Some final days on the swedish west coast
My old friend Emil paid a visit recently...

He lives where i use to live when I was we are sharing neighbourhood stories...

We feeded the birds big time...

I think they were so full, they didnt manage to eat for some days...several kilos of bread per mouth...

One of my aunt passed by too....

And I went for a neighbourhood walk...

And passed by the old geocache mjölkbord...that I made some years ago...

People had some turkey party at home...

Many guests...hosted by my mom...

I had a quick snack before I left....2016 continues...
MIngeling with Anders
Anders paid a visit to alingsås recently...

We had some food and played around in the area...

he tried to fix some applications and also show his 360 degree camera....

We also went feeding the ducks...

Later on i joined anders home...and saw a pic of pettson..a read xmas pictuire...pretty warm colours...

We also had some taiwanese food....

The kids were running around having fun...
An afternoon in alingsås
I spent some time in Alingsås recently...

Checking some trackables...

And checkign what my borther was doing...

Feeding some birds..not sure why...but seems like my parents have a split opinion about bird feeding...

I had alot of bread to give the ducks...

The water is probably around 2 degrees by now...

I also made fish balls..but they didnt taste as I expected, I havnt found the right recipe yet...

Some people from laingsås paid a visit later in the night...

We went to some dumpster diving activity later...and found alot of fruit...
A night in gothenburg the 25th of dec
I joined some friends the 25th of dec

We went to deniz pizzeria, my friends have that as a ended up only 2 people...not sure why the drop off...

My cousin felt sick...he didnt join, but we paid him a quick visit...

And later on went to eat it...

And had some dumpstered beer...

Danne works with bikes...he has many of them...

This bike is made of bamboo...

They also made some cinnamon buns...

And homemade glögg...

Pretty cosy...

Anders and Olof was on the move...

More buns...

We were discussing good movies and how to make lager brew....

Viktor was in the center of the girls...

They also had a steam machine...

I made a propeller for it...

I later on passed by Eberth...and ate his paradis chocolate...

I also had some nice IPA...

...ginger bread...

...and more ipa...not sure about the beer, but I felt that I wasn doing him a favour by eating his canides and coockies...
Jul in sweden 2016 (part II)
My sister was wearing traditiona clothes for christmas eve

There are many local traditional dresses in sweden...

This dress is from a place north of stockholm

And this might be from south or west...

A traditional xmas table...simlar food to easter and midsummer...

And some family were singing some songs and shoting this...(pretty strong)

It was raining a little this day...

Some porrige...

And more xmas food...

The day after some epople were jheading uncle was visiting...

2 volvos...i think they weree picking up deer meat at my uncles place since most men in my fanily seems to be hunters...

Been to sweden some 5-6 days..and I am 7 kilos heaver than when I arrived...
Jul in sweden 2016 (part I)
After 5-6 hours sleep i woke up, and got some buns and ginger bread...

With warm chocolate...

I also taught my bro in law the importance of the 6 R, made him some fresh juice from oranges my sister just tried to world is made to seems...ignorance is real...
A night before x-mas
It was the day before x-mas recently...

I tried some local x-mas beer...

My sister and bother was in sweden...

Later I went to see some friends...

Typical swedish x-mas acient times the tree use to hang from the ceiling...

We had some tacos...

And some marer on the glasses...some I-country problem...

Awesome pie...

And my friends were playing Bingo...

Some won...

I was more looking at people playing bingo...
Some west coast visits
I passed by some friend recently..

he is not that political correct...mind confused narrow minded people...

I assisted with some decoration of an xmas tree...

Later I headed to gothenburg...and had some chocolate...

And inspected my friends new appartment...

We were working on finishing tha chocolate...

We also had some kebab....very nice...

Victory sign...taiwan style...

See you next time...2016 continues...
A gothenburg stake out
I helped a friend to move some stuff recently in gothenburg

Nowadays the xmas tree and ferris wheel has become a part of the xmas skyline on gothenburg

We also had some nuts

I inspected the new swedish coins...

And saw the xmas tree in daylight too...
Song of the day Dec 23 2016
On the boards this autumn, but fits now, some week before people start with their new year resolutions...
Chicken pita and corona
I dumpsterd alot recently...

