london
I joined up with a swedish chamber-event last night...

...at a place called "Little london"...

I had this blur label local beer...
I need to update the site Taipei brewing:

...some swedes where there and more joined up...primary chalmers students...

....we were also treated some shots...

Some chalmers students who currently are exchange student in Hsinchu...

...and some swedish chamber ppl, and other random ppl...

My old friend Simon wa also there...he tried to make a selfie with a system camera...

...more mingeling...

...a blur pic od emma, who is visiting taiwan for some week...

The chalmers students headed back to Hsinchu after some hour...I plan to play floorball early tomorrow...so I didnt stay long either...
A toilet was broken at an aorport gate..but since signs are mostly "recommendations" ppl used it anyway

...Culture confloct- alert...(no flushing but still i saw 3-4 ppl going in...

...I also got this device...it was hard to used the local earplugs but I brought some better ones...

hurry hurry...I got many movies to watch...

...berlin by night...

...it was long time ago i went with one world...it was ok...tried some asian beer...

...not many ppl on the plane...so ppl had nice sleep...using 4 seats per person...

...omg...this water has been on earth for 4 billion years...and suddenlt...a summer day in 2016 its getting "too old"...

...a random place in northerna china...

and beijing....the country of "no blue sky"...

...landing in beijing...and the "recommended signs" are on...

...ppl were up far before the seat belt sign was turned off...

...many ppl using "authoried use only" plugs...

...a sign saying "I am here"...feels good to know...

...I had some walk...burned alot of calories...

...and checking in my new flight...my luggage passed gothenburg, and berlin...but in china...i was stopped...I wonder why asian cusoms are differend from european...(its not my firnet time they check luggaes more in asia)...

...sunny morning...and the main capital airport is seen in the background...

...next flight...and the recommended signs are one...

...the bus was said to leave 50 mins..but left in 10...

...city of elephants...

...and some all u can eat...

...and ice cream from russia...

...fish frenzy...

...free beer...mostly lager...
Random adventures
I joined some random adventures recently...

...started with some random trappist beer in the winter landscape of härskogen...Westvleteren...

...snow on the ground...

...its hard to buy this one...I have to thank my dear friend Kedar...

...I also had some kebab pizza at the airport ofr gothenburg...

...and I applied the tie...to ensure better service at companies that likes to disctiminate ppl positively who carries a tie...

...heard to germany...where I spent a day...and later on queueing with chinee ppl...its always chaotic...

...ppl trying to sneak ahead and fake their amoung of luggages...

Most germans were also stressed...no rules...2016 contines...
Delivery service in march
I did alot of deliveries recently...

Gave some gluten free food to a friend...

...some trackables to a cousin...

...who got a bike, while lending the car to a neighbour...

...omg, my friend really took care of a flower for me...looks great...

...I also had a lot of broccoli recently...

...before I deliverd some items to my friend Erik...

Who further met me up at some far away place near the west coast...

I also delivered some red shoes, a watch and some other items to another local friend...

...ate some more broccoli...

And donated most of it to some local deers...

They are currently fighting alot...atleast two of them...

The fat one often wins...even though..in general.."its not the big that eats the small, its the fast that eats the slow"...2016 continues...
Quick visits
I made some quick visits recently...

...mingeling with my nephew...

...observing wierd branches on a tree under an electric field...

...visiting some taiwanese event...

...and had some cake...

...some ppl played some chinese game...looking like othello...

...the also had this cute candlestick...

...i saw some random advertisement...

...and ppl taking pics...

...later the next day I went to some resturant to meet an old friend...

...ölstugan in majorna, gothenburg...

...I had a local beer...atleast they said so...

...maybe kind of beer...

...next stop was to meet up with Christoffer...

...and my cousin Gustaf...

...i fed the dog with ham...

...and transported a bike...

...and after that I went to a taiwanese party...

...where i met a german guy with a chalmers shirt...

...Mr Duck had his birthday...

...he made a brownie...

...pretty sticky...

...they had some cool speaker...

...next stop was mr eberth...

...we shared a beer...

...I quickly inpected his bikes...

...after that I met Mr Yu....it was fun...we did some dumpstring, while taking an über car...

...I had a bite of a croque monsieur...
Random weekend events in march
I made soe hamburger recently...

It was made of turkey...

...I also mashed 10 bananas and drank...its interesting how much easier it is to drink bananas than to eat them...

I later on ate alot of broccoli...pretty nutritious...

I also spent some time at my friend Eriks place...

He has the habit to always let the lights be on, in his toilet...not good for the environment...

...we were feasting on oranges...


I used tape to make sure that the toilet light was off, when we werent there...

...I also did some garden work...and prepared for the summer...

...the water level is pretty high...

...I also went all in on kiwis...2016 conitnues...
What did Johan eat today (march 16)
I had alot of pizza lately...

...with extra cheese and tomatos...

...and some baked potatoes..

...I also had some "folköl"...

...and discussed interesting topics about the new economy...

...and met an entrepreneur from Gothenburg...who made a new platform...it was interesting...

...and some gruel...it was interesting...

I ended the day with some grayfish...