Another polluting day in taiwan
Its another polluting day in taiwan

Million of scooters idling at traffic lights. :)

So interesting with the attitude here, that convenience is soo important, that many people just dont care about the environmental impacts, and not change traveling method

"you can go back to sweden, if oyu dont like it", is an argument against cycling, taking bus or using electrical scooter. I think it might be a cultural difference between south east asia and northern europe. Some places are really poor in asia, so they dont have much of a choice, but in a country that is no 20 on prosperity index, some responibility could be expectes. But never the less, global warming is global. Not sure how high the lung cancer rate is in south east asia, but i know that they are still developing coal power plant. so interesting

Ths pm2.5 in taipei is high, but acctually still not super high is worse in the middle of taiwan...

India seems to be higher...and as mentioned before...china is also far over 100 and 200 in the urban areas...

Not that many messurment station in scandinavia..but still pretty green...

2.5 is very small...usually from smoke and fumes...
Many people wear masks here to cover from fumes. I often tell that masks wont help. Even after showing proof (as it says on the mask that they just over from 3micro meter,) the some people in taiwan say that "this is just a theory", and claim that it does help... not sure why the attitude here is based on a suspicous approach to science....
But in 1 billion years from now the sun will probably eat up earth in some maybe it doesnt matter...