Strange that my tai friends often think its "dirty" with lunch was a corona and a indian chicken pita...
Refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle, rubbish
Dumpstring in Alingsås
I went for some dumpster diving recently

I got plenty of fruit, vegetables, cheese and flowers...

I donated the fruits to the wild life...(read deers and mooses)....

But the avocados I took myself...same with mango...

Its pretty warm in southern sweden now...5-10 degrees...but might be snow for christmas...
Turkish airlines
I flew by turkish airples recently

Pretty empty on the flight...alot of space for the passengers...

I brought my earphones connector in advance, in order to watch as many moves as possible...

I wonder, why cant I bring these on the flgith, from outside...they serve them when Im eating the meals on the plane anyway...

What a pity...the movie system died after 23 no movies were showed for the long to istanbul...
Scary churches
I just had a talk with one of my tai friends, who wondered why im not going to church. I asked why christianity doesnt ban slavery, as usually the main answer is silence. He wondered why I dont join him to his church. He also explained about tithing, Taiwanese church ask for 10% from the poor tais. Even if he didnt really want to pay that much.
He later said that I need to "repent my sins" and that he "have to tithe(10%) give to church" and "Otherwise you are stealing God's property" reminds me of swedish soap oepra "rederiet", where some local church brainwashed interesing...
It really makes me think of my last visit in Croatia, and the church there, where the priests all drove BMW and had a happy life. And the large gold statue in Dajia in Taiwan, where the religous people pay more and hope for more luck or good future.
Scary why these people never questioning the system.
A skirtless society
I seldom see local people wear skirt in taiwan...

Still the female sign is a person in skirt...
Im confuced...most asians (maybe also non asians), have a general rule that (if u are a girl, you have long hair, and if you are a boy, you have short hair), maybe time to update the icons?
A hike in Neihu in December
I made a hike in neihu in december. sky...

I also saw an acient instrument at my friend place...

And can conclude that tais weight 68.75 kg...

We walked on nice cosy alleys...

Until we came to a trail entrance

And planned to walk a trail on the nirth east part of taipei

The stones here are pretty sandy...and the stones were taken here when building the wall of old taipei

A skyline from neihu...I seldom see this side of taipei

Many cubic stones

It was on the qing dynasty that the stones were takes...

There were also a forest fire here some years ago...

Omg...a cat...

And another view of taipei...

My friends aunt...a funny girl

Some local kids also climbing the rocks...

This hike was a mix between the sanxia hike and cilmbing rocks in partille in gothenburg

I got some pic on me as well...

...ans with more sun...

Many people posing...

Omg...a fjällräven bag...

We later passed by a jungle...

It made this hike more interesting...

These plants has some itchy liquid inside...

The path also had some stairs, with make it easier to distinguish the steps..

And some nearby creek with concrete walls...

Omg...a classis car in the nearby looks like an exclusive area to live in...

We also got some picnic...

...and some local banana...

And pomegranate, nice...very nutritious...

And some strange logic decoration...

Later on I went by MRT and saw this sign...I often have discussions with local tais about the purpose of a mask, since PM2.5 wont protect...and that more or less every person is permanent carrying the Rhinovirus, without symtoms...
And there are many article questionizing the logic...but never the is many times hard to have a constructive discussion with some people, maybe due to the logic difference...

Later on, I visited an italian restaurant in ximen...

Omg...spelling mistake...

The food was pretty nice...pesto that taste like fresh made...

And potato gratain

I had a hawaii pizza with extra cheese...

And found errors in their interior design and painting...can you see it? favorite statue (more or less), a moai...

The place name was P&P house...

Later I passed by the "I love you, you love me" massage...the locals seldom read the english many foreigners think that happy ending is an option here...

I also passed by the 58, to buy soe local beer...

They have the new "beer map" in here...

Some communists were demonstrating in funny...people using democratic rights to promote non-democracy...not consistent...

Maybe sweden can demonstrate here too...or other countries..."taiwan, provice on iceland"...

I ended the the day with some milktea...
A birthday bash in tpe
I recently joined a birthday bash in taipei

My friends often like to go to the same place...its called China taipei city...

We had some steam buns...and went to some differnt places in the was a late night...
A japanese lunch
I had a japanese lunch recently...

Some dried fish...and miso soup...japanese food is considered classy and is alittlebit more expensive than the traditional tai food here in taiwan...
Another visit to a near by sweet and source sauce place
I ate some taiwanese food recently

A typical friend stuff restaurant

Fried things, boiled things, and some sweet and sour sauce

Omg...they also had turtles...its a littlebit gross...

I also had another trappis beer with peanut butter...
A quick visit to ximen in dec 2016
I met a friend in ximen some days ago

I ordered a ice drink...but it was pretty melted...instead of cherry I got rum raisin, which was very good...

I might ask for it next time to...

I also met up with some aboriginals...very funny people...

Later I had a trappise beer and some sweet potato...
Pizza and taiwanese beer
I had alot of pizza and beer recently

Especially beer from le ble d´or...
Song of the day Dec 11
The song of the day is a littlebit old, from this spring...
Kygo - Raging ft. Kodaline
It is a tropical house song, with a littlebit inspiration from Avicci i think, Some irish band is supporting
Polleria Peruvian Chicken Rotisserie
I paid a quick visit to a peruvian restaurant recently

Famous for its chicken...I was told they had some other dishes...but today they didnt offer it...

COlourful interior design

The food was very nice...perfectly salty...

I also had some grape juice...i was told it is common in south america

This sauce was nice...i dipped my fries in it...maybe not that thick..but still reminded me of home, where we ofen have a sauce with meat and potato

This oven is where they grilled the chicken...i heard it was imported from peru...

And here were the sauce...maybe I should as for the recepie of this next time...
Sweden day and some swedish recap
I passed by sweden day some day ago...

This time it was for the public...many people walking around...a reminder that I am in asia

Louise was counting visitors at the entrance...

The chalmers students were present...

And Matty was having a presentation about swedish stuff...

Omg...I saw Gustaf in the horizon...

And Amy at Handelsbanken...

It was pretty warm I went out with some old GMBA classmate who works at some of these swedish companies...for a beer...

Later on, a taiwanese friend who lives in stockholm suggested to have a beer at Xinyi...

We passed by W hotel...seems like some famous person is there...many people waiting outside...

We went to Le ble d´or

No gambling or pets allowed...

They had a new menu from this summer

I had a honey lager...

It was a rainy most people were heading to inside environment...
Sweden day event
The swedish chamber and some other orgnisations are arranging a sweden day in taiwan every year

It is near a park in central taipei...where they also have some christmas these japanese snow igloos

Each guest got some swedish address tag...

Many people showed up...

And large swedish companies were there...

Robin hanged at the beer bar...

While the chamber board and other executives were having speech

And talking about the event...

They they had a lucia tåg...I observed the stjärngossestrut on the head of the guys, it looks handmade...

They sang some lucia songs...

Many people taking pics...

I think the beer was from ikea...since they sell stockholm festival beer there...

I also found swedish companies in taiwan I didnt even know existed here...

ABB was there with their collaborative robot, folding paper planes...

It is in line with my old business idea to have a pizzeria only with robots, since pizza is very platform based food...

Electrolux was also present....

Many people were nearby...a reminder that this is asia...
I also met Jörgen Sjöberg again, from chalmers...he was heading back to gothenburg the day after....

"Adult video tokyo hot" interesting...almost like the "I love you, you love me massage" in ximen...

I also saw some christmas gift decoration looking like danihs and nijmegen flag...

Later dinner at some burger bar was made...

I ordered a chilli burger...or rather a burger with some was very hot and spicy...

I was told that this kind of chilli is extreme...

Later a visit to Ximen was paid...where I had a banana drink...

And a milk tea...2016 continues...
All chambers day
Some canadian chamber of commerce were hosing a winter event recently

Long queue for people arriving at 19, i guess since it was a week day, people had to come after their work...

And some registration...

The swedes were mingleing around a table...

They had alot of pasteries...and mullet wine...

Most people I recon were form canada

They also had some luck draw...

And most things on their menu were from canada

Our table won 2 out of 3 prizes...most things were beer...

They also had something looking like a swedish "julstjärna" on each table...but without any flower

Refill of dessert...

Afterwards were were headiugun to a whisky bar, seems like something was going on at Att4fun...super long queue

Some europeans mingleing

We were heading to a place famous for their whisky and beer...atleast what i was told (trappist beer)

But they only had two kind of dark one...

Dark one...

And a Czech one...

A pilsner

We talked about the new chamber that was opened for finish, polish, croatian and baltic states....

before the last MRT we left...XinYi is really a nouveau riche place...its especailly esxtreme in a "not lose face" society...and in countries where material features are a "nice car"....just on this road, many expensive sports cars were parked. its impressive sine the taiwan import tax, pushes up the price, maybe 2-3 times more expensive as in europe for a ferrari...
All you can eat in Nankan
I went to an all you can eat restaurant some days ago...

"Harbour" at Taimall

They had nice dessert...

And pizza with fish, and sushi...

And cheese with salmon

Pretty the all you can eat restaurants in taipei

With diversity...

I also had some coffee...

And alot of passion fruits...its usually expensive in taiwan...atleast after typhoon season...I think...
Coffee free weeks
I didnt drink much coffee recently

But started again some days ago...its nice to drink coffee, it taste good
Interesting logic
I talked to a local in tawian recently. I often hear interesting stories about the world when talking to some locals. the person who claimed that:
In Scandinavia, government restricts foreign immigration very much cuz they always wanna keep people's lineage clean. That's way in Scandinavia most people are so blond-haired & white skin. Unlike in Britain or France, most people are very mixed
And his dad says northern Europeans usually have strong 種族優越感(ethnic sense of superiority), so they don't like foreigners "pollute" their genes
This is very interesting, since these people base their world view of rumors, without really questioning if it is correct or not, and further try to teach me about how the world looks like, based on their assumptions. I think people who shares prejudice are interesting.
2016 continues...
Another polluting day in taiwan
Its another polluting day in taiwan

Million of scooters idling at traffic lights. :)

So interesting with the attitude here, that convenience is soo important, that many people just dont care about the environmental impacts, and not change traveling method

"you can go back to sweden, if oyu dont like it", is an argument against cycling, taking bus or using electrical scooter. I think it might be a cultural difference between south east asia and northern europe. Some places are really poor in asia, so they dont have much of a choice, but in a country that is no 20 on prosperity index, some responibility could be expectes. But never the less, global warming is global. Not sure how high the lung cancer rate is in south east asia, but i know that they are still developing coal power plant. so interesting

Ths pm2.5 in taipei is high, but acctually still not super high is worse in the middle of taiwan...

India seems to be higher...and as mentioned before...china is also far over 100 and 200 in the urban areas...

Not that many messurment station in scandinavia..but still pretty green...

2.5 is very small...usually from smoke and fumes...
Many people wear masks here to cover from fumes. I often tell that masks wont help. Even after showing proof (as it says on the mask that they just over from 3micro meter,) the some people in taiwan say that "this is just a theory", and claim that it does help... not sure why the attitude here is based on a suspicous approach to science....
But in 1 billion years from now the sun will probably eat up earth in some maybe it doesnt matter...
Interview and some chillin with the swedes
I helped a friend with a podcast some day ago

He was interviewing swedes who lives in asia

He also treated me a I broke my "caffein free diet", after 1-2 weeks...but will continue not to drink coffe some some other week...

He also had very professional mics, I asked if i could borrow some time...

Later I also hooked up with johnny

And went to zhang men with some swedes

Some fruity beer

Many people were there...mostly foreigners, its aveery cosy place, unlike most local breweries, where its more like a restaurant...and no bar atmosphere at all...

Later we headed to dalida...

Where I had some quecumber drink...2016 continues...
Peanut butter diet
I am eating alot of peanut butter every day

I heard that it is good for burning calories...not sure if i break even on the intake of new calories though...
A visit to Wang steak house
I paid a visit to Wang Steak house recently

It is near guting

They try to look pretty fancy

A little complicated menu

But the bread was nice

I got some gratain predish with parmesan cheese

A small mushroom soup with foam

And a steak on a pretty empty plate

And some dessert...also on a pretty empty plate...not sure if it suppose to look more "fancy"...
Another ximen visit at end of november
I went to ximen recently,...

One of my favorite places G2 paradise has changed their now its not as good anyore...(they also increased their prices)

But the nearby snack stores still delivers even if they are very expensive...